On March 10, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) warned the militants in al-Qadam district south of the Syrian capital, Damascus, that it will launch a military operation against them in coordination with Russia if they do not agree on a reconciliation or evacuation agreement within 48 hours, according to the Syrian pro-opposition news outlet Enab Baladi.
Enab Baladi reported that a reconciliation agreement will force the militants to join the SAA and attack ISIS in the Yarmouk camp south of the al-Qadam district. A Syrian opposition source from al-Qadam told Enab Baladi that the militants will not agree on this, but will likely accept an evacuation agreement, which will allow them to withdraw to other opposition-held areas.
Currently, there are more than 600 militants south of Damascus, according to Enab Baladi. The militants there had not launched any attacks against the SAA, even before the de-escalation agreement was reached.
Syrian opposition sources reported in January and December of 2017 that a deal had been reached to evacuate the militants from southern Damascus. However, both attempts failed, likely because Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) had rejected them.
The evacuation of militants from southern Damascus will tighten the SAA grip around the ISIS-held part of the Yarmouk camp. Syrian pro-government activists believe that the camp will become the main target of the SAA and its allies once they secure the East Ghouta region.
good job saa ,and russia .kick that scumbag out of goutha
liar. that website is a scam. I pity the suckers who fall for this.
I pity SF not having a filter.
Peggy J the Google governmetal Shadow government BOT; GET LOST!
To the victory!
Why to force them to join SAA ? Just let them surrender. Why always something wrong ?
No one is forcing them to join the saa
“Enab Baladi reported that a reconciliation agreement will force the
militants to join the SAA and attack ISIS in the Yarmouk camp south of
the al-Qadam district.”
“A Syrian opposition source from al-Qadam told Enab Baladi that the militants will not agree on this, but will likely accept an evacuation agreement, which will allow them to withdraw to other opposition-held areas.”
because there’s nothing going right for zionists in this war?
East Ghouta is DONE- even the MI6/CIA trolls in the infamous syrianwar subreddit have given up in this particular case. Southfront (purposely) wastes editorial focus here so other things don’t get covered.
Britain is currently trying to sabotage the World Cup in Russia this summer, with a very standard false-flag. Multiple nations are already signed up to the BOYCOTT if Britain officially blames Russia for the nerve agent ‘attack’. Britain hosting the king of the wahhabi horrors, and sending ‘Prince’ William to the demonic jewish state of Israel later this year is all part of the current stage of the Deep State planning.
Meanwhile turks are back to their historic (armenian GENOCIDE) tactics with their death squad operations in Syria hunting down kurdish kids and intellectual leaders. Twitter is now filling with assasination videos showing the growing success these turkish death squads are having. Yet we have a couple of regular neo-nazi zionist trolls here cheerleading the turkish butchers, and calling their kurdish victims “sub-Human”.
After months of explaining to the dumb-dumbs that N Korea will NEVER be attacked by the USA, since it is a creation of America designed to keep Korea partitioned to please Japan- Trump has now just announced the same. But why now? Why are the yanks being forced to relax about N Korea? Because this is required in preparation for the REAL war- the coming war on Iran. Israel levels Lebanon and Gaza on the day that war starts. And in the run up Britain and America are gagging to have one final go at Syria.
Where is Southfront’s coverage of these issues?
Don’t understand why you are protecting kurds and at the same time protecting Syria. kurds choose to topple Assad with USA and UK.
It’s very strange that you don’t support USA but you support their kurd puppets who allowed USA to incae hald of Syria !!!! Very strange.
kurds getting butthurt is simply called KARMA.
This is how the Kurds behave-Stupid
can’t argue with that.
fact is, that history has shown it ain’t that difficult to come up with a coherent solution.
“when you don’t know nothing and have the option to do as the US or Israel (or any of their side) say, just do the alternative, or any other alternative”.
in all cases is going to serve your purposes better.
SF cant cover everything but they do spend a lot of time on Syria – as for Iran there is no prospect of a full on war. What pretext can they use? just more sanctions & rhetoric. Sure they would like to take down Iran but I cant see it happening in the short term.
Go to the SF header and notice the ‘Military Report’ tab and then click on the drop down menu. This will hopefully give you some insight into what the website is actually focused upon – Geo strategic issues – not whatever it is you want and your incessant daily anti-Putin rantings.
well said – although not everything found here can be considered completely devoid of anti-Putin (or pro nwo) rhetoric. I reckon that nowadays is going to be difficult to aggregate a large quantity of articles from various sources in geopolitics without incurring into said material.
at times though, it seems that the appearance of suspect material is a little more than coincidential, especially when it comes to certain themes.
we must take in account one thing – propaganda will assume various forms in regards to the “hearts and minds” of the segment of people that is to be targeted.
as i have already stated elsewhere, assuming a made-up identity is a matter of a bunch of mouse clicks nowadays – and having convinced your “targets” that you are “one of them” is already a big step ahead in putting ideas in their mind (although somehow I’ve got the impression that these phenomenons are actually being studied and fine-tuned for future reitarations)
It’s a strength that SF will publish contrary opinion and mark certain reports as rumour or lacking in verification; it distinguished SF from the corp-0-rat media.
Hmm… some nice coverage there….. tx
Re this: “Multiple nations are already signed up to the BOYCOTT if Britain officially blames Russia for the nerve agent ‘attack’.”
That won’t please their teams and fans esp those who have already bought their tickets and airfares – – – perhaps their police forces are in need of some kettling practise?
Regarding those traitors called Kurds:
They made their bed and now they must lie in it. Just like everyone in this world. They CHOSE to betray their own government, country and people and support a foreign aggressor. A foreign aggressor well known for betraying temporary militant allies – as the Kurds themselves have good reason to be well aware.
Perhaps they should send an envoy, cap in hand, to Damascus to (1) apologise (2) promise never to do it again (3) promise to recognise Syria as their country, Damascus as their capital and themselves as good, law-abiding SYRIAN citizens and (4) plead for the SAA to come save them from the Turks and (5) Russian aircover. Not saying they’ll get it but they might. Not saying it will work but it might. Might is better than dead.
Failing that they will die (as all traitors should) because Turkey made it very clear a LONNNNG time ago they would not tolerate an independent Kurdistan on their border. They might not like it, you might not like it, I might not like, but they are the ones running Death Squads round the countryside and they won’t stop unless “Someone” makes them. And well, at the moment Damascus has more on its plate than some traitors dying in the north in a region they have yet to even think about freeing from foreign aggression.
A good example of the fake news industry
So correct
Don’t forget that thanks to “nice and syrian patriot kurds”, USA killed 200 syrians soldiers in bombing.
This is how thw Kurs behave-Stupid
Most of the time, when you get butthurt, it’s called KARMA.
The west invinting immigrants intheir countries to look good and get butthurt = KARMA.
Immigrants going to the west because they can’t manage their own country and get buthurtt = KARMA.
Americans loving israelis and get butthurt = KARAMA.
Putin not giving S-300 and S-400 to Syria and get butthurt = KARMA.
kurds betraying Syria and get betrayed = KARMA.
“Putin not giving S-300 and S-400 to Syria and get butthurt”
You repeating this senseless rant ad-nauseam and get demoted because you fail to convince anybody – KARMA.
Even if Syria had requested it one tenth of the times you bitched about it on the internet.
Truth hurts.
you think he has the ability, to put the dots together and see truth?
only if there’s a way to make certain claims against SAA/Russia etc while doing so.
in his op, points 1,2 and 4 are the “trojan”.
point 3 is the payload.
Sunnis terrorists in east Ghouta terrorising people and get butthurt = KARMA.
One dictator trying to save himself and his gang instead of improving his people life and get butthurt = KARMA.
I hope they say no thank you and they stay and die for what they believe and killing for. When you have cancer, you dont send it to infect another part of your body, you kill it.
I know we will somehow want our rivals to die quickly but that is not logistically possible. It costs alot of money and manpower to kill only 1 militant Hence why they are mostly given deals in where they are bus’ed it’s not because good intent but because of the logistical nightmare it is to clear them
I know why my friend. But it is also why west demands it and blackmailing. And the Russians and group compromise. This scenario it been played over and over this is why none ever wins. This is always happens when politics turn the black and white way of winning a war into the grey areas of compromising and playing a never ending game.The game of the war industry.
Humans always waste all their resources into destroying each other rather than build a common future. The only way to achieve this is for each individual to return back to his/hers own country and do what they been doing before `western civilization try to turn every one to their own image. And stop mixing with each other creating so much clones with no ID.
As Colonel Kilgore pointed out, wars end. It’s expedient for the Assad regime to neutralise as many people as possible by diplomacy as a counter to US aggression after their head-chopping, heart-eating rapers and slavers have been destroyed.
It looks like Syria will never be one again. The US has no intention of leaving Syria any time soon. And no one wants to start a war with them. I doubt there is any form of international pressure or legal action that will force their exit. The only people that can get the US out of Syria is the Americans themselves. Remember vietnamization.
They are a cancer no doubt. But persuading them to leave without a fight is the best option. It save the civilian casualties that would have accompanied a fight. If all the terrorists could be gathered in a single of few towns and then wiped out, that will be best, rather than fighting them all over the country.
USA providing wepaons to israel = WIN.
USA and UK providing weapons to Saudi Arabia = WIN.
Russia asking USA and israel the right to sell weapons to Syria and get butthurt = KARMA.
you must have taken too much medication, or too little.
USA providing weapons to talibans to defeat USSR = WIN.
Any chance the An-26 could have been brought down by a bird-crashing against it or a mini-drone?
Is there russian infantry fighting in ghouta?
for this info, you need to contact the embassy and make direct questions to them.
Sure Ill just ask lol. Risky enough posting here direct contact would probably get me arrested or worse.
i dont know what country you live in but I dont envy you feeling under thread, all the time. You need to learn the art of surviving in 1984. Then learn ways around what attacks you.
Mostly support positions… and the Russians have been INVITED into Syria by the Syrian government… Meanwhile the US has never been invited and are in fact invaders ….
I can understand why the SAA is doing this, to try to minimize the bloodshed when they finally destroy these “terrorists” now holed up and beyond hope in East Ghouta… However, considering the fact that those fraud “terrorists” have been murdering and torturing civilians for the last few years in that pocket, the SAA should NOT give them this “free pass” and absolutely destroy every single one of them as a message to all those who continue to murder innocent people!
now it is less than 48 hours and the problem seems to be solved.
No forgiveness to murders who have occupied and killed thousands of innocent people in this area. I prop up the SAA and Russia to carpet bomb rats out there with thermobaric bombs.
Music to my ears SAA soldiers.Keep kicking their arses.They are nothing but paid killers. They are not interested in religions or people or Syrians. They are there to destroy the country and MURDER Syrians who do not agree with Wahabhism which is not a religion.Exterminate/exterminate/exterminate all these deadly/dangerous/destructive Gladio B teamsters.