16.09.2015 Military Report of Novorossia

Military actions of low intensity have been continuing in DPR and LPR. Ukrainian military have been shelling the settlements of Spartak and Staromihailovka from the directions of Krasnogorovka and Butovka coal mine. A firefight was observed in the sector of Mariinka.

Also, positions of DPR forces around Logvinovo and Kalinovka came under fire last night. Kiev raid groups were also observed in the sector.

Despite the poltiical statements, Ukrainian side continued to use weapons banned by the Minsk agreements. On the video you can see how self-propelled artilelry gun “Akacia” is shelling settlements of Donbass.

Ukrainian media reports DPR forces destroyed a check point of Kiev forces around the sector of Deballtsevo. According to reports, 2 Kiev militant were killed, 2 were injured and 2 were captured.

The situation is tense in the Kiev controlled territories of Donbass. An Ukrainian soldier killed 1 civilian and wounded 1 in the settlement of Verhnetoreckoe yesterday. Local population stays under a constant threat from pro-Kiev forces.

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