On May 24, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) annonced in an official statement that its units had captured a group of ISIS fighters including French-jihadist Adrien Guihal during a special operation inside Syria on May 19. The US-backed force claimed that its intelligence had tracked Guihal for months before it had been able to capture him.
The SDF revealed that Guihal had joined ISIS on 6 March of 2015 after he had managed to enter Syria through the Tell Abyad border crossing on the Syrian-Turkish border.
According to the SDF statement, Guihal played a key role in the terrorist attacks that hit the French capital of Paris on November 13 and 14 of 2015 and in the ramming attack in the city of Nice on July 14, 2016.
The US-backed force said that it had also captured Guihal’s wife during the same operation, but didn’t clarify if it is planning to hand him over to France, or at least to French troops that are now operating in the SDF-held areas in eastern Syria.
Earlier this month, the Iraqi National Intelligence Service (INIS) announced that it had captured five senior ISIS commanders on the Syrian-Iraqi border and in Turkey in a successful special operation, which was coordinated with the SDF.
Several officials of the Iraqi intelligence suggested that a majority of ISIS leadership is still hiding on the Syrian-Iraqi border to this day, including the head of the terrorist organization, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Rats are trying to abandon the ship.
ISIS is caught by ISIS.
Is this Adrien Guihal – “d’Abou Oussama al-faransi” French convert to Islam ?
He did great service to his country with plenty of killings in France
yes killing the young gays and lesbos bobo!
apparently he was involved in few bigger terrorist acts as well
“Prominent”. XD.
I don’t blieve this. Propaganda.
His only prominentness is to be french. XD.
Why do you put shit like “XD” after every other response you make? Are you a fucking moron?
You do realize it makes you look like a degenerate prepubescent moron, right? I mean that’s what you are, but why make it even more obvious than necessary?
Because I like to do it and i’m free to do it.
I didn’t talk about your stupid pseudo and avatar. So, why talking about XD ? XD.
Because it makes you look like a piece of shit.
it makes makes him smell like a piece of shit also.
XD – in Roman numbers X for 10, D for 500, meaning 490 (500 minus 10, because X stands before D).
Exactly !
He is “degenerate prepubescent moron”!
“XD” is because he is eXtremely funny and “cool” in his own oppinion.
exact propaganda the french isis is little menbers daesh is bouc emissaire!!
Why always USA who gives us information about ISIS ??? XD.
Russia and Syria never capture anyone. XD.
Why do ISIS members always have a look on their face as if they have some kind of mental illness? Like seriously… look at any mugshot of them. Totally blank, soulless stare, with a slight glint of fanaticism in their beady eyes…
Probably because most do have mental illness.
The amphetamines they are given also destroys the pleasure sensors in the brain, so once captured and the drug supply stops they become very depressed.
no surprise guy was hijacked…Kurds have new revenue on the top of the stolen oil
This fuckface will be given to France for money. of course just unit involved harvest money
You talk nonsense.
And why would France buy French convert that have participated in killings of few hundred French people in France?
To give him fair trail and to keep him in comfort of french prison so that he can indoctrinate others?!
To have expenses to keep him for life in high security prison?!
It’s war…Their special ops snipers can kill him there…..on the spot.
Case closed.
no killing the gays and lesbos:!!
France is in it…. why would they kill their own mercs?
Well if he is one of them he would be already home by now. Avoiding all the trouble he is in now…..
This french guy just told me that he was killing some gay people there in France (apart of his regular terrorist work)….well French officials would never back up any gay killer that’s for sure. Not every psychopath is “merc”…
No that is right… they used a lot of StreetPreachers (why were these Wahhabi Terrorist Imams tolerated to preach in the first place?) to get them Psychopathic Kids from the Streets & Prisons and got them going to Syria with some MK-Ultra Psy Ops…filled them up with Drugs to get them chopping up the Civilians
“why were these Wahhabi Terrorist Imams tolerated to preach in the first place?”
Well any state is slow to react. Some of those “Wahhabi Terrorist Imams” were sent back. The very big problem is their citizenship.
Stripping of the citizenship on terrorist charges is big issue in EU let alone stripping of the citizenship for only calling people on terrorist acts.
You can send them to prison not back where they came from if they are French citizens. Now they take away citizenship for terrorist acts in France.
One reason more not to bring them back if they are in Syria in prison.
UK,France and some other secret services are involved in creating Jihad for their purposes just like CIA and Mossad
UK,France and some other secret services are involved in creating Jihad for their purposes just like CIA and Mossad…
That is what I meant…AnglozioNazis tried to Create this diversion and Make Westerners Hate Islam with False Flag Attacks… Wahhabism is the Tool to do that. Through this creation of another “Operation Gladio” implement a new Divide & Conquer Tactic…this Extremist Doctrine is taught worldwide with Support of Saudi Arabia…to Create hate against All other non Salafistic Wahhabi Infidels…and thus have two opposing sides… that would love to spill eachothers blood….
“this Extremist Doctrine is taught worldwide with Support of Saudi Arabia”
You just forget Israel !
War between Sunni and Shia is everything they ever wanted.
And… did it work in the End? As far as I can understand they operate together now… which is a Great thing…the Middle East should Unite and forget their AngloZioNazi created Hate towards eachother…cause to begin with… we are all just human bein’s… with the same Supremacist Enemy….that is out for total Control & Destruction of this Earth
” did it work in the End?”
You mean…did Israel and Saudis “operate together now”…?
If you talk about Sunni and Shia in Syrian army I can’t talk about that because I only know what I read from news….
SAA is malty-ethnic army and there are also Sunni there
I’m sorry I am not sure to understand your comment…
Oh no I meant with: did it work in the End.. the Continuation of Sunni & Shia Rivalry and Hatred…let them be brothers.. they are just caught in a treacherous web of deceit….played by the West & Israel….
You are right.
I wish it is so simple..
I think their only hope to go over their differences is to understand that Israel is their only true enemy.
Sunni & Shia rivalry will not be overcome easily unless they start to fight common enemy.
Unity among people is what they fear the Most….that is why they broke up the “Tribal-System” in which people had a bond and replaced it with their individualistic system like in the West… much easier to control…they want a society of traitors so that everyone will be too scared to speak…they have done it before and will do it again if given the chance….
The things are NEVER the way they plan them !
They are powerful but they do NOT control everything.
The fight goes on and there is always hope!
For me there is… I’m the one that still believe in that spark of life in Humanity…humans were not born as Zombies…change can come gentle and without force… but if gentle does not work… brute force will make elitists listen… people taking “ Their” Earth back is a lot of people to fight…I don’t believe there is a force here upon Earth capable of winning such a fight…Unity a magic word..but again.. it will be their own choice…
I do not know about “Humanity”
It happens but there is not much “Humanity” in this world.
“change can come gentle and without force”
I personally believe that those changes that “come gentle and without force” are the deepest and the strongest of all.
They are like water, they find its place quickly and easely
I hope it will be like that…saves Suffering & a Carnage…Evildoers brought to justice for some reconcilation though…on the other hand, lead me like a Lamb to the Slaughter isn’t an option either…
Perhaps you should stop lookin’ in the mirror…
Perhaps you should stay extinct. Or go do a tribal dance around some bonfire.
Civilization has moved on without you. You don’t matter anymore.
You never did…and you never will… you are a sorry ass loser…a nobody.. and folks like you should go extinct too… would be very nice..
“Folks” like me will continue to prosper and succeed for millennia to come. Little irrelevant crybaby bitches like you will simply be buried in ashheaps of history. You’re a relic of the past. You were born an irrelevant, primitive piece of shit and you will die an irrelevant, primitive piece of shit, and noone will remember you when you die. It’ll almost be as if you never existed.
You will die resentful, angry, unfulfilled, and alone… unloved and unwanted like most of your lineage of the past 2000 years. Cry some more tears over it, Mr. Apache.
Hahaha….I wonder how long a sack of shit like you will last bitch…I would love to fight faggots like you in a war… probably that is why war exists in the first place…it’s an opportunity to kill fuckfaces like you….Karma will get you bitch… remember that…. hehehe
Go take your fucking meds, Mr. Apache, you delusional angry fuck.
You’re a little pussy ass bitch who sits all day behind a computer and likes to talk shit and vent his anger at the world. New flash, the world doesn’t give a fuck about you or your “people”. You’ve never been in a fucking war let alone wielded a weapon. You’re probably some obese suicidal autistic piece of shit living in poverty in some shithole hut in the middle of some reservation in the Mojave desert.
I have a hard time imagining some Pocahontas (Liz Warren) piece of shit like yourself being able to “kill” anyone. You depressed emo faggots couldn’t even handle the common cold. ROFL.
Mister ZioNazi-Hasbara-Hamster…you obviously don’t know shit about me…which is good… you on the other hand are just an Infiltrator for your Masters in IsraHell…. your bloodline will happily end with you… impotent little Dwarf…the Last of your Species…go get your $hekels and have some fun… before you leave for Satan’s Happy Bonfire…
Oh wonderful, the autistic little runt gets pushed into a corner, his feathers all ruffled and so he does the one thing he can resort to is putting on a tinfoil hat and accusing most of humanity of being some… let see here… “zio nazi hasbara”.
And not only that, i’m apparently some “inflitrator” for “israhell”.
I can just imagine what a fucking queer you must be if you ever get into a petty argument with someone at a restaurant or in an Uber/taxi. I bet you immediately launch into some tirade against the “joos” and start screaming at the top of your lungs about “infiltrators”. How pathetically awkward rofl.
So let me get this straight, did you seriously convince yourself that anyone who hurts your poor little feelings is now part of some grand globalist NWO joo driven conspiracy to “infilitrate” your pathetic fragile little brain, and they’re being bribed with “shekels” by “satanyahu”?
How pathetic LOL. No wonder you have no friends.
And plus, what would there be for anyone “infiltrate”? Sorry, but neither you nor anything you say is of any relevance of consequence in the real world. The only thing in your life worth penetrating is maybe your mom’s nasty snatch at the local casino. And maybe your fragile little ego.
Stay extinct bitch.
Yeah you are a ZioNazi-Hasbara-Hamster… and by mirroring your pathetic inner self and project them on others you try to influence the narrative… makes the story more real…but you are an impotent sick little Dwarf… that must be High on Opioids & Meth… and kill yourself…make the world a little better…
a “zionazi hasbara hamster”.
What about that punk ass from high school who used to steal your lunch and give you wedgies every day. Was he a “jewish satan worshipping war criminal”. And what about that fast food worker who didnt get your order correct? Was he a globalist NWO jewish baby raper trying to “infilitrate”?
I’m laughing my ass off so hard right now.
“Influence the narrative” lol.
What narrative? You haven’t said anything remotely intelligent, let alone anything remotely comprehensible to be called a “narrative”. I can’t blame you of course, your nearly extinct genetics are a huge factor in your pathetically low IQ.
With my pathetically low IQ… you gave a pretty nice psychological insight in the Fucktard you are, in a very short period of time…all I can say is…: Die soon….folks like you should just go & Die… very fucking simple
What “psychological insight” did I give you? That I’m apparently “Satanyahu’s zionazi hasbara” or something? Great “insight” LOL.
Plus, why would I “die soon”? I live a happy and fulfilling life, and I enjoy tormenting delusional ultra sensitive grown children like yourself. There’s no reason for me to die.
You and your kind though, there was never a reason for you to exist. You’re basically a nonfactor in all of civilization’s history. How pathetic and depressing that must be. No wonder you fucks have the highest suicide rates, LOL.
Yeah it would have been better if your Species had such high suicide rates… But the Filth & the Scum obviously will prevail…I wish folks like you good luck in destroying the last remnants of Earth… before you all leave to meet Your Great Fiery Master…
And what species is that? Is it the evil colonialist bankster species from Israhell or is it the zionazi hasbara rodents from “Hell Aviv”?
The same Species as you…pathetic pieces of Excrement….it is a type of people…and you are one of’m
Ah, so its the zionazi hasbara rodents from Hell Aviv?
Question though, considering I do all my business with Satanyahu’s “banksters” and conduct all my transactions in shekels, how many shekels would it cost me to buy out your family? I don’t imagine members of your nearly extinct species would be worth much….
I’m not interested in $hekels…keep’m, and have some fun for your short pathetic miserable life…
It’s not like you’d have a choice in the matter, you’re not the merchant, you’re the property. LOL
Hahahaha…..like I said you don’t know shit….keep guessing bitch… you are pretty bad in it…you folks are easy…
Here’s what I know. Neither you nor your family are worth shit. So there’s nothing else worth knowing.
You just find a nice strong tree to hold your overweighted fat Body… tie a rope on it and hang yourself….for a bit Happier World hehehe…
I’m a little confused, why would a native american try to talk to me about my “body”? lol…
And I don’t know “shit” about you? I know that you’re a socially awkward autistic piece of shit living in poverty and venting his anger at the world over the internet. What else is there to possibly “know”? Don’t delude yourself. You don’t have anything of importance for anyone to inquire about. Your life is a miserable wreck and your legacy is and will continue to be one of abject failure, like all of your ancestors were. I don’t need to “know” anything else in relation to you.
Says who… it is the image of your own life that you project here… I cannot find any facts about myself in your text… yeah angry perhaps… with your Fuckface ZioNazi Brotherhood…Cunt
Well you can’t find any “facts” because your entire existence is predicated upon living in some sort of delusional bubble and you waste your pathetic life explaining all of your own personal failures, your anxieties, your mental disorders, on some grandiose crypto jewish satanic conspiracy rofl.
Nope I said ZioNazis… You come up with Jews….and you are a ZioNazi-Hasbara-Hamster…don’t try to put words in my mouth here…don’t get confused boy…is your heart rate going up bitch?
Cool, am I also part of Satanyahoo’s evil globalist bankster, or is my shekel payroll too low for that?
You are Nothin’…. just a Nobody…
Well that’s not true. I’m either a “zionazi hasbara hamster” or I am nothing. You can’t have it both ways you know that. MAke up your mind already.
A ZioNazi-Hasbara-Hamster is nothin’…. Vomit is somethin’ too.. Excrement is Somethin’… but nothin’ at the same time…it’s waste…and that is what you are…a waste of time…
Well if vomit and excrement are “something”, and that “something” is anything like you, then clearly I have no motive to be something. I’ll spend my time being “nothing”, counting my “shekels” and laughing at your heritage and race , which is made of “something” (human waste).
You can count your $hekels until they come for you….and they will come for you….and then you’ll have to swallow them and swim…
or I can just throw a few shekels at your mother’s feet, and she’ll disrobe and suck the zionazi nectar out of my satanic testicles.
Yeah come over to Holland… great Idea…when do we meet? I’ll pick you up from the Airport meself….
Ask your mom, she’s at the red light district working right now to keep you well fed.
I invite you to come over… just take the invitation bitch…
Invitation accepted. How many shekels does the ticket cost?
You have to fly from?
Hell Aviv obviously. Where else could a ziosatanic nazihamster come from?
Thought so… for folks like you a cocaine transport to Amsterdam should be free of charge….do you like shooting kids up in Hell Aviv by the Way? It seems it is your most Favourite Sport up in IsraHell…
No, but I like shooting up heroin in your mother’s butthole. Bitch needs the fix to get thru her day.
Your mother obviously gave you away by birth because she was a Crackho’and your Dad was her Pimp or a customer… that is why you probably got this Oedipus-Complex
Your mother obviously went to take a shit, and then gave birth to you out of her anus. That’s why you’ve been an angry and resentful piece of shit your entire life, fouling up everything you touch and repulsing everyone you come across.
Yeah I piss on Folks like you… and with a reason… because you are excrement of the world…
aww how kind, I’m very thankful that “folks” like you exist. Without your type around, I’d have no excuse to spit on your graves and desecrate your shrines while long dead tribal elders roll over in their graves.
Keep doing that….you’ll die faster…squirming like a little piglet
Your mother squirms like a little piglet every time i sodomize her anus for just a few shekels.
You don’t know me Cunt…come over to Holland… you Chickenshit Coward..you little Keyboard-Cockroach-Motherfucking-ZioNazi-Parasite… you’ll die soon…for me a war won’t be a problem… because I would be hunting for Cocksuckers like you bitch…put them legally out of their misery…
Like I said before, there is nothing to “know” about you. You’re not worth knowing, and your species is nearly extinct. You’re like rabid dog, sputtering and belching all over the streets and barking like a little savage. But you are all bark and no bite. You don’t know how to fight, and all your thoughts and opinions are worthless and will be rendered irrelevant by the wider world. I’ll come over to Holland when your mom shaves and disinfects her nasty cunt and whenever she feels like getting sodomized again. Go talk to her.
I will likely not die “soon”. I will live a long and fulfilling life, and I will enjoy every moment thoroughly spitting on the graves of people like you, who will remain unloved, unwanted, and utterly irrelevant, the same way you’ve been throughout your entire history.
Now get back to doing what you do best, crying about “hell aviv” and “satanyahu” or something, or just jacking off in a corner and crying yourself to sleep. You’re not good for much of anything else.
I invited you to come to Holland… we can have a good old duel in the woods… you & me… Axe, knife or gun… I leave that choice up to you….if you are such a brave man you’ll take my offer to fight it out, Mano a Mano…lemme know if you are man enough to take the invitation….the only cry bitch I see is you little faggot….
and I already told you I accept your invitation. But you’re too busy wailing over your dead ancestors and your worthless heritage. Plus, you gotta make it worth my time. Your moms nasty pussy, plus a nice lump sum of cash at a bare minimum. My time is worth actual money. Remember, I’m not like you, wasting their life away, leading a totally meaningless, unfulfilling existence. I have an actual job, an actual social life, an actual circle of friends and family members, and actual goals that I pursue every day. You on the other hand are a useless leech on society, probably living off the Netherlands welfare system, are likely unemployed, lonely, miserable, and busy spending his days being a professional victim of global zionist goons hiding around every corner or something. Purchase me a plane ticket and pay me for my time, and maybe we can set something up. I got better, more productive shit to do than purchase a $4000 round trip ticket to Amsterdam for a few days just to slice your eye sockets out and sodomize your mother.
you are nothing…. if you were the man you pretend to be… you would have accepted my invitation without beggin’ for some money… you are a chickenshit faggot with a big mouth…
So I am supposed to spend massive amounts of time and money on every little wimpy ass faggot that talks shit on the internet to me? Sorry, but you’re not worth that much. The white people considered you worth less than dogshit, why should I consider you anything different? You haven’t shown yourself to be worth anything more than dogshit so far. It’s not my fault you’re broke and unemployed, that you can’t even pay me for my valuable time. That’s just a result of your inferior intellect and genetically low IQ (typical paleolithic savage). Blame your parents, your poor life choices and your genetics. Don’t blame me or the “Satanyahoos” for your own life failure and misery.
You keep giving information about yourself…sick little creature… try to give a good desciption of me… because up till now you fail… You are the sweaty little parasite sitting behind his computer… your only job is typing bullshit for your masters on the internet… you must earn a lot of $hekels….
Well considering how angry and frustrated you seem with every response, I suspect much of what I have said about you is true. It certainly seems to resonate you and to strike a cord in your emotionally fragile state of mind. You’re incapable of even enduring a few online insults and then you pretend like you want to/are able to fight? You’d squeal like a little piglet, and your life would get snuffed out of you, much like all your “people” got snuffed out to near extinction.
Btw, I am honestly really curious. Where do you get this notion that anyone who insults you over the internet is getting “paid” by some evil jewish cabal to hurl insults at you? I mean I don’t really understand… You might as well say I’m a reptilian from the planet Nibiru or something. Do you really think you’re important enough that someone on the other side of the world would “hire” someone like me to make you feel shit?
I can pretty much assure you it isn’t quite that complicated. It’s very simple. I see a piece of shit, I point out the piece of shit and then I call a piece of shit for what it is…. a piece of shit. There’s no shekels, hasbara, or “zionists” involved. You’re just a repulsive, unintelligent, unhygienic savage from the paleolithic age that has somehow managed to still get by in the modern world, that’s all there is to it. The world doesn’t need you anymore, so why not lend a helping hand and contribute to your own extinction? You’re clearly miserable and unsatisfied with your own life, so why do you bother even living? Just die… noone will miss you anyways, and you know it.
I am a white Caucasian Male Cunt…. that is how stupid you really are…and you will pay for your remarks faggot…your familymembers will die of a sickness, I will pray for that be sure of it…when something happens… think of me fuckface…
Oh, so now we’re back to lying, are we? I mentioned multiple posts ago that you should stay extinct and your response was that I should “go extinct too” or some shit like that.
After having humilitated you and exposed your fragile little ego and your pathetic heritage, you want to withdraw and claim that you’re a “white caucasian male”. LOL. Sure you are.
You’re a pathetic paleolithic savage who’s on the verge of extinction. Nobody is going to “pay” for anything. Maybe I’ll pay your mom a few shekels to sodomize her native American anus.
Your pseudo religious pandering and threatening of karma isn’t going to help you in life. Me and my family members will continue to enjoy our lives in comfort for decades to come. Your piece of shit whore mother will die of AIDS, you’ll likely die from an overdose of anti-depressants or some other form of suicide, considering how fucking shitty your contemplation is, and how pathetically miserable your life seems to be. Either that, or you’ll die of cancer, or at the hands of some Wahhabi immigrant headchoppers in Amsterdam, who could care less about your native American roots and heritage.
The only cockroaches on this planet are confused little paleolithic savages like yourself, who have been unable to adapt to the modern world yet, but who stubbornly refuse to die out. But you miserable fucks will die out, and everyone in the world will be thankful for it.
Keep “praying” for whatever you want. Nobody is listening and nobody gives a shit about you. Crying like a fucking child on an internet board because somebody in the online world has insulted you makes you look really weak and pathetic, which is probably an accurate reflection of your real life, much like everything else I have said about you.
To some degree, I can understand your anger and frustration. You literally have no value, and that fact alone makes you angry and resentful. Your problems are your fault and your fault only. There’s no “paid hasbara trolls” putting their boot on your neck. You’re just an inept and incompetent loser, and there’s not a single society or culture in the world that would accept you. You are just a drain on society’s resources and a disgusting stone age savage polluting people’s fields of vision. Go fucking jump off a bridge already, your worthless piece of shit.
You little cocksucker are losing himself… you are a weak little psychopath…you must be very angry by now right? You Little cunt…
Why would I be angry? I am not the one threatening some anonymus individual over the internet to come take a flight to their country and “fight in the woods”.
Plus, why would you ever want to fight me anyways? How would that benefit you? The only thing that would happen is you’d have your tender tongue cut off and your eye sockets gouged out, leaving you walking blind for the rest of your life. Why would you wish to make yourself more miserable? Do you revel at the thought of your own needless pain and suffering? Is it comforting to you? There’s no need to be a masochist.
Only a provoked angry child with a low IQ does that sort of thing, or a Native American on the verge of extinction LOL. Moreover I don’t entertain wild conspiracy theories calling everyone a “zionazi paid hasbara cunt” or something simply because someone insulted me over the internet. That just only shows how delusional and pathetically fragile you are.
I can only imagine what a fucking retard and socially awkward loser you must be out in the real world. I bet you walk the streets of Amsterdam peering around every corner expecting some jewish pedophile to lunge at you from the shadows and molest you. I wonder why that is. Did something happen to you in your childhood? Did you grow up crying in a hotel room while your mother was getting sodomized by strangers after shooting up heroin? She was only trying to feed you after all.
I’m not really sure why you think I’m “miserable”. You’re just kind of repeating my observations of you. You’re completely incapable of saying anything original (that’s why your type of people pretty much never contributed anything worthwhile to global human heritage in the last 8000 years). I literally laugh at your angry juvenile outbursts and macho talk over the internet.
It is you, not me, who thinks I’m some sort of agent trying to “infiltrate” you or whatever it was you said lol. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that you are a pathetically lonely, isolated, and socially awkward individual in your own personal life. You definitely don’t have any close friends and probably got picked on by people like me in school, and now you think some obscure news site like Southfront is a great outlet for your angry outbursts and resentments against the world. It’s a way for a powerless weakling like yourself to pretend like theyre powerful. It’s a way for someone like you, who has no power, and is of no importance, to feel like they’re important and powerful.
But the sad reality is that I’ve exposed you and easily punctured your fragility. And you feel angry and humiliated from hearing the truth. Nobody cares about, nobody loves you. You are completely lonely, isolated, powerless and stupid. I am absolutely certain you don’t have a job or a career. You don’t have a future. You are a drain on society and even your family probably despises you. And it makes you angry to hear this. Just realize that it is largely your fault along with a few other factors.
It’s a combination of your choices, your poor upbringing in childhood and your low Native American IQ and poor genetics to top that off.
The world doesn’t need you merijin. You’re a parasite and a nuisance to everyone in your life. Without you, the world would be a better place. And the funny thing is, you know this all too well. You know this, and you dwell on it every night before you go to sleep. Go take a hike or down some medication. You’re a hopeless example of what people across all cultures would consider to be an utter failure.
I know you are a Cocksucker ….that’s why I will keep bothering you… just because you are a Cocksucker… I don’t give a fuck whether or not you are a Hasbara… you showed me who you are…Excrement…Nothing… a Cocksucking Cockroach…That will pay for his remarks… I’m happy I’m not you…you sorry Ass Nothingness… you are cursed… good for you…
Your threats are entirely empty and meaningless. And you’re hardly a “bother”. It is very entertaining to see a mentally unstable native american savage frothing at the mouth like a rabid wild dog. That doesn’t “bother” me at all. How exactly am I going to “pay” for my remarks. You are completely powerless, weak, and unable to do anything to me. I can spit on your family’s grave right in front of you, and you would still not be able to do anything but squeal. That’s all you can do…. squeal and rage on the internet all day. And I just laugh at you and your misery.
Come to Holland… Be my guest you chickenshit coward..
Buy me a ticket and pay me for my time. Why else would I spend money to come? Just so I can cut your tongue out of your mouth? Neither your tongue nor your diseased life is worth anything.
Are you a poor Motherfucker?
Not at all. But as I’ve explain 3 times already. My time is valuable, unlike yours. Time is money. Time is a currency that you cannot buy. There is an opportunity cost of choosing to do one thing with my time over another thing. Think about what you asking me to do. You want me to spend a few thousand dollars and take a few days off just to go to another country, just to meet some angry unstable piece of shit on the internet named “merijin”, just so I can cut out his tongue and slice his eye sockets out. And what will I get out of it? Nothing. Your life is worth nothing to me.
In fact, your life is probably worth nothing to anyone. That is why you are so angry, not because of something I did, but because your life is a piece of shit, judging by your hostility and the content of your responses.
Plus, even if I were a billionaire, I would not give away free money (except maybe to some non-profits). I certainly wouldn’t spend my time, energy, or wealth on degenerate undeserving savages like yourself. I’ll let Holland’s taxpayers foot the bill for your mental health issues, I’m not here to take care of you or tend to your needs.
Your Mother’s Dad must be Your Dad too, you little inbred motherfucker…It has had its effects on your mental capabillities…
Well considering all my responses to you have been entirely coherent and spot on, I’m assuming you’re just projecting here. Native American savages are known for inbreeding, hence their pathetically weak genetic lineage. That’s not to mention some bestiality thrown in here and there. I am sure if someone analyzed your genetics, they’d find plenty of dog and swine, mixed in with some buffalo. No wonder you’re exterminated like animals, because that’s what you are!
You just copy paste shit… you inbred motherfucker…
I didnt copy paste anything. I just type out my responses. You on the other hand are too busy raging and shouting empty threats at everyone in the internet, calling them a “hasbara” or some shit LOL. Talk about being “inbred”. Your time would be a lot more efficiently used in just remaining extinct. Or crying over “Wounded Knee” over 120 years ago.
Parasites like you are a cancer…something you can do without… get a Braintumor to fill the emptyness inside your skull..
Don’t burst a blood vessel now, angry redskin, LOL. The only “emptyness” is inside your soul, and your lifeless facial expression. Must be those animalistic genetics.
May your offspring come into this world deformed & sick… just like the Maggot that you are
Your wishes, prayers and desires aren’t going to come to fruition. Remember, natural selection and nature doesn’t care about your inferior instincts. We’ve already established how useless you are, so your “condemnations” that something “may” happen are just in vain. Your entire tribe and heritage is deformed and sick, that’s why you’re nearly extinct.
May your parents die in bursting flames
Cool story. What else? Let that cancerous rage out, see if it makes any difference, you buffalo worshipping savage, LOL.
May your wife die from breastcancer
May you go extinct. OH wait, you nearly are!
May the boys you raped take revenge on you
If I was interested in raping boys, I’d ask your redskin chief for instructions.
You are a rapist… and you would love to work as a Dr. Mengele bitch… you would rape & chop up all day with a hard on sick fuck
The only one I’d rape and chop up is your family. Because then it wouldn’t really be “murder”, but merely slaughter and meat processing.
No… you are a sick psychopath that would love to chop up babies just for your own pleasure… you would have loved Vietnam Bitch
Only babies that would come out of your mom’s nasty cunt. As they’d all end up being half-retarded abominations, like what you ended up. A total drain on society’s resources, and hopelessly half literate buffoon. Chopping you up when you were an infant would only be an act of universal justice.
Hahaha come & get me Bitch
Get you for what? We’ve already established your cumulative net worth… approximately zero.
Then just simply rot from the inside out… let cancer eat your pathetic parasitic fat corpse
Well I’m not fat and I don’t have cancer. That tends to be a native American thing.
You are a fat fuck…a useless collection of meat & bones… good for feeding maggots
I’m sure you’d wish that upon me. Why don’t you go pray to a buffalo and hope that that ends up being the case.
The irony of someone like you calling someone “useless”. LOL. What have you done in your life that is remotely useful? I guess you might qualify as a source of boring entertainment. Besides that you’re not good for anything except self loathing and keeping suicide counselors employed.
Buy a rope… hang yourself… for a better world, make some people happy including your parents
Well I have a job and I actually contribute to the world. The only thing you’re good for is… as you mentioned… “feeding maggots”… like your ancestors did at “Wounded Knee”.
You clean toilets..that’s your job… you lick them clean because you like the taste of shit
I clean my own toilet, yeah. You can’t even afford a toilet, you just shit in the streets, like all your ancestors. You also give birth to offspring by taking a shit.
I shit on you..
You wish you could shit on me. All you’re good for is shitting all over the place and feeding the maggots.
I wish I could chop off your head…Cunt…
Of course you “wish”. I’m sure you “wish” you were more than a degenerate shit eating maggot, but nature doesn’t give a fuck about your wishes. You’re at the bottom of the social hierarchy and the food chain.
Nature will give you some unforseen surprises bitch
Like what? Fertile soil after I shit on your ancestors graves?
Cancer for your whole fucking family…
Your whole family is cancer. Spitting on your heritage is the cure.
Well your whole family is cancer, and spitting on their heritage and defiling your graves is the cure.
Your mom licks my ass clean, I don’t even need toilet paper anymore.
IsraHell… The U.S….UK… France…Wahhabistan
What about Salafistan and Takfiristan?
Sharpen up the Guillotine!
frenchies preominant menber isis?? responsable attack paris! and rejoint daesh in mars 2015! foutaise and propaganda!!
It’s too Bad they send them all back home…it could have been a great opportunity to get rid of a lot of Psychopaths….just throw them of a high building…