On September 12, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) imposed fire control of large part of the heavily fortified area of al-Safa following heavy clashes with ISIS fighters, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).
“Army units thwarted new attempts by terrorists of Dahesh [ISIS] organization to flee from al-Safa in the eastern countryside [of Damascus] after violent clashes that resulted in the death and injury of many of them and the destruction of a vehicle armed with a heavy machine gun,” the SANA’s reporter in al-Suwayda added.
Meanwhile, Syrian pro-government sources revealed that the SAA lost 14 soldiers and killed 7 ISIS members while advancing in al-Safa, which is located north of the governorate of al-Suwayda.
According to a report of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), the battle in northern al-Suwayda, which began on July 25, resulted in the death of 238 ISIS fighters and 117 Syrian soldiers. The battle was triggered by an attack carried out by the terrorist group on several villages in eastern al-Suwayda, during which more than 250 people were killed.
Oh man, this sounds like a brutal situation. There are still a bunch of missing hostages and these guys are losing big time to try to save them. This, my friends is true heroism. Interestingly a pro-gov source admitting losses.
If it was a F.uk.us operation, they would have dropped a bomb on the hostages or sold them into slavery, and put all the bad guys on a chopper to the next assignment destroying families and community.
hahaha nice one.
Sad but true. It gets even worst, when you think, this criminals who commit this atrocities and genocides, allegedly represent the western population.
Cmon man the western states barely represent the western population let alone expendable foreign mercenaries.
Terrorists are a direct result of citizens not taking our responsibilities seriously. We hold our governments accountable as JFK warned and none of this shit happens.
Spot on frankly, I am so sick of Americans crying that the Jews made me do it.
How do you hold them accountable? Voting writing letters protesting?
Accountability can only come from pain due to error. Try that and you’ll die in prison.
Well if you asked all those people who lost family in the endless wars for profit what they would have done if they knew their kids would die I bet you could answer your How question. So whole new set of wars and lots of kids getting ready to die.
Have another beer, the games on, wonder what Kim Khardasian isn’t wearing.
I am not saying there aren’t a lot of good reasons things are this way. We somehow have to rise above, knowing that we are right and good and demand to be heard or it’s all gonna go away.
Western populations elect their Government, and so are directly responsible for the crimes committed in their name.
They elect their governments, but the governments are not in control. We now live in occultocracy where the hidden hand (and it is not the electorate) determines what the government does. Lines of responsibility are extremely muddied. I’d only say that the people who blindly obey orders and actually pull the trigger are the most responsible.
No states are responsible to their citizens. Only anarchy of the “smash the state” type can free us all from our respective states tyranny.
The paternalistic and long term planning of a heredity small scale feudal structure promises the stability for happiness and personal growth.
All states need to devolve. They are providing a toxic environment for people everywhere.
“battle hardened” “unstoppable” arabs xD
you be surprised how easily politics and betrayals can stop them.
Not anymore. The Axis of Resistance is rising dramatically. Its only a matter of time before the Jews are exiled/expelled for the 110th time in history since 250 A.D. Carthage. Maybe you should go join them, wherever they end up. If they are not totally annihilated by a fed up world.
or how about ‘ money grubbing ‘ , ‘ cowardly ‘ , ‘ greedy ‘ , ‘ deceptive ‘ Jews, like yourself, or if not a repulsive Jew, you sure love to lick their boots don’t you?
no need to be so butthurt :D its ok the whole world knows how shit fighters you are.
Ya, like the ass whipping the criminal Israeli Jews suffered at the hands of Arab Hezbollah in 2006.
4500 Hezbollah fighters effectively routed 75,000 Israeli criminal Jewish soldiers and two armored battalions. Even with total air superiority. So much for the Merkava ( Chariot of God) MBT, which was put out of production after that divine victory. And the Jewish naval Flagship was almost sunk by a cheap C-108 anti-ship missile of Chinese manufacture.
Criminal Jews (IDF) are only good at shooting into crowds of unarmed protesters, and dropping bombs on civilians. Pathetic, and the world is repulsed.
And Jews wonder why the whole world hates them so much, for thousands of years.
Hezbollah is arab? Since when are Iranians arabs? xD
oh and btw Hezbollah still lost more men then the IDF in that war so again “amazing arab fighters” hahahahha
Hezbollah is Lebanese, and the Lebanese are Arabs moron, not Persians. They are very much allied with Iran, and are actually one cohesive geopolitical brothers. In ideology too.
So Hezbollah had more casualties , the IDF , the mighty ‘ Tshahal ‘ was routed and suffered a humiliating defeat. All Israel could do was what they do best, kill civilians, like when the mass bombed South Beirut in frustration at their war plans going awry.
4500 Hezbollah fighters, against 75,000 IDF soldiers and two armored battalions, and this achievement by Hezbollah in routing the Israeli offensives, since they tried time and again to seize just border villages. A truly historical event in the annals of warfare. It was nothing short of a deivine victory.
Israel forever lost prestige and its military demoralized. Israeli psych changed forever. Even Israel’s mighty air force couldn’t change a thing on the ground. Israel almost completely lost her naval flagship off the coast of Israel, and Hezbollah emerged a regional winner and source of pride for Arabs. Just as the heroic Syrian Arab Army . Both have the most combat experienced armies in the world. 7 years of desert, rural and urban combat. they are fine tuned. the pathetic civilian killing IDF would stand no chance in the future battle to come.
This pocket or cell had have to be liberated immediately after liberation of Daraa. I don’t know why Syrian government have ignored this ISIS pocket. Now regular supply of weapons and foods are coming to ISIS from Al-Tanf.
They haven’t ignored it, but they have more important fish to fry after securing the West bank of the Euphrates… such as Qalamoun, East Ghouta, Yarmouk, Rastan, and most recently Daraa. They will not allocate excessive resources for what in essence is a bug hunt.
Simple solution: let them die from starving… Daesh has no food no wather so what is the problem…sit there and wait…why such huge number of casualties??!! Problem with 30 hostages- i dont think so! Or maybe someone gives them food and wather..hmmm?
It is good that SAA has fire-control.
RIP to the SAA heroes.
Al-Safa’s the worst place as a geographic location in Syria to fight in. Even the desert Bedouins avoid the area as the volcanic area because there’s no source of water in the basaltic rock, the terrain is hard to walk on.
The fact Islamic State isn’t dead yet from the environment and can put up a fight shows they have been receiving constant aid.
The losses on SAA side speaks of very well conducted counter-attacks and high level of real time intel. Hard to guess where that intel is coming from – not. I’d also hazard a guess that there are western special forces (likely trapped) among the insurgents, which would explain the higher than normal efficiency of these Daesh rats. And the threatened missile strikes are part of the picture. Some missiles from At Tanf are likely to land on SAA in Al Sweida while the more high-profile missiles fly all over the place.