The Syrian Arab Army (SAA), Liwa al-Quds, the Palestinian Liberation Army and other pro-government factions are developing their anti-ISIS operation in the areas of Taqdam, Yarmuk and al-Hajar al-Aswad in southern Damascus.
According to pro-government sources. army troops have captured new points in the eastern and western parts of the ISIS-held pocket. The current goal of the SAA and its allies is to isolate the Yarmouk refugee camp. These efforts have not resulted in a success yet. However, considering that ISIS is steadily loosing ground in the area, this scenario is inevitable.
useless SAA cant take a few streets without iranian russian hezbollah support also there is no fight whatsoever most isis members are undercover assadists.
After 7 years of bloody war it is not a surprise.
Oh, is this the internet Haagana? You trolls are useless.
I guess been of the hasbara defective DNA, is your only excuse for sounding like a retard. Tell me are you what they call intelligent among your defective dna tribe of bastards who never know, who their father is?
Knowing that they killing Jewish mercenaries, but still Muslims, they are not motivated.
But if the Israeli were there instead I think the SAA would be much more motivated and go much faster
Hahahahaha is this a troll?
even wores than troll
it is JEW troll !
IDF will not dare to confront SAA and Hezbolah on the ground, never mind the Iranians. Run to uncle Sam for help or settle with the PLA, SAA, Hezbollah and Iran to gain true peace, security and legitimacy from your neighbours.
The Israeli economy must be parasitic shit, because that seems to be the main employment there, the employment of being trolls and spammers.
you are the biggest spammer goyimi
Well we know you mean the opposite of what you say useless Israel can’t fight armed soldiers so they murder the unarmed.When you say “there is no fight whatsoever most ISIS members are undercover Assadists”, this is what you actually mean ,”there is no fight there because Israel is negotiating the release of their undercover Mossadist agents whom are most ISIS members in Yarmouk”.
KEEP ISIS on the RUN hopefully they would RUN into ISRAEL THEIR SUPPORTER
US and UK in WW1 and WW2 directly invaded other countries but now US and UK use their spies to assassinate the patriotic politicians of countries and control the governments by their own puppets. US and UK needs more military bases around Russia and China to surrender them.
US and UK have created and supported Israeli migrant state and ISIS state. Due to Israeli and ISIS brutality they both became quickly notorious and both declared terrorist organizations. ISIS state has dismantled by Syria, Iraq and by their Russian and Irani allies. While for the Israeli terrorist state the Russia and Muslim world are Uniting to dismantle it and rescue the hostages.
Perfect, by the way hope you enjoy:
Never trust the russo-shiite propaganda it is based on the lies.
Sorry, other way around.
Up yours zionist fake Muslim.
HaSSbara toss pot.
As long as even single Israeli terrorist and ISIS exist in this world then forget about peace in this world.
As long as even single US and UK army soldier present outside US and UK border then forget about peace in this world.
good news goe SAA ans PALESTINIANS!!
On the secon vid i see a Kuznyetsov-class tank. :DDD
Fuck off solomon kupec. …
Clear propaganda. One need not be a Muslim to abhor zionist and its results in Israel so far!
Ah Israeli spambot garbage plaguing this site.
The bloke on the right has the wrong flag; his allegiance is to the one with a swastika in it.
u mad bro?
Why don’t you go back to your old account you used that phrase a lot on it before or are you now paid in shekels and shackles.
No, honest.
I am a little Hasbara toss pot, I snort and shout , tip me over and watch me pout!
the bullshit cooked up in the comments here is amazing. Is somebody paying the trolls here ? Too bad because some of the information of might be true. I would like to point out that Israel or US bashing doesn’t get us anywhere. The enemy is ISIS and it clearly has nothing to do with Israel. What I would like to ask all of you is why it is taking forever for the united forces of SDF, Iran, Hezbollah and Russia to invade and conquer this tiny spot of land so close to the center of power of Damascus. Why ?????? this is taking longer than the liberation of Mosul.
Then explain Benjiman Efreim why he was caught along with other Mestarivem (MOSSAD Agents) leading Al Qaeda and ISIS cells in North Africa, others are either dead or fleeing capture . Then explain why the US CIA/DoD knowingly and willingly armed and trained Al Qaeda/ISIS for Arab Spring and to invade Libya,Egypt, Syria , Iraq and Lebanon do you have need to explain that one babalou. Hey Mosul was liberated in 10 months while demolishing the city and killing thousands of civilians by the Coalition strikes such a bright idea March 24 2016 to January 24 2017, yeah right you noob!!
Steady progress limits casualties and avoids morale-sapping setbacks.