On March 17, ISIS fighters attacked a key position of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the al-Qadam district south of the Syrian capital of Damascus, according to the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq.
Amaq said that ISIS fighters had killed 25 SAA soldiers and had destroyed two battle tanks belonging to the SAA with rocket-propelled grenades and IEDs.
Syrian opposition sources added that ISIS had captured all the positions from which Syrian opposition fighters had withdrawn on March 13.
In response to the ISIS attack, warplanes of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) conducted a series of airstrikes on ISIS positions in the al-Qadam district and the Yarmouk refugees camp, east of it, for the first time in years according to pro-government sources.
Several pro-government activists said that the ISIS success in al-Qadam district was a result of the bad timing of the evacuation agreement with the opposition fighters in the district. The activists added that the agreement had been poorly executed and had lacked any real organization. This allowed ISIS to launch its attack.
ISIS will likely expand its operations against the SAA south of Damascus in the upcoming days. The group views the al-Qadam front as a valuable exploit in the SAA defense.
Photos of SyAAF airstrikes on ISIS in the al-Qadam district and the Yarmouk refugees camp:
Where is white elf man, come on brother keep your child away from Syria…
Out of the blue ISIS appears with powerful weapons. Who else supplied them ?
Must have been trained by US
lol everytime ISIS advances this is all you dumb asses can come up with ! LOL!
Your a dumb ass douch bag, terrorist supporting bone swallowing cock gobbling come guzzling junking anal whore, and so was your mother. Really, nothing worse than a dumb son of a whore who thinks he’s smart. Your ignorance knows no bounds
14 censured using only a not updated win85 as brain. You alll are from areas, where its not even allowed to reflect. The dummest people are the the dumb ones not knowing it themselves.
Okay….ISIS is Trained & Intelligence by the U.S., NATO Air Support, Financed By Western Taxpayers, Weapon deliveries & Ideology by Wahhabistan, The Evil Ideas & Technology by Israhell, Toyota for their Transportation. I doesn’t really matter what we come up with… The U.S. Should get the Fuck out off Syria…..
haha. And which parts of Syria will be a russian colony and which Turkish ….
Gazprom for president.
Only Americans/British/French think in terms of taking colonies and enslaving other races.
The days of you master race types is nearly up.
Many countries do that and has done it. Ottomans are very good local examples. Russians are well estimated too.
Let me remind You Portugal, Spain, Belgium,Netherland, Italy, germany and Germany in Europe do/did.
Im sure You also should add japan and fx nowerdays China having Tibet.
That’s a good Reason to End this stealing of Land & Resources…. and especially now that the West is sending Psychopatic Headchopping Mercenaries that behead Kids to these Countries…..That’s a very Dangerous Track to be on…. can assure you that…making Many Enemies…Foreign & Domestic
PS you forgot to mention the Vikings
Seems you don’t get things quite right, do ya? Your flag is sideways and your name misspelled. The correct spelling for you is “Verruca”
You probatly took that admiral to show Your brainseize.
and everytime an ISIS rat step his foot over an imaginary line drawn on an internet map you pop out of your fake american hole and drop idiocies around like ISIS has won the war.
Yes i agree with you those pro Assad elements/troooools try to analyse whats going on in the ground but it’s Just nonsense they are so far removed from the truth Let them Bee in their illusjon.
And shat upon
He already wrote about it.
Why are people named as terrrorists just because they have another oppinion. Of course people stay angry at each other if they call other names as the worst they can find.
Why fx use transsexual Rio de Janeiro. Even they accept that most Brzilians are not like that. In Denmark trans are kind og 0,01%, so 99,99% is not.
Many of them people that is shouted at come to make trouble or are the ones cursing…. can be Trolls…Trolls got no Business up here..Come with Arguments and my personal experience is everyone is very friendly, even if it is the opposite, only adds to the perception to this chaotic War and it’s origin.
You People here don’t discus real facts
about Syria
Yes paint the map red that’s all you talk about.
You People don’t care about the Syrian People who is butchered daily by mostly Assad’ Russian killer units Just to stay in power and Us making mess around the Ground and killing people here and there Just to stay in Syria.
AND all this is the two superpowers Cold war for control for future coming conflicts as Syria will remain the main battle ground for years to Come
This war will not end for many years to Come mark My Word
AND the winner will for your disappointment not be Assad remember that
Maybe Assad is a very good Actor… the Man I saw in Many interviews looked sincere, calm and his words carefully chosen. Perhaps he has fooled me, But one thing I know damn sure and that is: The U.S. has SLAUGHTERED Hundreds of Millions of People….in the past Centuries….without ever appearing in Court for Crimes Against Humanity. This is the Era where that is going to Stop! We Don’t Need their Evil Psychopaths anymore, anywhere on this Planet….if they continue on this road to Hell, everyone will pay the price….and Human Existence will seize to exist…this is how I see things…
oh the support terrorist transexsual bresilian you have the carnaval from rio de janeiro!???
Better then Carneval from Damakus and dancers in hijabs and niqaps and music by Turkish Janishars.
You see as Long as you dont agree with them you a terrorist
What a dumb goats they are
BWAHAHAA another one…I can tell you one thing…. as long as stupid Troll-Cunts like you drop a bullshit quote every now and then run away to see what the effect will be…. you will be laughed at…
He is correct. Most things here are not representative for the rest of the world at all.
Thats right. Goats are more clever then You think .)
tien the support terrorist lgbt!!
1001 nights of excuses.
FSA change their green for the black ISIS…thats all!
Only reverting to origin. FSA was a Yankee re-branding exercise, taken over by Turkey
Its gonna be better for Syria to appoint Brigadier Sohail Al Hassan at defense minister position, so then it will be easy for him to manage the Syrian and allied army forces on all fronts.
Defense ministers do politics, economics and management so any educated civilian with good political/management skills flanked by good military advisors can assume this role. The best generals on the other hand are needed more than anyone else on the field during war times to plan strategies, tactics and logistics.. also they must be close to their men in order to inspire them.
The person talent can be judged during the war that howmuch he is successful in management and politics. Look to Mr. Putin how and from which position he became a president. This is the war of talent. If your leadership is incapable then you will loose a wining war.
yes. I agree. Most things in many countries are driven by family and friend connections and not by school, education, skills and hard work.
Syria has one of the worst command systems in the world – And worse – Syria is like that all over in most public and private matters.
As long as they insist in that driven by tempting corruption as well, they will stay where they are.
Its well descriebed in a youtube a couple of years ago. Commands of Damaskus dont reach the forces and information from the front not even reach the officers close to them, because the soldiers and the officers are raised as irresponsible obeyers. The incitament for figting often is only own gaining.
Yes, but that only in north. The other FSA`s and look a likes are not by Turks.
I am sure FSA has no troops for a stunt like that.
1) I also will add, that often the losses are explained by the overwheliming forces of the ISIS and other enemies to deny how bad their troops are and
2)ISIS many times has shown their first class troops really are among the best You can get. They also have or have had average to low troops making strange and dealy missions.
Seem to remember Russian General Rudskoy saying that Yankee scum had been training terrorists and that they had also supplied with chemical weapons to create a False Flag event:
“U.S. Deploys Naval Strike Groups For Attacks On Syria, Trains Militants For False Flag Chemical Attacks.” “We note the evidence of preparation for possible attacks.
Strike groups of naval carriers with cruise missiles are being formed in
the Eastern part of the Mediterranean, in the Persian Gulf and in the
Red Sea,” chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the Russian General Staff Col. Gen. Sergey Rudskoy said. From SF yesterday
Yerrh, why not. Anything is possible if You lie.
UN has said the opposite not long ago after hard work. 22 of 27 chemical attacks only can have been done by advanced spreading, which only has been possible for Assad.
But of course its also possible for USA as well as Russia and probatly Turks
The U.S. & Israel will make sure their goods will arrive at any given time (even if they have to dig tunnels for it)…. These days it’s getting a little bit harder for them to deliver Arms though… because they lost a lot of ground in Syria last couple of years…. so yeah on that part I agree… Headchoppers have a BIG PROBLEM at the moment getting the good stuff…
Why always this ZIONIST dribble implying the Americans are so CLEVER. The americans are god-awful at these kinds of operations. The american method is two-fold.
1) special forces recruited from proven PSYCHOPATHS discovered in other frontline military units. These people have the lowest IQ (thus no language or disguise skills), and live to torture, rape and murder. Their ‘usefullness’ is entirely their RUTHLESSNESS. US special forces are taught to torture BABIES in front of their parents for instance. (just as the School of the Americas, SOA, in Georgia USA, teaches South American military police how to rape women with dogs- don’t belive me go Google).
2) always to use LOCAL agents recruited with piles of dollars- people that are notorious for their incompetance and unreliability (see the infamous happy birthday BOMB in drone central in Afghanistan, for instance).
The lack of civilian atrocities PROVES this was british special forces. Brits LOOK like the locals. Brits SPEAK the local language perfectly. And brits know how to inspire the locals they command.
Why are brits on the ground when London knows Assad is going to ‘win’ in East Ghouta? Partly it is the ‘death of a thousand cuts’ strategy- kill where you can. Party it is to craft an immediate conduit for ‘white helmet’ gas attack propaganda- their are british BBC correpondents on constant alert ot be flown into East Ghouta to report of a regime ‘gas attack’ if the white helmets are deemed to have faked a good enough show.
The brits are masters of this method. Look at how the whole world fell behind their novichok lies. Trump is on a hair trigger ready to strike Damascus from THREE missile fleets – he relies on britain to pull that trigger.
No., it’s psychopath with illicit mind..! Those are psychos we’re dealings with..!
The rest you mentioned up there.. are very true & excellently written.
The corrupt Syrian elites who make money selling munitions to all factions engaged in this war.
More like Israel. They love to have ISIS as a bufferzone.
Again we see 27 sheep baaathistas -bah-bah.
Offense is best defense. Hope new fighting forces are deployed here & good leadership is executed
This is when a map would have been really helpful to me.
Google Maps Al, will give the info you need when combined to SF maps from 16/03 ISIS Resumes attacks on SAA in Al Kadam. This attack has to be predicated on satellite surveillance for they knew exactly where the weakest points in the SAA defence were. Yanks supplying the intel as usual
Nice one, thanks. Why the hell didn’t I think of that ?!!.
Yeah the MSM will be screaming now that Assad is bombing the Yarmouk refugee camp
There are French Special Forces embedded in it.
Who is Frog hunting today?
You got proof to back that up?
American, French, UK, Turkish, Israeli special Forces have been embedded in ISIS from day 1. I dont know why when this is mentioned people always want “proof”..Like CNN will come out and say that..
You do not why people always want proof? Try reading that sentence for yourself and see how stupid it sounds. “As” made a claim so I simply asked him if he could back that up. I do not believe in the holocaust either, but do you think people will believe me every time I say it? No I need to back up my claim in order to show them why I say that I say. So if you make such a claim as well then yes I want to know how and why.
Lavrov has said it and russia has good intelligence is good enough. You want him to go to the Terrorists to prove to you?
The US government said it had evidence of WMD weapons in Iraq remember? No I do not just the government simply because they say so.
Nice to meet honest people. You really is a clown.
Read this
I have long said that. Russia and people like you and me are always seeking proof but ultimately what is the point. We now have proof the Iraq didnt have WMDs..so what..Bush, Blair still at large..Iraq destroyed..a million dead..If there is great evil happening somewhere and America is close by then be rest assured that the 2 are linked.. All the proof I need
Sometimes you don’t even need proof because it’s in plain sight……all this so called proof years later turn out to be just another Lie…. so what is Proof? Can you eat it?
You are right about some things can be like that. But here I too often see everything can and some even demand us to respect assumptions of the worst kind.
Very much is about knowledge level.
Personally I think that the people in here are very Friendly & Understanding…. but don’t forget there is also this hidden anger….some are in the middle of a War or on the battlefield, while others just discovered how Evil the Lies of their Governments are… Different opinions together with Arguments are always (more or less) appreciated, but that is just my personal experience….
Hardly. You are member of CIA because You use internet ?
Perhaps you can do a little research yourself first….if you don’t trust what others are saying… you can read right?
And if You trow stones and people say they stay in the air and some reach the moon , we should work hard again to proove it for some morons.
Its the opposite way. Well proven things should be named and accepted as facts. Our world is build like that. We try to use facts as next steps of new facts on a higher level.
Then why did they teach me the wrong facts during History Class? I thought it were the right ones, but they proved to be wrong…and yeah, if you throw a stone in the air… it might reach the Moon…
I can remember many SAS advisors in Youtube videos. I saved many of the links, and almost all of them are dead now. Some terr shooting 30mm cannon thats almost knocks him over, you can hear british guy laughing and talking. Some foold blown out of their armoured car, sitting in the ruins they created saying, god I wish I had a pizza. Not to mention the americans coaching some terr to say his speech better so more people will join terrs. Just like Brehzhinski’s Jihad book in afghanistan in 1979, buy a bullet, zap a Russian crusader ad in Soldier of Fortune Magazine, ahhhh the memories…….
Thats totally incorrect. ISIS was as final chance to remove and replace Assad heavy supported by USA(Obama and Hillary). When ISIS came out of hand, the support from USA stopped. Thats Year ago.
The support to ISIS then only was from Turks, Saudis and Qatar being high estimated citicens of the islamic world.
As usual You use CNN as deavil in Your universe. Very strange. If You have computer You can take all free parts of many other american TV channels like the ones in the rest of the world.
I fx see Turkish TV channels and hardly recognize what Erdógan and Ilderim talked about here, because most of the important things are not even there.
Macron has admitted it, indirectly though.
Admitted it, indirectly. Well there we have it, absolute proof. Remember how proof like that got us invading Iraq? Forgive me but that just isn’t gonna cut it. I am on your side though with the whole western powers supporting Daesh, but when people make accusations like the one did where I responded to, I would like to see their evidence.
Yep, like your yankee proof. If you want to know more then do your own research, if capable that is. No one really gives a shit whether you want proof or not.
If someone here makes a claim then I am perfectly in my right to ask about it. No need to make useless insults right now.
The only insult is your intelligence….you want proof then you look for it, your decision but don’t demand proof. Problem is your gestapo attitude which identifies you as belonging to that “exceptional” race so use your “exceptional “abilities.
Your diaper is dripping. The smell would improve if You were a swine consumer.
Still a retard!
You have to divide things. The invasion of Iraq was like several others by polical matters trying to make it kind og legal.
You can take nazis taking Poland and Turks takimng Afrin. Many other examples like that.
Petreus and many others actualy said, there was no proof for any mass destruction weapon as well as distributing them. In theory only some few missilies could hit enemy Israel. It would probatly also hit others there being very inaccurate – and Israel certainly is only a very small part of the West.
This photo is of the MOSSAD agent that infiltrated the Libyan “revolution” in 2011 before ending up as the chief imam of ISIS in Benghazi before he got arrested last year. Today, his whereabouts are unknown, he might have been handed back to Israel.
Yeah, Ephraim Benjamin….Mossad, probably part of the Mista’arvim they are trained to become Undercover-Arabs, very convenient if you want to become a Commander of the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service…..
Your request for proof is about as relevant as the French president asking for proof of chemical weapons. He will engineer his own proof and start bombing. The fact Macron said “France remains ready to take independent action against Syria with or without the US” is evidence enough of his intentions.
No, conspiracy theorist like these just like to compete to see who can say the most outrageous thing that they can still pretend they actually believe.
Do you have an interesting subject on which we can debate perhaps….? Anything will do…
There is none.
This is true, French are doing everything to destablize the situation. They are engineering a chemical attack so they can start bombing the regime.
Thats parfume, because so many are not able to wash themselves.
This was expected news because in Syrian government some traitors exist. I tried my best to not touch any other pocket until East Ghouta is completely liberated. If still Syrian defence minister is interested in chaos in Syria then its a very bad luck of Syrians. Focus on one pocket at a time please.
It was no doubt a tough decision.They either had to take over Al Kadam or allow the head choppers overrun it. Might have been a set-up
The Syrian army should air strike that group which is stronger thus the weaker terrorist group will easily control them. Keep them busy until tiger forces become free.
Tanks are limited force vector in cities.
The Russian T 55 thru T 72 are death traps. ..
But hey….it was the same same if you were in a WW 2 Sherman ( Ronson)…as they would burn from Panzerfauste ….. a child could even hit them with.
Syria’s soldiers are certainly brave,…yet over the years, …going from one fire to the next,
The attrition rate must be staggering.
3000 mechanized various destroyed so far?…more?
FSA,ISIS overran numerous bases,arsenals,some battle captures of Tanks and other mechanized.
Would imagine WW 2 was same same……Germans using captured Russian Tanks.
With the Rats pushed into cauldrons now. …the contact will be ferocious.
Some Rat units cave after contact, …others have the ability to put the hurt on SAA,
You get some setbacks. ..
Tank vs 8 RPG or a TOW….unlucky day for tank crew.
There’s a YouTube of SAA tanks moving thru Jobar some years back. https://youtu.be/VHOWPdnsjCw
Was reflecting just now……if any of these men or their tanks remain today .
‘Not proxy’: Lavrov says US, British, French, Turkish, Israel special forces ‘directly involved’ in Syria war.
Until that cannot be proven or no proof is shown then it still is a proxy.
It is highly unlikely Lavrov would make such a statement unless he had the proof
Find those underground tunnels & havens!
according to the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq.
Well they are not going to say they are losing. Or how they fled Afrin and gave it to Turkey, now are they? Let alone show the chemical weapons factories that they left behind.
sf never fails to quote amaq and their ravings.
somebody explain what’s the scale of the ISIS “advance” compared to what the SAA is accomplishing in East Ghouta.
For what we know, it could be mostly a maskirovka attempt made to make the SAA divert resources to defend against this direction.
Perhaps the SAA is starting to encounter zionist scum in their operation and someone ordered some desperate attempt at saving them.
ISIS soldiers are not members of GENEVA convention, they have no rights at all. ISIS soldiers captured on the battle field, who have killed SAA guys or civilians should be burned alive in line with their custom.
That would not last long – I predict that in a couple of days (at max) there will be report about this offensive turned out into disaster for ISIS.
Embedded BRITISH special forces carried out this atrocity- tho the hand that fires the gun is always a local wahhabi, funded trained and armed by his british handlers. That’s how the british roll- lurking in the shadows with personel that talk the local language and look like locals- so many of the locals really believe they come from another Syrian town.
The problem is that the british have PERFECT intelligence, from observation high above, and GCHQ intercepts of Assads own generals. When a crack appears, they strike. And you always know when it is the british, for precise action takes out syrian soldiers and equipment, but NOT civilians.
Not that the scum who rule in the UK care about civilian life- the exact opposite is true. But they know their special forces assets on the ground are highly sensitive – and must NEVER be forced into obviously murdering civilians.
American special forces are quite different. They exist to rape, torture and murder the locals without consequence. Thus the british special forces HATE their american counterparts with a vengeance.
The french and australians are mostly butchers too. Child rape is legal in France (the reason jew child rapist Roman Polanski legged it to France) and Australia has a culture built from the ground up on racism. But the british are so deadly because they are so controlled.
The british operate freely in Syria with explicit permission from Putin. Putin never strikes their know locations and prohibits Assad from doing so either. So the poorly trained syrians that pour into East Ghouta are literal cannon fodder- and Putin doesn’t give a damn for Putin correctly calculates that despite the highly unnecessary loss of life of syrian soldiers, the liberation of East Ghouta is inevitable given the situation on the ground.
The wahhabi forces that the british command will be gradually exterminated as they expose themselves. But each ‘exposure’ will lead to the murder of many syrian ‘grunts’. If Putin allowed strikes on the known locations of the british special forces, these syrian soldier deaths would be avoided.
Why does Putin collaborate with the British against the Syrian army?
And then Yarmouk turns into the next Gouta…
Who gives a darn who , we damn well know who, and all the crying boo hop bad Israel USA baddies has become baby talk.
Every time Syrian military operation f’s up it is never their fault.
WHAT did they expect, an easy victory from an area that they let prepare for years now, playing good guy instead of military let them make major f up costing their soldiers lives.
Cannot blame bad guys, who completely lack morals and empathy, except towards their fellows they sleep with, to not take advantage of a military opening, they know what war entails.
The baddies set up an unbothered township which for years has been storing military supplies, fuels, factories and foodstuffs.
If this is an example of Syrian Russian capabilities, then Assad may just as well forget any dreams of a once again one Syria of past.
Too much butt kissing by uppercrust Syrian people.
EITHER GET NATION UNDER FULL WAR TIME FOOTING, MALES/ FEMALES, ANY NOT ALREADY HALF DEAD HUMAN AND ALL BUISNESS CONTRIBUTING TO WAR EFFORT, and yes Assad put a F’n uniform on and demand all those gov bureaucrats who bribed of kissed ads appointees do the same, or take the money and run to halt the wasted killings.
Some high placed military brass and bureaucrats need to take blame for f’ ups. Not the soldiers fault that follow orders.
Typical US ISIS tactics to exploit humanitarian cease fires and corridors. Their shame has no shame.
Everytime SAA and its allies make a success on some place right then Daesh makes hell on other place.
I have to say the Israeli trained terrorists(ISIS) are still the most effective fighters. The American British and French trained terrorists would run from an old lady armed with a broom, but ISIS will fight and die for Israel.
And rot in hell with their 72 whores..
This is too funny! The Sissy Arab Army ignored the scattered ISIS units that fled into that camp over the years and now are shocked that they’re now being attacked by the cretins.
Russia…NEVER NEGLECT YOUR ENEMY (USA), independently of the agreement you can reach.
The war is not over until it is over. I supposed that this was very well known by Russian (WWII).