The second-in-class Zumwalt destroyer was forced to stop builder trials early and to return to the General Dynamics Bath Iron Works shipyard in Maine, Naval Sea Systems Command said, according to USNI News.
The equipment failure occured a day after USS Michael Monsoor (DDG-1001) left Bath Iron Works on December 4. The ship returned to the shipyard on December 5 to solve its problem with harmonic filter.
“Harmonic filters are used in complex electrical systems to prevent unintended power fluctuations from damaging sensitive equipment.
The loss of the filter prevented the ship from running its complicated electric drive system at full power as part of the testing that was intended to be carried out during the trials,” a report by USNI News reads.
The first of the class destroyer USS Zumwalt also experienced several high-profile mechanical failures after it was delivered to the US Navy. One of the incidents took place while it was transiting the Panama Canal.
Looks like Civil War era ship.
I like the Great War tin opener forefoot….
Its to open the can of worms that the Zumwalt class is :)
It does, apart from the fact that the civil War era ships worked of course :)
looks to me like belonging to Star War’s evil empire…
Water and electricity don’t mix….
offer them kuznyetsov
Seriously, your remarks are more bitchy that most women.
i think, YOU react as hysteric woman
Holy smoke.
Another sign that a community in disunity has problems show up. Call it the karma of disunity.
Ships look like ships for a number of reasons. Most of those reasons are that the design of ships has evolved, over many thousands of years, into something that works. This design is not stable, and it only works on the very edge of computer controlled stability. The last time a design this bizarre was tried was the Russian turtle ship of the Russo-Japanese war; they didn’t work. This ship may be have been designed by the indispensable, and may be crewed by the exceptional, but the hull design is inherently unstable.