“Venezuela: Chronicle of a Triumph and an Announced Attack”

“Venezuela: Chronicle of a Triumph and an Announced Attack”


By Daniel Edgar

The following is a translation of a recent article by a Mexican journalist who travelled to Venezuela to investigate the atmosphere in the country during the presidential elections.

For those who are interested, at the end of the article are some links to a couple of other articles in English on economic and political developments in Venezuela by academics and journalists with many years’ experience in the country and the Latin American region. They are older but remain as relevant now as when they were written.

(For those who prefer to receive all their information from the New York Times, CNN, Fox ‘News’, etc, (or shills?) and find other points of view disturbing, you may as well go straight to the comments section and note your complaints and insults…)


“Venezuela: Chronicle of a Triumph and an Announced Attack”

By Gerardo Szalkowicz (28 May 2018)

“Mrs Carmen arrives slowly, hobbling, to Manuel Fajardo College in the crowded and mythical neighbourhood of barrio 23 de enero (in Caracas). She bears her 81 years nobly, supporting herself on a cane with one hand and holding an umbrella in the other to protect herself from the scorching sun. She has embarked on the pilgrimage of four blocks and some sixty precipitous stairs to cast her vote. When she first approaches she displays a coy Caribbean smile and replies: “My vote is direct, universal, secret… and ‘maduro’ (maduro, the surname of the incumbent president, also means mature in Spanish)”. Before going we meet again and, now with more confidence, she confides: “This is the thing, lad. We are going through a difficult time, surviving however we can, but we are clear that the gringos (US) are responsible (for the economic crisis and severe shortage of essential goods and services) as they want to starve us into submission. They are not going to succeed, here the people are committed to the revolution, we don’t want to lose our sovereignty. Never again will we be their slaves.”

In our trip to numerous voting centres in Caracas there are many Mrs Carmens. Their age, faces and histories vary, but their messages are very similar. And above all their social origin. It is certain that the participation is much less than in previous elections, that one can perceive the discontent and apathy that have become entrenched over the last few years, but the polarization between social classes is evident; the majority of the voters are from the popular sectors, the voting centres in the middle and upper classes are almost empty.

First conclusion: there is a solid core of ‘Chavistas’ who remain firm, even in the ever more complicated and onerous living conditions. This time there were 6,100,000 people that voted for Maduro’s continuation in the presidential office with nothing less than 67.7% of the votes, over 4 million more than Henri Falcon (21.1%). There is memory, of the innumerable conquests over the last 20 years. There is political consciousness, acquired in the turbulent times of the revolution. It is certain that ‘Chavism’ is going through a period of regression, of weakness; it obtained one and a half million votes less than in the previous presidential election, but in this context of international siege and economic crisis its proponents knew how to maintain their unity and they ratified themselves as the principal political and electoral force in the country.

As counterpart, the elections deepened the consternation and atomization of an opposition without ‘potable’ leadership and personalities and which has lost its capacity to mobilize people (less than 300 people last Wednesday was the largest protest they have managed to convoke in recent times). Their inability to connect with the popular sectors, their underestimation of Chavismo – which they reduce to ignorant masses duped by illusory promises, their subordination to foreign actors and dictates, lead them to one failure after another. Falcon and Bertucci (the main opposition candidates that didn’t boycott the election) didn’t succeed in capturing this social foundation of Venezuela society, but they emerged as new fractions of the local right wing political groupings.

A second impression that the voters we consulted repeated is the sensation of having recovered conditions of relative peace. One year ago, the streets of Venezuela (more precisely, some zones of the middle and upper classes) were the scenario of a sort of insurrection with paramilitary overtones that left a toll of deaths, destruction of hospitals and other public buildings, people burned alive and a country on the verge of civil war. The mass media succeeded in installing the image of ‘the Dictatorship’ and ‘the oppressive government’ and they were counting down the hours Maduro had left. Nobody would have imagined the current panorama: Chavism achieving its fourth victory in 10 months in an electoral contest that proceeded without incident (with the exception of some bottles that were thrown at the former president of Spain, Rodriguez Zapatero, for having given his support to the Venezuelan democratic process).

The other (and primary) concern that the Venezuelan people transmitted during the electoral period, and which is also perceived constantly in the streets, in the Metro, in all ambits of everyday life, is the economic noose that tightens with every day that passes. Uncontrolled hyperinflation that renders an average wage insignificant, a shortage of cash and constant shortages in public services are elements of an induced multidimensional crisis that have their operational centre in Washington but that, after four years, don’t find an effective response from the Venezuelan Executive.

The matrix of abstention

The grand media consortiums have installed the idea of an election rendered illegitimate by the low level of participation (around 46%), following the script of ‘non-recognition’ deployed by the US, the OAS, the European Union, the Lima Group, and the Venezuelan opposition groups that obeyed the order to not present themselves given the certainty that they faced an emphatic defeat. The level of participation in the vote, which has been similar or less in other countries in the region (40.6% in the last presidential elections in Colombia and 46% in Chile) reveal the manipulation and double standards of the mainstream media companies and the ‘international community’, which never questioned the legitimacy provided by the votes for Santos or Piñera.

With respect to the Venezuelan voting system – described several years ago by Jimmy Carter as ‘the most secure in the world’ – the approximately 2000 international observers ratified its reliability and transparency. The automated voting process starts by scanning the voters’ fingerprint, which activates the electronic voting procedure that ends with a receipt for the voter and a duplicate which is placed in the ballot box. Furthermore, after the voting centres close citizen verification groups conduct an audit of the ballots.

Nicanor Moscoso, president of the Latin American Council of Electoral Experts, which monitored the election, stated unequivocally: ‘We can emphasize that the election must be recognized because it represents the will of the Venezuelan people.’ The representative of the mission of the African Union, Arikana Chihombori Quao, stated: ‘I don’t know an electoral process in the world that is more transparent and rigorous than the Venezuelan system.’

Future days

Venezuela faces a prolongation and intensification of the international siege, a media onslaught and economic strangulation. That was made clear by the new sanctions announced by Trump hours after the election and the ‘Masterstroke plan’ of admiral Kurt Tidd, commander of US Southern Command, in which they state their intention to ‘feed popular dissatisfaction by increasing scarcity and price increases for food, medicines and other goods, with the objective of provoking the desertion of citizens across all borders’. The threat of foreign military intervention remains latent.

With the victory of the 20th of May, Chavism showed strength and managed to retain political power. It won some additional time and breathing space. But the urgency is still there: detain and reverse the economic spiral of deterioration. And unburden itself of the high levels of corruption and inefficient bureaucracy that make the task much more difficult. The path that is followed will depend on the contest between the distinct visions and strategies of the various factions within the government. It is still possible for the government to dare to deepen the revolutionary process and reinstate the communal strategy as the path to Bolivarian socialism.”

Gerardo Szalkowicz, “Venezuela: crónica de un triunfo y un ataque anunciado”, 28 May 2018:



Other articles on political and economic developments in Venezuela

Steve Ellner, 2017, “The Economic War against Venezuela”, Third World Resurgence:


Ryan Mallett-Outtrim, “Revolutionise or Compromise”, 20 December 2016:


Stansfield Smith, “Venezuela’s Communal Movement”, 30 December 2016:


James Petras, “Venezuelan Elections: A choice and not an echo”, 2012:


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Daniel Castro

“but we are clear that the gringos (US) are responsible (for the economic crisis and severe shortage of essential goods and services) as they want to starve us into submission.”

What a load of crap, Venezuela borders Brazil and we produce everything, rice, beans, corn, soy, fresh vegetables, potato, tapioca, all meat. They have oil and they could buy fertilizers from russia, all sort of materials from Brazil, industrial products from China. Their economic hardship is the product only, ONLY, of their socialist government.

Their elections were a farse, such a shady deal they had to close their borders so noone could enter the country.

Venezuela is just like that crazy paranoid neighbor that you pretend it doesn’t exist, this Maduro guy has threatened war with Brazil several times already, that is the level of their sickness.


It don’t seem to be enough to feed the Venezuelan people. As of now they’re on hoarding habits and that severely kills off the currency. Release the economic blockade and we’ll see what’s the real problem. This is a good examples of non food self sufficient getting cut off from global supplies and how shortages of food soaring the currency very fast and effectively.

Daniel Castro

They should be food self-suficient, there is no reason for them to not be food self-suficient… well, om fact there is one reason for them to not be food self-suficent, and that reason is socialism.

There is no blockade.


There is blockade via economic sanctions. In particular the payment system.

Daniel Castro

So, for how many years Iran is in on this type of blockade? There are ways to go around this, it is no excuse.


Yes then for how many years Venezuela in this state ? There is fair possibility they can eventually cope with it like the Iranian later.

Thing is any shortages of essential such like food or fuels will send the population into buying panics. Convince them it could go for months they’ll try to buy enough for months, convince them it go for years then they’ll try to buy years worth. This will sent the prices sky high as well depletes the stocks that should be originally enough for everyone else. This is not limited to socialist government.

I should question you this.

1. Are your city have enough food stored to feed off it’s population for six months ?
2. Are your States have enough food to feed off it’s population for six months ?
3. If yes how much six months total shortages would affect your daily lifestyle ? 2$ burgers ?
4. How much the food price would go up and how many everything else prices go along with it ?

Daniel Castro

As I said, there shouldn’t be shortages in the first place, there are only shortages because of socialism.


Bah i already point out how this work.

Daniel Castro

No, you don’t point out how the assistencialism programs fuck the productive chain.

They are not self-suficient because they don’t produce, period.


that’s right. It’s because they don’t produce enough. Not because they’re socialist.

King Tudor777

Almost every socialist country had hunger, because this system is disgraced in its own nature. Even the USSR had it in the end of the 90’s, no food on the shelves. Each 45 days, Maduro gives 170 grams of tuna to the poor, and it’s their only protein. And you might ask, what’s the socialism role on it, right? They removed the technical administration from the oil state-owned company PDVSA and then put their counterparts there, a socialist policy of removing it’s enemies through purges (like Stalin and Mao) and it destroyed the oil company and production.


You cited USSR on it’s worst era and your Chinese history were biased from the start. Start learning of history not in English please.

Reasons why government failed irrespective what’s it’s structured as.
1. Incompetence
2. Corruption
3. Corruption
4. Corruption
5. Greed
6. Greed
7. Greed
8. Pride
9. Pride
10. Pride
11. Insufficient resources
12. Fragmented society
13. Foreign interference

I disagree with socialism that shunned individuality however i also disagree with democracy that put the country in the hands of population that don’t have interest in political process or their country futures beyond what’s they can see immediately. How much Democratic people attention stay on political process other than the election nowadays ? Think the people who confuse their gender and have anxiety disorders towards their sexual orientation should decide where the country goes ?

Scratch that if it’s not democracy it’s socialist. In fact taxing the wealthiest in the heaviest to provide funds for public structure already socialist enough in my opinion.

King Tudor777

I agree, there’s no perfect system, but socialism has proven itself to be one of the best in beginning and one of the worst in the end, because it’s condemned to fail. The problem is about humanity, and greed and corruption will destroy any system, and I totally agree, this is why so many people are loosing their faith in democracy here in Brazil. But in the socialism, consequences are heavier, because of the total dependency on the state and it’ll ultimately fail. I won’t deny USSR had its great times, but the US life conditions were better almost all the time, they built it pissing other countries, both USSR and USA, mainly USA. The problem is humanity and the greedy minds that rule the world.

King Tudor777

Exactly, almost all socialist countries had shortages of food and essential goods.


There are shortages firstly initiated by US sponsored oil price war through Saudi Arabia to take down Russia and subsequently, Venezuela targeted with sanctions which scare off everyone else that’s worried about also being targeted.

Daniel Castro

I meant, they should produce they own food.

Venezuela is not Saudi Arabia, they live in a tropical paradise.


I agree with producing one’s own food.

King Tudor777

So, I agree with part of your theory, they want to harm Russia, it’s a fact, but Venezuela’s issue is far deeper than it. Even when the oil prices were high and Venezuelan economy was growing and developing, they didn’t build a solid base to keep their economy working after the high prices and they were already purging the PDVSA’s staff. Just check their oil production and their GDP growth.


“..oil prices were high and Venezuelan economy was growing and developing,…”

That’s an interesting statement in it’s own right. If the primary resource of a country is oil, it’s only natural that it’s income will ebb and flow with it’s exports. Since the US has done everything it possibly can to curtail that, it’s difficult to see how they could attract investment from companies worried about themselves being targeted. The country has been battling for it’s survival since the revolution exactly because of the interference of the US in it’s internal and external affairs. When the current empire collapses, and it’s well on it’s way, it will be interesting to see how all of those previously targeted countries fare.

King Tudor777

But what you can’t see is that the destruction of their oil industry was not only caused by the sanctions, but mainly because of the purges, the corruption and the incompetence of Venezuelan government.


So tell me the particulars of purges and include the amount of US meddling at the time into the affairs of the Venezuelan government. You see, I can name the top 2 countries in the corruption contest and it’s not Venezuela, it’s the US followed closely by Israel and I’ll include a 3rd for good measure, Saudi Arabia.

King Tudor777

How can people buy food if the minimum salary worth 4.10 dollars in the parallel market? (the government prices are lies, because they don’t release any dollars for the companies to buy food and accuse them of economic war) How can people buy food for a month with 4 dollars?


You missed my point completely.

King Tudor777

So i would appreciate if you could explain it again.


My point is shortages and it’s relations with people mindsets can destroy the currency and in turn the economic system and this is not limited to socialist system.

King Tudor777

I agree, but it’s increased due to socialist measures. But of course, the US sanctions are aimed at creating chaos and turn people’s minds against their governments, including Russia, Venezuela and Iran. Now I understood, thanks guy.

King Tudor777

But even if it hadn’t existed, the communists destroyed the oil industry in the last 20 years, go and check OPEC data about Venezuela’s oil production. They disgraced their country. The government has 70% of disapproval among people. Each Venezuelan lost almost 20 pounds (9 kgs) in the last year and 87% of the population can’t eat three times a day (Caracas University data).


If it hadn’t exists they wouldn’t be starving as much. Venezuelan can’t buy anything from the global supply and rare the cases where a company were willing to be paid with raw materials on the equivalent of it’s products. They have valuable products like oil but they can’t translated them into money that can be used in global market. I’ve said it before let the sanctions opened up and see whether the situation improve or not.

King Tudor777

I agree it would improve, you’re right, but the biggest part of the problem is the setback their industry has suffered, half of their production was cut, and the biggest part of it happened due to their own mistakes.


The racist Venezuelan oligarchy has no political plan other than the United States lifting the economic blockade and lowering the taxes to sell of the Venezuelan oil industries to American oil monopolies and eliminate social spending such as health care, education, housing, and subsidized nutrition. This is why the racist oligarchy will never win an election.

Daniel Castro

health care = certainly crap

education = meaning, leftist indoctrination ans institutionalized ignorance

housing = not the function of state, people should make their own houses

subsidized nutrition = again, not the function of the state, unless it is for the really vulnerable people, children, elderly, people with deficiency, normal helthy people should be able to sustain themselves.

And that is what fucks their economy.

I agree they shouldn’t privatize their oil though.

Boris Kazlov

You are oblivious of the fact that you are playing into the cliches of western “free-market”, that is your illusion.

King Tudor777

The elections were a total farse, they bought thousands of votes and forced people to vote for Maduro. The country has nothing, GDP has dropped 40% and the communists reduced the oil production to 50% of what it was when Chávez assumed the government. And before he was elected, she tried a couple that went wrong, just to remember you about who is illegal in Venezuela.

Daniel Castro

Assistencialist programs are already an instutionalized vote buying schema in their own right.


The elections were fair, verified by having both electronic and the receipt printed, which was then placed into the ballot box. It was also observed by http://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/venezuela-elections-clean-international-observers.684974/ The opposition boycotted the election because they knew the majority of the people wouldn’t support them in destroying Venezuela.

Daniel Castro

Venezuela is destroyed.

S Melanson

I think most posters here would agree with you regardless of which side of the debate they are on.


Only it if’t people capitulate to the goals of the US.

Daniel Castro

No, it is destroyed, period.

They can try to rebuild it, but it doesn’t change the fact it was destroyed.

And they will never rebuild it under bolivarianism, it didn’t work in the 19th century, it won’t work now.

Daniel Castro

It means nothing, like we say here it is a chicken flight, all the result of irresponsible populist spending, you create the paradise in earth for a few years, then to pay it the next generations will live in hell.

Same thing happened in Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay… I know this first hand, I have lived this.


I have to disagree. Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves in the world. To spend the wealth of the country for the benefit of the country’s populations, should be the goal of every country after all, just who is the country supposed to represent? Now should they have done something for a rainy day or to stave off an attack from without? Probably, but I’m sure they didn’t count on the oil card being played for their destruction.

I fail to see your argument regarding the next generation paying for the improvement of the current generation. What we’re talking about is using the profits of the country to pay for the benefit of it’s people rather than stuffing it into the pockets of a handful of elitists while the people remain illiterate, poor, jobless, homeless lack of medical coverage etc.

Daniel Castro

“Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves in the world. To spend the wealth of the country for the benefit of the country’s populations, ”

Which makes them the most incompetent government of all times.

The thing is, they tried to sustain the population through oil only forgetting about developing the economy, all while fucking their own oil industry with political purges. He should invest in the productive sector and give incentives for the people to produce, real education, not assistencialism, and the surplus money in pil shoild be to strengthen the country, make a strong powerfull military with modern technologies, that’s how you make a sovereogn country.

So, they made all the people dependent on oil, fucked their oil industry with ideology, when murica fucked the oil prices the people went starving.


Or yet, they really don’t give a fuck for the people or the country, all that matters is their revolution, it matter is everyone is equal in misery… meanwhile they live in the palace, or course.


“The thing is, they tried to sustain the population through oil only forgetting about developing the economy”

I see. You view educating the population, providing medicine and food as being counter to developing the economy. Well, I can see that you also approve of the US way of life, a strong military while infrastructure crumbles, homelessness increases, medicine is prohibitive and infant mortality increases, education becomes increasingly out of reach and/or impoverishes those who borrow to achieve it but hey…. it has a strong military ohh, and no industry, sent most of it off for the benefit of a few at the top. In your view, the poor, homeless malnourished will be able to use peak brain power to grow their economy. I disagree though, I think they’ll be too busy just trying to find scraps to eat.

Daniel Castro

First, what sort of “education” you’re teaching? Are you teaching the people to be independent? Are you really teaching everything about history, or just the parts that are convenients? Are you sure you’re not manipulating your students?

I know the answer for that question, I know what these socialist teachers teach here, and it is mostly to hate your enemy and to be a soldier for the revolution, certainly nothing about being a productive independent individual, but to be a servant of the state, dependent on the state.

I think the state should really have universal health care, but it must be also be a basic healthcare, by that I mean emergency services and one medical appointment per year for each citizen, more than that and you’re just feeding hipocondria.

Food should be given only to the really needed, those who are proven not to be able to work to sustain themselves and their family.

“Well, I can see that you also approve of the US way of life, a strong military while infrastructure crumbles, ”

Certainly not… you see, the real problem is the US military, if not for these bastards most countries in the world wouldn’t need to invest anything in the armed forces, they could keep going with old helicopters and assalut rifles for ages. But what choice do we have when there is a criminal gang (USA) running rampant?

We have to arms ourselvs to defend against the empire myfriend, this is not some idealist bullshit, this is reality,


“what sort of “education” you’re teaching?”

Start with reading, writing and arithmetic…. doesn’t work too well when you’re homeless and hungry. Those are the basic tools to build an economy unless you’re a hunter/gatherer.

“the real problem is the US military,”

Well, the military industrial complex anyway otherwise known as the Deep State. The combination of intelligence (oxymoron), military and corporate power which also controls the media and feeds non-stop propaganda 24/7 preaching it’s venom.

Socialism = we’re all in it together
Capitalism = everyone for themselves

Socialism can’t work in it’s pure form because of the current nature of humans. Capitalism can’t work because the goal is for one entity to own it all. A mix of the two works as well as can be, based on the level of human evolution thus far. Freedom means having to tolerate things you disagree with in order for your things to bring disagreement to others; unless of course you only believe in freedom of thought for yourself only.

Daniel Castro

“Start with reading, writing and arithmetic…. ”

In theory. My girldriend is a public teacher in Rio de Janeiro, teaches portuguese, she sees thsi reality 1st hand, leftist pedagogy simply does not work. Socilism in school creates such a high level of indiscipline and militant mentality that is almost impossible to teach anything, and they go to the extent of saying that mathematics itself is oppressive and elitist, the same for portuguese.

They destroyed the history by starting to teach it from 1500 onwards, and only through a shallow marxist perspective. I was teached marxist history, however in my time they at least teached everything, they did not manipulate facts for the sake of ideology.

So, most of the hard scientific disciplines suffer from this “elitist” bias, and for that the scool lowers the requirements forcing teachers to pass everyone to meet the state demands, and the human sciences are completely manipulated, philosophy and sociology are nothing more than socilist indoctrination.


I don’t have first hand info such as you state but I find it impossible for a country to prosper if the people are not literate. The socialism you mentioned re: Venezuela, is what has been raising the literacy rate since the revolution. Similarly for math, a country cannot develop without a mastery of such a discipline. Again the people attending school learning these basics has only improved since Venezuela’s revolution. As for history, every country regardless of being capitalist or socialist, flavors their history books. I’m not aware of any deviation from this trend. It appears to be a human trait. I cannot comprehend how a subject such as sociology, a study of people in groups, could omit any groups that appear in human society and still be relevant. Philosophy has always been open to interpretation. As for teachers having to meet a state standard, that is again a function of states to ensure the minimal level of education is taught.

I personally prefer a mix of sociology and capitalism which provides the essentials required for a society to survive leaving plenty of opportunity for capitalistic pursuit which doesn’t impact people’s ability to acquire the basics. From all of your comments, I’ve learned one thing about you. That is that you despise socialism. I on the other hand appreciate some aspects of it. I don’t confuse liberalism with socialism. The current trend with liberalism is just plain idiotic. For example, you have people questioning whether being male or female is a learned response. Being ‘gay’ also seems to have become a fad. Personally, while I don’t share those views, in the end they can be beneficial for society, as those defects won’t procreate and will be but an aberration in the history of the society.

Daniel Castro

“I don’t have first hand info such as you state but I find it impossible for a country to prosper if the people are not literate.”

In theory.

That’s why 1st hand info is important. Of course I agree there must be public schools, however depending on the kins of education you are giving children in such schools they can end up being worse than no education at all, and this is happening here. I know many teachers here, and I have many in my family, everyone lost hope already. One of my friends, which teachs english in a public school and is a leftist PT supporter even says that the school only function is to keep children out of the streets so they don’t commit crimes, and he is right, teachers were reduced to wardens of children, the kids do not learn anymore. So, yes, public schools is essential, but the way they are only spoiling the children.

“Venezuela, is what has been raising the literacy rate since the revolution. Similarly for math”

All lies. Every single data is a lie, it is only getting worse. look at Brazil, we never gratuated so many, we never had so many universities, all for nothing, it all goes to waste, the quality of education is so low, universities were turned basically into leftist indoctrination temples, they do not teach anything of substance.

“As for history, every country regardless of being capitalist or socialist, flavors their history books. I’m not aware of any deviation from this trend. It appears to be a human trait. ”

It’s not flavouring I’m talking about, it is outright lies, fabrications, and teaching only through a single ideologic perspective that turn you into an ideologic zombie.

“I cannot comprehend how a subject such as sociology, a study of people in groups, could omit any groups that appear in human society and still be relevant.”

The thing is, they actually do not teach sociology in class, they teach only socialist ideology, the same with philosophy.

“As for teachers having to meet a state standard, that is again a function of states to ensure the minimal level of education is taught.”

The thing is, the state demands them to pass students which do not meet the minimal level of education, that’s one of the ways they manipulate the data about the quality of education.

“I personally prefer a mix of sociology and capitalism which provides the essentials required for a society to survive leaving plenty of opportunity for capitalistic pursuit which doesn’t impact people’s ability to acquire the basics. ”

That’s why I advocate we use out brain to find the solutions to each problem, to each reality. Unfortunatelly Latin American people need to return to the basics, a mix of socialism and capitalism won’t work here, I’m sorry.


Well Daniel, I know that Brazil suffers from extensive corruption led by Temer who through corruption in concert with his friends in government impeached Rouseff, not for any criminal activity, but merely to take her place. I also understand that Brazilians have an extremely low opinion (support) for Temer and his corrupt gang. So yes, I believe Brazil has issues. I also understand the difference between objective and subjective views. Literacy is not just reading words, but comprehending what’s read. Given that it has been reported by many international organizations who study that kind of thing (and who probably are pressured by the west not to report anything favorable about Venezuela), I’m going to have to disagree with you about it being lies.

You seem to have a very subjective view against socialism, which I suspect is because you conflate it with liberalism. Last I heard or read, there aren’t any other economic models, unless you want to go back to hunter/gatherer societies. I’ll give you a personal experience I had while waiting for my wife at the commuter train station in the US. While sitting in my car, I could see a group of women looking somewhat concerned about their situation. Being a male, I didn’t want them to feel I was making an advance, so I waited for my wife to disembark from the train before acting on my concern. I explained to my wife my observations and asked her to talk with them. It appears they were on their way as teachers, paid for by their leftist government, to study at an American University and were concerned because no one was there to provide their transportation. We provided that transportation. It was in conversing with them that we found out that their leftist government, during the popular socialism wave sweeping Latin America at the time, was paying for it which we thought was pretty cool. My schooling in the US, a country which is neoliberal, accomplished what was intended. History was flavored (lied about) in favor of the government. I didn’t study philosophy, but that has been explored throughout my life. Sociology and psychology were as intended, the study of people in groups and the individual including the
physiological. As for math, there’s no such thing as ‘leftist’ math. Without math, a society can’t build. So back to Venezuela, literacy has advanced since their revolution and it’s raised the poor and destitute from their prior conditions. Has it been perfect? No, there’s still lots of work to be done and I’ve no doubt that it would be done if the US and it’s puppets would just leave them alone. As for Brazil, I’m sure that it also would do just fine without US interference. The US had to interfere as it couldn’t allow trade to flourish throughout the region raising the populations up and removing it from it’s sphere of influence. I’m sorry your country is in such a mess, but again, you can blame the US for interfering in it’s affairs for geopolitical gain as always. My country, America, suffers also from the geopolitical games played by the US (government… Deep State) which is trashing the country in every way for the benefit of the Deep State and it’s psychopathic constituents; so I empathize with you about the state of both of our countries.

Daniel Castro

You suffer from severe idealistic view on reality, you see everything as clichês, since you live on a troubesome capitalist society you think socialism is the answer. I say this again, the fact something works (and I question that) for sweden does not mean it will work for latin america.

As for the state paying teachers or students to travel around the world, it is utterly immoral, average poor people in the 3rd world hardly can leave their own cities on a break on weekends, the state should deal with this before sending priviledged classes around the world on tourism.

You’re wrong again about Temer, which is corrupt and of course hated, but what he did was no coup, it was in fact one corrupt MP who had dirt on everyone in the PT government, as he was being erased by Dilma’s government he managed to outmaneuver them with his knowloedge in bureacracy(hence, he passed the impeachment process against all odds), since then all crumbled for PT like a house of cards because they were deeply involved with all corruption schemes. Temer, of course, was also involved, after all they were partners in crime, but being a old fox he managed to barely hold power for the sake of his own skin.

At last, as I donn’t want to be endlessly countering every single idealistic argument you post here with the cold, hard reality, I will just post this wikipedia article about education in Venezuela, and you may claim it is not valid because it is wikipedia, but I know it is true because it exactly the same shit we have here in Brazil, only worst. After all they were all copying each other(Lula, Chaves, Morales, etc.).


Wikipedia has been found to be edited often by US policy backed editors so quickly, that it has boggled the minds as to how one supposed individual could access and edit so many sites and pages so quickly. So much for your truth. The only way to find truth is to access media from around the world including those you disagree with in order to use your brain, analyze and come to the truth. Hint, Wikepedia, Google and Facebook ain’t it.

Agree with you on Temer except for the fact that you’ll always find the US involved in such activities when it seeks to have a country which favors the Empire over it’s own peoples. As for Rousseff , they could find no crime to pin on her. They found her guilty not of doing anything wrong, like theft or bribes like the rest of them, but just budgetary moves which had been pretty much the norm in the country for prior governments of Brazil. You can close your eyes as to which country wanted her out, I’m sure you have as it doesn’t fit your view of the world.

Incidentally, your 2nd paragraph sounds a lot like socialism. You claim I’m idealistic and want socialism, completely ignoring that I’ve cited a mix of the only 2 economic venues available to societies around the world except for that of hunter/gatherer. You are so terrified of even the mention of the word socialism that any mention of it, no matter how, receives your condemnation and yet, you’ve offered no alternatives. To recap, socialism, capitalism, hunter/gatherer. A mix of the first 2 does not comprise either socialism or capitalism. That’s reality!

You previously complained about teachers, but I cite you an example, which I actually experienced, where a government is working to upgrade it’s teachers in order to improve the teaching quality in it’s country of succeeding generations and, you find fault with that. What’s there to say but, you’re right, it’s time to end this discussion, for we will never agree. You have your reality and I have mine. Do let me know if you’re ever able to find an economic model I haven’t mentioned.

Daniel Castro

The problem is I’m talking about my reality, and you pretend to know more wbout my reality than me, I’mo not telling you how thingsa are os should be on united states.

Venezuela and Brazil have been folowing the same models in education, so I know for a fact that article is absolutely spot on.

As your example of socialist/capitalist model you use Swedem, and as I said already, they are one people, one culture, and they reap the profits of western imperialism to prop up their system, that will never work here.


No I don’t pretend to know more about the goings on in your country. I just prefer to have a more objective view and rather get my info about your country unflavored by an ideological perspective, this is why I rely on multiple news sources from other countries and independent groups who just study and compare results of, for example, literacy among the countries of the world. It’s also the reason I stay clear of sources that manipulate, propagandize the facts such as corporate owned media, social sites like Facebook, Google and of course Wikipedia, which doctors the facts in favor of the US Deep State narrative. We’ve been in agreement on many things, but the one thing that comes across from you to me is your intense dislike for anything that you perceive as socialism, often conflating liberalism with socialism. In other words, you and I could observe the same stimulus and walk away with different perceptions of what we’ve observed. This is why I state you have your reality and I have mine.

Re: Sweden…. I mentioned it because it’s the first country that came to mind as a successful use of a mix of socialism and capitalism to benefit the entire population economically. Now as for their liberalism or left leanings, they go too far as far as I’m concerned. The massive inflow in refugees/migrants is also going to have an impact on their economic model and may even break it, too many immigrants too fast.

To recap, I believe you conflate economic policies with the philosophy of liberalism, which continues to redefine itself in some rather idiotic ways such as gender neutrality. So as I see it, while we agree on many things, you seem to have a problem with separating liberalism from economic principles. I asked you what other economic models were there besides socialism, capitalism or a mix between the two. I even inserted the outdated hunter/gatherer type (you’ve not responded on that one). As for Brazil and Venezuela….. Brazil has been passed to the Empire, Venezuela is in constant assault from the Empire. One very important fact in each of their developments has been the Empire, every way in which their societies develop is based on the Empire’s manipulation using the media and money. In other countries it’s used just plain military force.

I’m idealistic in that I believe every country should be free to develop without outside interference, that’s my philosophy. Fare well and good luck.

Daniel Castro

I agree about liberalism, liberalism is shit. bout the gays, the problem is homosexualism is not just a genetic trait, it is also been spread by mimetism, we should have policies like the one in russia which give fines for homosexualist propaganda.


Don’t know about the fines, but agree with the rest.

King Tudor777

We can see the great development now, if it was so great, why a lot of companies didn’t invest in Venezuela? The policy of only investing on the military is what Maduro is doing exactly know. If he’s so good, why would him invest on a National Guard that only is useful to kill protesters (they’re not peaceful ones, I know, but i think more than 130 people killed is a big number to a so-called democracy) instead of use the dollars to buy food for it’s people? People who sleep on the streets and in queues waiting to get one bottle of olive oil.


And who is stirring up the protests to bring down the government? Would it be the same reason that Maduro wants to grow the military? I think so. Ukraine went through a similar thing where the US promoted segments of the ‘peaceful protesters’ to use violence on the government and the government did not respond forcefully. The result, Ukraine fell to the Empire and is now a total mess.

Boris Kazlov

Saudi Arabia also produces only oil, yet backs the petro-dollar, they can sustain their economy because they are zionist ass-lickers, contrary to Venezuela who has to sustain all kinds of sanctions. Conclusion: to solve his economic problem, Maduro just needs to convert to Judaism, like Trump’s daughter. Understood, all U$AIPAC ass-lickers blaming Venezuelan incompetent government.?

Daniel Castro

The funny thing is…

Maduro is a jew!

Now, KSA had billions and billions on reserves because they had not wasted their money with socialist delusions, they even sustained 2 wars at the same time with low oil prices, meanwhile Venezuela can’t even feed its own people.

I’m against KSA, but you must admit these bolivarianists are UTTERLY INCOMPETENT!


It is amazing how people like you completely ignore certain truths when its inconvenient.Saudi Arabia I am certain wastes a lot more money on bribes and Wahhabi madrasas all over the world that Venezuela waste of “socialist projects”..SA isn’t like Venezuela because it is a American client state..This is all there is to this story

Daniel Castro

Venezuela is just the other side of the zionist coin, bolchevism, their goal was to destroy the country making it a failed state.

Mission accomplished.

Daniel Castro

Were your grand parents Nazi war criminals who settled in South America?.certainly sounds that way

Daniel Castro

I’m just answering Boris, he is the one who said Venezuela would have no problems if Maduro were jew.

Well, he is, and so is Dilma Roussef in Brazil.


It reminds me of Castro. How “his” revolution was supported by the CIA. How his weapons flew in Cuba and Batista’s were held. How the CIA “failed” to kill him over 600 times. How he didn’t touch a single Masonic lodge after coming to power.

Daniel Castro

Bolchevism is a completely different branch of zionism, the end result is the same, to destroy the country it is installed.

King Tudor777

The problem is not investing on social issues, it’s good, the problem is that they’ve only put money on it, they didn’t attract companies or other sources of investiment for their country to create more jobs, they didn’t modernize the oil industry for the new technologies nor prepared themselves to the aftermath of high oil prices. They weren’t prepared for when the prices went down, they didn’t have money, a strong industry besides the oil one, or good conditions to attract foreign companies. These were some of their mistakes, my friend.


The US has been hostile and interfered in Venezuela since their revolution both in stirring up trouble among it’s population and sanctioning it. That is the primary reason for Venezuela’s ills. Have there been some mistakes by it’s leaders, yep, the main one being not understanding fully the parasitical nature of the US Empire.

Daniel Castro

“Probably, but I’m sure they didn’t count on the oil card being played for their destruction.”

Well, then wake up and smell the coffee, this is the real world my friend.


King Tudor777

Since they haven’t been in power for the last 20 years and Venezuela is already destroyed, we can see who destroyed Venezuela. If you say the Americans contributed to the chaos, I’ll agree, because it makes total sense, but the Americans wouldn’t try to destroy a Venezuela with a government they support (if it was ruled by the opposition).

S Melanson

You say the elections were a farce, without presenting any evidence. The only farce is the hypocrisy of MSM reporting, applying a double standard to legitimize elections in favoured nations and delegitimization of elections in enemy states. If international observers in Venezuela had issued reports critical of the elections, it would have been headlines in the US MSM. But since the observers went off script, they are ignored and the MSM shift to a different standard, in this case voter turnout, which tends to be lower in elections involving an incumbent administration.

Applying the standard of voter turnout to the United States would present a problem as the US does not compare well with other democracies including Turkey under Erdogan. To be comparative to Venezuela, we compare the 2012 election in the US with Obama seeking a second term, with Turkish President Erdogan seeking re-election in 2015.

2012 US election turnout: 53.6%
2015 Turkish election turnout: 85.2% (November re-run), 84.3% (June, hung parliament)

The Turkish November rerun election handed Erdogan’s AKP a majority despite all polls predicting another minority government. The surprising result coincided with reports by international observers of irregularities that brought into question the fairness of the electoral process. No worries, the voter turn out attests to the upholding of strong democratic principles in Turkey. Meanwhile, the low voter turn out in the US should lead to hard questions on the legitimacy of Obama’s second term.

No further comment.

Daniel Castro

In USA people don’t go to vote because of apathy, in venezuela it is because they would be persecuted, simple like that.

Ad certainly there was only controled opposition against Maduro.


Rubbish!!! In Venezuela they don’t vote because they feel they would be richer under capitalism (or are paid to protest and stir up trouble by the CIA). In USA people don’t vote because their only choices are Deep State vetted candidate 1 or Deep State candidate 2 otherwise known as Republicans or Democrats. Independent candidates are not given air time or included in debates, in other words, they’re essentially kept out of competition for public office. So, to sum it up, people in the US don’t vote because it doesn’t matter who they vote for, the results are the same. The reason the Deep State is up in arms over Trump is that he wasn’t a Deep State vetted candidate.

S Melanson

Yes, and this explains the voter apathy in the US which Castro points out in his response to my post. The reasons in Venezuela you point out are spot on. The same thing happened in Nicaragua in the 1980s and the US eventually succeeded in ‘convincing’ the public to vote in a US friendly regime. The problem with Venezuela is they are not working and I fear US led military intervention. Let us hope not and the Venezuelan people find a way to achieve some descent degree of national independence without the toxic foreign interference.

Daniel Castro

No, they don’t vote because they were only given socialist “options”, and even if they try to take Maduro out they would be harassed by the left one way or another.

King Tudor777

So they only go to protest on the streets because they are paid by CIA? Do you think people would keep going to the streets after the dictator Maduro killed more than 130 people only because of CIA’s supposed money, when you have no proof of it? I have an open mind as well, and I presented facts about Venezuela’s oil production, based on OPEC data. The guys there, they are right my friend. If you don’t want to trust the MSM media, and I agree with you, check some Brazilian respected newspapers and sites.


Did you miss the little English word “or”? As for Venezuela’s oil… they have the largest proven oil reserves in the world. The only reason they’re having difficulty is because of the sanctions and the oil price game launched by the US through Saudi Arabia to try and take down Russia. No doubt they looked at Venezuela combined with Russia as killing 2 birds with one stone.

King Tudor777

I’m sorry if I committed any English mistakes, my English is not perfect. I know they have the largest proven reserves, but you forgot to check some data and see what happened to Venezuela’s oil industry in the last 20 years, the purges made by the communists some years ago. They destroyed their industry (source of 97% of their exports). Go and search a little bit.

S Melanson

Here you have a good point.

Note that the largest proven oil reserves is misleading as it fails to take into account that most is very heavy crude that requires expensive and tech intensive refining processes. The tar sands in Venezuela also are expensive and difficult to extract and process and I know this being a Canadian familiar with the development of tar sands in Alberta. In my opinion, these facts were not taken sufficiently into account in Venezuela policy.

I understand the thinking behind Chavez policies regarding oil but they were ill advised. The use of prudent policies in a country that is practically a petro-economy were absent in the economic planning of the Chavez administration.

If the oil industry is to fund social policy you need to ensure the ongoing health of the industry. The oil industry is a cash cow but ongoing investment is needed to replace production in declining fields as well as need for technology and expertise to develop Venezuela’s complex unconventional oil plays. Pragmatism was needed to agree to work with oil multinationals to have access to the tech and expertise needed to continue to develop the vast but technically challenging reserves. Even if blame can be apportioned to external forces, Chavez underinvested in PDVSA and so while reserves went up, production declined.

For funding social policy to be sustainable in the long term, contingencies for low oil prices should be built in since history makes obvious the cyclical nature of oil prices. Chavez spent as if the oil party would never end. Even if the US had not engineered the oil price collapse, Chavez failed to but should have anticipated the high oil prices coming to an end as they always eventually did historically.

When you have a boom, it is also prudent to have surpluses to put aside for a rainy day. Chavez instead ran deficits which made the impact of crashing oil prices all the more severe. The impact of oil prices on the economy also puts the spotlight on the near total dependence of Venezuela on oil revenue. As they say, not good to have all your eggs in one basket. Chavez made little effort to diversify the economy.

This said, poor policy decisions do not justify foreign meddling, particularly when it serves to amplify Venezuela’s woes.


Thank you for the info.
Excellent post again. :)

S Melanson

Thank you, appreciated. Glad to see so many quality posters at this site and look forward to reading more of your insightful posts.


Your English is pretty good. It’s sometimes difficult to know if one is dealing just with an antagonist or an operative of the Empire at times. No apology necessary. I do have some difficulty with your use of the term Communist since I view a difference between communism and socialism. As for purges in their government, understandable since the US always finds agents within a country to try and destroy it,

King Tudor777

Ok, I know that there’s a difference between socialists and communists, they are socialists. I know some purges would happen, they always happen when a government is replaced, but they were excessive and killed the PDVSA’S capacity of operate as a big and efficient company.


Are you discussing Nationalization?

King Tudor777

Of course the us wants to damage Russia it’s obvious and it harmed Venezuela as well. However, what has happened in Venezuela is far deeper and far older than the last round of sanctions. The consequences have just shown up now, after the commodities prices went down, but the process has begun a lot of time ago.

S Melanson

You need to ask the question of why voter apathy. TiredofBsToo provides an answer that I agree with. However, I have an open mind. Do you have a different take?

Daniel Castro

You can vote for criminal A or criminal B, choose.

S Melanson

You are then characterizing candidates in US elections as criminals. Yes, I can agree with that.


What Daniel Castro said is correct! Venezuela had a fake voting. The opposition was removed from election and, later, Maduro run against one former ally re-branded as “opposition”, a fake opposition.

Elections are full electronic and the voting machines are provided by Smartmatic, a company owned by Chávez and allies with connection in Cuba. There is no way to account the elections.

Smartmatic is also providing such machines for many other countries, most with governments connected to Cuba, including Brazil. Is the Cuban way to create its own communist imperialism.

S Melanson

Thank you. Even if I do not agree, I always respect posts that show the poster made the effort to back up what they say. I will read up on this. I do point out that since Chavez passed away five years ago, he cannot be an owner of the company.


Smartmatic was owned by Chávez “the father”. Now by Chávez “the sons”.
Look for Venezuela loans to Smartmatic.

S Melanson

I will do so. Thank you.


“Elections are full electronic..”

Rubbish!!! The vote is electronic with a paper receipt which is also placed into a ballot box and comparisons made against each other to verify the accuracy; of course don’t forget observers as well http://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/venezuela-elections-clean-international-observers.684974/. As for the opposition in Venezuela, they told their supporters to boycott the vote. Peddle you bs somewhere else where maybe you’ll find someone ignorant enough to buy it.



In Brazil the Smartmatic voting machines do not print the vote. There is a law in Brazil saying it should be printed, but the communist government just ignore it.

For Venezuela even Smartmatic confirmed the fraud last year, in a try to say that the Maduro is responsible, and the company is not:

But if you like Venezuela, why you are not living there?
Why there are 1000s Venezuelans coming to Brazil every day? They are very poor people. Most of them come by walking, sometimes for over 500 kilometers. They live in the streets, in tents. Come to the Brazilian state of Roraima and help them!


As I said, Rubbish. As for Brazil, the coup was sponsored by the US through the impeachment of Dilma Rouseff by the most corrupt individual who then took control of the government. The attack launched to stifle the BRICS.

Daniel Castro

You’re wrong, the corrupt politicians had to take her down because she was destroying our country just like Maduro and Chavez did in in Venezuela, even the corrupt pigs are better than socialists, because they at least understand that you just don’t kill the chicken with the golden eggs.

Now we’re ripping what Dilma and Lula sowed, economic crisis like never before, but at least we’ve not passed the point of no return like Venezuela did.


Right, because corruption always benefits the population at large…… bah humbug!

Daniel Castro

No, but not destroying the means of production for the sake of a ideology benefits everyone.

Take it like that, teh corrupt steals 50% of everything which is produced, but if you change to socialist they will only steal 40% of the produciton (as an example), but you actual production drops by 50%, so in the end the people will have less.


” teh corrupt steals 50% of..”

Actually, I don’t buy it since your comparisons are more a product of comparisons with Communism than Socialism. Try exploring some of the models around from the Scandinavian countries …Sweden for example.

Daniel Castro

Sweden?! I wouldn’t live in this feminist hellhole even if you give me money,


But they do have a working socialist/capitalist system. I’m not discussing gender-neutrality which is of course pure bullsh*t, migration policies or politics…. strictly economics that works provided it’s not overloaded with migrants.

Daniel Castro

Sweden is enslaved by zionism, it reaps the profit of western imperialism, and they are one people, one culture, unlike latin america which is multicultural reality, result of centuries of colonialism and meddling from all sides, you can’t compare sweden with latin america.


“..they are one people, one culture, unlike latin america which is multicultural reality, result of centuries of colonialism and meddling from all sides, you can’t compare sweden with latin america.”

I agree with that statement completely. My wife and I had once entertained the prospect of moving to Sweden, they seemed to have the right mix of capitalism and socialism. Then came liberalism idiocy. I’m sure glad we didn’t make the move! As for Zionism, it’s an evil facing people throughout the world. It is the most anti-semitic grouping of people on the planet targeting the Semitic population of Palestine and the region, while at the same time grabbing power in many countries, through it’s money and lobbying, to enforce it’s colonial conquest in the Middle East. It’s ironic that Zionists are able to project their anti-semitism onto others.

King Tudor777

We are not saying the US is always right, of course not, but what’s happening in Venezuela is beyond what’s tolerable for humanity, total lack of any living conditions, food, medicine. There were reports of people having to use veterinarian medicine because there was no medicine, and it happens due to communists economic policy that led to the destruction of the country’s oil industry. Go and check some Brazilian respected and traditional news sites, translate it and check, we know what’s happening here in South America more than the American MSM.

S Melanson

I hear you and will do as you suggest. I will need some time to research but what you say has certainly ignited my curiosity. Thank you also for debating with me on a respectful and mature level – may more posters follow your example.


What a load of rubbish you cite. I trust your CIA pay voucher wasn’t late.

Daniel Castro

You know nothing about South America.


I know plenty including the criminal behavior of the US in overthrowing the countries of South America for the benefit of numerous US corporations, installing many a murderous puppet government and causing the mass murder of many of South America’s peoples. I trust you’re a supporter or member of Operation Mockingbird.

Daniel Castro

It was not only USA meddling, there was China And URSS meddling too, all three almost managed to turn us into a battlefield for proxy wars just like you have in the middle east now.

Again, you know nothing of South America, you can only scratch the surface with your wikipedia information.


Sorry, I don’t use wikipedia…. go fish. Tell me, what happened to the people of Chile and their sovereignty in 1973 for example…

Daniel Castro

Chile?! Just google Getúlio Vargas and you know who went 1st with USA meddling.

I get you see everything as anti-USA and pro-USA, however the anti-USA party here in South America is really the worst option, we won’t support a bunch of criminals and international communist mafia just because they are circunstancial allies of China and Russia.


Check out “war is a racket” by decorated US marine general, Smedley Butler. You might also read ‘the Devil’s chessboard’ by David Talbot. The Empire has been involved in South America scre*ing the people of the region for quite some time, something I gather you agree with. The question is, are you a supporter of Operation Mockingbird or just part of the propaganda stream for the Empire.

Daniel Castro

Fuck operation mockingbird, fuck Venezuela too, I just want my country to be sovereign, stop these communist internationalist AND these globalist neolibcon shit zionists from meddling in our internal affairs, they are like head and tails.

Yes, back in the 19th century the British tricked Paraguay into attacking Brazil selling a fake alliance with Uruguay and Argentina, then they turned on them them causing a huge war in out territory with one million victims which set us back 100 years in development.

Stop meddling, take you ideologies and keep your fighting in the northern emisphere, we don’t need you.


“Stop meddling,”

Finally, something I can agree with. As for the British, they gave us all Zionism. I think you’re a little off though since Communism as practiced by the Soviet Union is gone. The threat to everyone is the globalists which are capitalists and support independence only for themselves and no other countries be it Venezuela, Russia, China, Iran etc. etc.

Neither capitalism nor socialism can stand on it’s own due to the nature of humans. The only model, just as in so many things in the world, can only be successful in a mixture of both capitalism and socialism in the proper amounts and not in the pure form of either for obvious reasons.

Daniel Castro

Globalists support independence for themselves, only if you mean themselves as each one personally, they don’t give a fuck about any country, be it USA, England, France, whatever, all they want is a unified world-wide financial system which allows them to have their money anywhere they are.

And the best system isn’t a mix of socialism and communism, the best system is called human brain, each problem has its own solution, each people has its own way, each territory has its own reality, there is no premade answer, no magic equation to solve all social issues.


“And the best system isn’t a mix of socialism and communism”

I was referring to the economy and stated a mix of socialism and CAPITALISM. As far as the rest of your statement, I agree.

“they don’t give a fuck about any country”

This is true, but they do use the resources of countries to accomplish their goals.

S Melanson

What you say here is critically important and focuses the problem. Foreign interference in sovereign affairs is wrong period, regardless of who does it.

You say the US meddles as does China and USSR (Russia since 1991). If so, they are all in the wrong and should allow Venezuela freedom to pursue her own interests. Clearly the US is interfering, which you acknowledge. This needs to stop. If China and Russia are interfering as you say, they to need to back off. The problem is toxic foreign interference and which nation is doing the interfering has no bearing on the question of interference.

When foreign interference in the internal affairs of a nation are ongoing, as is the case with Venezuela, debate about fairness of elections and effectiveness of government policies cannot ignore the effect of said interference.

I suggest reading chapter 23 of the United Nations Manual on Human Rights Monitoring which covers elections. Specifically, Ch.23; pp 11-17 cover issues for free and fair elections. One issue is violence and intimidation, not just from government, but also foreign backed intimidation tactics and organizing protests and paying protesters to initiate violence to provoke the government.

For those that argue the elections were a farce, the United Nations document I cite makes clear the absence of foreign ‘meddling’ is a pre-condition for a free and fair election. So it is remarkable that Venezuela largely achieved a fair election, according to international monitors, under conditions of US meddling.

As an aside on using voter turnout as a key metric:

Voter turnout is not itself an indicator and is an inappropriate metric. Just as government could threaten would be voters if they vote (resulting in low turn-out), the government could also threaten would be voters should they fail to vote (resulting in higher turnout). If the measure is voter turn out then despotic regimes need only threaten the population with a decree that voting is mandatory to make the sham election ‘legitimate’.

The real issue is intimidation which can affect turn out in either direction.

King Tudor777

My friend, I won’t be stupid and deny the facts, the USA backed and sponsored coups all over South America, including in Brazil, my country, in 1964. But you can’t forgot that the communists also tried to overthrow governments and sponsor coups here. The USSR backed militias inside Brazil that took in arms in order to implement a communist dictatorship, like Cuba and currently Venezuela, they were trained in China to fight here, they tried to put another dictatorship here, under the false flag argument of “fighting for democracy”. Moreover, the USSR backed a failed coup here in Brazil against Getúlio Vargas in 1935.


The USSR is gone but the coups continue. I look forward to the end of Empires!

King Tudor777

Exactly, but I also said the US backed lots of coups and they keep doing it. I made it clear that both of them tried to overthrow governments and the US didn’t stop. I don’t agree with the US, but the USSR and the communists aren’t innocents.

Daniel Castro

This people would sacrifice entire Latin America for the sake of their war on USA, they wouldn’t mind to blow us with a thousand nukes just to take their enemy with us.


This should be of interest …

Towards a “Latino Spring”?

S Melanson

Excellent article.


Yep, the Venezuelan people know exactly who is after their oil and desires to enslave their populations. They just need to make sure that NGO’s working for the Empire are expelled from the country for the sake of their sovereignty or at the very least, register as foreign agents and are kept an eye on.

King Tudor777

Guy please, stop saying bullshit. Venezuela is a socialist dictatorship which was totally destroyed and annihilated by the socialists. I live in Brazil, and my country has received tens of thousands of refugees. Venezuelan economy is worse than Syrian economy. Maduro and Chávez had economic plans that destroyed the industry and prohibited dollars from entering and exiting the country, killing the industry. They dontd have energy because of the lack of rain for their hydroelectrics (in Brazil we faced the same problem some years ago) and they accuse the US of sabotaging. They don’t have dollars due to the destruction of the oil industry. The state-owned company PDVSA was purged from its “bad and capitalist” professionals and filled with military who didn’t know how to deal with the company and bankrupted it. And what was the result? They don’t even have one dollar and their currency (Bolívar) worth nothing, but the currency market is controlled by the government. They say one dollar costs 10 Bolívares but in the real market it costs 250000 Bolívares. The minimun salary worth US$4,10? Do you think it is fair for people? They don’t sell any dollars for the companies who operate there, and say they are waging an economic war against the country. They only produce half of the food they need, but don’t have any dollars to import. Hungry workers are quiting their jobs in PDVSA because they aren’t strong enough to paint the pipes with anti-corrosive paint. The communists destroyed the country, and they blame US. You don’t need to read an American or British article, read a Brazilian one. We are nearer Venezuela and we have a better look of the situation. Translate it from Portuguese to English and check. See how people spend their nights in queues to go the supermarket and find nothing to buy. It’s a shame, the communists disgraced Venezuela. US has done a lot of bullshit all over the world, but they aren’t blamed for what’s happening in Venezuela.


More rubbish from supporters of rubbish around the world. Dollars is exactly the method used to control, strangle and enslave the peoples of whatever country refuses to give up their sovereignty to the US. You may have noticed that the US has and is putting it’s boot on Venezuela’s neck in oder to overthrow it. It has even contemplated an invasion by either it or it’s proxies, perhaps Columbia…

Brazil’s government was overthrown with a bogus impeachment in 2016 by the most corrupt individual in government with support from the US. Of course the Empire desired this result to target the BRICS. So why would I want to read from a supporter of a government which has enslaved it’s population to the will of the Empire. I get enough propaganda from my own government.

Daniel Castro

If you want to give up dollars you must come with something to back you up, and you must create a system to go around the zionist one, you must pick your fights, even superpower Russia didn’t tossed the dollar out like an idiot.

This just points out how megalomaniac these bolivarianists are, they don’t care about the consequences of their actions, they want revolution at any cost, and to hold absolute totalitarian power over their country.

Noone is saying you shouldn’t fight the empire, we are only saying you should know how to fight.

And socialism is not the answer.


The only reason that countries like Russia and China can resist the dollar stranglehold is because they are militarily strong enough to resist the US military. Russia is, I believe, no longer buying treasuries and I believe China is also reducing it’s investment. Iran is being pressured by the Empire to give up it’s missile system, i.e. defensive capabilities in order to be destroyed for the sake of Israel. Venezuela unfortunately, does not have the military means to survive an assault by the US death machine. It’s economy first suffered from the oil price war initiated by Saudi Arabia at the behest of the US to attempt to bring down Russia economically. Venezuela just happened to be included in that scenario either by intent or accident, being completely dependent on oil sales. Now it’s suffering from the stranglehold of the dollar on it’s economy. So what do you suggest? Do you think they should just give control of the country’s massive oil fields to the US or try to persevere under Chavez’s vision of which here’s a brief take how it was progressing under Chavez and before the oil price game….. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/john-wight/venezuelas-hugo-chavez-ha_b_1912366.html.

I agree that you should know how to fight, but you first have to have a way of doing so. Venezuela has attempted to back investments with oil, which is the only tool it has aside from inviting Russia and China to make investments and support it. If I were a Venezuelan, I would want to preserve the gains made under Chavez rather than giving up my sovereignty.

Daniel Castro

There were no gains made udner Chavez, it was all an illusion, they were not sustainable.

How to fight someone which is massively more powerfull than you? The answer for that question is at the same time easy and complex.

The easy answer is: using your brain.

The complex answer is you shouldn’t fight your enemy upfront, you should strengthen yourself. Chavez did all wrong.

And again, socialist programs are not the answer, he should strengthen the military, invest in real technical education, invest in the industry and all sectors of the economy, make the country self-suficient, all while pretending to not be enemy of USA,

Oh, but that would be very hard!

Yes, it is hard, but better than to defy the bully just to get beaten into submission.

John Mason

Which yank agency do you represent?

Daniel Castro

Another one stuck in the 80’s…

John Mason

not wrong, up to me you wouldn’t be around.

Daniel Castro

What are you, nazi, stalinist? It’s a good thing you are a race in extinction…

John Mason

missing your banana diet are you?

Daniel Castro

Oh, you just answered my question, thank you.

Joe Dirt

FBI, CIA, ISIS, Spice Girls Fan Club, The Queen, CCP, KGB, SAA,

John Mason

you forgot LGBT


If you want to give up dollars you must come with something to back you up, and you must create a system to go around the zionist one

Qaddafi did with but was taken out nonetheless.

“Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention”

Newly disclosed emails show that Libya’s plan to create a gold-backed currency to compete with the euro and dollar was a motive for NATO’s intervention.


Daniel Castro

Yes, but he did a lot of mistakes, he gave up his nuclear weapons and got to cozy with EU leaders, he lowered his guards and went increasingly moderate which opened an opportunity for the beheaders to kill him.


I agree, he was foolish. The case of Saddam wasn’t any different.

King Tudor777

About the Brazilian impeachment. The current president, Michel Temer, is extremely corrupt, even more than his predecessor, Dilma Rousseff, it’s a fact. Unfortunately, all the Congress was bought with dirty money, and both Temer and Dilma did it through big companies. The process actually had US support, but it was legal, if you go and check the Brazilian constitution, you’ll see Dilma Rousseff in fact broken the laws, the LDO (laws about the federal budget) so, the process was legal. The problem is, it was only used against her, and not against other politicians who did the same thing, and this is the coup. But, if you check the Brazilian law, it was a crime.

King Tudor777

The current government and the last leftist government were both enslaving their population. Of course I like the BRICS and I know the US has targeted them, mainly Russia, but don’t you think that 14 million unemployed people and the biggest crisis in 85 years (the Brazilian crisis was not due to US intervention, our government spent more money than it earned for almost 4 years) wasn’t a type of slavery as well. I don’t like the empire, the US has been doing lots of bullshits, but not only them, just try to see it. It’s not because they are blamed that the communists are innocents.


You ask to “stop saying bullshit” but all you regurgitated is precisely that: unfiltered bullshit.

Suggesting that the Anglo-Americans have nothing to do with that current crisis in Venezuela is abysmally ignorant.

By the way, how is bang-banged-by-the-same-Anglo-Americans Brazil doing?

Daniel Castro

Better than Venezuela, I assure you.


Better for who? Get real.

Daniel Castro

For everyone.

Do you see any brazilian rushing to live in Venezuela?

No, you see them coming here.


So the “everyone” is those running from Venezuela to Brazil?

Daniel Castro

Them too, they are far better here than in Venezuela, even living in tents like beggars.


I see. You entitled yourself to speak for the “everyone” and now, the “them too”.

I hope you realize Brazil is being looted hard. Something Venezuela doesn’t want.

Daniel Castro

We are producing at a much larger pace than we are being looted, this way we are not starving like them, we have not given up on our lives for the sake of socialist revolution.

That’s of course, not ideal, the elvel of corruption is gigantic, but we are fighting that, just this month we had a MAJOR strike which stopped the country for 15 days, the people is putting pressure on the government to lower the taxes, and we want the corrupt politicians in jail.

Yet, we’re not sitting over the largest known oil reserves in the world and begging for food.


The more you produce, the more there is to loot. Either way, Brazil wasn’t my primary point, Venezuela was: what they want is their problem. It’s not up to you to dictate what they should do and want. It seems like the Anglo-Americans have successfully created a bogeyman out of Venezuela in Latin America – like they did throughout history with Cuba, Russia, China, Vietnam, etc.

Good luck with the (meaningless) protests. I hope you guys aren’t holding your breaths to see politicians in jail – it won’t happen – especially if they’re on the side of those who are looting the country. Besides, a 15-days strike is clearly a testimony of something fundamentally wrong with Brazil.

Daniel Castro

I’m against intervention in Venezuela, but I am also against lying propaganda pieces like this one.

Let them be, the ones who support Maduro will endure their private leftist hell for decades, it’s their choice, the ones who come here must be well treated, there is work for everyone who want to work.

King Tudor777

Exactly, let those who want socialism flee for Cuba or North Korea. Thousands of Cubans has fled their country to Miami, but the government restricts their freedom of moving to anywhere they want.


Pretending to understand Cuba I see.

King Tudor777

I’m not a historian, neither a apeciaspec about Cuba, but I’m sure that there was a reason for thousands of people who are fleeing a country do this. They don’t simply take a boat and cross 140km of ocean for nothing.


I agree that Bolivarism shouldn’t be justified and glorified. To those who know, Simón Bolivar was, under Jeremy Bentham, a revolutionary serving the British Empire in the Americas. Bolivarism is essentially relabeled Communism which destroyed the middle class and reallocated the wealth in the hands of the few while keeping the country backwards economically. Such can be observed with Venezuela and the reason why surrounding countries are repulsed by it – fearing they too could be infected.

On the other hand, Bolivarism is a sense of hope to those who don’t want to be dominated. If only they knew who instigated the very ideology they defend. Division always served the British Empire (now known as the Anglo-American) well.

King Tudor777

Wow! We finally agreed on something! Thanks Lord! The only thing I was trying to say was that the bolivarianists also have guilty about this issue!

King Tudor777

Just to show you some reality, Brazil has jailed politicians for the last 4 years, hundreds of them and their corrupt companies allies, and the strike was against the diesel prices, which are high due to more than 50% of taxes on the total price, people wants tax cuts, but the communists disapprove it


I hear on taxes and Communism.

Question: were the jailed politicians all on the same side (pro Lula/Roussef and anti-Temer)?

King Tudor777

Not everyone, because the Venezuelan government has restricted people who are trying to move and because Brazilian government has closed the border on a regular basis, in order to “prevent chaos and instability” as they say (just to make it clear, I also don’t support the current Brazilian government).

King Tudor777

Ok, ok, not everyone. Only 87% of a 30 million people population that is starving, according to Caracas University data. It’s not everyone, but it’s a big part of the population and a big amount of people, but if you think these lives worth nothing, it’s your opinion, not mine.


I’d question the bias of the data – especially in the light of western meddling in the country and the illegal foreign sanctions.


Learn what?


Not for long, the US is taking out oil producers all over the world to force up the price.

Nothing personal, it’s just how the Amerinazis do business, a million dead here and there, it’s worth it to maintain Wall street and the empire.

Daniel Castro

Well, we do not depend on our oil production, it is just a small part of our economy.


It’s got nothing to do with US oil production, but the US TAXES every single barrel of oil sold in US dollars. Higher price, more tax going to American banks

Also, most US oil production loses money if the price is under 60 bucks.
Beyond that the US is a global rapist, it rapes small poor countries so the American people can worship the rich like Buffett and Trump.

Daniel Castro

Well, Brazil ain’t no small country, and we here have something called pro-alcool, a government program made in the 70’s to replace oil for ethanol.

As I said, we do not depend on selling oil to feed ourselves, we may go through trouble in economy, but if Brazil is starving for lack of food the rest of the world would be dead already.

King Tudor777

If you had read what I said you wouldn’t be saying that. Of course the Anglo-American-Zionist alliance has a lot to do with Venezuela and it’s crisis, but they’re not the only blamed, that’s what I’m trying to say. People are too blind to understand that not all the evil of the world comes from this damned alliance. People want to say Maduro is an innocent and did nothing wrong. Does the US-UK-Israel alliance have blame? Of course, and a lot, but the communists inside Venezuela also disgraced their own country and contributed a lot, maybe more than the US-UK-ISRAEL alliance to this huge crisis.


The “UK-US-Israel” is hardly an alliance. The British Empire only morphed to become the Anglo-American Empire (see Carrol Quigley’s The Anglo-American Establishment (https://bit.ly/2Ho2PV6)) and Israel was created by and for the oligarchs of the British Empire as a bridgehead in the Middle East. The fake father of Zionism (who admired Cecil Rhodes) Theodor Herlz didn’t write “England will get ten million agents for her greatness and influence.” in his diaries for any reason. Israelis are Anglo-Saxon-American tools. Everywhere the ASAs where involved in modern times, you had Israel not far away (directly or indirectly). Take the case of your own country:

“At the time of the Olympic Games, trouble broke out in Brazil, aimed against President Dilma Rousseff. She was destituted after a parliamentary procedure which, although it was perfectly legal, was totally contrary to the spirit of the Constitution. This coup d’Etat was carried out under the control of the Central Bank – whose n°2 was a Brazilo-Israëlian – by deputies, many of whom have been shown to be guilty of corruption. The State security services remained curiously passive during the coup. This may be because, during the Olympic Games, they had been placed under the coordination… of Israëli experts. Currently, the new President, Brazilo-Lebanese Michel Temer, is now widely contested.”

Towards a “Latino Spring”?

The reach and malice of the Anglo-Saxons is unfathomable to most as most are unaware of their true history. If you’re interested in finding out more, see Webster Tarpley’s Against Oligarchy (https://bit.ly/2d124GS).

We may go back and forth on who is to blame in Venezuela but at the end of the day, it’s about one very thing, and that one thing only: oil (petrol). Not Bolivarism, not Maduro, not Communism but the oil – and the Anglo-Americans want it. The (illegal) economic sanctions on Venezuela – that cut off billions in loans, revenue, that created the shortage of essential goods (medicine, food, etc), all of which skyrocketed the inflation – were not the work of locals but foreigners.

Daniel Castro

There is one problem with your logic, and it is this:

There was anglo-zionist empire before Chavez and Maduro came to power, and countries with oil being harassed is a known trait in history since the end of 19th century.

So, you can’t just shift all the blame to your enemies when you know you should have acted in first place tostop them to do you harm. USA lowered the price of oil not to just fuck Venezuela, but mainly Russia, they also attacked Ukraine and Syria at the same time, so all this time Russia had to figh sanctions, low oil price, two wars and a miriad of other coordinated attacks on all possible battlefields (inteligence, cybernetic, media, and som many other we don’t really know), and yet russians are not starving.

The logic is the same, and even russian government admits its dependency on oil and gas was too high and caused them too much damage, but at least they had reserves and acted accordingly. Instead of asistencialism they invested in food production, they didn’t try to meddle in currency let it flow naturally.

This argument, it is all the blame on the anglos (and believe, we latins have so much reason to hate them all the way bach to the XVI century with their attacks) does not stick anymore. Yes, they are the enemy! But didn’t Maduro knew that already? He should have acted accordingly, and I have explained many times here how it must be done, but he just went along acted as if we live in the ideal world.

Of course, these bloivarists don’t really care for the consequences of their actions as long as they are in power, they are not stupid, having USA as their enemy play just right for them because then they cankeep up golding power eternally shifting the blame to the enemy. Pretty much like the deep state in USA with its eternal russophobia.


Brazil is receiving 1000 refugees from Venezuela every day. Colombia is receiving even more.

What is going-on in Venezuela is a push to implement a full flag communist dictatorship regime. And Maduro government is using the same receipt used in Cuba may decades ago.

They are creating deliberated scarcity of all kinds of goods and providing the the population a kind of “rationing book” (caderneta de racionamiento) with quota of every product one can purchase every month. Under the pretext to solve the scarcity they – Maduro and his gang – are expropriating (stolen) all private industries and companies. When all industries are in the government hands, then there is a full flagged communism. And this will stands forever, as is in Cuba.

Be aware, Venezuela is providing for Cuba 100,000 barrels of oil every single day at no cost. The Castro family sell such oil and take all the money for their pockets. Maduro is just a puppet of Cuba, as Chávez was.

Cuba is doing something similar is also on-going in Brazil.

Brazil under the communist Lula da Silva and hist communist Workers Party gave to Cuba a full sea port, Mariel Port, in a loan never paid back. There is also in Brazil around up to 30,000 Cuban medical doctors (nobody knows exactly how many). Brazil pays some billions of USD every year for that, and 90% of the money goes to the Cuban government (the doctors receive only around USD 280/month). So Cuba is also exporting and exploiting slave labor.

There are news about similar Cuban imperialism exploitation in other Latin America countries ruled by communist governments, like Bolivia.

Daniel Castro

Exactly, you have this people talking from across the globe, they don’t understand what bolivarianism is.

King Tudor777

Exactly, my friend, I’m from Brazil as well. They were trying to implement a huge communist dictatorship all over Latin America, but they were stopped. Maduro and his gang, alongside Lula, Dilma, Castro, Rafael Correa, Evo Morales, Cristina Kirchner and Tabaré Vázquez all need to be stopped. Their aim is to unite our countries under the rule of bloody dictatorships that had killed more than 100 million people all over the world.


Ask yourself who instigated Communism in the first place and who enthroned the dictators in question.

Hint: the same looting Brazil now.

King Tudor777

Yeah, some of them really did, and it doesn’t mean I like or support them, but it also doesn’t pardon the communists, they also did a lot of wrong things, both of them created big problems for the countries and for the people. In Brazil, the military dictatorship fought the communists on the ground, but they adopted the strategy of dominating the universities and schools, and it’s working for them. Related to the 12-day strike, it’s against the current government (which I don’t like as well, it’s extremely corrupt, just as the last one) and it has nothing to do with the communists or unions.


Most of the people going to Columbia are actually Columbians who fled the American regime in Columbia.

It must make you Americans feel really big and strong to destroy small countries like Venezuela Yemen Libya etc.
Does that feeling of power give you a stiffy?

King Tudor777

If you really knew about the living conditions in Venezuela, you’d see they are mostly Venezuelans. I agree with what you about the American destruction, they love to intervene and fuck small countries, making them their slaves, but Venezuela’s issue is more related to the communists’ mistakes than to any other things

Daniel Castro

Esquece esse povo, eles estão tão presos em dividir o mundo entre aliados e inimigos dos EUA que não conseguem ver que o fato do Maduro ser um aliado circunstancial da Rússia e China não significa que ele não é um criminoso que destruiu o próprio país.

Eu estou fora desse debate, ta aparecendo até uns nazistas por aqui.

King Tudor777

Sim cara, não dá mais, eles nao conseguem enxergar que a culpa pode ser de mais alguém além dos americanos. Eles acham que os caras sao os demônios, culpados por tudo, nao vale a pena perder tempo com essa gente mente fechada e de posições extremas, que querem santificar e demonizar pessoas em vez de concordar e discordar de ideias. Bom saber que há pessoas sensatas aqui no South Front e que são brasileiras, fico muito feliz com isso. Agora eles vao traduzir esse texto e nos xingar provavelmente, hahahaha.


No Venezuela’s problems are caused by the USA.
The US lives off countries like Venezuela, they bribe corrupt people, like Temer in Brazil and get rid of honest leaders like Lula.
America is evil, it does evil things to foreign nations, and also to the American people, but Americans are so brainwashed they can’t see it.

Daniel Castro

Honest leaders like Lula?!

You don’t know what you’re talking… Lula is a PIG, he is the worst kind of mafioso, killed his own comrade Celso Daniel which was about to disclose corruption in the party in 2002 before Lula was elected.

Corruption history of Lula is old, he was fake opposition during the dictatorship, would organize strikes to favour factory owners.

You are seriously brainwashed to say such things.


Lula took Brazil from a debtor nation to a prosperous nation.
Temer, installed by the USA has got Brazil back in debt to Uncle Samuel and destroyed the Brazilian economy.
Are you some sort of strange commie, who would rather be poor than affluent?

Daniel Castro

No, brazilian debt was just nationalized, the years of economic growth udner Lula wre at 1st, due to the commodity boom caused by Bush’s war on terror, and after 2008 crisis it was due to government overspending and debt based economy which fucked many households.

I say and say again, you know nothing about South America, even less about Brazil.




A person who lies about one thing, will lie about everything.

Daniel Castro

That’s why I say you know nothing, you speak out of your ignorance.

Brazilian debt was nationalized, external debt was turned into internal debt. which is gigantic, the return of external debt is something recent, and all due to economic crisis created by PT overspending.


you do sound like an amerkan to me and to the rest that read what you post here. I am sure they all have a good laugh, all the while thinking is it possible somone to be so far gone into stupidity and ignorance of fact as you are. But then one word comes to mind. He is an amerkan, so yes its possible…..

Daniel Castro

You certainly are not brazilian, if you were you would know that noone here defends Lula anymore, with the exception of really indoctrinated militant leftists, everyone knows how corrupt and criminal he is. Want a proof?! If he were loved by the people he wouldn’t be rotting in a minimum security cell right in the center of a big capital city.

You see here, take the time to read these posts, some 3 or 4 brazilians commented here, all of them against Lula and the left, we are sick to be fooled by this delusional ideology.

It’s clear now noone here knows about Brazil or Latin America reality, you’re all gringos, europeans, russians, muricans, chinese, middle-eastern or whatever, you have only misconceptions and clichês about South America in your head. Stop pushing your ideals into us please, we don’t need them.


not brai washed that can happen to the person if it has brains. amerkans are people who live on a six pack and drugs and have sigle brains. If I judge by what I seen been there and the morons posting here. I come to the conclusion amoebas are smarter than they are.


I concur.


If you want to see Americans going full tard, check out the comments at zero hedge. Some of these dudes think Hitler is still alive?


i only do that when I am in the mood of a good laugh. Most of them lso believe that star wars and star trek, are based on fact and real events. Not to mention that many believe they have moon bases and actually amerkans been to the moon.

As I said when you are from genrations since childhood on behavior modification drugs, you believe what the box tells you to believe. Every time I think thats it they can not go any lower amerkans always prove me wrong.

King Tudor777

Lula, honest? Are you crazy? Lula, Temer Dilma, they are all corrupt. Car Wash operation has revealed a lot of corruption both about Lula’s and Temer’s allies, from almost all the 28 parties in the Congress. Go and check the operation Car Wash history.

Joe Dirt

Aww did USA destroy your terrorist shithole of a country? LOL


Not yet, but they will they rule Australia, and I don’t like invaders.
We had an independent leader once, he introduced universal healthcare, pensions for widows and free education.
But the idea that the people of a nation are entitled to its wealth, so infuriated the US, they got rid of him. Since then Australia has been ruled by the US ambassador, I hate people from other countries who take food from the mouths of my fellow Australians.
Time you lazy c–ts got a job and stopped bludging off the rest of the world.

John Mason

Queensland had free health care from the 1950s to late 1970s, then the BS started with Medibank which was a flop and Yank system of Medicare was introduced which is a blatant rip off and exploited by the medical/pharmacy to the hilt.


The only difference between Medibank, and Medicare, is the name, they are exactly the same. I was there, how about you?

Also the Australian pharmaceutical benefit scheme was so good, that the UN adopted it. That was the final straw for the yanks and they pressured the Howard Government to allow Drug companies onto the decision making panel of health professionals. Since that time the costs have blown out, but of course American drug companies make more money that way.

John Mason

i was there but as a child, my father told me.


I shook Gough Whitlam’s hand at the Lane Cove town hall.
The wife and her girlfriend wanted to go, I didn’t care, so I and her friends guy went to the pub for a quickie, just as we got back the limo pulled and he jumped out. The women were so envious.

Joe Dirt

Hate America? USA will be glad to stop protecting you from the Chinese. Hope you like eggroles…HAHAHAHAH :D


That’s a typical American attitude, because you would invade and pillage any nation you can, you think all others are the same.
Why would China invade Australia?
We sell them all the minerals they want, and the cost of occupation would be higher than buying the stuff.
Not every country is a war mad aggressor like the USA, most countries want their people to prosper. The US is unique in it’s attitude that the American public are just cannon fodder and easily replaced.
Why do you think the US allows so many illegal immigrants?
It’s to keep people like you poor and disposable, like a paper plate, use it bin it, get another one.

Joe Dirt

China’s army has literally mocked Australia! LOL China is militarizing the S. China Sea for future invasions. Your government took all your guns away leaving you defenseless against any foreign invader. Soooo….You are fucked without the help of the mighty USA.

Hope you like eggroles….lol


amerka shit4brains go back to the hole that drop you.


Soon the US dollar will collapse, the empire will also collapse, because without the money the US extorts from the rest of the world, they can’t afford their military.
Also, virtually all international loans are in US dollars, and if the dollar price drops to say the value of the rupiah, all the poor nations will be able to repay the money the US lent for a tiny amount of gold.

Once the US loses control of the world, the whole world, including Venezuela will flourish, and the American tyranny will finally end.
I hope I live to see the death of tyrant.


If you study history you come to the understanding that slaves as the amerkans are, can never be tyrants, just bullies and hot air ballons that always are controlled by the ones who created them. In their case City Of London. Tell me one free country that pay taxes to another country as the amerkans and the rest of the colonies do. Follow the taxes you know where amerkans belong to.

This what happens when you put in one country all the bad seed of the world and mix it between them. You produce perverts and lgbt, clones. Bad seed need to be eliminated then peace will come again to earth and is our job to take the initiative. Not political mouth pieces.


I not only hope so but look forward to that day but we must not forget,U.S. is controlled by the Rothschild Family, which has TRILLIONS of dollars, not-withstanding the DRUG and Child and women SLAVE/Sex-Trade money, which they have, coming in to their coffers, to back U.S. if they desire to

Time will tell how long they will.


Hi Free
Seen this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5V7Nj-kNeg
Lots of other stuff on various sites but MSM blackout


Excellent and here is my latest comment to my massive Emailing list: including many movers and shakers in the ALT Media business

“We are being inundated with LIES, FANTASIES about the BIG PICTURE and History, by Zionist and Freemason Supremacist Psychopaths and here are some of the most IMPORTANT TRUTHS:

WHO is the number one Enemy – The MONEY CONTROLLERS so let’s start with, The Rothschild Dynasty, and HOW, they CREATED Israel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qlGVkHaeFc AND The BIG PICTURE from “Blackstone Intelligence” : https://youtu.be/LbwhENv0XK4. and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq1bvKRgwww and https://youtu.be/7tyD7xdwVe0

All of that is especially important for Africans. How
many Africans or people of colour are in the House of Windsor (British Royal Family), The House of Rothschild ( The CENTRAL Banker-OWNERS) or the Vatican- next to ZERO, yet there are over a BILLION Africans, in Africa, alone, truly RULED by a “handful” of Whites?….. so I cannot forget my many African Friends – Dr. Mumbi, a Kenyan is ahead of many Africans when it
comes to KNOWING who, at least, ONE of the REAL enemies is, ( second on my list of the “EVIL 3”) so PAY close attention to her: https://youtu.be/YJuezXQg3vA . There is a lot I don’t agree about, with Dr. Mumbi, but she is right on with that one. Further did you know AFRICANS were living in the land we call, America, THOUSANDS of years BEFORE the White man arrived. So,
WHY are you Africans holding those White people in higher esteem than your own, not-with-standing, that AFRICA is where Abrahamic Religions, including Semitic Judaism, Islam and Christianity and even MANKIND started???: Here are only two, of many, documentaries, proving what I say, which starts out slowly, in the firsts link, so be patient.the BEST is several minutes into the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfMhALOg_oI and http://www.raceandhistory.com/historicalviews/ancientamerica.htm

Pass those links on to your Family, FRIENDS and RELIGIOUS leaders. All Africans need to know those TRUTHS.

For those of you, Americans, especially, who think you are AWAKE to the TRUTH about that Criminal entity called ”Israel” and ZIONISM you will love, “The Fetch” at “Inside the Eye Live” May 31
Podcast: http://insidetheeyelive.com/ ( WARNING,Video has some STRONG LANGUAGE ) and from the PROTOCOLS, you
know, the RULES and PLANS, the Ashkenazi Jews,don’t want you to know about: From, former Jew, Brother Nathanael :http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=534 and Protocols of The Elders of Zion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQoUO7Tv1-o&bpctr=1527960999 P.S You may need TOR Browser and lots of persistence, patience and ingenuity to watch this GREAT last link , as it is being CENSORED without saying
it is censored. You’ll know by its behaviour. It took me 4 tries to view
it and I had saved it, about 4 years ago when it WASN’T censored.You can thank Google, via youtube, for that censorship :-)

My African friends will probably not be able to view that last link,
knowing how their centralized Internet is very expensive, very monitored and controlled. I’d be interested to know, from any of you, if you can succeed at viewing it……….. OTHERWISE
the link from Brother Nathanael is still very good.

Learn, improve your life and ACT, with KNOWLEDGE


Freespirit “


“Child and women SLAVE/Sex-Trade”.
Just one of many breaking this news….MSM silent.


Thanks Trevor. YOU may like this one:

“ The Military knows Israel did 911.My dream is that the 5th and 6th US fleets take Israel and cream it.” Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former Marine and a person of the Jewish faith: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_911zion_02.htm


Excellent reading, so good, thanks.


Watch the Israelis convince the Rothschilds to put their gold in Israel for protection. Then the Israelis will convert the gold into worthless Sheckels. Now that would be divine justice.

Hisham Saber

its already done, Jews have stashed trillions looted from the world through monetary manipulation in Israel. Jews believe that Israel will be the seat of global domination.


The US took out the Venezuelan economy, to stop their oil production, US sanctions mean other countries are not allowed to pay Venezuela, so oil exports have virtually stopped.
However the once a decade pillage of the world has begun, so many other countries are about to be destroyed, and the US will take ownership of the victim countries infrastructure.

How it works is very simple
Stage 1: baiting the trap

The US lowers interest rates prints lots of money and lends it to sucker nations. If the countries don’t willingly borrow US dollars, the US installs a leader who will borrow, like Temer in Brazil.

Stage 2: springing the trap.
The US raises interest rates, and starts selling down the victims currency all the dollars in the victim country or region start going home to the US.
This leaves the victim short on US dollars and unable to repay the loans.

Stage 3: the harvest
With the victim unable to repay the loans, the IMF moves in, and forces the victim to sell its assets, power generation, railways, mines etc, which American company’s buy for cents in the dollar.
Now every time someone pays their power bill, the profits go back to the USA.

In the case of Venezuela, the US wants total ownership of its oil reserves and anything else it can get.
The first documented case I know of was during the US civil war, where the north grabbed virtually all the assets in the south, they were called carpetbaggers. It might be coincidence, but Rothschild financed the northern states, and most carpetbaggers were Jewish.

Anyway, this time I think, I hope it might be different, and the US will destroy itself trying to steal the assets of others.

Hisham Saber

Venezuela exports oil to China, and gets paid in Yuan. Which it can convert to gold, to purchase Euro’s, or simply buy main necessities it needs from Russia, China and Iran, for example. All of the above are forming their own economic block.


Excellent knowledge and great comments.

Mike Norman

Venezuela was and is a “dollar zombie” state like most of Latin America. Selling their labor and resources for the almighty dollar rather than building a domestic economy of consumption and investment for the people. They lived and died for the almighty dollar. Now they are paying for it. Stupidity and greed at the highest level.


Obama declared Venezuela a threat to national (UZA) security. That was the most laughable statement from a “world leader”. Economic warfare has been waged against Venezuela for years, and regime change attempts also. When access to international finance is cut off even a major oil producing nation like Venezuela will struggle. Any attempt then to organise the nation is labelled “communism” in MSM. (The fact that Israel with its Kibbutzim etc. is the most communist country on Earth, escapes their attention for some reason). Blaming Venezuelan leaders for mistakes is disingenuous, as the incompetence of most western leaders is shocking. Make no mistake, it’s not a hot war but Venezuela is a country under attack. What was that saying about bankers being more dangerous to a nation than a foreign army?


inmaduro junto a Chavez y su discurso de la invasión hace mas de 10 años, 10 años!!

Merrill Kingston

Seems our government is now calling for a military coup in Venezuela and say the election of Maduro was a sham election.

I live in Colombia and we have family in Venezuela and I can tell you, from first hand reports, that election was not a sham. Venezolanos like the government they have. I wouldn’t want it but, they do. They especially like the free healthcare for everyone.

The reason that country is in such a mess is because of the sanctions our government has put on them for no good reason. Last time I checked, Venezuela hasn’t threatened us in any way whatsoever. We do not need another war to help the citizens of Venezuela to have a democracy, they already have one and they like it. We need to stop harassing other countries just because, they don’t want to use the US Dollar. And, let’s face it, that’s the very reason for all the pressure our government, The Federal Reserve and, Wall Street (especially Jamie Dimond) are putting on Venezuela. It’s none of our business.

Bill Wilson

Fuck Venezuela.Those lazy assholes got what they deserved at the ballot box.


Well America sure is trying to do just that, but the USA just can’t get it up anymore.