Netanyahu Slams Palestinian Reconciliation Efforts, Says They Should Include Interests Of Israel

Netanyahu Slams Palestinian Reconciliation Efforts, Says They Should Include Interests Of Israel

sraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends the weekly cabinet meeting at his office in Jerusalem, Sunday, Oct. 1, 2017. (AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke against Palestinian National Authority’s continued reconciliation efforts on October 3.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel won’t accept the appeasement where the Palestinian side is reconciling at Israel’s expense, adding that anyone who discusses a peace process must recognize Israel as a Jewish state, Haaretz reports.

According to the Prime Minister, the prerequisites for Palestine to reconcile can be summarized as follows: recognize the State of Israel, dismantle Hamas’ military wing and cut ties with Iran.

The Prime Minister’s statement comes hours after Education Minister Naftali Bennet called for Israel to stop the transfer of tax revenue to Palestinians, liking it to Israel “acting as ATM for terrorism.”

“Transferring funds to a Hamas government is like Israel transferring money to the Islamic State—in return for the cash, we’ll get missiles fired at us,” he added.

The Palestinian cabinet, headed by Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, on October 3 held a meeting in the Gaza Strip for the first time in three years. The meeting was part of an effort to implement a reconciliation agreement between the Palestinian National Authority and Hamas.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has said that at the end of the reconciliation between the Fatah party and Hamas, all weapons – including those in Hamas’ hands – must be under the control of the rule of law of the Palestinian National Authority.

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Serious Dude

Israel is acting like Sparta. hahahaha


No, but according to Moshe Dayan, it acts like a mad dog.

Serious Dude

Moshe Dayan?


Yes, Moshe Dayan.
You know, yea high, eye patch and all?

Serious Dude

Oh that bandit…


Israelis are terrorist refugees. Who gonna take care of their interests.


If you can’t decide about a matter, here is a simple solution:

Look at Bibi. If he’s mad about it, then it must be good and benefits the people. If he is happy, promotes it and says good things about it, it must be an awful matter resulting in the death and destruction.

chris chuba

Because Israel factors in the interests of their neighbors in all of their actions, the gall.
What does having ‘ties to Iran’ have to do with the price of potatoes in Tel Aviv, why shouldn’t Abbas be allowed to have diplomatic relationship with any country he wants?
Abbas made the one reasonable demand …

“Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has said that at the end of the reconciliation between the Fatah party and Hamas, all weapons – including those in Hamas’ hands – must be under the control of the rule of law of the Palestinian National Authority.”

As it is, this is a bitter pill for the Gazans to swallow but this is a reasonable concession to any security issue Israel can raise. Oh and how about letting Gaza have access to their gas fields in the Mediterranean so that they can keep their place habitable?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The deal might not go through as Abbas is not relenting on lifting anything in Gaza , time they called an election and remove that senile old man.

Lazy Gamer

The security issues of Israel are amusing. Any state has an inherent and sovereign power to decide what kind of state it is. It does not need any confirmation or acceptance by anybody else. But that only applies in so far as to the legal borders and territory of Israel. Now when one goes outside its territory, for annexation, occupation, dispossession, or partnership, rules/compromises are a given.

Gary Sellars

This has NOTHING to do with that filthy dung-eating Zionist dog. He needs to keep his muzzle shut.


Este criminal debe ser juzgado por crímenes a lesa humanidad contra el pueblo palestino.


My Spanish sucks and you just had to write in Spanish!
Thumbs up anyway.