SDF Isolating ISIS-held Old Raqqah From Southern Flank (Map Update)

The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have been developing momentum in Hisham Abdulmalik distrcit in the city of Raqqah. The SDF has so far seized a notable part of the area and is not attempting to consolidate the recent gains.

Constant US-led coalition airstrikes on all positions that may be ISIS strongpoints contribute significantly to the SDF success.

If the SDF captures Hisham Abdulmalik, the ISIS-held part of the Old Raqqah area will be isolated from the southern flank. This will allow the SDF to relaunch attempts to capture the area.

SDF Isolating ISIS-held Old Raqqah From Southern Flank (Map Update)

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The noose tightens ! Go NDF and SAA! The US will give always give a helping hand!

Jens Holm

Hard time slicing.