Multiple pro-government sources speculate that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies may soon launche a military operation against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) in the so-called Idlib de-escalation zone soon. According to these speculations, the SAA may target militant positions in northern Latakia, southern Idlib and southwestern Aleppo. The maps below provides a possible scenario of this advance.
yeah fookin great, cant wait till Idlibistan gets smaller and smaller and all inbred jihad retards eat eachother
FSA National Liberation Front consolidates the frontlines with the Assad government forces in the countryside of Hama
US, UK, France and their stoogies Israel all making nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and now this is time to use them in Syria for provocation and for pretext that Syrian government have used that. The US, UK, France and of their stoogies this provocation is completely unacceptable. Sorry I condemn it.
if there was a god and the god was I then all of them would suffer headtumor like McCain did
Very interesting.
Interesting maps, I believe that Putin and Erdogan have made an agreement, possibly a limited operation will happen to seize few strategic positions but they will not go beyond the Turkish observation points.
They will have to retreat since the Russian and Syrian air forces have the upper hand over Idlib.
this is my possibile scenario….
Giovanni, this time I am not very optimistic, I hope I am wrong. (Strange to talk to you in English!)
beh sempre meglio del cazzaro lo scrivo …o no?
Giovanni, have you taken into account USA bombing to Syria army and airforce, and Lurkey reaction ?
Previous cruise missle strikes havent been militarily effective.another strike shouldnt tip the balance one way or another.
My instincts says the us and turkey wont lift a finger to help their proxies. Russian diplomacy has them angry at each other
I do like the move out of Al Ghab plain at left.
The difficult terrain to the west can wait.
Most certainly.
Yea blitz the plains and get astride idlib cities supply routes. Their fortified frontiers will wither on the vine.
I was thinking the same thing. Cut them off at the easy point and than head North. Or will they trick us and go for Iglib From Aleppo and Latakia. The key is not to be to predictable, One thing is for sure. They are going to start using much heavier weapons and bombs, This is also further from Israel and Turkey has chosen its side. They want Russian Nat Gas and the Kurds out. What to do with this area, will still not solve their Kurdish problem,
Nice idea to snip the Idlib salient in half. Once pocketed the Orcs lose the will to fight quickly!
Logical, as Maarat al Numan is perhaps the most strategic town in Idlib, an encirclement scenario for Khan Sheikhun area is ideal, then move on from there. They know what is best!
hahahahahahaha…wow what bs they present here to the donkeys…..
so the SAA greatest enemy…the turkish armed forces…are going to take a sitdown , and watch how their allied islamist brothers get butcherd???? LOL unbelievable bs here…….these folks at southfront, LSD is making a comeback lol……….each of the above shown SAA forward moves is right next to several Turkish Forces bases………….and if anybody believes here that Putin/russia is telling the turks not to engage, and that they will follow orders is totally fucked up in his brains ..totally… example 1. the coming false flag chemical attack, the chlorine used for it, as ALREADY MENTIONED here at southfront 2 weeks ago, CAME FROM and THROUGH TURKEY!!!!!and they gave it to their brothers HTS!!!
example 2. 99% of ALL jihadi takfiri jew slave head choppers came through TURKEY and still do so
example3. 99% of all weapons and or medical equipment came and comes through TURKEY!!!
example4. 100% of all attacks at the hmein airbase with those “self-made” armed drones come FROM TURKEY as mentioned by the russian general staff 3 weeks ago…..
All these stories are totall bullshit in making the wider human population, which are donkeys, believe in good and bad, white and black,republicans or democrats,russia or usa…….THEY ALL FOLLOW ORDERS from their MASTERS beiing the SATANIC JEWS which have inflitrated the freemasonhood over 1000 years ago and thus conquered the christian man ..Quote from the 33rd degree freemasonhood master of north america who also created the KKK Albert PIKE “without the jewish Kabbala, there would be no free masonhood, its THE essential”
Any country, any leader, any man who recognizes the ILLEGAL,SADISTIC,SATANIC,country israel is part of the AGENDA.
A One World Government, with Jerusalem as its capital under jewish satanic leadership.The Agenda.
Only those countries,those leaders,those men, that do NOT RECOGNIZE this satanic state are NOT part of the AGENDA.
ps. malaysia..even today 2018, NO JEW is allowed to enter the country…remember those 2 airliners that they “LOST”….that was a message “play ball or else”
All other countries including USA,RUSSIA,UK,EU,CHINA are part of the AGENDA.
Russia and USA are TWO sides of the SAME COIN….. just as in the micro world
democrats and republicans= Two sides of the SAME coin
Unbelievable that u folks believe those bs stories…ie. turkey is now a “friend” of russia and hence of syria and hence of iran etc… funny how they are hand in hand with their now so hated american friends in manjib ehhh?
funny how russian jet gets blown into pieces by turkish jets under direct order…and as reward they are “allowed” by russia to invade SYria…..
funny that there is a no flight zone in the east of syria, now for 3 years already by invading nato forces, again with the “allowance” of russian forces….
funny that russian forces now occupy parts of the SYRIAN golan heights, taking the place of ISIS…..
I´m telling u the truth here…its all part of the agenda…wake up and get a life, stop beiing donkeys here…..u r making a mochery out of our god given human brains…..think think think
for years now russia has been watching, with a big smile, how the IDF conducted more than 52 strikes/attacks on the soverign nation of syria, each time helping and aiiding the enemy…..each time we see putin smile and tell the world how big a friend russia is with the satanic illegal country israel….. they are all folllowing orders…..i wont even bother mentioning the us slave policies for them satanic jews and their beloved satanic jew slave president trumpi with his now jewish whore of a daughter……..its all fake bs for us people of the world….just like the so called “cold war” was… a bs story from the beginning to the end”
there is no good or bad, or black and white or good russia or good usa or bad russia or bad usa.
Just THE AGENDA. dont believe a word out of the mouths of these above mentioned satanic jew slave motherfuckers.They all lie.just like the father of the jews.satan arihman.he was the father of all lies….if I may quote a man 2000 years ago “behold, your father was the father of all lies.satan.” jesus as he spoke to the jewish high priests!!
You sir Crackpotter (the following number is irrelevant), are a master of deception. Some truths, some blatant BS. A lot like Paul Joseph Watson and his rants. Some truth some lies. All readers beware. There is a snake among us.
Lay off infowars.
What is bullshit, is to declare freemasonry over a 1000 years old….
And do not forget, jesus was a jew….
Recent US/Zionist Propoganda has US in Syria to protect Syrian Democracy which Terrorist Iran threatens. ..
Then yada,yada….International Coalition.
The Rand Partition map of Syria is labeled International Administration Zone where US/Kurds are .
Media leaked that US military radars are in Syria….and then yada yada…International Coalition tag.
US has a pattern of illegally acting …then create Legal BS to cover their crimes.
No surprise here if Idlib Rats get pounded,…yet Lavrov gives US a No Fly Zone /Recognition of International Administration/BS- Reconstruction Syria = US military builds big bases with UN whore fest Administration.
Russia cut a deal so that Israhell keeps stolen Golan and has Russian border guard buffer.
Erdogan wants control over panic Jihadi flee over his Border.
I suspect He’s still backing the Muslim Brotherhood kooks in Syria.
US has already created a Soros radical Politico SDF to pull Syria down.
Look for something similar from Idlib after the Takfiri get pummeled.
In the Future….Putin will step down and probably the Atlanticist Medvedev will get one more term to please Globalist.
So we are all just mice in the claws of the eagle and might as well whimper and die. That is your Hasbara message for today.
Watch out for the slimey zionists with their fake chemical attacks,,they will go full retard to save their terrorists,,The question is ,What will the Russians about it?
Just retake the axis Saraqib and Idlib capital and north Hama..end of the problem…terrorist will star to “reconciliate” to avoid the same scenario as we have seen in Damascus and Dara…
lets see how turks will react to this.
We will know once Lavrov and his Turkish counterpart emerge on a press conference in full agreement. Once that happens we know the Idlib headchoppers are being hung out to dry. Methinks Turkey’s biggest problem is not so much Assad restoring control over Idlib, but what to do with all those headchoppers. Once the SAA starts to advancing into Idlib the last thing Turkey wants is a tidal wave of frightened headchoppers crossing into its territory.
Nope the ones they like the best have rat lines open already im sure. Most will be left to die and kill.
Why not Green Boat them to Berlin? Mutti Merkel will love to greet them!
no no Best place for them is Greece
Ha! Yep, and then don’t forget the second wave to Italy, third wave to France. No worries with French fleet at the bottom of the sea. Still, those nukes in UK might prove too much to overcome.
Turkish President Erdogan said on Sunday that we are working with Assad, Rouhani and Putin to eliminate all terrorist organizations in Syria and Iraq.
He also said that we cannot allow US and European to squat in Syria, Iraq, Palestine or in any other country in Middle East and hold nations hostage there for barbarism. They must leave.
“Europe” seems a bit broad. It’s only the deluded British and French wanna-be neo-colonialists who participate, AFAIK.
There was at least one dutchnational, but I heard Erdogan already “evicted” him from Afrin. ( “exterminated” is probably a better description though :)
What of the Italians?? Let me down hearing that they are participating along with the Empire in Syria.
What Erdogan said really made me laugh.
Ahead of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s visit to China, Chinese Ambassador to Egypt Song Aiguo hails the close relations between China and Egypt as a model for Sino-African cooperation.
Hmmmmm…..well, the mountainous terrain would be the most difficult to fight in, and thousands of terrorists are reinforcing Aleppo, so I guess going through the middle of the territory will be where they can make the most progress. After that, just bring in the flamethrowers :D
They will make the most progress wherever the initial attack makes the best headway, That attack will be the one that will receive the follow up forces that will turn the initial trickle into a tidal wave. That seems to be the Russian military doctrine and I expect them to apply it here as well.
I believe the SAA will make good progress in NE Latakia and NW Hama since the rebel groups there entered a truce with Damascus several years ago which, for the most part has held up.
How about taking out all the red dots on map first!
Just kidding. :DDD
My thought would be to first concentrate on getting the highway connecting Aleppo with Hama/Homs before getting into endless city combat. Would help Syria’s economy and rebuilding process.
Idlib is just like Dunkirk beachhead in 1940. The best the Ottomans can hope to do is get out with a whole /$$. The Ottomans rescued their puppet Orcs when the Abu Duhur Offensive was routing them faster than the DeZ, Darra, or East Ghouta Offensives did. Therefore the Ottomans own these Orcs and can provide them with apartments and pensions in Istanbul and Ankara. Maybe they can get FUKUS to take half of the Orcs?
I asking again mybe someone has info… where is disappear general Suheil, i haven’t seen him in media for long long time… He was usually appear from time to time but i didnt saw his picture from start of Basalt operation…..strange..
He and general command are busy planning, waiting for right diplomatic conditions. He will appear soon enough. This battle is the most significant one, they have to get it right.
Sorry but he was busy before Aleppo, E.Ghouta,etc and he regullary appears in front of cameras… So,i am afraid that something is wrong with him.. Also maybe someone knows what happen with ivan sidorenko twit there some other account
You soon will see him in actions with the Tigers in Northern Hama/North-East Latakia.
I hope so..look forward to see him
And any info abot ivan sidorenko twitter account?
The twitter account of Ivan Sidorenko is permanently down since weeks and I do not know why.
Thanks for reply.
…because they’re American companies.
These are the obvious targets: defense of Latakia, defense of Hama and the Aleppo suburbs. The latter are the main urban area not under government control.
My preference would be to stop there. Until refugee returns really start a takeover of Idlib province wil cause major refugee streams and as a result major foreign opposition. Until now unfortunately the refugee returns are ridiculously slow. And government policies are certainly to blame for that.
Main target is Damascus-Aleppo motorway.
Interesting to know the situation surrounding the Turkish outpost in these regions, what if HTS retreats to these outpost?
the last image is really funny