Syrian War Report – March 26, 2018: Syrian Army Is About To Get Full Control Over Eastern Ghouta

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The situation is rapidly developing in the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta where the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies are on the verge of liberating the entire area from militants.

Following the evacuation agreement in Harasta, government forces have liberated Ayn Tarma and have forced militants in Jobar, Zamalka, Hazeh and Irbin to accept another evacuation agreement. The implementation of this agreement started on March 24. More than 7,000 civilians and members of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and Faylaq al-Rahman are set to leave the area under the deal.

Separately, negotiations are ongoing in the area of Douma controlled by Jaish al-Islam. According to pro-government experts, the key issue preventing the group from accepting the deal is that its leadership seeks to prevent the evacuation to the militant-held area of Idlib, mostly controlled by its competitors, like Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. According to some reports, the group is willing to be evacuated to Eastern Qalamoun area.

In any case, the SAA has de-facto won the battle for Eastern Ghouta. Gaining a full control over the area is just the matter of time.

On March 24, the General Staff of the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) released a statement claiming that the Afrin area is under “complete” control of Tukey-led force and efforts to help civilians return their homes securely are underway.

Chief of General Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar announced that there are still few villages, which Turkey seeks to capture south of the city of Afrin.

“There are 3-5 villages left in the west. We will arrive in the suburb of Aleppo called Nubl-Zahra and Afrin will be completely secured soon,” Akar said at a conference in the capital Ankara.

On the same day, units of Syrian government forces, mostly members of the National Defense Forces (NDF), deployed in the villages of Bashmra, Zoq al-Kabir, Buurj al-Qas. Miyasa, Aqiba and Ziyara as well as the nearby high points south of the city of Afrin. The deployment was aimed at preventing further advances by the TAF and its proxies.

Turkish forces captured the city of Afrin from the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) on March 18. Since then, the TAF and  the Free Syrian Army (FSA) have made a series of limited advances south of the city expanding a buffer zone between the Turkish-occupied area and the government-held countryside of Aleppo.

On March 25, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan claimed that 3,747 so-called “terrorists” had been neutralized since the start of Operation Olive Branch in Afrin. The presided said that 302 members of FSA died during the same period. Erdogan also vowed that Turksih forces will capture Tal Rifaat before ending the operation.

The advance on Tal Rifaat may trigger a confrontation between Turkish forces and the Syrian government because a number of NDF units have established checkpoints near the city under an agreement with the YPG.

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Congratulations SAA…May your Victory come Swift!


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And all Putin the PROSTITUTE had to do was suck MONKEY Sultan Erdogan’s dirty cock and give up Afrin. Victory!


nazi go home !


Hey you nazi shiteater your cheap mother is a prostitute and so are you. Go suck Hitler’s anus in hell.


Hey subhuman SLAVE! Your mother is a WHORE who sucks dirty Turkish cocks for free while you watch. She and you will be together sucking Stalin’s cock in hell too.


Hey shiteater with 10 fake accounts, your inbred family are mutant SUBANIMAL sex-slaves… your rotten mother is a WHORE who sucks dirty turkish cocks, dirty yankee cocks, dirty arab cocks, dirty chinese cocks, dirty monkey cocks, dirty dogs cocks and all dirty cocks in the wolrd.. 100.000 per day. Too bad that crack whore you call mommy didn’t swallow that load of sperm u were in. You are just a slimy excuse for a partially aborted fetus that is miraculously still drawing breath.
So go die and rot in hell.


Hey subhuman SLAV SLAVE. Too bad your WHORE mother didn’t tell you that your real father was a dirty TURK who fucked your mother together with a goat while your father was away from home sucking commie cocks. That’s why your subhuman mother still fucks goats and dirty turks for free. Your WHORE mother is a Turkish GOAT FUCKER! HAHAHHA


What an absolute moronic garbage^: you are a failure even as a troll. Your $2 mother used a coat hanger when she was pregnant with you but it failed, unfortunately…
btw I’m not slavic and you are not german (nor even human): you’re just a TURD that keeps clogging my toilet, a real life living pile of human excrement.

Crawl back to Hitler’s arshole and rot there.


Hey subhuman SLAV SLAVE! Don’t be ashamed of having subhuman SLAV blood. Tell your WHORE mother to take a vacation from sucking dirty turk cocks for free in Turkey and come to Germany. There are plenty of dirty Turkish cocks here she can suck for 1 Euro a blow job. Plus she can fuck Bavarian goats for free all day long. Or she can go to England and suck BLACK MONKEY cocks for a BANANA a blow job. You can take her shift while she’s away. She’s earned a vacation. Sincerely, your superior WHITE MASTER


@RedBrownSShiteater you donkey TURD white? Hah! You are a rotten pile of diarrhea. The only white about you is african, mexican, and monkey SEMEN all over your sissy face, in your eyes, nose, especially in your mouth…… and even more in your mother’s aids infested cunt and bum – penetrated by 100000 migrants per day: Africans, Mexicans, Arabs, they all gang rape your ugly mother again and again… while you kneel and wait to suck her ass when they finish.. eat it all – to be even more “white”! LOL

Choke on it until you die. Fick dein mutter!


Hey subhumanSlavSLAVE! When your dirty WHORE mother sucks your cock does she give you a family discount or do you get it for free like the dirty turks? Does your daddy get jealous when he watches your WHORE mother sucking BLACK MONKEY cocks in the alleys? When your WHORE mother SHITTED YOU out of her MONKEY ASSHOLE full of NIGGER MONKEY cum did your daddy take a photo. Do you show your baby photos of you covered in cum and shit to your BLACK MONKEY girlfriend in the zoo? HAHAHA Yours sincerely, WHITE SUPERIOR MASTER


Don’t feed the troll bro (except with manure). He is obviously just a sick, little loser kid obsessed with penises; probably abused by his father, uncle, padre, postman etc etc.
Just flag him and wait for SF to finally remove that brainless cretin.


Hey Subhuman SLAV SLAVE! Does your WHORE mother give you a family discount when she sucks your cock? Does your FAGGOT father join in the action when he catches your WHORE mother sucking BLACK MONKEY cocks in the alley? Did your GOAT fucking daddy take your pictures of when your subhuman WHORE mother SHITTED YOU out of her MONKEY ASSHOLE full of NIGGER MONKEY cum? Do you show your baby pictures of you covered in SHIT and NIGGER cum to your BLACK MONKEY girlfriend in the zoo? HAHAHAHA Sincerely, Your WHITE MASTER!


You be a numpty, divvy cunt, like.


You’re either a WhiteMONKEYfrom Stockholm or a MuzzlimPIGfromStockholm.


So now the so called ‘Democratic’ west (14 countries) and the USA expels more Russian diplomats with the excuse of the poisoned ex-spies in England…
What happened to innocent until proven guilty ?
I would expect this kind of behaviour from the USA, cause they are not a Democratic country since years ago, but not from the European Union….
It shows how weak Germany and France really are…Germany with a coalition goverment that is bound to collapse it is only a matter of when, France with Macron being the most unpopular French President since ever, and the United Kingdom being nothing but united (Scots will leave) with Teresa Mey also very unpopular almost as much as Margaret Thatcher was !
Russia is the only hope for humanity …and the west has now become the new ‘Soviet Union …!


EU? bunch of pathetic, puny, spineless vassals. Cucks and EUnuchs.


And the clown boss :


Isn’t it Amazing that they keep on finding new Morons all the time……? We have all these modern equipment to detect all sorts of birth deficits in an early stage these days… let’s hope this don’t occur in the near future anymore


What is even more amazing is how they manage to cling onto power one way or another and when someone comes up that could threaten their reign (like Corbyn) they will use all the media they control, and they control most of them, to slander their name….
Banksters and kleptokrates rule the world this day and age.
And we are moving steadily to a new medieval times…


Then we can test the strength of their Castle Walls…..


Can’t wait. Problem is they have learned from the mistakes of the past.
They will not go down easy. Nothing is won without a fight though…


Awareness is a very strong weapon….
Boycots can do a lot of damage….Multinationals fall easy…. look at facebook, a result of their own failure CIA-tool down the drain…watch what they come up with next..hehehe…


Yeah..sure..but I dont think Zuckenburg is gone broke just yet…
These people are super filthy rich…
I tell you what worries me, the fact most of them (if not all) have bought underground bunkers super luxury of cource …what are they waiting for…do they know something we dont…something bad is going to happened to this planet…will it be them that will cause some mass catastrofe …?


Can be…Let them Enjoy their Radioactive Playground…. for us it will be over very fast…. they will slowly Rot away….wish them a lot of fun…


I would rather expose their plans … (a bit oxymoron, I know, coming from the guy with the ‘cigarette smoking man avatar and nick name) and stop them !


More People know than you think… where do you think a lot of information comes from…..there are two Currents…..almost like Yin & Yang


Johnson would blown such a device right out of the water.

Saint Jimmy (Russian American)

“The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
And every day the paper boy brings more.”

~ Pink Floyd

Hide Behind

How many thousands of guerilla fighters and their families, and these family members are willingly going with their supposedly pillaging, head chopping, woman and child molesting husbands?
Are not the hubby all foreigners and paid mercenary, were these women and children also foreigners living upon payrolls?
I think not!
And thereby lays bare the fact that amidst all the chaos of lies and propaganda, there were and still are combatants of a “Civil War”.
Yes there was huge interference in Syrian chaos by US and Allies, but all they actually did was co-op the revolt against an self serving and overly controlling, non- progressive centralized regime.
So just what will the future look like is the grand mystery.
Right now the liberated areas people’s are mainly glad the bombs and bullets of both sides are stopped.
There is a period whereby a Dictatorial Militarized police State is welcomed by refugees of war torn nations.
They have stability, food and shelter, and while their futures are uncertain they are quite happy to let others determine it for them.
The greatest danger to Assad regime, yes it is a regime and has same structural form as prior times, is peace.
For without a war time economy there are no forms of work available.
REMEMBER SO CUT OUT BS: SYRIA always had a tightly controlled economy and was actually a piss poor world for over 55% of its population, 18-26% permanent unemployment, some 8% of in house cash came from their people working overseas, 8% of population lived in permanent below subsistence level while 40+ % lived at barely survival wages.
So cut the re re bullsh.. of Israel and rest of world being solely at fault for all Syrian woes.
The Kurds were barely held at bay before unrest and were not, were not fully integrated into Syria’s economic or social offerings by design of Damascus government.
And that governments military and administrative offices fled to Damascus with looted offices and tails between legs, leaving Kurds to face Al ‘Q and ISIL alone.
Without looking at reality of conflicts roots, two of which are false patriotism and nationalism, two things so easily accepted until push comes to shove.
What form of discontent will men so used to arms and steady paychecks take when peace does come but there are no places for largely unschooled, under-educated and no civilian skills employment opportunities,


There happened a lot this War….. A small Nation was Attacked by many Strong and Powerful Opponents that used Lies & Deception to Deceive the World Again….to overthrow a President rightfully chosen by his People… And this small Nation is Winning the War, nothing but respect, who are we to Judge…let’s hope All Leaders will make wise decisions in these Treacherous & and at the same time Glorious Days…and yeah, peace would be nice….


Wrong, wrong and wrong. This was never a civil war, it was from the get go all about the ZinoYanki Pigs smashing up an Arab country that posed a threat to Israhell. Facts can do what you want them to: Greece between 2008 and 2015 was running negative growth(gdp) of between -2% to -5% with 45% unemployment and 62% surviving below the poverty line. Ireland during the same period saw unemployment stand at 24% with almost 13% of the population leaving the country and with 46% of the population living below the poverty line. So, where the fuck are your revolutions there ya muppet? Time to start informing yourself of the facts rather than spewing out the “soft lie” of the Zionist press. No better place to start than through the revealing leaves of Tim Anderson’s excellently researched book The Dirty War on Syria

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Kurds were Syrians, some ISIL and Al ‘Q and others were once Syrians, and they all stood in line to take arms and ammo and the free flowing cash provided by outside nationals, each with own objectives and nobody was twisting their arms.
Of course Syria is a dirty war, every F’n war is dirty, even in and especially those involving religion and ethnicity, of which no la la bullshit can hide is today very much a part of this conflict.
Of course the Eurocentrics know how to destroy nations, they have been doing it from times imemorial and now they have largely outgrew need for massive military invasions by exploiting the weaknesses of their interest, and Syria, Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq were jam- packed with opportunities and local opportunist.
Who seized chance too and by any and many means elevating some who gather other miscreants and then getting members of those interest into killing each other.
Let’s put blame where it belongs, Assad Regime, both present and dead old mans, had plenty of warning that their nation was in danger, he’ll our Presidents and Congress been bragging about doing Syria in since midget Bush.
ASSAD was gleefully killing Iraq in both US wars, and torturing innocents for US and Euros, trying to kiss ass and save their Regimes ass.
ASSAD and cronies were always enrichening selves when they should of been gathering people’s into solid block of religious, nationalism and patriotism instead.
Their society, of top heavy bureaucrats and financials would not because they could not change.
I know that after Syria comes to some resolution tons of writers will be trying to deify dead military and spouting glorious tributes, but bleating own horns, or waiting for some Euro to give em a hanky to cry upon.
I do not give a Fly’n pig who dies as.long as it stays away from here.
Just as Syrians never gave a damn about how many Iraqi people died beneath their Syrian planes while helping Americans destroy Iraq.
They had Syrians profiting off those deaths and even those deaths ongoing in Yemen and Libya are of no concern.
WORLD is dirty filthy and morally bankrupt, and those of tough wills recognize it and exploit it.
Too many mental masturbator trying to elevate themselves into being vicariously associated with high moral principals that no Euro or ME nations ever held towards humanity.


Every logical individual agrees that the Syrian government has had issues, no one claims Asad to be a saint.
However one can’t put the blame of a proxy world war on the Syrian government.

Imagine a proxy world war on the US blaming the government for state inequality or any other shortcomings.

Syria’s business, is Syria’s. No matter how it’s spinned!

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Reality check!
Syria’s business is not its own buisness, and that is patently obvious.
This is not a world whereby such a thing as National Sovereiginty is any longer what it was once was thought to be,
The world is fast changing , inter-connectivety of resource prices, need for unlockable trade routes and markets.
No unsophisticated nation any longer controls own destiny, and even Russia is doing no more than trying to gain a place at table with the bigboys.
China is largest threat to EuroCentrics world dominence but they too are dependent on world market shares and US and those Euros have all but Central Asia, India and Pakistan sewn up.
KEEP thinking in dark ages and be left behind, although we peons futures are pretty much left up to powers way beyond our realms, in the future talking about sovereignty will be treasonous.

Acko Manah

Do you propose that all nations get into each other business. What makes one “sophisticated”? You sound pretty biased to me. What is there to keep China from telling EU how to act. Do you want non stop war…

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To find truth ones search must begin with onself, why does one search, what makes one think there are untruths, and how will one find it.
The hardest part of search is removing ones own bias, let the answers determinr result, unhindered.
NOT saying I agree with wI uay world is being structured nor the people who are doing it, only pointing to reality of the present.
There is no nation today, if the people in it are not deaf dumb and blind which a large part of less developed nations populace is deliberately acting as.
To just mutter that Syria is nobody’s buisness, when over 130 nations of U.N. have made it so, is either ignorant or deliberately stupid.
The days of even a semblance of nutrality is a f’n lie, and for any people who do not face the reality that living secluded lives of, in many places not above the masses levels of early colonization by Eurocentrics, will indeed get torn asunder by those who believe might makes right.
Leaders in piss poor nations. Syria has always been, those leaders wear the trappings of wealth and act like mini kings wear white mans clothes, bow and scrape and are rewarded by foreign interest, by exploiting owns people’s.
The real powers do not give a Fly’n pig about foreign lives it is ability to rule over and take wealth from weak.
Let’s not forget that in Past there were attempts to form Arab Nationalistic multi nation groupings, all done in order to counter future abuses by the eurocentrics, but the pettinous wether of religions or ignorance of populace and yes tribal mentalitys, let the euros divide and conquer.
NOBODY’S BUISNESS what happened to Iraq, Syria helped, did not aid Iran in Iran Iraq war, and it’s people kept living in hubris of their superiority, today they are but stick figures with guns dependent not on Syrian Assad and Damascus suits and ties leadership to get out of f’n mess but Iran, Russia, Souther Lebanon to survive.
The conquest is moving forward no matter the piss pot battles of Syrian military, all around and on every continent, in nations that Syria pushed aside when asked of treaties, because of being aftaid of offending Eurocentric and yes Israeli nations.
IT matters not to me if Syria remains or divides into 5 tribal enclaves, but in future will watch for whatever comes.
Partially and I try to forget so as to kill bias. But Syrians never did a f’n thing but for Syrians in the past, ignoring plight not just of world but the economic plight of 50% of their own people’s

Smith Ricky

God bless Russia Syria Iran!!


I will have to hold back on the accolades until the Rats have been purged from their nests, where from they have waged terror these past 5 years and more. Their Bosses in Saudi, New York and Tel Aviv have been sniggering behind the propaganda headlines and lies that they have injected into minds of the naive and unsuspecting, worldwide, over these years. Unfortunately, tens of thousands were left to feel the brunt of these monsters wrath. Of course, I am hopeful they will go and am equally hopeful their crimes and those of their Masters will be revealed in the near future. Now at last, the SAA and its allies appear to be on the brink of Victory. Let us hope it comes quickly and without further cost to the forces of Liberation….And when it does we shall rejoice…….

jim crowland

Well looking at the bright side: at least the gassing of women and children by soviets & assad might stop..

Richard M

The only gassing going on, outside of the staged false flag Orc ones is the fetid spew from your bowels.


It would be better if they killed all these rats, but victory is a victory I guess.

Richard M

Orcs want to go to Qalamoun but Assad wants them to go to Idlib. Easy to solve. Compromise and send them to Sednaya! :D

Yanni Kabilafkas

I am sorry to say her pronunciation gets to my nerves. Would be infinitely better if she didn’t try to sound like a US State Department representative.