The Yemeni war (2015-present) began between two factions claiming to constitute the Yemeni government. Houthi forces allied with forces loyal to the former president Ali Abdullah Saleh confronted forces loyal to the Saudi-backed government of Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi.
In March 2015, Houthi-Saleh forces captured Sana, the last remaining stronghold of pro-Hadi forces. Hadi fled to Saudi Arabia that responded with a large-scale invasion to Yemen in an attempt to re-establish its proxy in power.
ISIS and al-Qaeda were also involved in the conflict, carrying out attacks across the country.
I like seeing successful attacks on the Saudis, but I do ask myself if this
was worth expending an anti tank rocket. Certainly the vehicle was
not very significant, however, I do not know about the passengers.
What I like to see are us made tanks being sent to the scrap yard.
Samuel Boas
7 years ago
This also crushes the already low Saudi morale. Just some dead Saudi soldiers to worry about.
I like seeing successful attacks on the Saudis, but I do ask myself if this
was worth expending an anti tank rocket. Certainly the vehicle was
not very significant, however, I do not know about the passengers.
What I like to see are us made tanks being sent to the scrap yard.
This also crushes the already low Saudi morale. Just some dead Saudi soldiers to worry about.