The British member of ISIS Sally Jones is believed to have been killed, along with her 12-year-old son Jojo, in a US airstrike.
The Sun reported that the CIA had told its UK counterparts Jones was killed by a Predator drone strike near the Syria-Iraq border in June. She had last been seen fleeing from Raqqa and heading for the Syrian border town of Mayadin. Many ISIS members have fled the city as ISIS control of the area diminished.
The Pentagon was unable to confirm whether she had been killed. Major Adrian Rankine-Galloway, a Pentagon spokesman, said: “I do not have any information that would substantiate that report but that could change and we are looking into this.”
Sally Jones, a former punk musician from Kent, became a leading recruitment officer for ISIS after converting to Islam and travelling from the UK to Syria in 2013 with her son to join her husband. Her husband, jihadist Junaid Hussain, was killed in a US drone strike in 2015.
Jones was a propagandist on social media. She encouraged individuals to carry out attacks in Britain, offering guidance on how to construct home-made bombs. She had more than 20 handles on Twitter but there has been no activity from her in recent months.
One more down and more to go :)
Why is the CIA reporting this now? Do you suppose it is a threat? I think it is.
SF not reporting about how Turks back stabbed Russia more amusing
I think Putin knows what he is doing.
And I think you are a troll. Who pays you?
Sure he expected Erdogan to run towards Ukraine as well didn’t he? He trusted a dog that bit him before and he gets bit again.
You just proved that you are a troll. Speak to the point, if you want me to believe otherwise.
I did speak to the point you are all fools 3 day ago YEA russia iran turkey syria alliance will defeat those pesky zionist kurds hts isis america etc
Stating the obvious makes me the troll then you are the fool of the court.
I have no idea what you just wrote. Do you speak English? A few punctuation marks would help.
Sorry have no more time to waste on a drone.
Good riddens!!! This is what every moronic, stupid, brainless idiot who betrays her/his culture, civilization, creed, race deserves!!!!
you are a racist
He might not like the great influx of immigrants/refugees from the Middle East and North Africa. But you know who is to blame for that: America.
Time for a few small repairs… Do you get it yet, Mattis?
(For you other posters, Mattis and/or maybe Trump would like to guilt-out some other posters on Southfront. Or even threaten them.)
Now that’s an unexpeted comment? I have to say that I don’t agree with the above because I think that Humanity is of higher order that national culture/creed/race but I don’t see how Jc Placante’s comment is rasist… Would you reveal us the resoning behind your blame?
Jc Plancarte mentions the following:
This is what every moronic, stupid, brainless idiot who “”BETRAYS”” her/his culture, civilization, creed, “”RACE”” deserves!!!!
Not necessarily so. I would ask what exactly does he mean by word betraying but you may have a different view. Let me ask – are you from US? Not very many countries other than US are so sensitive to “rasist” issue.
i’m moroccan btw
That’s even more unexpected. A you Morocco resident? Sorry for asking so many questions.
I agree with you.
He did not mention any race over another. He says one should stick to ones race.
Though that seems bigotted to me, narrow minded, it is not racism in itself.
No you are the racist – an Anti-White racist.
bye bye bitch
Why are we just now hearing about this? Anybody?
Dunno. Still good news the cunt is dead
So, she went from being a social justice warrior to an Islamic jihadist warrior. Basically the worst possible convert, the die hard who goes from one opposite to the other. Well, good riddance, a shame about her child though. The poor kid got really shafted by its parents. Before eating Hellfire missile.
Well most SJW’s have a lot of sympathy for Islamists’ anyway, so it’s not necessarily much of a leap. That’s why they love having so many of them flood into Europe.
Now you know who are those in “social justice forces” – just play the role that is needed at this moment. Serves well on different directions :) Both roles involved fooling sheeple so this whitch was using same skills. Striking thing is both movements are directed from same power center and are different instruments of same intent.
Barba, I thought same thing regarding the child. Poor kid never had a chance.
That’s the thing all those Syrian kids eating missiles too.
How many civilians have been butchered by the wishes of certain countries?
SJW types are intollerent hate breeds, much more in common with IS than anyone else actually.
True, it’s the same mentality basically. The idea that you know better what is best for everyone and therefore you get to decide what is best for everyone. And if some sacrifices have to be made along the way (always by others), well, you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.
heresay by zio satanic losers (were both airlifted to israhell?)
If you hate ISIS and Israel it doesn’t mean they are the same. Even though your government / mullahs say it.
Looks like a methhead to me…
I repeat: Get out of Syria, America.
It happened in June but still glad that the witch and evil cub were blown up by Christian Forces
I guess she got Punked
Hard punked.
Hopefully more and more such a Bitches end up in HELL.