The First Stamp was Issued in the DPR Featuring Military Commanders Givi and Motorola

On May 9, on Victory Day, the first standard postal stamp was issued and released for free circulation. The stamp features military commanders Arseniy Pavlov and Mikhail Tolstykh and is called “Givi and Motorola – the heroes of Novorossiya”. Minister of Communications of the Donetsk People’s Republic Viktor Yatsenko and General Director of the state enterprise “Post of Donbass” Yevgeniy Kovnatskiy were present at the ceremony of the solemn clearing off of the stamp. “We have issued the first stamp, and it is dedicated to the Heroes of Novorossiya. The idea hang thick in the air since the begining of the Donetsk People’s Republic establishment. The postal stamp is the symbol of the established state”, Viktor Yatsenko told the correspondent of the state media holding. Hero of the DPR Arseniy Pavlov (Motorola) also left his signature on the envelope. “Today’s event is very important for me. We are issuing the first stamp on the first Victory Day celebrated in the Donetsk People’s Republic. This stamp has great significance for the guys, who are in the front line right now”, – he said.

The First Stamp was Issued in the DPR Featuring Military Commanders Givi and Motorola

This article originally appeared at voicesevas



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