26.08.2015 Military Report of Novorossia

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Situation in the DPR remains tense. Ukrainian forces violated the ceasefire regime 30 times over the past 24 hours. Ukrainian artillery shelled Donetsk, Gorlovka, Telmonovo, Jabichevo, Vasilievka, Oktyabrskiy, Novaya Marievka, Belaya Kamenka, Spartak and Zaichenko.

Witnesses report that 3 residential houses were destroyed in the town of Gorlovka. There are killed and injured among local poplation.

The Ukrainian artillery shelling was observed from the directions of Peski, Vodyanoe, Stroganovka, Opitnoe, Granitnoe, Avdeevka, Kominternovo and Novoroselovka.

According to reports, Ukrainian miliary additinonally pulled to the frontline 4 units of BUK, 4000 servicemen and 60 battle tanks. Also, 4000 of Kiev militants and 60 battle tanks were observed at Chasov Yar. An Ukrainian howitzer battery and military rocket launcher systems were established at Verhnoteckoe.

A military column including 6 APCs and 5 armored vehicles moved from Jelannoe to Novoselovka. BUK systems are established at the settlement Nikolaevka.

The military situation in LPR is calmer than in DPR. The sides have been strengthening fortified areas and preparing for the future clashes. Sporadic firefights are observed at the Bahmutka sector.

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