Syrian Army Breaks Ahrar al-Sham’s Siege On Armored Vehicles Base (Map)

Syrian Army Breaks Ahrar al-Sham's Siege On Armored Vehicles Base (Map)

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On January 7, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) broke the Ahrar al-Sham Movement’s siege on the Armored Vehicles Base east of Damascus city after capturing the Grain mills area northwest of the base, according to the Syrian State TV.

Syrian pro-government sources said the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) supported the SAA final push towards the Armored Vehicles Base and destroyed several key positions of the Ahrar al-Sham Movement around the base and in the southern part of Harasta district.

Earlier, the SAA expanded its operations north of the Armored Vehicles Base and attacked several positions of the Ahrar al-Sham Movement in the northern part of Harasta district, which likely increased the pressure on the Islamist group.

The SAA is now evacuating the injured soldiers from the Armored Vehicles Base and resupplying its forces there, according to pro-government activists. In the upcoming hours, the SAA will begin securing the base from all sides and recapturing all the positions it lost in the southern section of the base.

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leon mc pilibin


Solomon Krupacek

nazi symbol in avatar, communist symbol in picture. you are double extremist :))

Gregory Louis

Ok so explain how a GERMAN TANK DESIGN is a nazi symbol lol solomon you are getting desperate to try to troll this guy huh…..

Solomon Krupacek

nazi tank. nazi government developed, nazi government used. kalashnikov is also soviet symbol.

Solomon Krupacek

no, i will not influence your freedom :)

Igor Dano

you, jews, killed 100 million people during communism in CCCP.

Solomon Krupacek

me? i never lived in SU. you, russian were blody animals. chruschew, brezhnev were nor jews. stalin papa also not. and the millions of communists also not.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Keep the PZVIJ it was the backbone of the German army not NAZI since that was a political faction. The hard core gestapo which had many Jews and Turks among it, these are just facts just ask George Soros he was a Nazi.


Inconvenient truths I think :)
There enough to fill a library .

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Many libraries would be filled alone on WW2 Germany.


They would indeed. the day of truth will one day arrive and I hope that I am alive to witness the results . A Super Pogrom I suspect :)

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes, a Super Pogrom that was designed to create the state of Israel without question and the destruction of the Palestinians with little protest and make all except this vile act as it was and still continues to be.

Toni Liu

Just kept it syria use that tank against israel in the past, solomon jihadist lover just dont like everyone that hate jihadist


You could even use a US made tank :)

Gregory Louis

The weapons don’t make the ideology it’s like saying the M-16 is a symbol of capitalism that makes no fucking sense but yet again you know so what do I know right…..fuck me. Those soldiers are Germans first most didn’t fight for Hitler but for Germany…even later into the war the Nazi’s had old men and young boys fighting on their own land in their own cities to defend them unless you liked what happen to Dresden

Solomon Krupacek

sure. thing dont make ideology like cross does not make religion. but they are symbols. and using of symnols laudly tells something. alwyas

Gregory Louis

So if you see a rainbow in the sky will you automatically assume it has to do with LGBT….or is it a fucking rainbow first people put their ideas behind these machines the image in his photo is a tank what can a tank do without a crew…nothing exactly what can a gun do without a person with evil intention…..nothing nuff said

Solomon Krupacek

rainbow in nature does not symbolze anything. guy wearing rainbow medal, yes.

Gregory Louis

See and now you contradicted yourself get trolled bitch :p

Solomon Krupacek

not in the least. only you are too stupid to understand.

Gregory Louis

So the symbol of the rainbow doesn’t change its meaning unless their is meaning put onto it yes…just like how a tank or any weapon has no meaning unless a human puts their own ideology around it


There is no intifada here.
I guess Trump is just trying to make the other side happy ?


Your Jew crime state should have never been admitted to the UN in the first place. As the world is increasingly coming to realize. And Trump throwing the Palestinians and their neighbors under the bus doesn’t change that. It just makes the Jewmerica/Israel Jew crime nexus more obvious and undeniable. And the futility of negotiating with the Jews and their Jewmerican “intermediary” as being the waste of time and can kicking exercise that it is:

“The commission found that “Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine, by various forms of purchase”.[16] Nearly 90% of the Palestinian population was emphatically against the entire Zionist program. …

The Commission Report was skeptical of the viability of a Jewish state in “Syria”. The logic of the Commission went along the lines that the first principle to be respected must be self-determination. It pointed out that a majority of “Syrians” were against the formation of a Jewish state. It concluded that the only way to establish a viable Jewish state would be with armed force to enforce it. This was precisely what the Commission wanted to avoid, so they dismissed the idea, saying that Zionists anticipated “a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants to Palestine, by various forms of purchase”. That said, there would be nothing wrong with Jews coming to “Israel” and simply living as Jewish Syrian citizens, but noted “nor can the erection of such a Jewish State be accomplished without the gravest trespass upon the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine”. The latter statement was based on the assumption that an army of at least 50,000 would be required to establish Jewish ownership by force. In respect to the creation of a Jewish state in the Middle East, the report cautioned “Not only you as president but the American people as a whole should realize that if the American government decided to support the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, they are committing the American people to the use of force in that area, since only by force can a Jewish state in Palestine be established or maintained.””

– King–Crane Commission – (1919)

The commission’s findings have been fully vindicated as history has subsequently proven. And is proven every day by the scofflaw Jew criminals and their collaborators. The recent UN Jerusalem vote shows that the UNGA 377 A procedure and votes are their to nullify the US UNSC veto and admit Palestine as a full member nation to the UN over Israeli and US objections.


WOW, that is a lot of wind from a hate monger :D


It’s called truth, which is something that Jew pedophile rape cultists and their supporters like you hate. Because it exposes all of the Jew’s crime and evil for what it is. This is you PZIVJ, the lying two faced Jew good buddy of the Arabs planning to victimize them just like the commission report from 100 years ago said was going to happen. You’re on these boards every day claiming to be against the war that your Jew buddies fabricated and are waging against Syria and the region:


You are just a fricking idiot and troll who wants to degrade SF discussion.
I see your game here RichardD.
You should not have replied to me in the first place. SCUM BAG


You’re unwilling to debate the issues that I’ve addressed because you know that what I’ve written is true and that you’ll lose badly and look like the liar and fool that you are. So you just go straight to the liar and fool act and throw one of your typical infantile Jew temper tantrums instead, and dispense with the hard work of debating someone like myself who knows what they’re talking about and can back it up with copious amounts of quality evidence that can and has stood up in the highest courts on the planet.


Your being a truth hater is your problem, not mine.

As I’ve told you several times before. If you don’t want to debate the issues in a rational factual manner. Then I’m not going to waste my time replying to your lies, duplicity, idiotic harassment, and displays of immaturity, nonsense and stupidity.


Thanks very comprehensive detail you have presented.


Some of it is stove piped and read at the highest levels on this planet, and off. I don’t have to worry about death threats from just truth hating Jews, I also have off planet elements to deal with as well.


You mean the material disappeared from the website?

When I write any post so I try my best to make it limited to 3 lines but still some of my posts reached to 10 lines.


No, stove piped means that it’s picked up by intel screeners as being of value. And is then included in briefings for policy makers. Foreign ministers, heads of state, large starship commanders, people like that.


I see. I read your detail completely and I appreciate your approach. You have better knowledge than me. I am just learning. My posts are so basic.


Be careful with the tunnel bomb…!! They are digging.

Simon Abruzzo

might wanna expanded their flanks afterwards

Gregory Louis

They’d have to take the whole district back

bob balluga

they should do just that

Gregory Louis

Wouldn’t be a bad idea but I don’t know what the SAA commanders think anymore…I’ll just sit and wait what they do from here cause they called in alot of elite guys I just don’t know if they just want to end the siege or just take the district

Solomon Krupacek



Solomon, there is someone else using your keyboard ! :D

Solomon Krupacek

hey nazi, dont be so sure with your opinions!


Looks good, this area has been a problem for a long time. Getting it cleaned out will be a big improvement.


at last……


Israel is a foreign terrorist organization in Palestine using the Jewish religion. Israel have no religion. If You wanna see real Jew then watch this video.

At the moment all Muslim states face serious challenges from Trump and his terrorist organizations. Trump will fully support any terrorist organization that stand against any Muslim state in the Middle East to kill nation, damage state defenses and economy. Therefore, Trump targets Muslim states through Erdogan(AKP), MBS(Sauds), Netanyahu(Israel), ISIS, HTS(Al-Qaeda), FSA and SDF organizations and these are true Terrorist organizations. Palestine, Yemen, Syria and Iraq etc are in serious trouble now. Only the unity of all Muslim states can save them from Trump and his terror groups.


“94% say that if Jewish state “no longer existed tomorrow,” it would be a “tragedy.””


Hide Behind

Now Google and Facebook have agreed to close down any and all you tube or websites Israeli Jews in US and MOSSAD in Israel find offensive.
I find it offensive that in a nation where freedom of speech was founded as a Right, now has to kiss Iraeli ass.


Jewgle, Jewbook and Jewtube are all owned and operated by Jews.

There’s also legislation trying to outlaw “antisemitism” to fuel the Jew crime syndicate:

– The Anti-Semitism Awareness Act would damage free speech rights –

“US politicians who routinely support pro-Israeli legislation cannot be unaware of Israel’s illegal and immoral actions against the Palestinians.”

– The Israel Lobby in Action: Anti-BDS, Anti-Semitism and Jerusalem Reunification –


Israel is a US terror network, erected on a very weak foundation. In this world everything has its own life and bloom.

This is true that US have killed millions of innocent civilians around the glob through this network but now their end have reached. Netanyahu and his majority cabinet have done the most corruption in Israel. They have destroyed the Israeli economy. Each year our US and UK governments donate total US$9 million but we don’t know where that money goes because each year more people become deprived in Israel.


The US Jews have hijacked the Jewish religion. They use it for their own benefits.


It’s been Satanic from it’s early stages, according to Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Jesus Christ. Christianity is the correction to Jew crime and evil.


Always, in any part of the world. Jews use their religion for their own benefits.


I would not consider the demise of the apartheid Jewish state a tragedy :)


Neither would I, it would be a big improvement for the region and humanity. As would outlawing Judaism to create a Jew free planet. Some of the biggest benificiaries would be the American people who are witnessing the Judification of America to create Israel on steroids.


This a brave Jewish young man .


Job well done SAA, sorry for your loses.
And where is dutch boy on this article ?
Is he still sifting through BS jihadist tweets to claim fake news !

Michael Simpson

To recover land and only resume the same position as previous would be a terrible thing to do. A status quo situation where you are surrounded on three side is just not acceptable. They need to recover those neighborhoods and eliminate the shooting gallery situation that was there before.

Hide Behind

There is one military tactic, air mobility, that I see as almost totally lacking within Syrian war efforts.
Not to disparage the help that Russia has given to Syrian military, but I oft wonder if , not unlike US, are not using Syria as an R&D training ground, for both equipment development and urban warfare.
NOTE times it has taken for Both US supported Kurds and Russian supported troop to capture a large municipality.
Russia has all the air mobile equipment in country to hit any smaller enclaves from rear whenever they want.
Hit and run of up to brigade sizeair mobile units which could be mounted by Russian transports, when you look at numbers of enemy kills are miniscule, and allowing mobility from secure enemy enclaves, is baffling.
This is not WWII type warfare where mass army’s face off or try to fortify with masses mountain ranges and well fortified and defended by trained soldiery, he’ll 100 baddies attacking 200 goodguys would not of made more than a WWII skirmish.
A retreating enemy in wide open terrain, when air mobile strike units could easily cut off retreat routes and puncher destroyed them, why not?
Russian helo s are useed wing aircraft ,flying at 1500 feet higher than and much like WWII close order fixed wing craft.
Oft wonder if Syria is no more than a live fire course used to train troop and test equipment by both US NATO and Russia for future warfare between them, say in Ukraine or old Soviet Republics.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They were making up to 30 strikes in some areas and used Helicopter gunships to break open the siege, so WTF are you talking about the US with their handful of strikes from the air. The SAA and Russians did great with their air and artillery coverage, but when the distances get too close for arty within 50 m gets pretty dodgy.

The advance in Idlib was moving too fast and required large amounts of man power to control and secure the advances rear, it was a fast drain on the troops in the region. The Uighur foreigners might be on their way to help in the region there but so far all those who came to help have retreated so far.


i hope this year they manage to cleans damascus and broke the siege on kafarya


See this good news only in January and February.


I just had my account blocked at VT for exposing Jew crime and evil for what it is. This is a quote from the editor there saying that 30% of the VT staff and contributors are Jews:

“Jim W. Dean, Managing Editor January 7, 2018 at 12:39 pm
Richard, I beg to differ, and we are well versed in this subject. I would be willing to bet you that Israeli has a higher percentage of Jews than than the US, although I would not use the work “infested”, one that a Zionist extremist pretending to be a Jew hater would use in a comment posting to tag a website as an anti-semetic one. The roughly 30% of our staff and sources who are Jews would beg to differ with your tired “broad brush” remarks, the kind we rarely see here.”


And they blocked your account because you are a hate monger ?


They blocked it because the truth about Jew crime and evil that they don’t want getting out was contained in my comments. But you can read about it every day here at SF.


RichardD: PZIVJ is not in his control may be drunk.


He’s a truth hater trying to suppress the exposure of Jew crime and evil.


Israel is not Jewish community. They have hijacked Jewish religion. Jewish people themselves say this.


Can you provide proof?


Israel is a foreign terrorist network in Palestine using the Jewish religion. Israel have no religion. If You wanna see real Jew then watch this video.

At the moment all Muslim states face serious challenges from Trump and his terrorist networks… Trump will fully support any terrorist network that stand against any Muslim state in the Middle East to kill nation, damage state defenses and economy… Therefore, Trump targets Muslim states through his own terror networks like Erdogan(AKP), MBS(Sauds), Netanyahu(Israel), ISIS, HTS(Al-Qaeda), FSA and SDF…. Palestine, Yemen, Syria and Iraq etc are in serious trouble now. Only the unity of all Muslim states can save them from Trump and his terror networks.


Jews in Israel are not more than 10%. In Israel 90% are Palestinians. I have posted details on this a couple of times in south front.


I don’t agree, how to you come to that conclusion?


Since 1944 start look map and compare with figures. In Israel the majority of people are Palestinians with different ethnicity excluding European Jew settlers that entered secretly into Palestine.


“According to Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, in 2008, of Israel’s 7.3 million people, 75.6 percent were Jews of any background. Among them, 70.3 percent were Sabras (born in Israel), mostly second- or third-generation Israelis, and the rest are olim (Jewish immigrants to Israel)—20.5 percent”

– Demographics of Israel –


Israeli settlers always lies to create misconception. You are not allowed to film there in Israeli settlers areas which is actually part of Palestine. Never trust their lies.

I caught their lies first when I study the whole Palestine map.

I have asked from many Israelis they have told me that in Israeli settlers areas the majority of population is of Palestinians.


Can you provide proof?


Israel is a foreign terrorist network in Palestine using the Jewish religion. Israel have no religion. If You wanna see real Jew then watch this video.

At the moment all Muslim states face serious challenges from Trump and his terrorist networks… Trump will fully support any terrorist network that stand against any Muslim state in the Middle East to kill nation, damage state defenses and economy… Therefore, Trump targets Muslim states through his own terror networks like Erdogan(AKP), MBS(Sauds), Netanyahu(Israel), ISIS, HTS(Al-Qaeda), FSA and SDF…. Palestine, Yemen, Syria and Iraq etc are in serious trouble now. Only the unity of all Muslim states can save them from Trump and his terror networks..


Can you explain how this proves your point, I don’t see how it proves your points?


A country needs a strong foundation but Israel have no foundation. Israel is based on GBP3 declaration. Recently Trump has decided to get Jerusalem from Palestinians and gift it to Israel on which world wide strong protest started. So on Friday his establishment will now do medical checkup of Trump that he is capable of keeping POTUS post or not.


“Jews in Israel are not more than 10%. In Israel 90% are Palestinians.”

It looks like English may not be your native tongue. But nothing that you’ve provided remotely explains or proves your statement that Jews are only 10% of the Israeli population. You statement is blatantly false. And it makes you look foolish posting something as incorrect as this. And then trying to justify or prove it with nonsensical posts.


Remember my these words. You will see yourself in near future that I am right or wrong.


I really don’t think so. You’re making crazy posts.


Change your user name once more.




Richard, seems they told you more or less the same thing that I told you. Not all Jews are for Israel and Zionism.
Attacking all the Jews just helps Zionists by raising fingers and playing victim. That’s what they do whenever they feel they’re in corner, like vandalizing their own Synagogues and blame it on Jew-haters.

Now are you going to tell me all about Jewish circumcision?


English evidently isn’t your first language, because like high German, there are elements that don’t translate well into other languages that many non native speakers miss. And it looks like that may be the case with you, and several others here.

Not all voodoo cultists, Satanic cultists and Jew cultists are pure evil. But they all belong to demonstrably evil cults. If you can’t see that an evil cult that mass pedophile rapes 1,000 cult babies every week, and the cultists who belong to this evil cult are a problem. Then I don’t know what to tell you to help you understand.

If seeing a star of David, upside down cross or black magic voodoo talisman doesn’t give you a heads up that there may be a problem. Then you have a different perspective on the issue than I do.


No, you’re right. English is not my mother tongue but I can recognize upside-down cross or other famous satanic symbols, I also am able to recognize if there’s more than ONE exception to a rule, it doesn’t count as a rule anymore. So, %6 [of American Jews] and maybe more in other parts of the world tells ma that not all Jews are bad.


It’s more than Zionism, though that’s part of it. The 6%, if it’s that high, are Talmud rabbinical baby rapers also.


There’s a contextual difference in English between Jews plural and Jews inclusive. I’ve pointed this out on these boards before. Discerning the author’s intent requires taking the context into consideration. I don’t hate individual Jews simply because they’re Jews and were born into an evil cult through no choice of their own, though I may view them with suspicion. People have to be judged by their actions as well as their circumstances.

However, 6% of Jews who aren’t avowed Zionists isn’t much more than a rounding error to 100%. And given that they’re taught to lie from birth by their evil cult, even the 6% are suspect.

Langaniso Mhlobo

This terrorist are stupid from the battlefield to reconciliation centre from reconciliation centre driving luxury buses to the feeling centre.From the feeding centre back terrorist activities and finally to the graveyard.Viva SAA.Terrorist must know there is no rest in he’ll devil torments every day.

Richard M

Everyone (with a brain) knew this would be the result. Still, it was amusing watching the Salafist FanBoys foam at the mouth with their ridiculous fantasies! :D


At least one can hope hostilities will cease now and that the relentless bombing of civillians will cease too.

One hopes.


Reading a twitteraccount like #harasta, one gets a weird feeling.

On the one hand jubilant reports about the siege being broken (without veryfieable pics) and counterclaims that it has not at all, also without veryfiable pics.

Weird, even for this conflict.

Whatever the real truth, it is likely somewhere in the middle.

As the map does not report rebels breaking into the vehicle base, this part is veryfiable incorrect. There are both youtube movies and pics of rebels breaking into the base with tanks, of rebels standing in the , apparantly, empty base and taking prisoners away.

Friendly fire by Russians on the base in another indication all is not well within the base.

Until further veryfiable info, my reading is that the base was indeed reached by a very small corridor and some got in and or out. At the same time, rebels have taken part of the base and are still, to some extent, in the base.

So the battle for the base is still going on around a mostly besieged and partly taken base.


Good news SAA. It is time to run as a rabbit and to stop moving as a turtle.