On April 23, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) destroyed an artillery piece of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in southern Syria in response to what the IDF described as a mortar shelling of the Israeli-held area.
In response, the IDF targeted 1 artillery piece in the area from which the fire originated, in the northern Syrian Golan Heights
— IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) 23 April 2018
According to Syrian sources, the IDF used a guided missile to destroy the artillery position near the town of al-Kawm. The Israeli attack in southern Syria came amid the continued clashes in the militant-held pockets across the country.
In the Rastan pocket in northern Homs, the SAA repelled an attack by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) on its positions at the villages of Salim and Maqsam Hamrat.
In the northwestern countryside of the city of Aleppo, the SAA and its allies have repeleld militant attacks on their positions near the areas of Zahraa and Military Research Center.
In southern Damascus, government troops have further advanced on ISIS positions in the Yarmouk refugee camp area and liberated the districts of Al-Barradi and Al-Barradat as well as the Da’boul street. This advance became possible thanks to intense artillery and air strikes that had destroyed most of the ISIS defenses there.
Summing up the recent events, it becomes clear that militant groups have lost most of its offensive capabilities over the past two years and are now in defense. They are trying to consolidate their areas in southern and western Syria. In turn, the SAA backed up by Russia and Iran is working to clear the remaining militant-held pockets within the government-held area: the Rastan pocket and the Yarmouk reugee camp area.
Should it be done, the SAA will start preparations for clearing the Syrian-Jordanian border from militant groups operating there. This move will face a strong resistance from Israel that sees terrorists in southern Syria as a useful tool of projecting own influence into the war-torn country.
The 8th year of that war will be the last!
Maybe few months more.
I do hope so for the long suffering people of Syria who support a secular way of life and not that of medieval Saudi Arabia.
Who started this war?
Bashit al ASSad, when he massacred protesters and made up non yet existent terrorism.
He, the supporter of jihadi terrorists from Hezbollah!
ASSad´s hoes: always licking his $ hit.
Britain planned this war 2 years before it started.
You sound just like a lying jew troll.
LOL the nazi moron thinks I am a jew!
No wonder you beleive in such stupid drivel.
Typical from conspiracy nutcases!
What I believe is you are blocked.
Tiego Rabacal – you are a NAZIONIST
He’s a paid TROLL ( Avigdor Lieberman’s Hasbara- magg0t)
IIliterate nazi: it´s TIAGO and there is no such thing as “nazionist”. Stupid bumpkin. LOL
Troll or not troll you are blind with a very limited brain similar to a Ship. Have you ever been in Syria? Sure never. I lived in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq for many years therefor listen and close your mounth. Instead of saying stupidy…listen.
How do you guys fall so easily for this scheme time and again? so all it takes to derail a good convo here is one low life scum with a mental age of a 14years?
Because you are all primitive losers and freaks. Ridicule is so easy.
You are inferior and mindless. :)
I find the block button quite helpful.
Nazi cunt, were you in Syria? Nope.
You are a big mouth.
No wonder you nazis are like muslim terrorists: bunch of cocksuckers. :)
The n.1 terrorist of this world is ISRAHELL. YOUR brain is less than SHIP.
Tiago Rabacal is in full retard mode now Jerry
His latest rant is ” Can administrator kick out those nazi s**s: they have no brain and refuse to be useful. :)
Like the turd I blocked. jerry Hamilton.
He is having a go at me now. Its amazing how these rats scurry out of the sewers whenever Israel is getting a bad press ‘For what they do’ :)
I would love to prove the jewish conspiracy, by SF labels as spam all effects at exposing the jewish conspiracy.
But you cant. You are all the same nazi retard with different account and not a single shred sign of inteligente.
Lalt’s Maul, Zion-Jid0w.
Go take a shower
This clone troll Pedro Rabacal at least has some few followers, right-wing and perverse.
A nazi who is against right-wings? Youa re far-right, nazi retard.
This nazi with several fake names is a complete loser who cant say nothing above a dog´s flatulence.
Fuck off haSSbara dickhead.
He’s just one of that HASBARA-magg0ts, that’s his job, to eat sh*t and to launch such g@rbage in behalf of his little wannabe Bibi the Great.
“On putting the probing knife to the abscess one finds the little (or big) Jew like a maggot blinded by the sudden light.”
The lad from Linz
.. just L I K E a lying J€wish TROLL?
This must be the best copy they ever had :))))
Keep this one saved as it is being continually updated – http://markcurtis.info/uk-declassified-documents/
When you open, scroll down to Syria, click and have a look around.
Thank you. Fantastic link.
As President Assad said ” Syria is the only country where the majority of the so called ‘Rebels’ are not even Syrian citizens “.
Saudi Arabia started the war at the behest of the US/Israel, UK, France, Turkey and a few more.
Don’t waste intelligent arguments on a HASBARA-a##hole.
That’s his job, to talk shameless BS and to make Zionistic propaganda for that f’king J€wish-Hitl€rist Bibi Netanyahu
Netanyahoo isn’t a Jew you berk, he’s a fascist pig.
Just try to explain why are you such a stvpid Alt-Rights PEPE magg0t..
Netanyahu is a POLISH Askenazi-J€w, you m0r0n. And if he ‘s NAZI or Commie, that’s a secondary “quality” you dvmba##.
Just get TF out of here,, you ruin with your low-IQ the good quality of the anti-Zionistic Front around here.
LOL Your grammar is so retarded, nazi cunt! LOL
It´s so easy to ridicule you and your fake accounts, nazi cunt.
Guess I really pissed you, loser. :D
Arguing, based on logical arguments, with a Zionist HASBARA-magg0t is like trying to convince a fly to go away from a horse’ a##.
The only way to handle that specimen is to f*ck him one in the muzzle.
Fuck off haSSbara dickhead.
Blow a pig´s d ick, nazi c unt. :) :) :)
Blocked you again. :D
Anarchists can’t be nazis, you haSSbara tosser.
So you have the courtesy to dignify someone who is not in control of his cerebral functions with a response? i admire your good grace and patience..
I was being charitable to another Hasbara double act with little real knowledge apart from ‘foul language’ and a false narrative :)
I do enjoy a smoked kippah.
Thanks. I do that, not because of grace and patience, but because I love to ridicule nazis cocksucker of dogs. :D :D :D
Like you. :)
ISIS only shows itself where US is involved.
Furthermore, they only attack ISRAEL enemies.
I sure wonder who ISIS works for?
And let’s not forget that ISIS even apologized attacking a certain country.
I wonder which country it was(ISRAEL)?. Let’s see…It’s a well known “SECRET” that the US/NATO/ISRAEL/QATAR/SAUDI ARABIA/TURKEY/JORDAN, CREATED, FUNDED AND TRAINED, ISIS MERCENARIES TERRORIST, to overthrow the Syrian government, John McCain, a COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS MARIONETTE worked feverishly with the Obama administration for the last several years to arm radical jihadists across the region in an admitted decades-long plan(REMEMBER GENERAL Wesley Clark) to overthrow the governments of several countries including Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, etc,etc, Hillary Clinton admitted in 2012, while she was Secretary of the US State Department of Love, Peace, Charming, Apple Pie and Lollipops, that Al-Qaeda influenced extremists and other groups on the State Department’s terror list were fighting on the same side as the United States in Syria and that they were aiding opposition rebels. If the ISIS, US created TERRORIST, need any information to evade “US INTELLIGENCE”, all they have to DO is call their BOOSES in the US State Department of Love, Peace, Charming, Apple Pie and Lollipops and ask for ADVISE.
An “evergreen” in the USrael’s foreign politics…
No wonder….
Zionists criminals need to be hit. PERIOD.
tiago….go fu ck yyourself..or your mom or your dad.got a sister dude? fuck her!!
what r you? saudi schum of the earth?or good old nato/zionist motherfucker?
watch 2018 syria and iraq carefully….your motherfucker brothers of is/zio/nato/saud will get seriously some bitch slapping….watch the vids of isis and alnusra when hezbollah fights them, and when captured they cry like babies.R those babies your brothers?man I seriously would like to meet you….180cm 102 kg …I´d bury you motherfucker
i cannot find a single government exist that tackling rebellion and subversion with sweet and flowers. only fools will do. even if syrian government is islamist and there is a liberal revolution..the islamist also will use force not sweets and flowers LOL
Nice excuse for mass murders, mass tortures, mass rapes, nazi cunt.
Democratic Spain didnt do that with spanish people when it fought ETA.
And kurdish rebels are not islamists: they CRUSHED Daesh.
You know nothing, nazi cunt. Nothing. :)
Blocked again. :)
even malaysia use Missiles and F-18 to bomb ISIS alligned Moro Islamist rebels not some sweets and flowers and zam zam water ahahahahahaha
Shlomo, get TF back to your Hasbara-pYgsty and sit there.
Taigo Rabacal you have 0 followers, no friends. I check facts Taigo Rabacal, You could be Portugese or from Medeira but I think you are from the United States. You clearly know nothing of modern history.
HE IS A J€W, a HASBARA-TROLL, paid by the Israeli Government in SPECIAL -propaganda & mobbing-rooms called HASBARAS.
#That his JOB here.
Tomorrow he may appear as ” Ibrahim Daud” or so something..
That’s a whole “Industry” taht doiesn’t do anything else but running thru the Internet and interfere in debates to yell ” Heil Führer Netanyahu” & “Israel has always right, no matter what”
I feel pain for your limited brain mass.
See? That happens when their fathers don’t use the Jiffy-condoms..
I feel laughter for humiliating retards like you, nazi cunt.
Always spreading hatred to try to hide your meaningless and useless life. :)
The CIA wrote a report in mid 2000’s on best available means to destabilize and ‘regime change’ Syria – and guess what, promoting sectarianism was at the top of their list. CIA field operatives started increasing their contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood branch in Syria shortly thereafter.
You are a fucking liar.
Men do not massacre those who support them politically. .
We invaded SYria, just like we have done many other countries.
“”We’re going to take out seven countries in 5 years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran” –General Wesley Clark. Retired 4-star U.S. Army general, Supreme AlliedCommander of NATO during the 1999 War on Yugoslavia .
“You call it whatever you want. I want to tell you. They [the Bush administration] lied. They said there were weapons of mass destruction [in Iraq]; there were none. And they knew there were none. There were no weapons of mass destruction.” ……….. “We spent $2 trillion, thousands of lives. Obviously, it was a mistake. George Bush made a mistake. We can make mistakes. But that one was a beauty. We should have never been in Iraq. We have destabilized the Middle East.””
“That is the phenomenon of the US. Since 1945 they’ve destroyed 73 countries and were directly involved in the deaths of 26 million people. It is a horror show. It just must stop!”
John Shipton, journalist and executive officer of Wiki Leaks.
Shut up stupid…
bla bla bla Just drivel, nazi cunt.
Baseless words void of any inteligence not credible sources.
Always creating new fake accounts because you cant stand being humilated by me, nazi cunt. :)
Imagine that, the dimwitted tool just dismissed a past chief of staff of the US military, the president of the country that invades Syria, and the caretaker of the records purloined from the Pentagon, as well as a real journalist..
Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you dimwit…
And paranoid too…This is the first time, I have had the displeasure of reading your bullshit.
Do you only sing when you’re winning?
Yes and then all of sudden all these “moderate beheaders” become islamists who seek an islamic state and cooperates with Al Qaeda. I guess that’s Assads fault also? Damn! I am so angry at Assad. If I was him, I would’ve surronded the jihadi scumbags, lay a siege on them and obliterate them like his father did in Hama 1987.
Why don’t you just fook off, you brain dead troll.
because you nazi cunt terrorists are clowns who make me laugh at you.
Fuck off.
Blocked again. :D
Yes I agree with you. Everyone thats cheering against syria… most if them dont realise they advocate for those gcc monsters
This war can end this year if Erdogan and Assad sit together and support each other. I know Turkey suffered a lot in Treaty of Lausanne signed between Turkey and Anglo Zionist on 24 July 1923. But Syria is not a separate state that is a part of Turkey because both are Muslim States. Erdogan and Assad both face another big challenge. Now Anglo Zionist have conspired to establish one side Kurdistan and the other side Israel. So how they will flop the Anglo Zionist this plot, for this they need to figure it out together.
Barking hatred and conspiracy drivel against jews.
That never helped you, nazis and terrorists.
Israel still crushed you. And muslims are still killing muslims without israel´s interference, like in Syria!
Good to see you are ok mate.
Yes. Thank you.
You make sense Rob.
Turks are not friends of Syrians. You’re a delusional piece of shit. Lonely and delusional.
I am afraid that Israel-USA-NATO do not think the same. Only Russia can stop this diabolic triple.
When will SYRIA “remind” Israeli Psychopaths that the Golan is Syrian land???
If Syria or their allies fire guided missile towards Israel then what will be Israeli reaction?
Will be crying like little girls and asking the FUKUS(FRANCE, UK, US) to attack Syria.
shit in their pants?
Fu ck off, nazi piece of dog s hi t.
“If you cannot answer someone’s argument, do not panic: You can always call them names.” — Oscar Wilde
“If you have no rational arguments, blame the jews” —- Pdro rabaçal
Small minds have no inteligence for original thoughs, thats why you only have quotes and B.S.
In John 8:42 …Jesus told them(Jews), “If God were your Father, you would love me.After all, I am here, and I came from God. I din’t come on my own. Instead, God sent me.43Why don’t you understand the language I use? Is it because you can’t understand the words I use?44 You come from your father, the devil, and you desire to do what you father want you to do. The devil was a murderer from the beginning. He has never been truthful. He doesn’t know what the truth is, Whenever he tell a lie , he’s doing what comes naturally to him…God divorce the Jews and removed the Ark of the Covenant from them in 587 BC with the destruction of Jerusalem. God send his son Jesus to redeem the Jews and they crucified Him. 70 years later, the Romans destroyed the 2nd Solomon Temple.
Great a religious fanatic. Inquisition is over, freak.
Daamn you are dumber than you look!
The destruction of Middle East is near.
ISRAEL terrorist state produces 23 nuclear Hydrogen bombs each year in Nuclear city of Negev and in Dimona nuclear plants of Dimona town.
ISRAEL produces hundreds of Chemical and Biological bombs each year in the town of Ness Ziona near Tel Aviv.
The ISRAELInstitute for Biological Research (IIBR), located in the town of Ness Ziona near Tel Aviv, ISRAEL hosts the bulk of research related to biological and chemical weapons.
ISRAEL wants more more more weapons and nuclear Hydrogen bombs. Funny how the West(UNITED STATES) that is SO concerned about nuclear proliferation has NOTHING to say about Zio terror WMDs…..I guess its not about the weapons, but who has them, and where their loyalities lay?
Great, you are a complete psycho…
Israelite, the most despicable people in the planet, PROTECTING their INTERNATIONAL MERCENARY TERRORISTS by advising them to launch mortar at Golan Hight WHEN over run by the Syrian army, to be used as excuse to attack the Syrian army, SHAME ON YOU COWARDS.
You are so stupid!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Making up retarded drivel only makes you more retarded than you already are. :)
In 1492, Chemor, Chief Rabbi of Spain received the following reply from the Grand Sanhedrin (elders of Zion) to his plea for advice on how to deal with their threatened expulsion under Spanish Law; it illustrates well how the same ancient agenda was still being adhered to by the elect at this time:
“Beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great a pain to hear it as yourselves. The advice of the Grand Satraps and the Rabbis is the following:
1. As for what you say that the King of Spain obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise.
2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: make your sons merchants that they may despoil, little by little, the Christians of theirs.
3. As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christian’s lives.
4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches.
5. As for the other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix in affairs of State, that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that, humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.
(Signed) Prince of the Jews of Constantinople”
(Julio-Inigrez de Medrano—”La Silva Curiosa” 1608 my emphasis).
Writing all that useless s hi t only proved you have no life, as well as no brain.
Like the pilots said…you only take flaks, when over the target.
Exactly that’s correct.
I blame Israel for what she does and the Concentration Camp of Gaza is just one of a long list of crimes against humanity from that vile apartheid state.
Very true.
Why does SF allow the spamming of the forum with comments about nazis. Then blocks comments that expose the jewish conspiracy. Say Mossad did 9/11 is ok with SF. Prove Mossad did 9/11 and your comment will be labeled spam. Why. Is SF saying they are offended by the proof Mossad did 9/11, but zionists can troll with comments of nazis, and vile things.
Bud… your zio-crack addiction is worse than I had feared. It seems you must be in the terminal phase
Are you talking to your mirror?.
The Israelis just don’t have the mindset for the sovereignty of their country. All this aggression and no negotiation will threaten the actual existence of themselves if they can’t work out ways to get along with their neighbours. It probably won’t be anytime soon, but I can’t see the existence of Israel in the long-term. My guess is that unless they have the backing of a large nation to defend them, there will be huge migration from there because of the contempt held towards them.
I suspect that as soon as Israel suffers a defeat the people of the Arab and other Muslim nations in the Middle East whose despotic leaders ally with Israel today will rise up in their hundreds of millions and demand the neutering of the Jews,particularly the Zionist Jews .
Oh, a nazi jew-hater! *** off with you hatred, nazi!
Plss 0ff jew troll
I am not jew, nazi c unt. LOL
Are you sure? They lie constantly and they are as vulgar as you.
The vulgarity always give you away.
Being stupid didnt prove you right. Actually it confirmed how primitive you nazi c unts are.
No wonder you always lose! LOOOOL
And I will ignore you following s hi t.
Jew trolls are about tonight. You are blocked too.
Hey zio-crackhead…. you gonna call me a Nazi and block me as well? It fits with the well known symptoms of ziio-crack addiction.
Hitler was funded and put in power by racist supremacist Jews rothchilds Rockafellars etc. (the USSA Federal reserve, the bank of England and the bank of France with hundreds of billions of dollars FACT! As was Lenin and Hitler was the father of Israel with the Nazi /Zionist HAAVARA, agreement. making the 20th century the Jewish century. Without their ally Hitler there would be no Jewish immigration to Israel and no Israel and no Jewish world domination today. Hitler hated Europeans. In the Havara agreement pact Hitler and his Zionist allies agreed to kill any Jews who would not go to Israel. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7120849308ae2298be81cbef4e25b90007dc3fdf5690a39286c4afa50e07f777.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7893b725a257adba9a9468bab8686b5f4e8690465821609319e72e9d2fe83901.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/02a4d449d36fb99e125fb879317ec279f8e9f73b523535368b27f226dab9469f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e11a5550681c285238f67a00a8a3731d95f23297cf61d52fcbce8dc566877d0.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e5142fdf79f086ca4e3a87561def9b6b5a7e5c1a08933959cf5dbf361c50987.png
He was then ordered by his Jewish masters to attack Russia and Poland and exterminated over 30 million white Europeans for any morons who think Hitler liked white people, actions speak louder than words. Hitler was to finish what racist supremacist Jews under Yagoda started when they killed over 65 million innocent Soviet citizens.
There is one comical attempt at a cover up here “‘The Haavara continued to function until World War II, in spite of vigorous attempts by the Nazi Party to stop or curtail its activities.”
As if the Nazi dictatorship could not shut this agreement down if they wanted to Ha ha Ha!!! Hitler was the useful tool of Zionists, with the Haavara agreement / pact making Hitler the father of Israel and Hitler was used to savage innocent Russians whom racist supremacist Jews have hated for centuries as Russian and the Tzars held satanic Jews in check for centuries.
What a moronic retard! Such load of shit.
Glad Israel always won against nazis and jihadists like you.
Glad it murdered recently another terrorist from Hamas. HA ha ha! :D
You lose zio nazi, you are exposed. I have proof you have only name calling lies and your hate, with no proof at all.
part 1
Jews selling blacks
Ethiopians outraged over blood disposal
Ethiopian communities respond with rage at Channel 2 report that revealed blood donated by Ethiopians is frozen and disposed of. ‘There’s no difference between my blood and the blood of someone else’ says chairman of Ethiopian students union. Mada: ‘These procedures are handed down by the Health Ministry, and are accepted all over the world’
Jews enslaving blacks
They are from “SOS Racism” some of the very few good non racist Jews so again I hope you will allow it on this site for all to see.
part 2
Make sure to watch from 2:40 onward at least of link below
part 1 of 4 Michael Ben Ari Israeli Knesset member. Like I said nothing beats the confession, don’t take my word for anything listen to them for yourself!
Racism vs. Africans in Israel (2/4)
Racism vs. Africans in Israel (3/4)
Racism vs. Africans in Israel (4/4)
Jews want Africans OUT.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA new link
Ester Vorknach: Sick & tired of racism in Israel
Jews selling blacks
Ethiopians outraged over blood disposal
Ethiopian communities respond with rage at Channel 2 report that revealed blood donated by Ethiopians is frozen and disposed of. ‘There’s no difference between my blood and the blood of someone else’ says chairman of Ethiopian students union. Mada: ‘These procedures are handed down by the Health Ministry, and are accepted all over the world’
part 3
A DNA test to prove racial purity to get citizenship this is the very definition of racism how can it be more racist?? Indian Jews resist DNA tests to prove they are a lost tribe
‘Teen told she can’t join Birthright without DNA test’
A professor from St. Petersburg, Russia, is claiming that in an act of “blatant racism,” his daughter was made to undergo a DNA test in order to prove that she’s Jewish – and eligible for a Birthright trip to Israel.
see google the telegraph as my links to it here are now blocked
Indian ‘Jews’ resist DNA tests to prove they are a lost tribe Inigo Gilmore in Jerusalem Members of a remote community of Indians who claim to be descendants of one of the 10 lost tribes of ancient Israel are resisting plans to carry out genetic tests to prove their Jewishness. The group,which calls itself the Bnei Menashe (or children of the biblical tribe of Manasseh), fears that the plan by a group of American and Israeli scientists to carry out DNA tests may undermine its claims to Jewish ancestry. He said: “Over a number of years, Jewish blood has mixed with non-Jewish blood in our community. So would the DNA test show that we are Jewish? Maybe not.
So are people then going to say that we are not Jewish and dash the hopes of the rest of the community to move here? Even if it is not proven according to a DNA test, we feel Jewish and we will still be Jewish.” Take the racial purity test to see if you are part of the superior racist and supremacist master race.
Part 4
Racist supremacist Jews hate historical facts and ban them. Don’t forget Lincoln is the most hated figure in human history after Jesus by racist supremacist Jews. Any white person who defends the confederacy is a stupid, useful, animal, beast, stooge, patsy taking the wrap for the Jewish run slave trade as racist supremacist Jews say, because the South economically and politically, the slave trade, banks financial system, courts, military, etc. the government, was totally run by racist supremacist Jews as the entire USSA now is. today.https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/12392db1db04b55b084d87cd907e2e19a7e25e74adf7ff532c7a676d87de65da.png Jews were so influential in those colonies that slave auctions scheduled to take place on Jewish holidays often were postponed, according to Marc Lee Raphael, a professor of Judaic studies at the College of William & Mary. http://www.jta.org/2013/12/26/news-opinion/world/dutch-rabbi-confronts-jews-with-ancestors-complicity-in-slavery Judah Philip Benjamin who served as the Attorney General, Secretary of War, and Secretary of State for the Confederacy. The first Jewish-American to serve on an executive cabinet in American history, he has received the title “brains of the Confederacy. One might say Jefferson Davis was the stooge puppet of Judah as Judah ran the military, the courts and international relations and THE security services for the confederacy, the first Mossad. See below Judah’s face was on the $2.00 confederate dollar bill. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/judah-benjamin http://www.jewish-american-society-for-historic-preservation.org/images/Judah_Benjamin_Article_-.pdf https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjhiMWC7rvUAhVnxoMKHVCKAwUQFggqMAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.civilwar.org%2Flearn%2Fbiographies%2Fjudah-phillip-benjamin&usg=AFQjCNHaG0unm6egkHM_UNuomRGGztmsLQ&sig2=Papy7_D1THDWDNgLQNUg6A https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ad5ee0d0d5febec51af46f04527884ae1c81f7e20aab7b3cd93269ebf07c575a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/57ccaf45f334c4c8eb85e0876f917e3eab8d243c2c6fbb0c4e17892fe78cad2c.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1d056044aa631c59907a6b36af23b22e4c6e6b882780a067650c93c87f295244.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9f0fb6ae3ab8cf99bc7e11b4e52f821478c1219e3c7ad20eda4ce058baf6fdef.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2ba743d3099a50a48552252e6612f90f6010badbb32239d63c34e24fa6f013ba.jpg
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/judah-benjamin http://www.jewish-american-society-for-historic-preservation.org/images/Judah_Benjamin_Article_-.pdf https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjhiMWC7rvUAhVnxoMKHVCKAwUQFggqMAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.civilwar.org%2Flearn%2Fbiographies%2Fjudah-phillip-benjamin&usg=AFQjCNHaG0unm6egkHM_UNuomRGGztmsLQ&sig2=Papy7_D1THDWDNgLQNUg6A
Part 5 The Greatest Mass Murderers of all Time were Jews, says Jewish Columnist
Racist supremracist Jews killed 65 million Goyms in the Soviet Union
“And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name Genrikh Yagoda, the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD.
“Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people.
“His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system
Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Speaking from personal experience as a Gulag prisoner, Solzhenitsyn gave a candid account of Jews in charge of the Soviet prison camps in his book, Two Hundred Years Together.
According to his observations, Jews made up a clear preponderance in the Gulag administration and in the early Bolshevist government, saying that of the 22 ministers in the first Soviet government three were Russian, one Georgian, one Armenian and 17 were Jews. In addition, he points out, from personal experience once again, that “two thirds of the Kiev Cheka” (secret police) were Jews.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7893b725a257adba9a9468bab8686b5f4e8690465821609319e72e9d2fe83901.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7120849308ae2298be81cbef4e25b90007dc3fdf5690a39286c4afa50e07f777.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/02a4d449d36fb99e125fb879317ec279f8e9f73b523535368b27f226dab9469f https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/02a4d449d36fb99e125fb879317ec279f8e9f73b523535368b27f226dab9469f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3e11a5550681c285238f67a00a8a3731d95f23297cf61d52fcbce8dc566877d0.jpg
PaPart 6
Wall Street Funded the Bolshevik Revolution – Professor Antony Sutton
Putin; 80-85% Bolsheviks Revolution were Jews.
In 1937, another book appeared in Germany called Jewish-Run Concentration Camps in the Soviet Union, which revealed that Communist Jews were the commandants of 11 out of the 12 main Gulags.
11 of the 12 Gulag extermination camp commanders were Jews.
Jews made up a clear preponderance in the Gulag administration and in the early Bolshevist government, saying that of the 22 ministers in the first Soviet government three were Russian, one Georgian, one Armenian and 17 were Jews.. In addition, he points out, from personal experience once again, that “two thirds of the Kiev Cheka”
Part 8 Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews
By Marcy OsterOctober
18, 2010 10:40pm
JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his
weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews.
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the
world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion
of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat.
“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will
reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat,” he said to some laughter.
Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel,
See very good videos of how Jews treat Goyim.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6ffb20d9914b974fe8777b02fb1262ba11007ccad25a9fa376b9ded10f18c11f.jpg
Part 9
You are is the racist supremacist revisionist NAZI holocaust shoa denier of the biggest mass murders in human history first the black holocaust of 400 years of slavery and extermination of Africans in the Americas by racist supremacist genocidal Jews and then the extermination of 65 million innocent Soviet citizens by racist supremacist genocidal Jews like you!!! I never use to believe evil existed on the earth but you prove it does in persons like you
The following is a lecture by Rabbi David Bar-Hayim whose biography, and gently smiling face, you can find on Wikipedia. For our purposes, just the first paragraph will be enough. It says that Bar-Hayim is an “Israeli Orthodox rabbi who heads the Shilo Institute (Machon Shilo), a Jerusalem-based rabbinical court and institute of Jewish education dedicated to the Torah of Israel”. Not a lightweight by any means, and a man with established credentials. Now let’s listen to what he has to say.
I strongly encourage you to take the time to carefully listen to his entire lecture (1h47m) to not only convince yourself that my chosen excerpts are not partial or taken out of context, but also to get an emotional “feel” for the man who not only is an articulate speaker who is clearly used to teaching, but who also conveys a coherent picture of a man who gave these topics a great deal of thought and who has to courage to call things by their names rather than to “remain silent” like so many of his “politically correct” colleges.
So here is this lecture:
also, and just in case this lecture would “mysteriously” disappear from YouTube following the publication of my article, I decided to re-upload it here:
Yes tell us all how the Times of Israel, the Jerusalem Post, Harretz etc and all these Rabbis and Knesset members are all lying and anti Jewish. Give us all a good laugh, it will be very amusing.
Remember it is only Jews saying and confessing to these things I merely re-post what they have posted and said, see the links. Nothing beats the voluntary confession!! You lose Zio Nazi.
To all Goyims on this board, if you don’t already, I suggest you study the Jewish Press – the ones based in Israel – in order to get a full understanding of what Pedro Rabaçal and his racist supremacist Jewish bretherine routinely plan in respect to the Stupid Goyim. Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself. Nothing beats the confession.
It is where I get almost all my info. You’ll usually see them admitting things
that would never make it into the Jewish owned American or Western media, and if you’re not up on the Zionist, Jewish, racist, supremacist, global confederate slave empire, their rantings of hatred and racism against all Goyim and bragging of their murdering millions and millions of Goyim and their total control of countries like the USA, Britain France, German etc. in their racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire it can be quite enlightening, indeed. A sample
Ex defense minister says IS apologized to Israel for November clash.
translation ISIS apologized for accidently attacking its master. One does not
apologize for attacking an enemy. Why doesn’t the Guardian talk about this???
Moshe Ya’alon’s office refuses to elaborate after alluding to contact with
terror group You won’t see this on our heavily censored Jewish owned media.This should be front page news and on every T.V.
They show this in Israeli media but if any media or politician in the Israeli
occupied slave empire showed it or talked about it here they would be called racist, arrested etc. for talking about and reporting on the truth. Nothing beats a confession this time from the Israeli defense minister.
Is there any doubt who the creators and masters of ISIS and Al Qaeda are???
Is the times of Israel and the Israeli minister of defense anti Jewish and
against Israel for saying this???
Just Some Photographs of Israeli Soldiers Hanging Out With Al-Qaeda in
The Zionist trolls are recognised world wide for their obsession with faeces Jerry.
General Patton wrote to his wife stating that the jews from the camps had disgusting personal habits .
Where you aware that Patton came to an untimely end just after writing a letter to his wife saying that the jews were the problem?
Who cares. What is clear, whoever or whatever you are, is that you are a zio-crack addict
Mad nazis retarded barking drivel never refuted. me. :)
***ck off, nazi junkie.
Watch your language boy
Yes, I am not very fond of Nazi ZionistJews.
In fact Nazi Zionist Jews actually give real Nazi’s a bad name.
Shame on you Tiago.
You made no sense. Guess nazis never do. You are below dog crap.
Shame on you for being irrational and murderers.
Each time one of you is killed, the world is richer.
Blocked, nazi c unt.
Your looking in the mirror.
Yeah, and I watched a nazi freak who got burned for being stupid. :)
You lost, you are blocked. :)
I have never seen so much BS on an article.
Not sure how they communicate when they claim to be blocking each other. LOL
Because that nazi retard is always creating new accounts. :)
I don’t know which one it was, just block the tw4t
Calm down, puberty will eventually run it’s course. Or in your case, curse.
Calm down, senility already runned it´s curse. LMAO
They do have the backing of a powerful nation though.
They have been the obstacle of peace from the word go.
Is anyone here aware that FDR died exactly one week after sending a letter to Saudi Arabia stating that he would not support the jews in Palestine?
I was not Jerry. Thank you for that info.
who is FDR?
I’m more thinking in the longer term when the US is forced to concede a lot of it’s global power. It certainly wouldn’t be hard to undermine their nation given where it’s located.
SAA and their allies should advance from the left side of the Yarmouk pocket.
At the right side of the pocket are rebels and from the left side should be SAA. Advance in the middle between two separate groups is like reconciliation which will hinder SAA advance.
The SAA should make sure they take any action other than what retard “Rob” says, and they’ll likely be very successful.
A good rule of thumb is that whenever retard Rob talks military strategy, is to simply assume that the opposite action is likely the most prudent.
Thank god we don’t have retards like Rob in the leadership ranks SAA. It would cause a lot of unnecessary harm and loss of life among the ranks of the SAA and the Syrian people.
In Rastan pocket in Homs SAA should advance from the right side of the pocket.
That’s probably a bad idea, considering armchair general retard Rob is advocating for it.
US, UK, France and Saudis are directly dirty in Syrian war……
You have no b @ lls to admit it is ruskies and terrorists from Hezbollah and Iran who are massacring Syrian people to save psychopath ASSad.
Read something credible, troll!
Plss right 0ff jew troll
LOOOOL I am not jew, nazi c unt.
You are zionist or a jewish masquarade as atheist or a moron.
You are a terrorist nazi c unt who cant think for yourself. That´s why i owned you. :)
The other one,i wonder why a zionist troll always looks idiot.
Too bad I owned and blocked you nazi c unt. :)
Such a waste of money from US/Israel ministry of propaganda to repressing truth with this kind of trolls.
i dont think a single digit I.Q. turd, can repress anything. Just he mimic his masters, who trying to convince every one that russia attack them with nerve agents. Pathetic retards.
The only thing you own are your lice Pedro. Go take a shower.
It’s the zio-crack speaking
Who cares, but whatever you think you are, one thing is clear though…
you are a well trained zionist bootlicker. It’s that zio-crack you’re addicted to that has reduced you to such a humiliating state. As they say… the addict has to hit bottom first, before they can be ready to go through the pain of withdrawal.
Letting you know, that you’re well on the way sinking down there; in the mean time keep up the good work licking Zionist boots… hope they pay you at least, cause you’re working so hard.
Show us something more ‘credible’ source then. Let me guess Debkafile, thedrive, Jpost, Sun, CNN, MSNBC? If that so. clearly you’re an idiot.
You suck as a guesser. My sources are Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.
More trustworthy than your prejudices and stupidity.
I owned another nazi re tard. :)
Last time i check, the biggest criminal is Israel, is that right?
Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have both become worthless as independent sources of truth. Both of these organizations have squandered their credibility shilling for the interests of the coalition of the killing.
Lay off the zio-crack.
been a jew retard it is obvious. What is credible for you israshit news?
Talking like a nazi w hor doesnt make you look less retarded, nazi who re. :)
we did not ask you to tell us the short comings of your family turd. We already seen your pain in what you writing. As for your mother been an askenazi it shows from your breeding.
I love the way how you are showing your anger for being humilated online, nazi piece of s hi t. :)
self flattering…….
He has created some five IDs with in one hour. I ignore him. Don’t waste time on him.
You think to is five, nazi retard. It was so funny to ridicule you, nazi c unts.
You are so stupid.
I even blocked you all so you dont waste my time.
Keep barking, nazi c unt.
You lost.
True, and you’ve copy pasted the same exact shit spam for the past several months, oftentimes on threads that have absolutely zero relevance to the article being discussed. Behavior wise, you’re no different from the piss ant Rabacal. Just a different flavor of the same shit.
Rob ridiculed too, nazi cunt?
Guess being a meaningless piece of shit must be sad for you.
Blocked, nazi cunt.
Noone gives a fuck if you “block” someone on this board, regardless of what side of an issue you are on. You’re a pussy ass piece of shit who supports jihadists and makes bullshit up about the legitimate government of Syria. How does it feel being on the same side as bearded theocratic wahhabi shitbags stuck in medieval times?
Go ahead and “block” me some more. I’ll spit on your family’s grave and there’s not a fucking thing you can do about it, you degenerate piece of shit.
Zio-crack is known to induce “master race” delusional thinking in addicts
You dont even know what nazism is, retarded???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Blocked :)
I do know that Zionism is a murderous ethno-supremacist “master race” ideology and that Israel is an apartheid pariah state
Is Tiago your Israeli bum pal Pedro or do you take it in turns to be dominant :)
Your killing me.
Do please carry on ranting. It might give you a heart attack Tiago :)
You be smoking zio-crack bud, it is clearly rotting your brain. Kick your zio-crack habit while you still have a few brain cells left.
Are you a reject from a mental institute?
No, I am a superior mind who loves to humilate retarded fucks like you, whose pointless existence made you hate jews without any rational reason.
:) :D
Blocked loser.
Erdogan has came out from US/NATO block because they have lost war in Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen etc. and have exposed in Palestine. Russia have started building six nuclear power plants in Turkey. One plant will start production in 2022 with capacity 24 Giga Watts and remaining are underdeveloped. Turkey have purchased S400 air defence system and the delivery will start in 2019. Russia and China will develop nuclear and industrial zones in Turkey. That is why now it is very difficult for Turkey to keep US and NATO forces and their spies on their own land. The future belong to Asia not to US and Europe…..
Another set of spam by a fucking retard. Most likely this piece of shit is operating some bot. Everyone should click on his profile and just report him for spam.
Mate… You are right. But. Rob is very passionate which may cloud some things that he posts.
It is possible that he has suffered some bad things personally.
It is not unreasonable that an Arab has suffered some sort of family loss.
Many of us here take it easy with him because of that.
It is easy for us to skip to the next post.
you all three are extra dicks
why dont you just block him? If he gets on your nerves, is the logical action to take.
IF…….. turkey last this long.
This Motherf*ckers should not be allowed any more to do what they do with immunity.
As usual, Israel lies. Naked aggression in support of the Jihadists and head choppers. Why? To steal more Syrian land.
not lie, they just been protecting their mercenaries, that syria is attacking. Their turn will come just syrians must first secure and clean the areas they already have before opening other fronts. Not the right time now.
As usual, a nazi or islamonazi turd blames jews, not your precious dictator or pisslam. Pathetic…
Sorry to fracture your sensitive ego, but it’s Zionism that most closely resembles Nazism.
Herzl the founder of the Zionist movement as a Jewish form of Nazism, because he so admired the values of Nazi’s.
Just like the Nazis, Israel always just wants one more piece of territory, Netanyahu is the Zionist Hitler and Israel will suffer the same fate as Germany under Nazism.
Sorry for ridiculing your ignorance, but you made no sense.
Nazism apeared decades AFTER Herzl founded zionist. Herzl died BEFORE nazism.
natanyahu never committed genocide, unlike your precious muslim dictator (like in Sudan).
never try to mess with people who is smarter than you, nazi. You will get burned.
Ahh of course, the Nazi’s copied the Zionists, thanks for clearing that up.
Glad I blocked the nazi loser. :D
You blocked yourself, your own self importance is too much even for you.
Typical Zionist.
Nazis and racist supremacist Jews allies forever with identical race laws.
When Hitler Honored Jewish Soldiers
The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine.
Hitler’s Jewish Army
At least 150,000 Jews served Hitler
Rigg, who spent seven years researching his book, estimates that at least 150,000 men of Jewish origin served in the German army during World War II. One of these men was Major Ernst Bloch, the focus of Rigg’s second book – “Rescued from the Reich: How One of Hitler’s Soldiers Saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe.” Price is also working on a film version of this sensational story.
read more: https://www.haaretz.com/cau…
A German soldier in Nazi uniform strolls in the park hand-in-hand with his Jewish grandmother, the yellow “Jude” star on her coat. A Nazi officer is dispatched by the German high command to rescue the Lubavitch rebbe.
Grandpa’s Nazi past shocks Jewish star
Chelsea Handler confronts dark family history as she undergoes a televised journey of self-discovery
10 August 2013, 5:27 pm 80
American Jewish comedienne Chelsea Handler realized her family history was no laughing matter last week as she underwent a journey of self-discovery in an episode of TLC’s Who Do You Think You Are, which was aired Tuesday.
In the episode, Handler, who was raised Jewish by her Jewish mother and non-Jewish father, confronted the dark secret her “very, very big, strong” German grandfather, Karl Stoecker, had avoided discussing for years — his Nazi past and role in the Holocaust.
part 2 Racist supremacist Jews = Nazis Hitler followed the Rothchilds orders in implementing the holocaust on any Jews who refused to move to Palestine as per the Havara pact with the help of his 150 k plus Jewish army.
. So are the Times of Israel and Haretz lying about this? Are they anti Jewish? Don’t take my word for it as nothing beats the voluntary confession. Who tells the truth on this board me or Anja??? https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-comedienne-faces-grandpas-nazi-past/
Racist supremacist Nazi Jews role role in running the Holocaust. American Jewish comedienne Chelsea Handler who was raised Jewish by her Jewish mother and non-Jewish father, confronted the dark secret her “very, very big, strong” German grandfather, Karl Stoecker, had avoided discussing for years — his Nazi past and role in the Holocaust. https://justice4poland.com/2014/09/01/150-000-jews-in-hitlers-army-this-bit-of-history-was-hidden-from-us/ Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval. Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1,200 of Hitler’s soldiers, including Two field marshals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Fifteen generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Two full generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Eight lieutenant generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Five major generals, “commanding up to 100,000 troops In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross. One of these Jewish veterans is today an 82 year old resident of northern Germany, an observant Jew who served as a captain and practiced his religion within the Wehrmacht throughout the war. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering. Rumors of Milch’s Jewish identity circulated widely in Germany in the 1930s.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8e5142fdf79f086ca4e3a87561def9b6b5a7e5c1a08933959cf5dbf361c50987.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg
Part 3
In the 1930es Hitler cooperated with his Zionist friends – who had a good time in Berlin! – to drive Germany´s Jews to Palestine with so much success that when although in 1933 there were 505.000 Jews in Germany in the census 1933. By 1941, another 300.000 had emigrated with Hitler´s accept in 1941. And 150.000 Jews were soldiers in Hitler´s army.So the Jews to persecute in Germany were few! But there were many more in Poland, where they were disliked. We have seen how Walther Rothschild was the driving force behind the Balfour Declaration 100 years ago – in 1917, Rothschild promised to draw the US into WWI if the UK would guarantee that the Jews would have a homeland in Rothschild owned Palestine. Rothschild´s US agent, Jesuit Edward Mandell-House, managed to persuade Pres, Woodrow Wilson to join that war. Mandell-House wrote the Versailles Peace Treaty without German participation in a way that WWII was inevitable Israel is Rothschild´s land. Already in 1829, the Rothschilds had bought Jerusalem. We have seen how the Rockefellers (Jews) and the Rothschild Federal Reserve of the US as well as their Wall Street (Anthony Sutton) even funded Hitler and via the IG Farben ran death camp Auschwitz by means of forced Jewish labour. We have seen that Hitler was a Jew,probably even a Rothschild. Most of the top Nazis were Jewish We have seen how Jewish Rothschild´s agent, Jewish George Soros, betrayed Jews in Hungary and took their possessions – even calling this “the happiest time of his life”! Another confession! Nothing beats the voluntary confession Anja! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PUDmLCkgNc Therefore, the following is a logical sequel of Theodor Herzl´s diaries. Rudolf Kastner, the Zionist leader in Hungary, made a deal with Adolf Eichmann. another confession!!
part 4
Confession! American Jewish comedienne Chelsea Handler who was raised Jewish by her Jewish mother and non-Jewish father, confronted the dark secret her “very, very big, strong” German grandfather, Karl Stoecker, had avoided discussing for years — his Nazi past and role in the Holocaust. https://justice4poland.com/2014/09/01/150-000-jews-in-hitlers-army-this-bit-of-history-was-hidden-from-us/
Confessions! Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the German military with Adolf Hitler’s knowledge and approval. Cambridge University researcher Bryan Rigg has traced the Jewish ancestry of more than 1,200 of Hitler’s soldiers, including Two field marshals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Fifteen generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Two full generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Eight lieutenant generals, (God knows how many Jews they killed) Five major generals, “commanding up to 100,000 troops In approximately 20 cases, Jewish soldiers in the Nazi army were awarded Germany’s highest military honor, the Knight’s Cross. One of these Jewish veterans is today an 82 year old resident of northern Germany, an observant Jew who served as a captain and practiced his religion within the Wehrmacht throughout the war. One of the Jewish field marshals was Erhard Milch, deputy to Luftwaffe Chief Hermann Goering. Rumors of Milch’s Jewish identity circulated widely in Germany in the 1930s.
https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ad5ee0d0d5febec51af46f04527884ae1c81f7e20aab7b3cd93269ebf07c575a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/57ccaf45f334c4c8eb85e0876f917e3eab8d243c2c6fbb0c4e17892fe78cad2c.jpg
part 5 The Nazi regime conferred honors on many of the 100,000 Jews who fought in the German army in the Great War, even on some who had already escaped to Palestine.
Hitler’s Jewish Army confession!
At least 150,000 Jews served Hitler
Rigg, who spent seven years researching his book, estimates that at least 150,000 men of Jewish origin served in the German army during World War II. One of these men was Major Ernst Bloch, the focus of Rigg’s second book – “Rescued from the Reich: How One of Hitler’s Soldiers Saved the Lubavitcher Rebbe.” Price is also working on a film version of this sensational story. Confession!
read more:https://www.haaretz.com/caught-in-the-middle-part-jewish-germans-served-in-nazi-army-1.185805
A German soldier in Nazi uniform strolls in the park hand-in-hand with his Jewish grandmother, the yellow “Jude” star on her coat. A Nazi officer is dispatched by the German high command to rescue the Lubavitch rebbe. Grandpa’s Nazi past shocks Jewish star. Confession!
So are the Times of Israel and Haretz lying about this? Are they anti Jewish? Don’t take my word for it as nothing beats the voluntary confession. Who tells the truth on this board??? https://www.timesofisrael.com/jewish-comedienne-faces-grandpas-nazi-past/
Nothing beats the voluntary confession! Are Harretz and the Times of Israel anti Jewish? Are they lying? To put the size of Hitlers massive, huge, Jewish Nazi army in context, the size of the entire British Armed Forces – by numbers today is around 144,000 trained active personnel. Comprising British Army, Royal Navy, Royal Marines and the Royal Air Force – the Armed Forces is a huge operation,
So Hitlers massive, huge, gigantic Jewish Nazi army which ran the holocaust was bigger then the entire UK armed forces which are ranked as the 5th most powerful armed forces on the planet and the Jewish Nazi army was bigger then that 150 k to 144 k for the UK .
Please explain how the Times of Israel and Haretz etc. are lying about this and are anti Jewish along with 60 minutes etc etc etc. It should make for a good laugh for all on this board. Is Chelsea Handler lying?? Look at the excellent evidence you can get from the Jewish press. Don’t take my word for it! To all Goyims on this board if you don’t already I suggest you study the Jewish Press – the ones based in Israel as I do – in order to get a full understanding of what they (Anja and her master race) routinely plan in respect to the Stupid Goyim. Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself. See below nothing beats the voluntary confession. In 100 Days, A New Jewish Elite Rises Under Trump Read more:http://forward.com/news/national/370369/in-100-days-a-new-jewish-elite-rises-under-trump/ It is where I get almost all my info. You’ll usually see them admitting things (like the Jewish Nazi army of 150 k running the holocaust etc.) that would never make it into the American or Western media, and if you’re not up on the Zionist, Jewish, racist, supremacist, empire, their rantings of hatred and racism for all Goyim and bragging of their murdering millions and millions of goyim and their total control of countries like the USA, Britain France, German etc. in their global empire it can be quite enlightening, indeed “We must not forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish,” Plocker started out by saying. He went on to make a number of startling confessions: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html http://www.jta.org/2010/10/18/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/sephardi-leader-yosef-non-Jews-exist-to-serve-jews https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3ce223dc12d9b8a258530fcfb67dbeba80b4d26071cb6501f3df9d2675c9a307.jpg
The Czech National Social Party was formed in 1897, Herzl published Der Judenstaat in 1895.
Herzl’s views were influenced by the writings of Alfred Ploetz and his views on racial hygiene
Hitler was funded and put in power by racist supremacist Jews rothchilds Rockafellars etc. (the USSA Federal reserve, the bank of England and the bank of France with hundreds of billions of dollars FACT! As was Lenin and Hitler was the father of Israel with the Nazi /Zionist HAAVARA, agreement. making the 20th century the Jewish century. Without their ally Hitler there would be no Jewish immigration to Israel and no Israel and no Jewish world domination today. Hitler hated Europeans. In the Havara agreement pact Hitler and his Zionist allies agreed to kill any Jews who would not go to Israel.
He was then ordered by his Jewish masters to attack Russia and Poland and exterminated over 30 million white Europeans for any morons who think Hitler liked white people, actions speak louder than words. Hitler was to finish what racist supremacist Jews under Yagoda started when they killed over 65 million innocent Soviet citizens.
There is one comical attempt at a cover up here “‘The Haavara continued to function until World War II, in spite of vigorous attempts by the Nazi Party to stop or curtail its activities.”
As if the Nazi dictatorship could not shut this agreement down if they wanted to Ha ha Ha!!! Hitler was the useful tool of Zionists, with the Haavara agreement / pact making Hitler the father of Israel and Hitler was used to savage innocent Russians whom racist supremacist Jews have hated for centuries as Russian and the Tzars held satanic Jews in check for centuries.
part 2 The Deleted Interview that George Soros Tried to Ban! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUdosc33eSE George Soros MUST SEE ! “Helping the NAZI’s was the happiest time of my life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYbciTTT4yc George Soros: (Helping Nazis) “Was The Happiest Time of my Life” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1Qr7TnWG74 George Soros – Admits he is the “Puppet Master” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeIA8HBwO2M George Soros’ Messianic Fantasies says he is a god. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwEkjJVwsIc
HAAVARA, agreement a company for the transfer of Jewish property from Nazi Germany to Palestine. The Trust and Transfer Office Haavara Ltd., was established in Tel Aviv, following an agreement with the German government in August 1933, to facilitate the emigration of Jews to Palestine by allowing the transfer of their capital in the form of German export goods. The Haavara Agreement is an instance where the question of Jewish rights, Zionist needs and individual rescue were in deep tension. Jewish organizations outside of Germany had declared a boycott against German goods and hoped to delegitimate the Nazi regime. The Zionists saw this agreement as a way of attracting Jews to Palestine and thus rescuing them from the Nazi universe even if that meant cooperation with Hitler. For a time the Nazi program of making Germany Judenrein and the Zionist policy of seeking olim coincided. The amounts to be transferred were paid by prospective emigrants into the account of a Jewish trust company (PALTREU – Palestina Treuhandstelle zur Beratung deutscher Juden) in Germany and used for the purchase of goods, which the Haavara then sold in Palestine. The proceeds, in Palestine currency, were paid to the emigrants living in Palestine. The rate of exchange was adjusted from time to time by the Haavara according to the disagio, necessitated by the subsidy which the Haavara granted the Palestinian importers, to make up for the steadily deteriorating value of the Reich mark, so the German goods could compete with other imports.
Part 3
The ensuing disagio, borne by the emigrants, accordingly increased from 6% in 1934 to 50% in 1938. The major part of the transfer proceeds provided the 1,000 Palestine Pounds (then $4,990) necessary for a “capitalist” immigration certificate of the Mandatory administration, but also for other categories of immigration, such as Youth Aliyah, students, and artisans as well as for the transfer of public funds. The transfer weakened the boycott of German goods declared by many Jewish organizations around the world, and thus met with considerable opposition. The controversy was settled at the Zionist Congress in Lucerne (1935) which decided by a vast majority in favor of the transfer and placed the Haavara under the supervision of the *Jewish Agency . The Zionists sought to attract immigrants to Palestine, most especially the affluent German Jewish immigrants and the Germans sought to get rid of their Jews, increase their exports and Here is the big joke it divided Jews Ha! It created Israel! a propaganda victory by dividing the Jews regarding the boycott. The Haavara continued to function until World War II, in spite of vigorous attempts by the Nazi Party to stop or curtail its activities. The total transfer amounted to LP 8,100,000 (Palestine Pounds; then $40,419,000) including LP 2,600,000 (then $13,774,000) provided by the German Reichsbank in coordination with Haavara. The Haavara transfer was a major factor in making possible the immigration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine in the years 1933–1939, and together with the money invested by the immigrants themselves, in providing an incentive for the expansion of agricultural settlement and for general economic development. It also served as a model for a similar arrangement with the Czech government and the immigration of several thousand Jews on the eve of World War II.
Herzl isn’t the father of Modern Zionism. This is confirmed by the World Zionist Organization:
From: http://www.voltairenet.org/article184973.html
The creation of a “Jewish” homeland in the Middle East is also the idea of a non-Jew: Gottfried Leibniz who envisioned a lucrative trade route between the Middle East and Europe (with Germany and France in charge). When Napoleon returned from Egypt in 1830, he had the same idea (he actually copied Leibniz). The oligarchs of the British Empire hijacked the idea and saw in the Jews of Europe the means to make it happen. The recruitment, financing and support of Hitler and Nazism by the same oligarchs was the needed trigger to give their Israel project momentum.
Un article qui devrait vous intéresser
“L’occident est perdu ! Todd explique le « complotisme » antirusse de l’establishment”
“Emmanuel Todd avoue qu’il ne comprend pas la montée en puissance de cette russophobie mystérieuse chez l’establishment qu’il qualifie de « complotiste » et se dit très inquiet par cette fixation pathologique sur un pays qui n’a pas la puissance qu’on dit. Cet univers mental occidental de passion incontrôlée renvoyant à des troubles psychiques contraste d’après Todd avec l’univers mental rationnel, de rapport de force et de maitrise de soi coté russe. Il confie : « Le niveau intellectuel des diplomates russes est très supérieur à celui des Occidentaux. Ils ont une vison de l’Histoire, du monde, de la Russie : un contrôle de soi qu’ils appellent “professionnalisme”. » absent chez élites occidentales.
On ne peut qu’être d’accord avec Emmanuel Todd sur ce point. Pour mesurer le niveau des diplomates russes, je recommanderai le livre « Alep, la guerre et la diplomatie » de Maria Khodynskaya-Golenishcheva, une diplomate de haut rang à la mission permanente de la Fédération de Russie auprès de l’Office des Nations unies à Genève et qui plante intelligemment le décor de la bataille d’Alep dans toutes ses dimensions (diplomatiques, militaires, stratégiques, géopolitiques, historiques, économiques…) passe de la pratique (description exhaustive de tous les outils de la boîte à outils diplomatique utilisés par Moscou) à la théorie avec réalisme , lucidité et attachement aux faits.”
Je vais me procurer le livre « Alep, la guerre et la diplomatie » de Maria Khodynskaya-Golenishcheva, et lui demander de me le dédicacer après l’avoir lu…
It’s a broken link.
It works on my end.
The article is called “Who’s the Ennemy?” on Voltairenet.org
Thanks. Got it now. The link is working.
Great, you are stupid AND crazy.
Nice curse.
Mate… The Nazi’s were not as bad as the jewish media painted them.
They wanted to remove the murderous jewish Bolsheviks.
I agree that the Zionist propaganda did a job on the Nazis, but at their core both Nazism and Zionism are based on racial supremacy.
That’s why they hate each other so much, both think they have the divine right to rule over all others.
To my way of thinking, dig a big hole and throw them all in, let them kill each other off.
Racial supremacy was introduced by the jewish media, not by Germany.
I have spent years researching this.
So much of what we were taught is complete lies.
Good point, everyone wants a piece of our beautiful Syria. I fear Iraq and Jordan are starting to drool over her. How much do you think Israel will take?
The usual small scale fighting, it also seems that the IDF is reapplying their method of retaliation from the Gazan front. I.E. the IDF hits the SAA even if one of their allied militias instigated the original attack.
SAA are fools to get within range of IDF. They have to know the IDF is looking for any excuse to rain fire on their heads. How can Syria win the war with idiot moves like that.
The ambiguous status of southern Syria continues because neither side wants a full scale war with the other. I’m going to assume that no one is an idiot, but I deduce you think I’m an idiot if you think that you can’t see through your anti-Semitism.
Bug off.
To get rid of the terrorists that work for and are protected by Israel, Syria will have to take the fight to Israel. Israel and the Rothschild President of France are the only ones to see that the invasion and annexation of Syria has failed.
Can admin please throw these vulgar children off.
They should be in bed.
or in the sewers where they come from.
You are closer to the truth than you realise.
These incredibly vulgar jews are total filth.
yep, I know them first hand and have the pleasure to fight them once, in Lebanon.
Good for you. Respect.
Somebody let this jew in:
Yes. Many of us know this.
The jews are the “chosen” ones to destroy the Earth.
Most of them don’t even have a clue. It is indoctrination.
It is a sickness that fortunately the rest of the world don’t have.
The only sickness we have seen similar to it are the jewish Bolsheviks who killed tens of millions of Christian Russians.
They are Pure Evil. They don’t even know they are evil.
Can administrator kick out those nazi s**s: they have no brain and refuse to be useful. :)
Like the turd I blocked. jerry Hamilton.
So the ID recognizes the round as an “errant” round but treats it as an intentional shot.
The filthy vulgar jew trolls always try to drag sensibility to the gutter.
No wonder ever country on Earth kicked them out.
I don’t want to meet one.
Iran ( some goober in the military at the top)….vowed* to Retaliate against Israhell for the illegal murder attack on the Iranians at T4 Airbase.
Syria has fired back at IAF leaving after Attack.
This is however Drama queen BS …which does not register with Criminal IDF/Netanyahu or US of Evil.
At some point. ……you gotta own the situation and stop being the @$#& Victim ….Always !!!
Putin’s soft on Israhell crimes. ..
Iran is too…
Zionazi Terrorists murdered Iranians in Terrorist Attack
Mossad/CIA assassinated how many Iranian scientists and engineers over the years?
Iran does these menacing threat TV stunts promising retaliation. …..then nothing.
I like Assad…yet he is too soft on Israhell, ….unless Putin and Iran are keeping him from retaliation.
Russia/Vietnam shot down over 5000 US aircrafts during the Vietnam War.
US did not nuke anyone …
Israhell is pussy,……chicken neck weak.
Shame on you Putin and Iran to let your nations honor be trampled by Netanyahu and screaming
Harpie Nikki Haley.
Russia winning the war isn’t good enough for you?
Calling for a much larger war with your arm chair general Rambo plan is a bit WWF adolescent don’t you think? Maybe your time would be better spent in the sand box with your green plastic soldiers.
Waddya mean. ….winning the war* ???
Last time I looked….US had stolen 1/3rd of Syria…..on the Easy.,
Israhell has more Stolen Syrian Golan. ..
Turd- ogan. ..has a chunk of Syria North with a criminal army of Nut case Syrians and Foreign Takfiri serving him .
Putin has not fired upon any IAF jets attacking into Syria since 2015.
Nor fired on US…or Turk/NATO.
I’m disappointed in Putin….and Iran.
My criticism is based on facts….it’s not against either for anything other than facts which does indicate some level of collusion or concession.
It’s shitty cheap theatre to twist my words into Putin
/Iran should cause larger Regional war Cuz I think so.
You post a 100 times all these weapons systems on the roll from Russia and how Russia gonna kick @ss…How Russia gonna kick Israhell @ss…
How SAA gonna roll and kick Israhell @ss…
Nothing of what you post over 100 times ever Happens!!!
I am at least being honest and using open Mike to Shame Putin and Iran to stop letting
Israhell and US kick them around.
Russia/Vietnam shot down over US 5000 US Aircrafts during Vietnam war,
US nuked nobody.
Hence the criticism for the weak response to Agression playing now in the latest
Zio/US Deepstate /Rothschilds Movie.
The problem with gung ho dumbasses like yourself is that countries like Iran understand that their current military capabilities are not sufficient enough to deter Israel and the Russians understand, despite being fiercely opposed to US policy in Syria, that escalating a war to a potential nuclear conflict isn’t a good idea.
Thankfully we don’t have low IQ morons with a complete lack of perspective in power. People like you I mean.
Only a fool or a liar would look at the progress that the Syrian government coalition has made since the Russian intervention and say that the Syrian government coalition isn’t winning the war.
New Russian built bridge in Dier Ezzor:
So Syria fired a shell at ISIS militants operating out of their safe haven of the Golan Heights?
Who cares? It’s Syrian territory. There goes Israel, defending their proxy army ISIS once again.
Somebody allegedly, according to habitually lying Jews, fired a mortar shell that landed in the Syrian Golan Heights that the baby rapers illegally occupy.
Better kill 1000 Palestinians, just to be sure.
Isn’t it amazing how ISIS never targets Israel?
They wouldn’t bite the hand that feeds them.
Netanyahu wants the war with IRAN. But he cannot be sure that it will go well for Israel, ( even if the Americans will fight it far-away from Israel) because of SYRIA near Israel AND THE IRANIANS IN THERE.
Any time the Iranians would kick some missiles into Tel-Aviv, Hadera ( IDF-telecomunications), Petach-Tikva ( Shin Beth-base).
And that things aren’t some poor Quassam-“Silvester fireworks” anymore, like the GAZA-guys shoot
This is rapidly becoming a defensive strategic encounter. Syria has the experience and backing to win.
Experience …well, ALL armies that lost wars had the experience after that. And backing.. that is stalling, Russia STILL ” considers to” give ASSAD S-300 ( but doesn’t seem to have worries to sell Turkey & Saudi-Arabia S-400 (!!!!)
How do you like that? => the SAUDIS get S-400 and the Allies… get S-300 (IF they get them..).
S-300 already studied by the NATO-experts in CYPRUS, that has them…
It’s like when Trump would sell KIM some “Minuteman”-ICBMs. And that “stops & goes and let’s DEAL / Crimea, Ukraine fifty-fifty, return to the G8-RAPTORS-table for ASSAD’s head??) by ALEPPO starting with January 2016.. that was not quite the way you beat the enemies of Syria..
And Israel may bomb in Syria how it wants, its DRONES may kill Hezbollah -leaders till near Damascus, IRANIAN position may be hit by Israeli missiles, even ASSAD’s Army-units may be attacked IN SYRIA by Israel..
Somebody in Kremlin dances by two weddings..
If it goes so further, Assad’s head will be to get by the next Sothesby’s auction… :((
And this was stamped as spam by some Russki-Israeli-lovers ;)
” Experience? Well, ALL armies that lost wars had the experience after that. And backing.. that is stalling, Russia STILL ” considers to” give ASSAD S-300 ( but doesn’t seem to have worries to sell Turkey & Saudi-Arabia S-400 (!!!!)
How do you like that? => the SAUDIS get S-400 and the Allies… get S-300 (IF they get them..). S-300 already studied by the NATO-experts in CYPRUS, that has them…
It’s like when Trump would sell KIM some “Minuteman”-ICBMs. And that “stops & goes /and let’s DEAL / Crimea, Ukraine fifty-fifty, return to the G8-RAPTORS-table for ASSAD’s head??/ by ALEPPO, starting with January 2016.. that was not quite the way you beat the enemies of Syria..
And as that wouldn’t look like “the twilight-zone”, Israel may bomb in Syria how it wants, its DRONES may kill Hezbollah-leaders till near Damascus, IRANIAN position may be hit by Israeli missiles, even ASSAD’s Army-units may be attacked IN SYRIA by Israel..
Somebody in Kremlin dances by two weddings….. If it goes so further, Assad’s head will be the main aquisition by the next Sothesby’s auction… :((
Western all countries are Israeli slaves they have no justice and true democracy.
ALL armies that lost wars had won… experience after that. ;)
And backing.ASSAD?.. Hmm!. that is stalling, Rv$$ia STILL ” considers to” give ASSAD S-300 ( but doesn’t seem to have worries to sell Turkey & Saudi-Arabia S-400 (!!!!)
How do you like that? => the SAUDIS get S-400 and the Allies… get S-300 (IF they get them..). S-300 already studied by the NATO-experts in CYPRUS, that has them…
It’s like when Trump would sell KIM some “Minuteman”-ICBMs.
And that “stops & goes and let’s DEAL / Crimea, Ukraine fifty-fifty, return to the
G8-RAPTORS-table for ASSAD’s head??) by ALEPPO starting with January
2016.. that was not quite the way you beat the enemies of Syria..
And Israel may bomb in Syria how it wants, its DRONES may kill Hezbollah
-leaders till near Damascus, IRANIAN position may be hit by Israeli
missiles, even ASSAD’s Army-units may be attacked IN SYRIA by Israel..
Somebody in Kr€mlin dances by two weddings..
If it goes so further, Assad’s head will be the main aquisition by the next Sothesby’s auction… :((