Creation of US Space Force and Introduction of New Anti-Russia Sanctions Are Interrelated

Written by Alex Gorka; Originally appeared on

On Aug. 9, Vice President Mike Pence called for the establishment of a Space Force by 2020. US Defense Secretary James Mattis also came out in support of the idea to create a new unified command of the armed forces to focus on space operations. He said the Defense Department will address space as a new war-fighting domain. A report to Congress on creating a new combatant command is expected soon. The idea meets the provisions of the Joint Vision 2020, which states that the US should dominate and control the military use of space.

Creation of US Space Force and Introduction of New Anti-Russia Sanctions Are Interrelated

The 1967 Outer Space Treaty imposes no restrictions on conventional weapons. In 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted a Russia-submitted resolution, calling for no weapons placed in space, but Washington opposed it. The proposed Prevention of an Arms Race in Space (PAROS Treaty) put forward by Russia and China to ban conventional arms in the domain has been rejected by the United States. According to Politico, Vladimir Putin presented President Donald Trump with a proposal to mutually prohibit weapons in space during the Helsinki summit. In less than a month after the meeting, the US announced the need to create a new command, obviously preparing for a competition it plans to win.

On Aug.8, Missile Defense Agency director, Gen. Samuel Greaves, described in general lines what the new combatant command will look like in a speech at the Space and Missile Defense Symposium. He emphasized the need for creating a sensor layer with a regional detection and tracking capability, allowing to catch hypersonic missiles in the boost or burnout phases of flight.

Ground-based radars are limited by horizon. The only real way to reliably track hypersonic weapons is from space. Space-based sensors would guide ground-based ballistic missile defense (BMD) systems at the midcourse portion of the incoming missile’s trajectory. The damage control information would be used by last ditch systems. Probably, the Next-Generation Overhead Persistent Infrared (NG-OPIR) program will offer advanced capabilities.

The sensor layer will serve the BMD components of all branches to make the creation of combatant command a better option in comparison with the Air Force-headed architecture, which has existed since 1982. On the other hand, reforming the structure is more of a cosmetic change, it does not alter the substance – the US is adamant in its desire to weaponize the space and make it not only a part of global BMD but also a part of defense against hypersonic missiles Russia and China are close to arm their military with.

The US is lagging behind in hypersonic arms race. It pins hopes on space-based layer to enhance its capability to counter the threat. And it’s not only sensors. US officials know well that putting mini satellite-based jammers into space is also the most effective way to prevent hypersonic weapons from being guided with the desired accuracy.

According to Gen. Greaves, the US Missile Defense Agency (MDA) “is “not averse” to developing and fielding space-based missile defense interceptors, which are “a relatively easy technological challenge”. “We are developing options to pursue that capability if the nation decides that is what we should be doing,” Greaves said. “Congress has already written some language that would push us, direct us, guide us in that area,” he added, meaning the fiscal 2018 and 2019 National Defense Authorization Acts. In a nutshell, neither the US executive nor legislative power is averse to putting weapons in space to trigger an arms race in the new domain. The idea has strong backing. There’ll be no problem with congressional approval of the new branch of the military.

The Skripal poisoning was presented as a formal cause for introducing a package of anti-Russia punitive measures announced on Aug.8. It’s hard to believe the US really is much worried about the Skripal case. It has seen no ‘proof” because the UK is the source of potential evidence and if it had one, it would gladly produce it for the whole world to see. London has failed to do so.

Then what prompted the US to announce the recent “crushing sanctions” against Russia, which encompass aerospace-related technology? The first tranche, which targets US exports of sensitive national-security related goods, is to take effect on Aug.22. Everything related to satellites is a priority target for the package.

It’s logical to surmise that while lagging behind in hypersonic technology, the US wants to ensure its leadership in space-based elements of hypersonic missile defense. Other programs could boost the profits of airspace industry.

The reasons given as justification for introduction of new sanctions against Russia are always false. This time Washington is trying to reverse the trend and use the sanctions for becoming the leader in new weapons and technologies. It has tried it before. History teaches that that arms races are unwinnable. But the effort to put weapons into space will most certainly undermine the prospects for any progress in arms control.

Nobody’s security will be enhanced but the damage may be irreparable. Sanctions may delay the development of new technologies in Russia or China but they can’t prevent their emergence. It’s either talks on restricting space weaponization or putting weapons in space to trigger an arms race in an attempt to achieve global domination. The US appears to have made its choice. But any choice implies responsibility. There is still time to reverse the dangerous trend.

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Tudor Miron

No more RD180 for yanks. End of story.


The US Army does not use any russian engine. They have own technology.


Looks like Ukraine Ran out of those old RD-180 Stockpiles… Ukraine can make some mo… oh wai… they are to Busy attacking their own flesh and blood… But Ukraine has Russia by the Balls, Russia cannot Make Marine engines…. Oh wai… the Russians are going to commision 26 ships by the end of the Year… I think the Russians are practicing Witchcraft, Where did they get those Engines?
Funny how Novarus sends coal to Switzerland and Ukraine is buying it….

Daniel Miller

actually the main reason why they cant make any more rocket engines is cuz the “Ukranian” companys witch made them are 85% owned by Russian’s and they just pulled out of Ukraine and took the scientists and engineers with them same with the marine gas turbines.


Smart, with a bit of coin, see ya Ukraine. You don’t like my language, ok will find somebody that does.

Jens Holm

Whatever You 2 are up to, its a fact Russia has moved most of their advanced things home as well as Ukraine has not improved the techn. they had as well as you see at the export market, that Russian rockets as well as missiles are as a minimum good for the price – and bought.

Jens Holm

Thats right. The Russians would not be depended. They have moved almost all out and make better missiles/rockets then ever.


the Russians are going to commision 26 ships by the end of the Year.

frigattes. = little biats, for coastal patrol. nothing. the former baltic flee was bigger.

Tudor Miron

Tell it to your Gramma. She may agree in order to not dissapoint hers little boy.


Yes, RD 180 and 181, but USA will need 20-30 years just to get production Started.
RD 183 185 and 186 are ready. USA does not lack the technology, US Pressed sanctions on Russia and they no longer have the ability to do well… US cannot do jack Diddly.

The Americans do not lack only in rocket technology, but if the Russians sent some old Mig-21’s to Japan and do a few thousand low level passes over those New Phalanx built in America, Just for the Chinese, the world would have a Hearty Laugh at US anti Missile PHALANX that is unable to fire after shooting the First time.
The Americans captured SHKVAL, but Israel Failed to penetrate the 250 some Layers between the most intimate Russian Technology and embarrassment.
Russians Raped Israeli secret Service with a box, filled with a wooden doll.

The Russians and Chinese can Crush the US economy overnight, those peper dollars can become Paper dollars overnight, and What is America going to do when Russia Gives the Chinese all of that technology… 20,000-170,000 Predetor Drones per Year?

The Latest round of sanctions are anoying, the Next Round of Sanctions and the Russians Should Sanction US airline Manufacturers., Picture Boeng unable to fly over Russia or China, Russia and China Sanction any body who dares supply rare metals to USA.
US Economy Capitulates, and Not the Peper money kind of Capitulate.

America wants War? Its to Late.

Jens Holm

Most of Yours are Your wishes and no facts.

Tudor Miron

Thing is that Russia and China unlike USA are adult nations and not interested in major and brupt collapse of USA – it would influence badly everyone on this boat called Earth. Guys in US establishment perceive it as weakness…


China has already test fired laser weapons capable of taking out American satellites has it not. The problem is that if that occurs it would fill our “space envelope” with so much high speed “junk” that it might close our future ability to leave the planet.


Exactly. Anything orbiting to conduct either defences or offense have to be in low earth orbit where such debris storms isn’t present. Problem is both China and Russia have developed missiles capable taking out beyond the low earth orbit and have fighter aircraft’s capable to fly high enough to launch long range AAM to target anything in said low earth orbit.

It’s doubtful it can even complete such tasks unnoticed, undetected.

S Melanson

This is a very important point you raise. US civil war or imposing martial law that leads to revolution is a big worry among elites – either scenario poses grave risks as WMD cannot be expected to remain secure under such conditions and I expect they will be used and things spiral out of control.

I believe the replacing of the old guard is a reaction to how perilously close the world came to an extinction level event in 2014. This is why in the spring of 2014 the block bearing the year 2014 was placed in a slot on the Georgia Guidestones just right of the sentence mentioning a world population of 500,000,000 (93% reduction in current world population). The problem was the scenarios would have more than likely resulted in 99.9% reduction in world population. The crisis was resolved and disaster averted which is why the 2014 stone was subsequently removed.

Currently, the civil war in the US has not gotten out of hand, yet, but it is like a boiling pot with a lid that could blow off.

John Whitehot

it’s laughable.
The only connection is that Russia stops supplying RD series engine and the US loses most of its access to space for the next 5 years.. Good luck in making Elon Musk put defense material into orbit.

Also, the author is free to believe that Russia and China developed a fundamental piece of their nuclear deterrent on any amount of US based technology, but frankly it’s something so much into the realm of the absurd that even in Roger Rabbit’s Cartoonia it would sound like a joke.

Tudor Miron

The more I look into Elon Musks adventure the more it looks similar to US landing on the Moon.

On the sanctions – if they think that we can’t endure any kind of sanctions they throw at us, than they should seek urgent medical help.


Musk is not a stickerlover. He creates something original, new. Not like you.


Musk is just another salesman riding his scientific progress facade.

william beeby

Agreed and he is subsidised by the American tax payers to the tune of $5 Billion. Cool money for sweet FA !


he has rusults. tudor miron not

Tudor Miron

What do you create? Hot air?

John Whitehot

his cars surely do, when they catch fire with no apparent reason.


Important things. Which are needed in Russia. But your clerks are corrupt, therefore wer made business in white russia and in kazachstan


Why doesn’t anybody trust him with as little as an acarien? Sending a live being into space is not original, yet he ca’t even dream of it. He is mentally retarded to a bragging teenage level.

william beeby

Elon Musk is a fraud and Space X is a complete joke backed up by the MSM in the West to make it seem real. ” You can tell it`s real because it looks so fake . “


space X us used by us army. they thank, are very satisfied

S Melanson

Given all that Russia has endured in its troubled past, I am sure US sanctions will be little more than footnotes in a history book.

I also want to let you know I stand corrected – you were correct after all about Canada’s stand being PR stunt. I did some research to respond to question posed to me. I paste below:


It should be noted that the matter of arresting rights activists has been raised with the Saudis by foreign affairs for years – to no effect. Thus, going public with concerns after backchannels fail is not unusual. This is also not viewed as an entirely internal matter of the Kingdom – Raif Badawi was arrested in 2012 for insulting Islam and his wife and three children live in Canada and are now Canadian citizens.

As for Trudeau and his foreign minister Freeland taking a strong stand, this may have to do with growing criticism of Trudeau’s handling of foreign affairs on the world scene. Freeland replaced Dion in early 2017 as Dion wanted a more muscular foreign policy while Trudeau seemed uninterested and disliked Dion. A new book by Coulon gives a scathing account of Trudeau’s inept handling of Canada’s foreign policy.

While true that Coulon is biased given his close ties to Dion, his book is resonating with the public. Trudeau not backing down as well as Freeland may be reaction to the book that basically says Trudeau is hauling Canada into the diplomatic wilderness of irrelevance. While this suggests self serving motives, I still support this stand and encourage the PM and Freeland to not backdown. Notably, the over the top reaction of the Saudis has actually done far more to put the spotlight on Saudi human rights violations then all the previous tweets combined. This is also reminiscent of the Canada of old when we took unpopular stands on principle, not popularity contest – and the deafening silence of our allies as we remain defiant will certainly make an impression on the global community. And this is hopefully a beginning of steps to restore Canada’s place on the world scene.


Did you hear how KSA recently crucified a murderer. Yeah the usual headchop then hang the body up for all to see. Progressive?

S Melanson

I had not but does not surprise me. I will look into it though as it may be a symptom of coup concerns. Thanks for the heads up.

John Whitehot

in Saudi Arabia, a country which recently sat as the champion of human rights @ the UN, crucifixion is performed in a public square, and is followed by the decapitation of the convict, whose head is then left hanging in the same square for the crowds to admire, for a certain number of days.


Did not double check, time for work, but the whole body is left to observe with the decapitated head sitting in the arms not on the neck, if memory serves.

Any way the US does their exterminations without trial and then post the video online for all to learn what their real rights are.


Made no friends in that submerged cave fiasco. Ego and good PR take these US startups a long way, actual results, eh


“The more I look into Elon Musks adventure the more it looks similar to US landing on the Moon”. Haha that is perfect!


Once again the motivation. US fights for profit, Russia fights for her life, the results show this clearly. How many Americans even know that most of their satellites got to space powered by Russian rocket engines. Orbit after orbit in the tight confines of a spacecraft and yet they work just fine together, hmm anything’s possible with that knowledge.

John Whitehot

“US fights for profit”

Profit for who?

Surely not the US people you mean.


MIC directly. Multi-National Corporations and Federal Reserve through dirty tricks and Petro-dollar. Military act as enforcers of Oligarch organized crime rackets. Factories sent from US overseas increased unemployment pushing Americans into military service. MSM maintains patriotic myths that drive young men, mostly, to “serve” the oligarch. Spending a million dollars to blow up a funeral is profitable and provides another generation or two of terrorized “terrorists”, to serve as enemies for the Empire.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

haha yes, and hopefully they let Lockheed develop this space based missile detection system, so it can wind up like the F-35 :))))


Now that all Nazi-Germany Rocket scientists are dead, US will not be able anymore to have a rocket Program as the one they used to bring satellites into space or to transport their moon-lander. This show was run mainly by Wernher von Braun and his comrades from Penemünde, all good US citizens after cleared from their NAZI past.
As US failed to lure away the Russian scientists after the fall of the soviet union they are now on their own, which shows how far behind they are. Not even able to productize a closed cycle rocket engine until now, like Soviet Union did 30 years ago.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

hahahah pathetic, but thats good, less troublemaking they can do :))


Like the rest of American military expenditure this will become mainly a means of looting the American taxpayer rather than of providing defence.


They need to develop the technology for this space forces to be a viable strategic fighting forces or defense forces for at least 20 years in which they already overtaken by China Russia and Europe. As of now or another 5 years from now on their space forces would be nothing more than NASA experimental projects burning significant taxpayers money in that timespan.

Jens Holm

As long as its not Your taxmoney, its none of Your business. And they do vote about it and even get a Trump now and then.

Your description of defence is a very bad manipulation. USA comes from a much higher level so both have a lot of socalled old stuff, but USA and the rest of the world has much more, then You You should ignore.

Firhermore USA has a fast industrail structure, which rapidly can produce a lot. The new russian adventures in most sectors hardly are pilotproducts and none will buy their airplanes, tanks and that, because they are very expensive.

As a minimum You have to downseize and give the dwarf the right volumen and hight.


Oh as their main goal is world domination it very much is everyone’s business. The MSM created US military myth, does not win wars. It empties stocks of obsolete equipment and destroys ancient civilized peoples and their countries. At great profit to psychopathic dominating oligarchs, who are not elected. Why am I wasting time with you?


Coming from a government that is blaming the victims for Israel breaking thousands of unarmed demonstrators legs on an almost daily basis in a massive crime against humanity, and that is controlled by the same evil Jews doing the mass leg breaking. It’s an illustration why the US needs to be dejudified now.


“Almost all neocons are Jews and specifically Russian Jews. There has always been a strong anti-Russian strain within American Jewry that dates back to to when Russian Jews started migrating to America.””

– Why Are Neocons Obsessed With Russia? –

John Brown

Good posts. More like these one please.

The Star of Remphan/Molech/Satan – NOT the Star of David



The Jews have been demon worshipers from the beginning. It’s why Christ condemned them as Satanic.

The Seal of Solomon:

Jens Holm

Hahaha. Seemes like the jews are all over the world and fight each other – hahahah.


Probably going to manufacture new engines in Hollywood.

John Brown

Russia and China now need to deploy at least 100 of their nuclear war heads from their nuclear arsenals in space, most likely with joint command small Russian and Chinese space stations, which will also be used for commercial purposes . This will be much cheaper then to engage in any conventional arms space race. There will likely be a variety of sizes of nuclear warheads, from small 10 kilotons, to probably over 500 plus megaton continent buster warheads. The engine on a hypersonic nuclear war head based in space, in geostationary orbit or at one of the lagrange points between the earth and moon is very small and cheap as gravity will be working with it, if it is ever used. Lagrange Points of the Earth-Moon System. A mechanical system with three objects, say the Earth, Moon and Sun, constitutes a three-body problem. … The Lagrange points L4 and L5 constitute stable equilibrium points, so that an object placed there would be in a stable orbit with respect to the Earth and Moon.


Or Russia and China can put a Giant Kevlar baloon into orbit. a Giant Hydroponic Farm in between Mars and Earth instead of responding to the Childish Desires of the US deep State, Driven by Greed, with No reguard for Human life.

It can Spin, creating Artificial Gravity and it can be a Laboratory. the First step to creating Artificial moons that Places like Mars could benefit from.

william beeby

You are either mad or just carried away by space nonsense. I suppose you think we went to the moon in 1969 as well …lol…

John Brown

Tell me how solar radiation is bad for a nuclear bomb???

Hassadnah Abraham

Russia must STOP delivering RD 180 and 181 to USA now, if not the rest of the WOrLD will regret it.

Jens Holm

The rest of the world. It must be your tiny little cute one.


Just because the US deep State wants to be Childish, Doesnt mean Russia has to Play their Childish Game. Those Engines are used for Peaceful embitterment of Mankind. Russia Should not falter.
The Stars belong to Mankind!. If We can tap the unlimited resources in this Universe, Maybe there will be one less reason to fight about.


We need to start by taping the unlimited resources here, somehow side stepping
the power hungry.

Lazy Gamer

Arms race then. Trump’s moves are heightening the danger for the rest. “The sky may be falling” lol What is the opportunity cost? And who will keep on funding these? lol


Even if the US manages to develop space weapons to take out airborne hypersonic missiles from Russia, that doesn’t neutralise Russia’s underwater systems like nuclear torpedoes. Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) is still safe.


The only viable space orbiting or space stationary weapons available right now is either missile reentry aircraft’s or energy weapons. The latter is still way too unreliable for hard kill while the former would have limited uses.

william beeby

Ronnie Reagan RIP ….lol…Stars Wars is only a movie…..

chris chuba

I love how the creation of a space force is treated so casually in the U.S. MSM, like the formation of a new Cavalry unit during the 1800’s. How do you think they would react if Russia announced a Space Force? I think somewhere in between Armageddon and an impending attack on the U.S.


Well, it is good opportunity for the big companies (Boing, Lockheed Martin Corporation,..) to make a lot of money and to keep jobs for many researcher, technicians and engineers. Of course, it does not matter the cost.