On February 21, the Tiger Forces deployed dozens of T-55, T-62 and T-72 battle tanks in its positions around the militant-held pocket in Damascus’ Eastern Ghouta. Syrian pro-government sources said that the battle tanks are currently taking offensive positions around the militant-held pcoket, mainly near its southern part.
The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) 4th Armoured Division also deployed several up-armored T-72 battle tanks and Shilka vehicles in its positions in the northern part of the Eastern Ghouta pocket, according to pro-government sources.
#Syria #Damascus #EastGhouta #EasternGhouta Video Filmed Yesterday by a #SAA #SyrianArmy #SyrianArabArmy Syrian Army 4th Division / Fourth Division Soldier showing 4th Division Tanks getting ready for the Eastern Ghouta Liberation Military Operation pic.twitter.com/pEFUNoyhQw
— Ivan Sidorenko (@IvanSidorenko1) February 21, 2018
Meanwhile, warplanes of the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) and the Russian Aerospace Force targeted dozens of positions of Jaysh al-Islam, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), the Ahrar al-Sham Movement and Faylaq al-Rahman in the districts and towns of Nashabiyah, Tel Ferzat, Mesraba, Hawsh Ashari, Autaya, Eyen Tarma, Irbin, Harasta and Jobar in Eastern Ghouta, according to Syrian opposition sources.
SAA artillery guns and rocket launchers also shelled fortifications of the militants in northern part of the Eastern Ghouta pocket.
The SAA and its allies will begin their ground attack on the Eastern Ghouta pocket in the upcoming days, as they have finished all of their preparations, according to sources close to the Tiger Forces.
Photos of SyAAF and Russian Aerospace Force warplanes over Eastern Ghouta:
“Tiger Forces”…lolol. Better call them “Pussycat Patrol” because everyone is laughing at these incompetent losers. They’ve been fighting for years, but they’re still trying to beat unarmed civilians only a few kilometers from Assad’s palace!
Yeah. Only those “unarmed civilians” used to be well armed head chopping ISIL and Al Nusra killers that lost half of Syria to the “Pussycat Patrol” in last 12 months alone, before they decided to cut and run to the populated area using local civilians as human shield…And they are about to get their asses handed to them – again…Other then these few facts you are spot on – almost…
In mitlitary terms, ISIS and Al Nusra are about the worst fighters imaginable. Kind of like the Pussycat Patrol.
Dont you have crack to smoke?
Well I suppose that’s why US pitchforked 5 bn Saudi and Qatari $ worth of weapons and equipment to them since 2011… And that’s why Israel keeps bombing SAA over 100 times since 2011…And that’s why USAF bombed SAA positions on Thadrah mountain minutes before big ISIL push to Der Ezzor…Almost as if SAA has been fighting 1 supper power, 2 regional powers and every jihadist this side of Spin Boldak this past 8 years – and winning…If that’s “pussycat patrol”, I wouldn’t be in the shoes of the poor bastards that are about to experience the Tigers wrath…
Israelis are even worse. They can only attack unarmed Palestinians, and they haven’t managed to do anything about ISIS on their borders. They are the worst soldiers in the ME. Morons with fancy hardware.
You need a full load of gas like you friends some 70 years ago.
Would be a real laugh to see this moronic imbecile Spanker Dane on the frontlines against these “ünarmed civilians”. He would probably be peeing his panties and crying for his mama so much that they would be forced to do an emergency evacuation and send him home to Haifa or Tel Aviv, to prevent him from demoralizing the whole unit. . .
Yesterday Wanklord today Spanker Dane. Do you really think we will swallow your shit you puke out of your shithead?
People on this forum are not as stupid as your cnn fakery forums, people here are trying to conect the dots and get to know what is happeings, your shithead dosent even know what he was eating yesterday dumbster or trash from the neighbours.
Bitch Please, piss off.
Or Better!!! stay and LEARN. But shut the fuck up.
He’s a Zionazi shill buddy . . it’s obvious.
probably one and the same wearing military fatigues in a room with hundreds just like him-tax dollars at work
Go to the zoo to feed the pussycat.
Losers???????????? hehe
u wouldnt last a second against them lmao
Go troll somewhere else kid
Those “unarmed civilians” would rape you for not sporting a beard. Think about it.
It would be fun to export them to Washington.
Fuck your father you poor gay.
Christmas is coming early for the Syrian people,,they will soon be free of these zionist puppet head chopping savages,,,GO GO SAA.
Assad and Putin crying like little girls after Powerful President Erdogan give them huge spanking in Afrin!
Says the gay ISIS member
Just another troll uses a photo of a Pakistanis so funny as the photo was reused by western MSM to pretend it was Syria.
Be gone childish troll.
hes been fartin lmao
get a life you al qaeda supporter. You should be banned from this website.
It is people like you that give the gay, paedophilic dirty, rotten, dumb, camel fucking inbreds a bad name. Now be off with you Satan, may God bless you and lead you the way to where you belong…….oh by he way, remember you reap what you have sown.
Erdogan the imbecile is your father eh? It shows.
Indeed you are complitely right Assad and Putin are sissy’s no doubt about that!
Israël is Supporting ISIS and al Quaida on the golan hight
Jordanië is putting a knive in the back of the Syrian poeple in the South in Daraa
The US is active in the South and east of the Euphrates while supporting SDF and the YPG
Turkey is putting a knife in the back of syria in Idlib
It’s a miracle Sissy Assad is still in power with such a multifront war ( oh waait probably not a Sissy after all )
Instead The big helmsman Erdogan had to Kiss the a.s.s of Putin ( or was it a bl…..job i don’t remember ) after the economic sanctions and the intelligence tip about the Nato coup d’etat , yeah ! Peter the Great always told never trust a Turk your post only conforms this !
Well said but I am not sure if this fucken mongoloid Ottoman will get it.
You will cry like a little pussy when you get that the Turks are cowards and very bad soldiers. The will hide under the skirt of their mamas, aunts and sisters, their favorite place, when they will be really confronted by the SAA. And we all will see and enjoy this theatre. So, go back under the skirt of one of your ugly female family members, dirty Mehmet.
All of a sudden this site is being exposed as a controlled propaganda mouthpiece. Got to go to AMN News if I want broad current updates. What exactly are the publishers trying to mask? All the Russian failures?
Guy, this site don’t has time to void declarations and to void generalities à la anglo saxonique.
sure dude
Sounds like you have some issues there and have a hard time dealing with people wanting the truth , here we are from all over the world and not fed a State propaganda constantly as our daily pablum, so stop being a whiny cry baby and go to another site and stop genuflecting and projecting MSM garbage which can be easily debunked.
I hope Assad will continue clearing this packet until is fully clear it. I see some dogs from UN start barking and other western leeches screaming
They have already started bleeping, barking and screaming.
That’s USA and puppets game plan.Barking and using their UN puppet mouthpieces to call for huminatarian assistance. Why not in North Korea and Lybia.Bomb the Allah shit out of this blond terrorist.
Hey Syria and you pesky Russians, you have been naughty because in the UK houses of parliament today, they were being very concerned, critical and detrimental of your attacking Eastern Ghouta. So be warned you naughty chappies and stop fighting the terrorists.
they are really are pathetically and consistently vile
says the Syrian “refugee”
A sure sign the criminal invaders of E Ghouta are going to get a hiding. There is no sign quite like the whining in Westminster when US/UK backed salafi-jihadists face a real threat.
The same method by US-warcriminals to get Raqqa prepared for ground forces wasn’ t condemned by these english jew supporters.
Why doesn’t someone say that these rats have failed to join there hoes in idlib while refusing to join the peace talks
Theyve decided to die
Oh, the heroic “Tiger Forces”… they amass to smoke out a few thugs. Why make such a fuzz about it… oh, wait, because they can’t protect their country against a real enemy (Turkey). Pathetic.
Says the fat hamburger / pizza muncher as he sits in the safety of his home while only fighting the battle of the laptop to the refrigerator. Those “few thugs” are extremely aggressive, well-armed and ideologically motivated, you halfwit. . .
With this much cover available in an urban environment, won’t this armor only be rolling into ATGM alley? Even after years of siege, the moderates never seem to be short of those.
Yes I was wondering about the T55s esp. I hope they are modernized!
i would think SAA high command has a plan for that, otherwise they wouldnt be bringing this many tanks
Well the article says they are mainly deployed on the northern and southern entrances to the Ghouta.. which are not fully urban areas.. hopefully Suheil al-Hassan has a good plan
He has, be sure.
We all hope SAA -Russia aerospace force act fast, strong, without mercy, without deals, without bus ticket to other areas, and without paying attention to terrorists protectors (Israel-USA-NATO, UK, UN).
hahahah nice little gifts for the rats in the last few pics :))) yes take out ghouta from southern direction as well :)))
The Rebels in Ghouta released a trailer when they found out that 200.000 forces were being mobilized against them.. 3 days ago. I can’t lie I’m highly fascinated by them.
Napalm them a bit, lets see the fireworks!
i saw on facebook stupid BBC is saying how the fighting must stop in ghouta so aid be sent to the rebel-held areas, yea right more like more weapons and supplies for them!!! fucking british should be ashamed of themselves!!!