Baghdad is Ready to Ask Russia for Airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq

‘We are seeking bigger role for Russia than Americans’
Baghdad is Ready to Ask Russia for Airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq
Baghdad may soon officially request Russia for airstrikes against ISIS, the chairman of Iraqi parliament’s defense committee said.

“We might be forced to ask Russia to launch airstrikes in Iraq soon. I think in the upcoming few days or weeks Iraq will be forced to ask Russia to launch airstrikes and that depends on their success in Syria,” said the chairman of Iraqi parliament’s defense committee Hakim al-Zamili, Reuters reported.

“We are seeking to see Russia having a bigger role in Iraq… Yes, definitely a bigger role than the Americans,” he added.

It’s likely that the decision arises from the efficient of the Russian anti-ISIS campaign in Syria.

Iraq has already exercising the campaign by sharing intelligence with Russia through a joint information center in Baghdad. Iran and Syria are also part of the center.

In this case, the joint information center’s role will be expanded to coordinate Russia’s airstrikes in Iraq.

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