More than 500 former fighters of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) will be redeployed from southern Syria to the northern Hama countryside on August 25 in the framework of the ongoing preparations of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) for the upcoming military operation in northern Syria, the Syrian news outlet Enab Baladi reported on August 23.
According to the pro-opposition news outlet, the fighters are now a part of the SAA’s 5th Corps and they are commanded by Ahmad al-Awdah, who was the commander of Shabab al-Sunnah. Al-Awdah is well-known for his strong relations with the UAE and the Saudi-backed High Negotiations Committee (HNC).
Last month, these fighters participated in the SAA attack on the ISIS-affiliated Khalid ibn al-Walid Army in the western Daraa countryside and managed to neutralize the terrorist group within two weeks.
The deployment of this force indicates that a part of the Syrian opposition and its supporters are pleased with the upcoming military operation in northern Syria. These sides are likely looking to eliminate the former branch of al-Qaeda in Syria, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which destroyed most of the FSA over the last three years.
Leading a unit of former FSA alongside SAA in attack on Idlib and he has strong connections to the UAE… the intrigue becomes ever more complex.
yeah i’ve lost it some while ago 2. lol
I think for wars like these the closest analogy is the chair dance. Nobody wants to be the last one left standing when the music stops and there are no more chairs to sit on.
True, but some of those chairs are electric chairs… ;)
War makes for strange bedfellows!
If I was the SAA commander I would keep one eye on the AQ whack-jobs and another eye on my “allies”… and shoot the latter if they look at me the wrong way.
Well it must suck when your former colleges are coming against you and now you don’t have a green bus that can take you to a safe place hehehehehe!!!
Lmao! ?
I think I can live with their discomfort. In fact I know I do.
Turkey is not far to walk!
The Turks will close the border, they didn’t get the advantage they wanted & they’ve got nothing to gain by having 1000s of trigger happy jihadis walking around southern Turkey.
Best thing that can happen is that Turks close the Border. Listen then to the squealing coming from those Terrorist Wahhabi elements as they seek the intercession, not of Allah, but of Riyadh, Washington, Paris & London to save them. Then watch & listen to see whether the Poisoned Dwarf of Paris (Macron) together with his fellow Musketeers, May (maybe not?) & Trump come to the aid of the Saudi bin-Salman Forces trapped between the SAA and the Turkish border and watch the Turks crack(le) & pop!! Either that or expect Trump & Psychopathic-Bolton to order all-out bombing of SAA
The Reconciliation Program in Syria by Russia was a great way to see who the True Syrian Opposition was.
Those who took the Buses for the most part, Were Jihadists.
Those who stayed and reconciled. Were Real Syrians.
ridiculous statement
Would you be so kind as to briefly explain the different interpretations of the Wahhabi ideology and its manifestations via FSA,, ISIS, and HTS, and who financially supports them.
Ignore him, he is … what do you say, mmm oh yes a twat.
Let me tell u all people on south front that sunni Islam now a days mainly consists of two big factions. These are wahabis and moderate Sunnis. FSA doesn’t belong to wahabis. They r moderate Sunnis. HTS and ISIS are wahabis. Majority of Syrian govt forces are also moderate Sunnis same as FSA. Wahabis believe in utter bloodshed but Sunnis r not extremists. Sunni clerics and scholars don’t recognize wahabis as Sunnis.they recognize wahabis as KHAWARIJ. Kharijite are nearly considered out of Islam throughout the Islamic history because of their foolish extremism. I personally guess that 10% of American regime change satanic elements in Syria belongs to Sunnis and remaining 90% are wahabis.
Well spoken, you pass !
Different factions of FSA r supported by USA Jordan Turkey and Qatar. HTS supported by west covertly and Isis supported by Saudi rich citizens and covertly by Americans. In wahabis ideology every non Muslim should be killed and every anti wahabi sect of Islam are same as non Muslims.
why? The ridiculous part is to say that if you don’t reconcile with the dictator assad, you are no real syrian
“Dictator Assad” or “Lion of Damascus”, are the two polar views of the man.
“Ridiculous” is any alliance with the US/Saudi forces. (Al Qaeda and ISIS)
This FOREIGN LEGION of Wahhabi Sunnis burned through 132 billion trying to implement “regime change” to put them into power.
Thank your lucky stars they have almost been beaten.
Although there is still Idlib and Turkish jihadists in Afrin left to go.
Real Syrians will leave the camp of the American FOREIGN LEGION.
Realize who is the enemy. Stop giving aid to your enemy.
It seems you are also ridiculous…..
In your infantile worldview there are only two choices, either wahabi fascism or baathist fascism
And you think American fascism is better do you.
Of course they call it spreading democracy, just sell the Kurds any story.
I hope to live long enough to see the USA fall apart. Their fake democracy is completely fascist and criminal!
Anyone who picked up a gun to fight for the Wahabbis deserved death. “Reconciliation” is not sufficient.
I remember you from liveuamap :D
Yup cuz. I’m the same guy. Welcome to SouthFront.
I visit SouthFront from time to time for some reports and analysis, but I rarely write anything here :D
Sheikh Jalal Aldeen’s Biography (Much respect for this man)
(in English)
If you understand Arabic, I highly recommend listening to his speeches to all people who wish goodness.
I can guarantee the Zionists study every word and action what this man presents. These are the real enemies of humanity.
Weird Karma but good chance to redeem themselves.
You can’t redeem yourself from treason… but they are welcome to die as cannon fodder in the first wave.
Good, good, good! They’ve got a score to settle! That will make them that bit more effective, and if they chop a few HTS heads off, no-one will blame them!
Maybe these 500 “rehabilitated” terrorists can be sent in first… too bad if the SAA artillery drops a few shells on them from behind, by “mistake” of course.
Terrorists can’t be trusted, except when they are dead.