Foreign Policy Diary – The Violence in the Middle East (Teaser)

The SouthFront team is working on a 13-minute length video explaining a situation in the post-nuclear deal Middle East. The video explains and examines the balance of the powers in the region, the interests of the “geopolitical players” and crucial features of the situation. In conclusion, we use collected information to forecast future developments and the behaviour of the main powers in the region. You can find a piece of this video below.

The production of this kind of videos (short documentaries) requires a large bulk of collected data and hours of the work. At the moment, everyday, we have to decide to work on the long complicated videos or to produce important daily content (military reports, maps of war, infographics etc) because of a lack of resources.

Moreover, we have an another long video (15 minutes) in the production. It analyses the ongoing migration crisis, at least migration war, in Europe. Thus, we need to find the way to finish 2 long analyses in the nearest time someway.

We will be able to do this only with your support. Please, help us to continue to produce exclusive videos without reducing daily content:

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