Palestine-Syria War Report – December 8, 2017: Jerusalem Standoff

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On December 7, the Palestinian al-Nasser Salah al-Deen Brigades fired several rockets at the Israeli settlements of Hof Ashkelon and Sha’ar HaNegev north of the Gaza Strip. The group said in a statement that this was only the first response to the US decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and said that more actions will follow. The Israeli Defense Forces said that a battle tank and a warplane had targeted two posts in Gaza in response to the shelling.

According to local sources, Israeli warplanes are highly active over Gaza as the situation escalates.

Earlier, Politburo Chief of the Palestinian Hams movement Ismail Haniyeh called for an uprising against Israel. He said that December 8 “should be a day of rage and the beginning of a major effort to rise up, which I will name the intifada of Jerusalem and the West Bank’s freedom.”

“As we liberated Gaza, we are able… to free Jerusalem and the West Bank by the way of this popular struggle,” he added.
Haniyeh emphasized that the US decision amounted to a “war declaration against Palestinians” that “killed” the Israel-Palestinian peace process.

Meanwhile, tensions between Palestinians and Israeli forces have been reported in multiple areas. The situation is heading towards a dangerous level of escalation.

In Syria, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (formelry Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and its allies repelled an attack from the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the National Defense Forces (NDF) on the village of al-Shakusiyah in northeastern Hama. Militants allegedly destroyed a SAA battle tank on Rabdah Hill with an ATGM.

Meanwhile in southern Aleppo, west of Khanasser, the SAA destroyed 3 HTS vehicles and killed 10 members of the terrorist group.
ISIS resumed its operations in northeastern Hama and entered the villages of Abu Ajwah, Muylah Ben Hadib, Shihat al-Hamra and Qasr bin Wardan which had been controlled by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham.

According to pro-government sources, the Syrian Tiger Forces will soon be redeployed to northeastern Hama and southern Aleppo after they have finished their tasks in eastern Syria following the liberation of the entire western bank of the Euphrates from ISIS.

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Jozsef Osztronkovics

It look like the zionisraeli kazarian-edomitan scums blocked the video


nothing is been blocked just refresh your page, this is not youtube no one can block nothing on SF page


I’ve done some further research on the President’s signed White House documentation from yesterday’s embassy move. My assessment is that the verbal and signed US presidential proclamation on moving the embassy to Jerusalem contradicts the stipulations of the embassy act. The act stipulates that moving the embassy is recognition of Jerusalem as the undivided capitol of Israel:

“(1) Jerusalem should remain an undivided city in which the rights of every ethnic and religious group are protected.
(2) Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel”

Which is in conflict with yesterday’s signing statement that reads:

“We are not taking a position of any final status issues, including the specific boundaries of the Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders.”

As well as being in conflict with UN Resolution 2334 that stipulates that east Jerusalem is not part of Israel. Implementing the embassy act and moving the embassy to Jerusalem is extending US diplomatic recognition to all of Jerusalem as being part of Israel. The President’s signed proclamation stating otherwise in my opinion is erroneous and doesn’t change the law or the effect of it’s implementation in terms of US diplomatic recognition of Jerusalem as the undivided capitol of Israel.

paul ( original )

There is no doubt in my mind that the Palestinians have endured a great
injustice. This injustice rather than being resolved just keeps on
getting worse. By this I am not just thinking of any single event,
rather this has been the flow of history over more than seventy years
at least. I see nothing to change the current trajectory. Talk of
legality, the UN or resistance to me just seems like wishful
thinking. None of these entities are likely to have any impact in the
foreseeable future.

In the bloody history of the Middle East there have been many dramatic
changes. I don’t think these have come to an end; but for the
Palestinians I fear there will be many more catastrophes before any
respite is offered.

Jonathan Cohen

Abortion banners deserve that and more.

Ivan Freely

The UN is a forum for political discussions to settle differences. People put too much into the UN and think it’s a World government when it’s not. Those that wish for the UN to be one will greatly regret it as it will turn tyrannical. The only way to resolve this, is for the Islamic World to not allow itself to be divided. There’s simply too many Muslim politicians willing to throw their fellow Muslim under the bus.

paul ( original )

Agreed, but I also don’t see it happening.


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Fernando Silva

Congratulation Israel! Congratulation Trump!


Congratulation for new war?

Fernando Silva

the peace process was already dead


Because for US.

Fernando Silva

Because hamas end fatah


Muslim world disgraced by US president Trump on taking their holly land and main mosque in Jerusalem and now becoming soft with Pakistan because Pakistan has changed their direction from US to Russia. Now I will see that Pakistan leadership has any dignity or not.
Majority of Muslim countries leadership are American puppets.

America only sell their military hardware too expensive on Muslim countries and not giving them their manufacturing facilities. LOL


The treatment of Palestinian and Yemeni people is unfair, one sided and should not be tolerated. I stand with Palestine and Yemen. God protect both from evils. Ameen


Yemeni people are dying due to starvation and disease. They have no food, clean water, medicines and medical facilities.

Russia could use military ports and air bases in Yemen / Sudan for the help of Yemeni people to deliver humanitarian aid from Russia.