Syrian Army Splits ISIS Pocket In Southern Damascus Into Two Parts (Map)

Syrian Army Splits ISIS Pocket In Southern Damascus Into Two Parts (Map)

By Wassim Essa, click to see the full-size image

On May 3, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Palestinian Liberation Army (PLA) managed to split the ISIS-held pocket south of the Syrian capital of Damascus,after capturing several key positions between the district of al-Hajar al-Aswad and the Yarmouk refugee camp, including the cemetery area, according to the Hezbollah media wing in Syria.

Syrian Army Splits ISIS Pocket In Southern Damascus Into Two Parts (Map)

Click to see the full-size map

The Syrian pro-government news outlet Damascus Now said that the SAA had captured a heavy VBIED of ISIS during their advance in the northern part of al-Hajar al-Aswad. Moreover, SAA soldiers killed several ISIS fighters and commanders.

The ISIS-linked news agency, Amaq didn’t report any new operations of ISIS south of Damascus, which could mean that the terrorist group’s defense is collapsing there.

The SAA and its allies are planning to launch two new ground attacks on remaining fighters of ISIS in the Yarmouk camp from the northern and eastern directions in the upcoming days. These attacks will likely result a the full collapse of the remaining ISIS defenses there.

Syrian pro-government activists claimed that the SAA and its allies are planning to kill or capture all the remaining ISIS fighters in southern Damascus. However, an evacuation agreement still remains possible, according to local observers.

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You can call me Al

Do you have a cold mate, you sound a little blocked up (noice).

Eric Gregory

thanks, guys


Creating pockets has proved to be a very succesfull tactic. Way to go SAA and allies!! whooohoo!!!!

You can call me Al

The pincer movement – what do they saying about learning from history ?


Good thing the Jihadi’s cant read. ?

You can call me Al

hehehehe – lol.

You can call me Al

Total of track, this is off …..”OPCW experts look to do testing on the bodies of suspected chemical weapons victims in Douma, which were buried in secret by locals in an attempt to save evidence. It’s the first time OPCW will exhume bodies “……. oh vey, the saga continues !!


Who knows, maybe they’ll even find Sergey Skripal there :D

Pave Way IV

Or his daughter’s dessicated Persian cat, killed by MI-6 for collecting intelligence for the Iranians. They found some suspicious CDs hid under the cat’s pillow.

You can call me Al



Live map is a jihadi site, they will say any BS or excuses for their false narratives.

You can call me Al

Got it, cheers.

Pave Way IV

Jihadi? Well, I suppose… in that big data jihad sort of way. It’s run by a couple of Ukrainian assets (the anti-Russian kind) for the CIA. Their address is a P.O. box just down the street from spook central.

Liveuamap LLC
P.O. Box 247
McLean, VA 22101

(But you didn’t hear this from me – I don’t want my damn cat Skripal’d.)


What WON’T they do to keep that story alive?


Unless ISIS has been expecting this and has tunnels (maybe packed with explosives) underneath the area. Pockets might not work so well in urban settings.


Maybe, but so far all goes well


They probably do have tunnels. Just like the tunnelrats in East Ghouta did. But they still lost once the SAA got in their rear and started to divide them up into smaller pockets.

Cedric Hunter

Yes. Carving up the rebels areas into indefensible pockets forced the rebels into deploying everywhere, thus thinning their lines and exposing their support and supply networks to aerial detection.
Very good job indeed. But endlessly negotiating with them is wasting opportunities. Crush them in every pocket and let them surrender from starvation. Surrender or die. That’s all


Great to see ISIS split into is and is no more. And PLA helping to spearhead this divisive split. We await your historic triumph…….


Are you aware of the number of civilians trapped in the ISIS pockets ?


What are you implying?


I am implying nothing Drogba.

I asked a simple question of whether and how many civilians are trapped against their will in the ISIS pockets in Damascus.

We know that civilians were held against their will in Douma and used as de facto slaves to dig tunnels etc and if any civilians are left in the ISIS pockets I would be interested to know.

You can call me Al

Actually Florian, for once I am not fully sue what you are getting at. There could be 10, 100, 1,000 or more, but unfortunately and I hate to say this, it doesn’t matter to me – ISIS are the ones that needed eliminating – no evacuation, no cease fire.

The SAA + allies have a good record of trying to save civilians, but if they must perish (and I know this sounds dreadful), they should have united and taken the head choppers off 1 by 1 at the beginning.

I was frustrated by Douma – where they were finally freed and then many of them volunteered to join the SAA, come on…. even in France of all places, The Netherlands, Norway etc. etc, in WWII the resistance fighters risked everything to join he resistance and fought.

I know it callous and a disgrace, but for the good of the many, unfortunately some must perish.

PS Yes my anger is really aimed at the Yanks, the hooked noses and the rest of the invading bastards, but enough now…

David Parker

I hear you but practically speaking, look at police brutality and outright murder by cop here in the US. Not every victim of the police is an illiterate pilfering black pimp living on welfare. I am witness to the fact that the cops will attack a white man in broad daylight for demanding that a cop identify himself before submitting to the cop’s god status. So what do you recommend?
Should I put a 30-06 through this particular cop’s head?
Cops here view the general population as enemies. They are unable to assimilate in the general population. They are privileged with immunity for what are felonies if done by the average man. They are a special protected warrior class in the US, operating with impunity much as US soldiers operated in Iraq against the Iraqi people. This is also the privilege of the top bureaucrats in the federal mafia, such as Bill and Hillary Clinton, James Clapper, James Comey, et al.
How do you recommend an unarmed unorganized population such as the people in Damascus to attack a well armed and organized CIA army of mercenaries?
Do you think that maybe the terrorists have not given a lot of thought to the fact that they are outnumbered by civilians?
Very much like the government here in the US, “Homeland Security” is intended to suppress the American people. The federals have us under constant satellite visual surveillance and monitor all communications. The feds have demonstrated that they have people who are willing to kill their “fellow” Americans with no provocation at all, an example of which was when the FBI and BATF gassed and burned some 82 men, women, and children to death at Waco, Texas, all over funding the BATF.
FBI “hitmen” are willing to shoot women holding their babies, as the brave FBI “sniper” Lon Horiuchi demonstrated when he shot Vicki Weaver through the head on orders from Janet Reno, US Attorney General. The federal government attack on the Weaver family began with federal marshalls trespassing on the Weaver property the day before Randy was scheduled to appear in court, shooting the family dog, which had detected the trespassers and started barking, then murdering Randy’s son, who was with the dog, and took fire from the marshalls, when the son returned fire. The pretext, the court appearance, was scheduled for the next day. I cheer for the son, who at least got one of the federal bastards.
Lon, as is the case with all federal bureaucrats, is enjoying his generous retirement, living in protected anonymity outside the reach of earthly justice.
Cops invite only cops and firefighters and other government bureaucrats to their parties. Former school bullies have the power to arbitrarily ruin bring down the power of the government’s standing armies, to lives, to directly cause people great financial loss and physical injury.
Here, every attempt to fight back can be tracked, from where the man ate breakfast to where he took on the police. Here the scum who call themselves government are the worst enemies, slaughtering people wholesale as at OK City – the false flag attack to eliminate the growing state militia movement – and 9/11 – the false flag attack to create the pretext for attacking the entire middle east.
So, put your money where your mouth is, how exactly are unarmed people to take on the heavily armed, supplied, and organized terrorists? How do you go about taking on your local police? There is not much difference.


This Power that the Deep State pretends to have is with many heavily armed Troops against a Small group of people…Shock & Awe… The rest of American Civilisation lives under Fear & Oppression, because of Brutal Violence against American Citizens. Once Americans Unite the Deep State will Fall… they can’t cope with large Numbers…So to change things American People have to Wake the F*ck up… Because soon the World Will be Freed of that Bunch of Psychopathic Deep State Fucktards… But they will keep on kickin’ in American Doors as long as they please and have the Power… If Americans want Change, they got to do that themselves… waitin’ for things to change automatically will not work with Satanic Idiots…

You can call me Al

As a Brit, from what I know you are absolutely correct.

I will have to come back to this, because of as now, I am not sure I can understand the full analogy or similarity. Give me until tomorrow please.


I was not making any any judgements Al.
All I am interested in is the approximate civilian numbers trapped in the pocket.
In Douma we had a few assessments.

You can call me Al


There you have the answer.


Thank you Al .
I look forward to counting them as they are liberated :)

David Parker

Which is precisely why Assad and the SAA do not use gas against their own people. It would be very convenient to use gas to snuff out snipers hidden in every concrete apartment building, but the SAA soldiers risk their lives to locate and eliminate snipers one by one.
It is costly and dangerous, but the only way to protect the people the terrorists hide among. The terrorist murderers, the CIA, and their globalist masters await the eternal wrath of God for what they have done in this ancient Christian land.


I agree David.


Ultimately I think that the best way to limit civilian casualties is to get the fighting over as quickly as possible. Better brutal but short then careful but long drawn out. Which in the long term probably causes more casualties and prolongs the suffering.


You have a point but its a terrible dilemma for all those trapped in the combat zones and Russia’s determination to rescue as many civilians as possible will prevent hatred from all the families of those rescued that would have lasted for generations I think.

You can call me Al

But they will be on the goodies side !! –

You can call me Al

I total concur.


Thanks. Thats the first info I have seen about that.

You can call me Al

And PLA helping to spearhead this divisive split and gaining incredible knowledge for it’s future !!.


No free bus passes for these zionist head chopping scumbags.Just a one way ticket to HELL.


Why not? In Nevada, for example.


There are SAA and allies in positions all throughout the remaining Isis controlled areas. These remaining Isis fighters are some of the worst criminals of the whole war who’ve committed many horrific atrocities against innocent people and POWs. It would be nice to capture those that don’t have to be killed and bring some of these worst offenders to justice finally.

You can call me Al

Just in my mind now is to perform the most inhumane acts on these vermin, let them die a long death in inscrutiating pain.

You can call me Al

10-1 a new chemical attack….. as I have a feeling that there are some chaps that need to be saved in the remaining groups.

Oscar Silva Martinez

I think the “chemical attack” argument lost all credibility but I don’t think either the west will remain quite, let’s wait and see how they react

You can call me Al

We are talking about the Yanks, nothing can below their mentality and understanding of the real World’s views.

Java Ape Timelord

I was going to say something similar, The septics tend to do the same thing over and over, expecting a different outcome.

Oscar Silva Martinez



Kill every last one of the primitive animals .


Some skill improvement from non tiger forces. Good experience.


These are extremely tight quarters they’re fighting over, strangely there are relatively low losses and fluidity on both sides. The real question is what produces this collective inaction.


Shut up jihadi boy.


If you don’t have anything to say, don’t say it.

Bill Wilson

You must mean a lack of major action/fighting while making rapid advances. I believe there’s a low number of ISIS fighters stuck there and not very good ones at that since Assad’s generals felt comfortable using experienced regulars instead of the elite units.


First, the Tiger Forces are Assad’s elite force. Next, you can see individual houses on the above map, there’s nothing rapid about this. These ISIS fighter almost certainly lack training, but I was eluding to extreme internal divisions.

Oscar Silva Martinez

I would love to see some foreigners captured alive in this pocket

Roger Snellman

Though ISIS was all foreign muslim extremists? Some idiot here is saying ISiS are all Jewish. What percentage of ISIS are Syrian born?
Any ISIS locals will just melt back into the remaining civilians.

Joe Dirt

ISIS are Americans, Jews, Nazis, neocons, Europeans, corporations, and CNN


you forgot the pope and Vatican.

Joe Dirt

Ahh yes how could I forget…Da Pope

Mine as well list off a few more… ISIS = Spice Girls, Hillary Clinton, Mother Teresa, and Gandhi

Java Ape Timelord

The majority of ISIS are foreign.


I think you mean foreign Special Forces or trainers. Foreign Daesh members don’t matter.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

This si what I suggested to do yesterday I am so happy it was done so fast!! Maybe they read my comment? :)))


I recall your comment.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

thank you :))))


Non evacuationa at all. Request for a total unconditional surrender, and make judge of criminal acts of any member of ISIS (or any captured Israel-Usa-NATO advisor).


Yes, especially those Dai’ish sadists shown displaying heads cut off SAA soldiers on Amaq clips


See map attached – SAA completed envelopment Hajar al-Aswad as shown. Northern sector advance down Yarmuk Street to Waseem mosque, approx line of enemy contact is 707 Northing. Palestine Street axis ongoing engagements from the Martyrs Park (gardens). No info re linking Loubia Street


Nice map.
It was reported that remaining ISIS could be forced to withdraw to E Homs desert area.
I don’t think they really want to go there.