On September 4, the Syrian Air Defense Forces (SADF) intercepted at least five Israeli missiles over the provinces of Hama and Tartus, to the Syrian state-media reported. According to reports, the SADF also engaged Israeli jets but no hits were achieved.
The Israeli strike caused a notable explosion in the area of Masyaf in the Hama countryside. The country’s news agency SANA sources says that at least one person were killed and 12 others were injured in the attack. The SANA did not reveal identity of the killed and injured persons.
#BREAKING: Syria: Israeli airstrike on a target in #Masyaf (#Hama) in #Syria; Claim Syrian air defenses intercepted the Israeli missiles pic.twitter.com/Gm4m3wbdmN
— Amichai Stein (@AmichaiStein1) 4 September 2018
The September 4 Israeli strike followed another round of the ongoing war of words between Iran and the Israeli-US-led bloc. According to the Israeli Defense Minister, Tel Aviv is ready to employ its military forces to engage Iranian targets across the entire region. The Israeli military says that it has targeted over 200 Iranian targets in Syria over the past year.
Despite this the Iranian influence in Syria and in the Middle East in general is growing. The main reason behind this is a destructive policy of the US and its allies in Syria, Iraq and Yemen, which creates conditions for the expansion of an alternative power on the ground.
Playing with fire ‘israel’. You will get burned, and very badly. Keep it up. Your hubris is going to get your commupance. A hot prod, straight up your kosher tailpipe.
Don’t see “commupance” in a posting every day. Kudos!
She/He actually speaks English, unlike Jens.
Jens has his own language. Not sure what it’s called. Tardic, maybe?
He seems quite lucid in his own mind. Just leaves me baffled mostly, too much effort, so little reward.
Aye. He’s a legend in his own mind!
Don’t forget they’ve got the yanks behind them!! Probably the Brits
Frogs as well. Iran has every right to be there!!!
Yes, you are right. However, Russia holds the aces. She has a very very well trained Military, with the most developed high tech weaponry at their disopsal. Yanks and their zionist ‘allies’ are no match for it.
That still remains to be seen. I hope they do.
What the US lacks in modern weapons and training is compensated by a large army, and a willingness to sacrifice its own people.
US has a much larger willingness to sacrifice other people.
But Russia just won’t help Syria with its air defense – no S300s and S400s.
How do you know they haven’t already provided them to Syria? You must remember, this is a very strategy wise entity. Russia will not tip her hand so easily and give the enemy any ideas it can use to its advantage. Many things go on behind closed doors. Intelligence matters.
Russia holds a shitty hand when it comes to high-tech weapons since their military is generations behind the USA’s.
Their Armies are NOTHING…. just prepared for Looting… Not for an all out War with Mighty Opponents…a couple of Nukes will finish the job… forget Conventional…
That opportunity has come and gone, remember that the Russian airforce could have done exactly that yet refrained from doing so which was most likely to prevent a bad situation becoming even worse.
The Israeli and US jets fire from Lebanon and almost never enter Syrian airspace. Syria can paint them with the 400s but don’t have Lebanese permission to fire. Stupid meathead war gamers safe in Momma’s basement or a desk in DC urge war but they aren’t the people who will have a missile chasing their butts.
To respond is to initiate a far greater conflict which is likely to have dire consequences, then there’s mushrooms.
The Russians didn’t respond even when the Turks shot down one of their fighter jets, they could have responded yet chose not to.
The Saker offered a good analyses Why is Putin “allowing” Israel to bomb Syria? [Saker]
Russia is still BIS/Rothschilds Central Bank system,
That says lots…
$$$Money is King
Both Russia and China are getting hobbled by sanctions/Tariffs which restrict future choices and profits.
Both are buying up lots of Gold while that is low $,
Yet both are being pushed into the global corner …So to speak.
Not much fight/push back to rescue Syria.
Iran better pay fugging attention. …they are next.
You have it backwards Brad.
American sanctions against Russia China Iran Syria Turkey Myanmar Vietnam Cuba Venezuela North Korea, etc etc are the last dying gasps of an empire.
The USA is dead, it just won’t lay down, but don’t worry, Mr Putin and Mr Xi have the picks, shovels and the will to bury the corpse.
So why do they have the biggest GDP ever. I see none of your speculations are true.
Oh Jenny, surely you can do better than that.
US GDP apart from the fact that they keep changing what the consider to be product, if it was measured as it was in 2006, and money printing excluded, US GDP has been in decline since 2008.
But the elephant in the room, is the value of the US dollar, they have printed over 12 trillion dollars since 1970. People joke that the US dollar is toilet paper, that’s overvaluing the dollar.
Dying gasps? We’re still the 600 lb. gorilla in the room that’s currently twisting arms to get a better deal on trading banannas.
That’s an insult to Gorillas, who are a highly intelligent animal.
Well Russia is their ultimate target too, so Russia should be and should have done more to slow the NWO progression. Russia has gone along with the U.S. agenda too many times – like when it didn’t use its UN veto to prevent the NATO bombing of Libya. Now Libya is in chaos with gangs, ISIS and al-Qaeda running around.
If Russia had gone along with the U.S. as you so claim, Syria would be minus their President, and the zionist pet proxy takfiri terrorists would be overruning Syria.
Russia goes along and lets the U.S./NWO creep up on it, until the U.S./NWO crosses the line and gets Russia alarmed for its own assets/safety. Russia didn’t want Syria to collapse because then it would loses its naval bases there. Russia supported Crimea because it has a major naval base there too, but Russia is not helping those in southeastern Ukraine from being shelled and attacked for years.
Russia did NOT use its veto on the Libya bombing.
Russia also went along with the dismantling of Yugoslavia until NATO started bombing Serbia proper – Russia went along with the sanctions against Yugoslavia/Serbia, it went along with the ICTY political/kangaroo court – the idea of the wicked Madeleine Albright, it didn’t use its veto on the bombing of the Bosnian Serbs. Russian arms dealers were selling weapons to the Bosnian Muslims through Slovenia and had direct flights to one of Croatia’s islands. It was profiting off that war at Serbs’ expense. It was aiding the tool-peoples of NATO.
Wrong. If they did, Syria would be in ruins and under full occupation by the zionist proxy mercc i.e. Daesh.
That is why the world will continue to degenerate.
I would not be so quick in that assesment. Putin and his leaders are brilliant tacticians. Trying to second guess them is not wise. Let time tell here.
Why is Putin “allowing” Israel to bomb Syria? [Saker]
Saker is a propagandist. Don’t fall for that. It’s trickery.
I think Saker has mental health problems.
You’re simply attacking the messenger as opposed to discussing the content.
The analysis provided by the Saker has far logic going for it than the logical fallacy that you’ve offered in return.
And you are simply drinking his kool aid. Like a fool.
Last chance, if you have some evidence to support your claims please provide it or let it rest.
He is what I said he is. A weak and ineffectual propagandist who writes regurgitated establishment approved nonsense and babble. If you want to follow such inane ‘sources’ without question, that is your choice. Knock yourself out. I really don’t give a damn. Keep being an idiot. Secondly you are in no position to grant ‘last chances’ here. Keep your sophomoric bs to yourself.
A ”weak and ineffectual propagandist” sums you up rather splendidly even though you’ve been provided with plenty of opportunities to validate your credibility which is in question — when put to the test — you’ve completely failed to provide an iota of evidence as an attempt to try back up your claim.
Good bye.
Goodbye, and good riddance. Next I’m blocking you. You are a waste of time.
– And you are simply drinking his kool aid. Like a fool.
– Keep being an idiot.
-Keep your sophomoric bs to yourself.
-Goodbye, and good riddance.
I happen to like what Southern writes, he is smart and very knowledgeable. You on the other hand seem to fall back on crude and insulting language when you are unable to effectively counter one’s argument. Good riddance is what one needs to say to you!
And who asked you? Blocked!
I should have blocked your nasty — but will wait to see how much more of a rascal you are!
Haha! WTF do you think you are – you and your foul mouth?
Southern is great, writes great comments.
What do you write – just nasty insults!
Block away!
Some links giving some indications would be fine.
Thats no propagandisme. Most people know Russians dont like Iran and hesbollah at all. So if they cant allow them as participaters on the same side for Damaskus, they allow Israel to hit Iran/Hesbolllah but also actibe helpers(which SAA sometimes is).
Russia has made a safezone along the border. Israel is not allowed to bombarde Damaskus itself and certainly not the Palace.
Thats whart I remember for now.
So the Southern quest. certainly make sense, if You wish to know more.
No the day is young, at it won’t be Russia that rids the ME of European Jews, it will be Arabs reclaiming what is theirs.
The Arabs aren’t that good of fighters. The Kurds have cleansed many from the northern parts of Syria and the Arabs don’t seem to be able to fight back.
Hezbollah, and the mere mention of it, gives the ‘israelis’ the chills. Lebanon 2006. Hezbollah gave ‘israel’ an ass kicking it will and has not quickly forgotten.
Cleansed, that’s a very telling American term.
Did the US give the Kurds chemical weapons to kill the Arabs? Sort of a payback for the US giving chemical weapons to Saddam to kill Kurds?
Look at the houthis and tell me they cant fight…you new here??
You must be new here compared to him. You have 823 comments. He has 2284.
Sometimes its not even about that, but whats of any value for everyone else.
Wow you took the time to count my comments…#loser
Whats the problem? Someone said arabs cant fight, i called em out. Give the yemeni people their due credit instead of chirping me, get off you ivory tower.
Well most Arabs take more after the Saudis (the worst per pound) instead of the Yemenis (the best fighters per pound) . The Yemenis are the exception.
Any country in the world should not expect any favour from US and from their allies for example UK, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait etc because they all are united together against humanity.
Thats right. In my world You have to deserve that. Same for Gender.
Just because You are born with carrot disintegrated in the top of it,, makes You not better then girls and women. The same goes for respect and honor. You earn it here and sometimes by hard work even in Your brain.
Shut up benjanyahu.
Agreed 110%.
if anybody believes here , that the russians dont see them coming…and i bet that they even know when they takeoff…and that these bombing attacks by IDF are not COORDINATED with the russians is on drugs.
Its all about the agenda.And russia , just as usa , or EU or UK or china are taking orders .period.
Only those countries that do not RECOGNIZE the illegal satanic state of israel are not part of the agenda.Russia just like the others all recognize the illegal satanic state of israel.
Iran, syria,lebanon/hezbollah are well aware of what is happening, also ofcourse of the role of russia in this theatre.they are all gearing up and gettting ready for the big battle.Like in a chess game, they are all positioning themselves.hence, israel is doing everything possible to disrupt this buildup in syria and in lebanon.This is why russia is ORDERED to stand down evrytime when the IDF strikes there “allied friend” syria.
A one world government, with jerusalem as its capital under jewish satanic leadership.
All countries that recognize the illegal satanic state of israel are part of this agenda.
Thats the 100% truth.and u will all see it coming, no matter how much fun or riducule or swearing I get.Thats as important to me, as a dead fly in the kongo
Russia only want to test the Pantsir system…if Russia gives S-300/350 to SAD..then Israeli air force cannot fly over lebanon and north of israel…therefore cannot test the Pantsir…for other side Pantsir as Irani source told is good for Tomahawk( because Tomahawk has a mechanism of self destroy when it is hit) but vs small air to ground missile many times Pantsir hit the missile but the warhead is active and explodes when it hits the ground..
Russia jumped in only to save their naval bases in Syria. They will prop up the Syrian (Assad) government just enough to keep western puppets away from ruling Syria because they would definitely create problems and push Russia out.
But as long as Syria has just enough control of its territories to still stand and keep control of the naval bases, that is enough for Russia. Russia won’t do much more, such as pushing all the terrorists out of every corner of Syria which a good heroic and moral country would do – or try to do.
You can’t have peace with these western backed sadistic terrorists/puppets running around in your country.
Syria can handle its own. Stop being so presumptuous.
Well yes, its loyal army (SAA) and also help from Hezbollah and the NDF forces did prevent the government from falling for years before Russia stepped in. But they were losing ground and more than half the country was control by enemy forces. So Russia came in in the nick of time – well maybe Syria could have lasted another year or two on its own – but it was shrinking back.
Sryia is proving to be most formidble.
terrorist have been defeated in Syria…all of them are not be able to launch big offensive to conquer territory…just fight to defend themselves!…meanwhile Turkey protect Idlib and USA Syrian kurdistan..knowing that basically that places are a nest of Al Qaeda and PKK…both terrorist org for USA and Turkey…the reason is to “varnish” the defeat ..as both never dared to send their troops, terrorist dogs and fighter jets to conquer Damascus!
Are you not sick and tired of yourself? Same old, same old bla bla bla. Woops, I forgot . You get a wage in shekels. Got it.
Well said!
This will never happen, St. Paul said that before the end of time all the Jews will be converted to Christ.
Not a chance. Christ told them plainly that they were not of his sheep. Some Jews can be saved but they better stick very close to Christ and refer to themselves as ex-Jews. There is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian – it’s one or the other.
Moses as well as Muhammed condommed Baals, but they are still here.
I don’t about that. I would not be so sure Russia is that influenced by the zio banksters.
What this zio troll is trying to do is sow doubt, hoping to divide and conquer.
Coming from a disinfo peddler claiming that the Egyptians killed 8,000 demonstrators in a single day, your “analysis” that Russia is ordered to stand down is laughable. This graphic illustrates the expansion of the no fly zone over Syria since Russian intervention, which includes Idlib as well. The baby rapers used to fly over Syria like they fly over Lebanon, not anymore.
– Complete map of Syrian War after Russian intervention in 2015 –
Not 100% but close.
You’re suggesting that this war is no more than an arms expo between non-powers all ruled unilaterally?
If You could raise the level here and there, if You sold chairs too
Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, China and Russia should have to send their army forces and their military hardware to Syria and rescue it from US, UK and Israeli global terrorism. United they can stand but individualy they will be fall. See what US, UK and Israeli migrants have done to many countries in the world.
Well, Turkey did send their army in, but at the time they were on ISIS side. Only China and Pakistan haven’t done anything.
Shut up benjanyahu.
Chinese probatly will make all in the Region into sekular budisme, and You well get a Communist Dalai lhama as Yiur Great Leder.
Using chopstickers will make many more of You blind.
That would fine. Troop concentrations are eaysier to hit.
If the Jews there are, as You say all the time, they probatly would buy cheep inaccurate Russian bombs for it.
If Russians are, as i sometimes think, they would sell them too :)
If there are enough army strength and enough missiles then Benjanyahu cannot do anything and at the tip of the missile Benjanyahu will be tele transported to Europe where he has very big house.
Has there ever been a more disgusting,warmongering tribe of murderers and thieves as these fake AshkeNAZI jews to set foot on Earth?No wonder JESUS CHRIST called them the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN:
Yes, there is. One that bred them in ancient Egipt (through that famous Sinai tour), gave them that poisonious religion and sent them into the world. As we can see, religion (ideology) was the main thing. Ashkenazi had nothing to do with semitic Jews but acted in the very same way.
Retaliate in kind.
…at the right time.
This war has been going on for almost 7.5 years. They are doing too little too late all the time.
Syria has practically purged Daesh from here Country. You are barking up the wrong tree.
Without kurds Assad hardly was Emir of Latakia and the Russsian bases there.
#1 kurds had less land that the government
#2 kurds would have lost had it not been for american “help”
#3 isis and al nusra are supported by western intelligence agencies.
#4 barzani kurds are part of the afghan drug pipeline.
Kurds are just a tool used by the empire, its been so for the 30 or so years ive been around.
1) Kurds is an adding to the rest and they started as nothing and became friends and got a lot of help.
2)Aassads had a big and well equipped army as well as police and the dark ones. Tanks, Airplnes artilley.
3) And yes again. I dont compare with others are supported. Very smart You even forget Turks, Saudis, Qatars and UAE. I tell You, that they took heat taking that zone from ISIS instead af making Assads go away. they could have done that too.
4) Barzanis and PYD/YPG+J kurds are hard enemies. How dare You insist to compare them. YPG+J has worked hard to get those out of Syria. And why ? because a barzani Syria would look like Syria today or Turkey.
No influence for arabs and other in as dtates with Barzani. Well, the best would be those others were somewhere else – And PKK has hardly no influence in Syria today.
All that is ignored wt the Assads as well as the Erdoganists.
True the Afrin Kurds active was supported by the Moscow Empire. No wonder, they were communists and Turkey was Nato.
You mean the us coalition. They were dropping bombs in the desert. The Russians & Co, did great ! 2,5 years and the vermin is waiting in Idlib only for a one-way ticket to the virgins.
Yes indeed. I am grateful for Russia. Syria is too. They invited Russia and Iran as well as Hezbollah in to help out!
Well, Assads did create ISIS themselves by supporting and arming ISIL by released prisoners of their own.
What can we expect.
So your claiming assad released hordes of jihadists in 2013 2014.
Source please.
The U.S. coalition would massacre hundreds of Syrian soldiers at once in their bombing attacks. Unfortunately, I never heard of the Syrian forces able to kill that many ISIS/al-Nusra/etc. terrorists in one battle or bombing attack.
Isis and Nusra got on the green buses waving white banners, don’t you remember? No need for SAA to act like barbarians. It is the trade mark of usa& co. Do you like carpet bombing? You missed the show in Raqqa but if you harry up you might catch the next show in Idlib together with your beloved terrorists. It will be Russia’s turn. Don’t miss it.
They were just bused to another part of Syria. They were not driven out to Turkey or some other neighboring country which supported them and helped them launch into Syria in the first place.
Now you have Turkish troops in Syria as well as U.S. bases. They got in because of the terrorists. So a large part of Syria is still occupied by terrorists and hostile foreign countries.
Really? Wow. Thanks for the laugh.
Now the last bastion of head chopping takfiri trash will be driven out of Syria. No ifs ands or buts. Those who try and fight back will be eliminated.
Yes, but just before they left they would murder more civilians and also Syrian POWs that they had caught.
The Syrian Arab Army is quite capable. Believe it
The Zionist terrorists fire on Syria from Lebanon, have a history of firing from Lebanon, the Syrian’s ought to take the planes down over Lebanon before they get a chance to fire the missiles….. saves ammo too and extremely cost effective.
I keep wondering how long Russia is going to tolerate Israeli terrorism in the region assisting the very terrorists Russia, Syria and Iran are trying to eradicate. Seems counter productive. Maybe Russia could make Israel a promise that next time they try this bs, Syria gets the S-400s.
I have a suspicion that Russia will use the S400 eventually that they have in Syria.
It looks as though the isreali regime cannot help itself. I believe that if things keep going as they are, Russian forces may have to.
I sure hope so…. it’s long overdue.
It seems that a lot of people think that the S400 is a missile, it is not.
The S400, S300 are AA systems, that means radar tracking devices, and missile control devices. The S400 uses 40N6 missiles, 48N6 missiles, 9M96E2 missiles and 9M96E missiles. The S400 can also share its data with Pantsir and other systems.
The reason I am explaining this, is the S400’s in Syria have been getting used since they arrived, just because Russia has not shot down American planes as they lift off from Cyprus, does not mean the S400 is not being used.
It’s horses for courses.
Good point Sinbad2. What most refer to the S400 are missiles that are capable of defending an aggression. The radar aspect that you point out is usually overlooked.
Russia seems as S-L-O-W as molasses compared to the west and Israel enacting their terror.
Russia is nobody to fool with. Ask the Crime Minister of ‘israel’. He’ll admit that much. In a New York minute. Do not underestimate Russia. They are very formidable and capable.
Count on it!
Hezbollah is probably working on that issue of unwelcome planes. Maybe isreali pilots take no chances and fly high over Lebanon.
They are cowards this much is true. Their preference is terrorizing unarmed civilians, especially young children, it makes these despicable psychopaths feel strong.
It is truly hard to believe the world lets them get away with this bs in broad daylight, time and time again. What to speak of the atrocities in Yemen against the Houthis and other civilians. Wedding parties, school buses. It all feels like a dream (nightmare).
“It is truly hard to believe..”
It does also serve the function of exposing the deceit and intentions of the cabal, holding the reins of power in the ‘west’, to anyone whose brain is used for something other than a hat rack. Those designs on the planet and their amoral criminal activities are exposed in the same broad daylight that the psychopaths use to commit their heinous acts.
Go and selfdetonate Yourself. They are not as stupid as You expect.
Absolutely. In order to strike targets at that distance they need to fly high and fast to “add energy” to missile.
As long as You not even know about facts, I think You should find them before comments like that.
I wonder what kind of jets. The statement was curiously worded.
Probably F-15……so they can tuck their tales and run away quickly.
Nothingyahoo. Wrong man. Wrong place. Wrong time. Karma awaits Milekowski*.
*Nothingyahoo’s birth surname.
A people without shame! Here is a Lithuanian Jew whose name was
Mileikowsky – changed to “Netanyahu” and then brags to the world
how Hebrew he is because his new name is Hebrew. You can’t make
that stuff up! The Lithuanian Khazar could not brag enough about his
new name of “Netanyahu” and he said that that alone proves he is
indigenous to Palestine and descended from the ancient Hebrews. You
cannot make this stuff up!
“The attempt by many to describe the Jews as foreign colonialists in
their own homeland is one of the great lies of modern times. In my
office, I have on display a signet ring that was loaned to me by
Israel’s Department of Antiquities. The ring was found next to the
Western wall, but it dates back some 2,800 years ago, two hundred
years after King David turned Jerusalem into our capital city. The
ring is a seal of a Jewish official, and inscribed on it in Hebrew is
his name: Netanyahu. His name was Netanyahu Ben-Yoash. My first name,
Benjamin, dates back 1,000 years earlier to Benjamin, the son of
Jacob. One of Benjamin’s brothers was named Shimon, which also
happens to be the first name of my good friend, Shimon Peres, the
President of Israel. Nearly 4,000 years ago, Benjamin, Shimon and
their ten brothers roamed the hills of Judea. Ladies and Gentlemen,
the connection between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel
cannot be denied. The connection between the Jewish people and
Jerusalem cannot be denied. The Jewish people were building Jerusalem
3,000 year ago and the Jewish people are building Jerusalem today.
Jerusalem is not a settlement. It is our capital.”
There has been no archeological evidence that mentions David. The Star of David…
The Jewish community of Prague was the first to use the Star of David as its official symbol, and from the 17th century on the six-pointed star
became the official seal of many Jewish communities and a general sign
of Judaism, though it has no biblical or Talmudic authority.
They never anticipated the freedom of information flow that www would provide. We are victims of a vast international criminal conspiracy. Who comes out on top? Who knows?
One more Israeli violation, on a long, long, long list of international law and UN resolution violations.
Some reports say that there are 70,000 Jew world order regime change terrorists in Idlib. I’m assuming that the Turks will let in very few, which is probably why they’re deployed in Idlib, to makes sure that they don’t get overrun when the clearing operation starts. And the SDF may let more in than the Turks, but it’s questionable if they’l let in any significant number. So it may be the end of green bus rides, which leaves only conflict or reconciliation. Probably not on very favorable terms, which is why the terrorists are in Idlib in the first place.
IsraHell you are Bound to Fall… you will lose it all… Your Yinon-Plan Failed…. you Overplayed your hand & everyone will know….Your Israeli Secret Intelligence Service is almost Wiped Out…. Your IDF is only used to fight Kids…. Bring it on Sons of Satan….Your Headchoppers showed how strong you are….rats…
It’s going to be fun to watch the next time they mix it up with Hezbollah.
Yeah. 2006 in Lebanon. They remember it well!?
Hezbollah are Battle Hardened Troops at the Moment…
Only the ones, which are alive. I heard from Roumors Bureau they sell wardows to fair prices and in all ages.
Probably the most experienced troops on earth.
How can Russia justify supplying S400 to Turkey which is supporting terrorists in Syria yet not supply them to Syria. Not only supplying them to Turkey but giving them the money to buy them. Time to shoot the Jews out of the sky.
Turkey is paying for it. Syria’s broke.
I was hearing some time ago that Russia was going to gift Syria some S-300’s, considering they are broke. That never materialized, however, as you are most probably aware. :/ (I get it, it is a fragile situation, esp with the paranoid psycho’s running Israel.)
The thing with all these stories, is most are probably lies.
Most come from the western media, which is 95% Jewish owned, and they support the Apartheid state of Israel.
Very true!
S400’s have fantastic range, so if the US launched an attack on Turkey, the Turks would have plenty of warning and could intercept the planes.
For Syria it’s different, the major threat to Syria is Israel, which is very close, and Russia has supplied the right kind of AA to stop the Israeli threat.
You think that if something is bigger, it is better. Using your logic a B52 would be superior to an F22. Thank goodness intelligent people make these kinds of decisions.
But the >B52 is better
Serve no wine before its Time. Russia is trying to stop this from escalating with Israel. Syria doesn’t need any more on his plate right now. Israel’s time is coming as soon as the Syrian war is done.
A waste of time and missiles.
The cost of the missiles is zero to Israel, the US gives them to Israel as aid.
The constant flow of missiles and bombs from the US leaves Israel with more than it can safely store, so it fires them at almost anything, including camels.
lol. ……… yep, the game plays on.
They want to get rid of old stock and replace them with new ones.
Time to expand the air defense to include Lebanon.
First you have to wrest control of Lebanon from Saudi Arabia, and wrest control of Saudi Arabia from the USA, and then wrest control of the USA from Israel.
Better just to annexe Lebanon, it really is part of Syria, the French simply stole it as a war prize at the end of WWI.
And the British stole a bit of Syria and called it Palestine, which then got stolen by the Jews.
No honour among thieves.
Palestine wasn’t stolen from England. It was given to the Jews by the Balfour Declaration.
If I stole your car, and gave it to someone else, would that be legal in your part of the world?
US did not give Palestine to the jews.
That is who recognized like a good puppet israel first not who created it and established it. The deal was to bring america into WW2 and in payment, israel created , at the cost of the palestinians.
My advice stop learning from what the globalists, decided what historical fact is and taking it as granded that is how ti happen and begin to either read between the lines judging deed and the result of it and by who is been initiated and not which convenient idiot is been used at each occasion to recognize it as a fact.
This will put you on the right track of thinking. https://www.biblebelievers.org.au/acountry.htm
If you use this two sites I am giving you as the base and research it I am sure you come to the right state of mind historically and conclude what ever it is you will based on fact and not fiction created by the so called western historians and their explanations as to what and by whom really happened. Base your conclusions on fact – action – result and who benefited from that result and you will be on the right track.
So do your home work. And something else you may dont know. US is private real estate and not public domain and same is israel, that is private real estate and belong to one family from the group of globalists.
Run Jenny run.
Dont You have internet. Nwes to me the President of United States or a minister of them are titulated Majesty.
You never know, Trump is there´:)
And russians did take Estonia, Latvia, Lituania. Kaliningrad, parts of Finland and the Sakalin Island.The Island was to Japan, and Sovjets did declare Japan war in 1945 only to take that.
A good idea to read a lot more about again.
1) All of You were Ottomans since 1258. Syria had no coastline as well as You forget, what the britts actually also did. Jordan of today were Syria as well and the added Aqaba, so they had a Harbour.
Israel never was meant as any option. The britts wanted the area develloped in a modern semi western way as a support for its declining empire by protecting Suez as well as oil from Kirkuk. Here they also took Cyprus totally out as their own.
So the Protectorate was meant as the people living there should go on almost as usuel and the jews should not take land and jobs but create new jobs the inhabitants.
But things changed in eastern Europe and became worse and worse. By that Britts allowed refugees to come in, but many more were smugled in.
By that the local got angry. The problems got worse – so to speak – after WW2, where they arrived ´as KZs and there were not enough space.
Thats where the confrontation came. It went out of hands for the Britts. So Britts did not fullfill, what their intension was.It was not mesnt as an indeoendent country – It was meant as locals and jews should live among each other.
And let me remind You that the old provinces of Aleppo and Raqqa never was a part of Syria, so You actually should leave there and let Kurds, Turkmen and others in peace as well. If You look at the desert areas close to palmyra with oil, thats no Syria as well.
And let me again remind You Syria was not even a country since 1258. You not even liberated Yourself.
NO! The white Jew if foreign to the region – as foreign as the Eskimos and the Japanese. Why must he live with the locals?
The purist of any Europeans?
What exactly does that mean?
The British and French were just playing colonialists, the were, are exactly the same as the Americans. The Ottomans were also colonialists, and when the French and British defeated the Ottomans, they took the Ottoman colonies for their own. They argued about who would get what, and the result is the crazy borders we now see in the ME. The only intention Britain and France ever had, was to pillage as much as they could.
Your attempt to justify their crimes is disgusting.
And Syria is Assyria, one of the oldest nations on earth.
Take your revisionist history, and stick it where the sun don’t shine.
“And the British stole a bit of Syria and called it Palestine”
You made it up?
Herzl diaries – vol 1 page 378
The Sultan tells Herzl Palestine is not for sale!
If Mr. Herzl is as much your friend as you are mine, then advise him not to take another step in this matter. I cannot sell even a foot of land, for it does not belong to me, but to my people. My people have won this empire by fighting for it with their blood and have fertilized it with their blood. We will again cover it with our blood before we allow it to be wrested away from us. The men of two of my regiments from Syria and Palestine let themselves be killed one by one at Plevna. Not one of them yielded; they all gave their lives on that battle- field. The Turkish Empire belongs not to me, but to the Turkish people. I cannot give away any part of it. Let the Jews save their billions. When my Empire is partitioned, they may get Palestine for nothing. But only our corpse will be divided. I will not agree to vivisection.
“And the British stole a bit of Syria and called it Palestine”
You made it up?
Source: Herzl Complete Diaries
~ Page 806 – This very city of Paris is the residence of those personalities who are willing to carry through the colonization of Palestine on a large scale, and one need look no farther for the resources required for it. Now we mention first of all that great friend of Zion Baron Edmond Rothschild. His great services to colonization in Palestine and his immense sacrifices are well known.
~ Page 808 – winning the support of the “Jewish colonisation Association for the colonization of Palestine — has now been achieved.
~ Page 906 – By colonizing Palestine under the guidance of great principles the possibility is to be created of alleviating the lot of the Jewish proletarians who are suffering greatly in many countries, particularly in Galicia, Rumania, and Russia.
“And the British stole a bit of Syria and called it Palestine”
You made it up?
15 OCTOBER 1898
The German Emperor and Empress started for Palestine from Potsdam on Tuesday night, travelling via Vienna to Venice, and accompanied by an immense suite. The Vossische Zeitung deprecates the use of the term “crusade” in connection with the journey, on the ground that “it is not under- taken with the object of conquests except of the moral kind,” —a statement rather hard to reconcile with the subsequent admission that it will promote the expansion of Germany’s commerce. The claims of art, also, are not to be forgotten, the suite including Professor Knackfuss, the executor of the Kaiser’s momentous pictorial allegories, and a staff of photographers attached to the bodyguard. Although the fifty German noblemen who are proceeding to Palestine to be present at the dedication of the Church of the Redeemer, as well as other deputations, will travel at their own expense, it is estimated that the Imperial pilgrimage will cost several million of marks. Emperors, however, cannot travel like private persons ; and besides, this huge outlay may prove a profitable investment if the Emperor is rightly credited with the intention to secure important concessions from the Sultan. For, as the Vossisehe pointedly remarks, “the Emperor does not go to Palestine as the enemy of the infidels,’ but as the friend of the Padishah.”
No I did not make it up.
Palestine has always been a region of Syria, like the Bronx, Sinai the Rhineland, Champagne and other regions in other countries, but it was not a country until Britain grabbed it in 1922. The so called Palestine mandate.
Before you accuse people of lying, maybe you should check your facts, moron.
All you have to do is look at why the once great United States has come to be the hell hole of hypocrisy and immorality that it is today and you will see why the restraint of Russia, Iran and others who do not want such deviance and immorality are only enabling it. To negotiate and compromise with evil only begets evil and never begets righteousness.
You either suffer the consequences of fighting or you condemn yourself and your children to wallow in the cage of your adversary with whom you have compromised.
That certainly goes both ways. Back to Your broom.
Everything is a double edged sword. The question is are you on the edge of right or the edge of wrong. The U.S. is wrong and is spreading evil.
The rest of your comment makes no sense but it seems that you are on the side of evil.
Israel will never stop its beligerence until it receives a bloody nose. That day will come as the bully always meets his end one day or another.
Syria needs the S-300s. Israel attacking Syrian targets repeatedly and at will is a violation of every international law.
Yes to both maybe theyll need iranian help though
Good opportunity of training and research for everyone’s military technology: Russia, Iran, Syria, Israel, Nato… in this order.
I would say, it was a probe to Syria air defence systems, if they are ready and being on the alert…CIA and Mosad game…
Finally: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a0acc2a78d155a57785ba01b19adf87c875d6ac4a3c481a1820d4aded82fb117.png
Syrian people have finally got rid of mortar shelling but Israel is there to continue terrorist work. If things escalate it will be American 20yo’s who will fight and die for Israel, again.
…Yet Putin, Syria’s ‘ally’, still refuses to sell the S-300 to Syria…
200+ previous attacks! That is a war being openly waged.