A fierce fighting between government forces and ISIS terrorists continued in the area of Deir Ezzor city after the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Tiger Forces broke the ISIS siege on the strategic city earlier on Tuesday.
Following the success in western Deir Ezzor, government troops focused on clashing with ISIS at the Sukhna-Deir Ezzor road and launched another attempt to re-capture the village Kobajjep from ISIS.
According to the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq, ISIS members destroyed 5 vehicles belonging to the SAA, including a BMP vehicle, in the area of Kobajjep.
In turn, pro-government sources say that the SAA was able to overrun the ISIS defense in the area and to seize Kobajjep that had been remaining contensted since last weekend.
Earlier reports that Kobajjep was under control of the SAA appeared to be unconfirmed because government forces were not able to secure the village.
Meanwhile, clashes continued in the area between the Kharratah gas fields and the 137th Brigade Base in western Deir Ezzor where the SAA Tiger Forces were attempting to expand the corridor linking Dier Ezzor with the rest of the government-held area. According to Amaq, ISIS members destoryed 3 SAA vehicles equipped with various weapons in the area.
If ISIS is not able to cut off the government-held corridor west of Deir Ezzor soon, the terroirst group will inevitably loose the battle for Deir Ezzor to the SAA.
SAA Marschiert in Feindesland
und singt ein teufelslied
Ein schutze steht am Euphratufer
und leise summt er mit
wir pfeifen auf unten und oben
und uns kann die ganze welt
Verfluchen oder auch loben,
Grad wie es ihnen gefällt.
Wo wir sind da geht’s immer vorwärts,
Und der Teufel der lacht nur dazu!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Wir kämpfen für Syrien,
Wir kämpfen für Assad,
ISIS wird keine Ruhe haben
Wo wir sind da geht’s immer vorwärts,
Und der Teufel der lacht nur dazu!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Wir kämpfen für Syrien,
Wir kämpfen für Assad,
ISIS wird keine Ruhe haben
Wir kämpften schon in mancher Schlacht,
In Nord, Süd, Ost und West.
Und stehen nun zum Kampf bereit,
gegen die ISIS Pest
SAA wird nicht ruh’n, wir vernichten,
Bis niemand mehr stört Syriens Glück.
Und wenn sich die Reihen auch lichten,
Für uns gibt es nie ein Zurück.
Wo wir sind da geht’s immer vorwärts,
Und der Teufel der lacht nur dazu!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Wir kämpfen für Syrien,
Wir kämpfen für Assad,
ISIS wird keine Ruhe haben
Wo wir sind da geht’s immer vorwärts,
Und der Teufel der lacht nur dazu!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Wir kämpfen für Syrien,
Wir kämpfen für Assad,
ISIS wird keine Ruhe haben
What is this in English, if you please?
They’re the lyrics of a Nazi song. He replaced mentions of Germany, Hitler and SS with Syria, Assad and SAA. Feel free to like it but I think it’s inappropriate.
There is no doubt that the Syrian people are proud of their president, and righteously so—as he has, with Russia’s help, nearly kicked IS out of the country. But President Assad is not Hitler. He’s been listening to too much Western MSM.
What? I severed myself from the MSM 2 years ago, I know what the MSM said about assad like gassing his own people are all lies, just like Hitler, he is currently the most lied about person right now. I support Assad btw
I agree. Its amazing where all the jew survivors from the labour camps are from after 72 years :)
These “survivors” just want easy pay checks
Opinions are changing and true history is finding a bigger readership. Antipathy toward Zionist Jews is growing around the globe.
The tired gag of ‘Anti Semite’ is becoming a badge of honour.
With assad winning against the American empire and the Jewish controlled puppets, and the rise of “holocaust denial” we are living in a high time, the Jewish lies are crumbling. With that anti Semite gag, you are right about it becoming a badge of honor because when I was called one, it actually encourages me
may crumble, the ‘elite’ just lie about new things,
I also wear the ‘badge’ with honour. We are fortunate to live in times when an evil and despotic dynasty is dying . Dangerous times but exciting none the less :)
Very exciting indeed
My wife does home health PT, and one of her clients is a camp survivor.
Your point being ? If this survivor is under the age of 85 he/she must have been an infant in the camps and the Zionist narrative is that ALL infants and children were immediately killed.
She was young, but not an infant, now over 85, has the tattoo… But what does that matter? You have your own beliefs, nothing I say will change that.
” nothing I say will change that. ”
Only real proof will do that. Not the fairy tales about the German labour/internment camps that defy all logic and scientific analysis.
“Not the fairy tales about the German labour/internment camps that defy all logic and scientific analysis” It doesn’t matter what evidence is or has been presented, you will likely not believe it. It is sad that you and others on this site (a site aiming to present an honest alternative to the Western narative) attribute the evils done by Zionist factions and attribute them to all Jews. If I and others on this sight want to hear what you’re pushing, we might as will be visiting Storm front,.
Jews have been disliked and distrusted for millennia . There has to be a good reason for that. Not all are bad I agree. There are some courageous Jews who risk all to speak out against what is being done in the name of Judaism today.
The part I laugh about is the words “Barrel bombs”!
Like a barrel bomb is worse than a bomb hahaha
Bombs are made to kill people, so how is a barrel bomb worse than a normal bomb!
Its just scary words to make it all sound bad!
Yet when they do something themselves it called “humanitarian bombing” or “regime change” instead of INVASION!
ahhh the sheeple, they are so easily fooled!
Ikr? Barrel bombs are just like normal bombs
exactly my point!
The word “Barrel” is supposed to make it sound like Assad is evil!
Don’t know what you mean by “lies about Hitler”, but President Assad is no Hitler.
I know assad isn’t anything like hitler
What was the point, then, of posting the words to a “Hitler Propaganda Song”?
Hitler propaganda song, hahahahaha nice joke
What is it then?
It’s just an SS song
Oh. Just another Hitler Propaganda Song. Akin to the Amaq link in the article “Syrian Democratic Forces Captured Key Buildings in Raqqa”.
SS songs are hitler propaganda songs now? I guess VDV song is Russian propaganda song, get the fuck out of here. And don’t compare ISIS rats to the glorious thrid reich, watch the greatest story never told
I got news for you, MIchael. There was never a glorious “Third Reich”.
And never tell me to “…get the fuck out of here…” My boyfriend doesn’t like it.
Oh ok faggot
Do you think I am a man, Michael? The world is laughing at you.
You also forgot that I replaced the reds as ISIS
there is also no doubt ISIS/Daesh is also very proud of their real president…not the one called Bagdadi or King Saud.. but Benjamin Satanyahu.
Hitler was bad mmmkay.. thought crimes will be punished… learn and repeat what you are told
The nazis here, besides neo-nazis and neo-cons, are ISIS, israelo and islamofascism, not Assad. I cannot support racism. Assad runs a multi-racial and multi-religious government. He is no racist to me. I just hope one day Syria could be a true Arab proud democracy. Respect for all those that respect the other.
This is German
al-Baghdadi is not going to go easily.
l hope that not too many Tiger forces will lose their life , their lines are thin and the terrorists fighting fiercely for this crucial stage .
The terrorists lost over 50 VBIEDS and are trying hard but are running in some spots and being overwhelmed in some cases. This will be them fighting and running this tactic will be dealt with as sound strategy of pushing them towards other flanks and penning them in.
Id say the Russian military personnel with sophisticated weapons (and lots of them) plus helicopter gun ships and so its seems frog foots are causing massive damage to the enemy! These aircraft and systems will be keeping them safe from VBIED’s surely!
The SAAaF and the RuAsF moved a lot of aircraft near for this attack on DE easier for rearming and supplying and more sorties this way.
It is just a matter of time when Daesh will run out of steam, as SAA is losing way less men and material than Daesh, being pounded with air strikes.
On the long term I can’t see a solution for Daesh.
The US will keep them around Iraq longer once they are finished in Syria, and they will airlift out more to Afghanistan and stage them from Pakistan border again.
Indeed, too many people think that with Syria winning the war the whole thing would be over. I’m rather concerned that we only see the beginning instead. Chaos is a way to remain in control and to steady the reign of the current rulers.
There is a good sentence about it, which goes: If you want to know who rules, than you have to find out who you are not allowed to criticize.
We all know who those people are, one wrong word and they are all over you.
Rebels will attack using guerilla warfare along thin front & supply lines of SAA not to let iranian, iraqi shites & russians butchers of evil axis from winning
Are you realising what you are writing, are you really hoping for ISIS to win ?! ?????????????????????????????????????????
Wow! What we have here? An open ISIS supporter? If you’re brainwashed Ukrainian than I can understand it – hatred is your current state ideology. But even for those guys to openly support ISIS (hearteating headchoppers) is beyond… My I ask who are you and where are you from?
Shit we got another terrorist supporter again
Apparently, it seems Daesh managed to cut off Deir Ezzor again. The connection is not stable yet, it probably will take some time until SAA can finally secure the connection. I can’t see Daesh being successful in the long term anyway.
ISIS can keep ‘breaking’ the SAA lines to der ezzoir. keep pouring fighters into death. Easier than the fighters disappearing.
On the long term Daesh won’t be able to sustain such attacks, as it is heavily draining manpower from them.
the SAA can well replace the 8 vehicles destroyed by the ISIS immediately. but can ISIS replace theirs? poor ISIS running out of resources.
They can pray to Cia for that or begging for mercy to kurds to get some scrap metal to build a vehicle
Watch out for the US/EU/NATO air-drops to their ISIS pets.
One thing I remembered that struck me as significant other day. Assad stayed. Didnt leave the country, didnt run, and it looked like he would be defeated at one point. This is a brave and strong leader
That’s odd…Southfront was reporting that Kabawjib was taken by the SAA over two days ago. “Government troops entered the Sholah and Kobajjep areas last weekend”. Now it is saying above that the SAA are trying to recapture Kabawjib. The same SouthFront article from 2 days ago has a map clearly showing Sholah in SAA hands. Was the original report wrong or has ISIS successfully counterattacked and retaken both towns?
See https://southfront.org/government-forces-repel-isis-counter-attack-near-deir-ezzor-secure-sholah-area/
We cant relied about that news for weeks cause zone still to hot to determine who actually hold that area, just give a time for saa to clean that rats