ISIS And Al-Qaeda Influence Growing In Yemen

ISIS And Al-Qaeda Influence Growing In Yemen

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On November 26, an unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) targeted three vehicles carrying al-Qaeda fighters on the road between the southern province of Shabwa and the central province of Bayda, the France Press Agency (AFP) reported.

Seven fighters of al-Qaeda were killed in the UCAV airstrike, according to the report.

A Yemeni offical told the AFP that the UCAV was likely American, as the US is the only country using UCAVs against al-Qaeda and ISIS in the southern and eastern parts of Yemen. From its side, the Saudi-led coalition, which controls most of southern and eastern Yemen, is yet to take any real steps against the two terrorist groups.

The ISIS and al-Qaeda influence in Yemen grow dramatically in the Saudi-led coalition areas during the last few months. Some Yemenis even fear that Yemen may become the main stronghold of ISIS and al-Qaeda once the terrorist groups are defeated in Syria in Iraq.

On November 5, over 20 Yemeni policemen were killed when ISIS cells attacked the headquarter of the Yemeni Police in the city of Aden, which is under the control of the Saudi-led coalition. On November 25, a fighter of ISIS assassinated an officer of the Yemen Police in Aden also.

ISIS And Al-Qaeda Influence Growing In Yemen

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The fact that ISIS could conduct hit and run attacks, not just bombings, in the strategic city of Aden proves that the terrorist group is stronger than ever in Yemen, and that it may launch wide scale attacks there in the future.

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USA is moving their useful idiots.


Yeah, fresh new dogs of war, coming from the loosing game Syria and probably Iraq, where their wet dream evaporated fast, and will so in Syria, it may take a bot mote time, but this pockets will be an easy target range, anyway, but of course, a lot rests on whats been said, lately, in an sense, things may, go into an new direction.

But again, its like yesterdays rain, and why trust the people whom have thru years did what they wanted and ignored the rest, aka everybody whom they didn’t like, lied, cheated and eventually invaded, stolen resources (uno coal, ask the Afgans), occupy whatever gov. and forced the nations wealth into their hands and banks.

Yeah, and then the Turks, finally is my one answer to their fumbling in the dark shadows of an insane Nation, the bonkers UssA, and now, Turks are basically doing the same, as we speak, await the response, is it something fundamental, or just sniveling standard drivel, witch have saturated everything to an staggering heep of bullshit and nonsense, and on top of it, an soup of scumbag groups whom have their own intresses aka The American GOD, Guns, Oil and Drugs.
You know, Al-CIAda, etc, etc.

Interesting times.

I expect nothing, the shoa must go on.
PS: whatabouttheISISrael.



Saudi’s puppets turning on their masters.

Tudor Miron

No, they don’t. They didn’t attack SA royal family or Israel did they? What they do is prepearing pretext for US and SA “legitimate” presence in Yemen. Now they can start their game of “war against terror” with no actual results but unlimited time just as it was with their 2 years compaign against ISIS in Syria and Iraq (before Russia intervened in Syria). They were bombing something and ISIS and Al Queda territory was growing.