Overview of Military Situation in Aleppo City (Maps, Videos)

Overview of Military Situation in Aleppo City (Maps, Videos)

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Following the recent success in the Ramouseh Artillery Base and the Ramouseh Neighborhood, the Jaish al-Fatah operation room is preparing to develop the momentum in more areas of the Aleppo city. According tpo Radio al-Kul, the Jaish al-Mujahideen militant group’s commander has announced plans to launch operations aimed at the Castello Highway and the Nayrab Airportin northern Aleppo. Furthermore, various jihadi factions have been continuing to consolidate their units into a single force.  Recently, Thuwar al-Sham has reportedly merged with Jaish al-Mujahideen that is a part of the Jaish al-Fatah operation room.

Thus far, the jihadists are in control of a major part of the Ramouseh Neighborhood. However, the Syrian army is still holding the Cement Plan there. The Jaish al-Fatah is also in full control of the Ramouseh Artillery Base after the Syrian army and Hezbollah have withdrawn from the base’s Airforce Technical College.

Recently, Liwa al-Quds units that had been deployed in the area between the Castello Highway and Handarat camp have arrived to southwestern Aleppo in order to assist the pro-government forces there. Reports say that the Syrian army’s Tiger Forces led by Col. Suheil al-Hassan are still in northern Aleppo.

Russian and Syrian warplanes have been delivering massive air strikes on jihadi targets in the areas recently captured by them in southwestern Aleppo while clashes have been reported at Amiriyah and Ramouseh.

Overview of Military Situation in Aleppo City (Maps, Videos)

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Jaish al-Fatah is also in control of about 80% of the 1070 Apartment Project.

The video of a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) attack south of the Automated Bakery in Ramouseh.

Overview of Military Situation in Aleppo City (Maps, Videos)

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The video of clashes in Ramouseh (yesteday evening):

There are reports that the jihadists have reopened the Alramousa road and set a supply line to eastern Aleppo. However, the modern tactical situation does not allow them to deliver supplies there because the Syrian army is able to conduct artillery shellings of the area. This allows to condlucde that, indeed, the siege has not been lifted.

The Jaish al-Fatah will need to push the pro-government forces from the 3000 Appartment Project in order to deliver at least partial supplies to eastern Aleppo.

Overview of Military Situation in Aleppo City (Maps, Videos)

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Local sources report that the joint jihadi forces have concentrated a high number of experienced infantry in southwestern Aleppo. Furthermore, the urban fighting does not allow Syria and Russia to use their advantage in the air power.

These facts indicate that the pro-government forces will not be able to take apper hand in the ongoing clashes, easily. The result of the battle will depend on the actions on the ground.

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Andrew Illingworth

Any idea on total Jihadist fatalities?


Yeah this can give us an idea about the scale and achievments of rebels.. and if can have SAA casualities, that can even say more..

abu kornet

if you follow assadist fanboys on twitter you will know that 2000 “moderate terrorists” have been kiled the artillery base and the airforce section have been recaptured and the saa is advancing towards idlib
video evidence of rebels in ramouseh after it was liberated
fierce clashes in ramouseh before it was liberated
al qaeda/jabhat fateh al sham in the airforce section of the arty base showing off spoils
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUHGkdQV7o8 (i do not support al qaeda i just want to counter all these claims from the “resistance” and assadist fanboys on twitter and facebook)


Nothing was ‘liberated’ it was occupied by terrorists and jihadists and other scvm you obviously support.


I am just going to put this out there. What if the encirclement was not intended to be permenant, at this time. What if it was designed to draw out all of these forces into the open? Warfare, above all other things, is never a sraight line. As I posted yesterday, I want to see what happens over time. A day or two of changes in the battle lines means nothing. If the jihadists really had such momentum, then how did they get into this fix in the first place. A good day all.

John Whitehot

one can surmise that politically the Syrian government and Russia prefer to avoid a situation in which all the world’s media speaks about a “siege”. Also, from what I can gather, the jihadists still have to “show their cards” in fullest. I believe that the current situation is one in which the SAA is actually awaiting to understand what’s the real plan the jihadists have – it could well be that they have not really deployed a main offensive, and that the moves done so far are more indicative of diversion. As the ragheads do not have to worry about losses, it’s far less important to them if some hundreds get killed in diversionary attacks. It would instead be critical if their main attack – hence the one that has to fullfill their strategical objective – gets mauled. In this situation, the SAA could be under orders not to engage decisively and let the militants bleed under airstrikes, until a clearer picture could be established. Please note that if the jihadists have such a plan (and it’s almost a given, since the losses they have accepted), sooner or later they will have to deploy it. The fact that after several days they apparently did not indicates prudence on the jihadist part and the knowledge that they basically have “one shot” to expend, so that if they waste it their whole operation collapses.


I like what you are saying Whitehot. There is the feeling with the battle, that observing it with the frame of mind used to view an Olympic sports match is naive.

John Whitehot

thanks. Sadly, you are correct – there are folks following the reports from the war like they follow a game of football. Many ppl commenting around sites like this in the end are just among the worse examples of fanboyism, especially when it comes to yanks or europeans rooting for the jihadists out of hate for Russia, while ignoring every possible truth about the war and accepting the representation medias give abt Assad, like a james bond movie villain. All in all, 20 years ago there was the thought that the internet would make people more informed and more independent in forming their own opinion – today, we know that thought could not be more wrong.

Juan C. Mendizabal

This tactic of tunnels and VBEDs makes clear that no fixed lines of defense will work. Besides, these operation rooms obviously are ordered and directed by US intelligence, with their satellite data.
That’s why fixed lines will not work.


Yes, it is a complex game. That is why for myself, ony time will reveal the truth.

mohib khan

The battle is difficult to analyse. That is so because great actors are involved and they have all the resources for gathering intelligence. Temp gains may not be enough. Besides the no of deaths may decide the issue I guess. Economy of effort is very important I guess

Olayinka Abdulgafar

In addition to your surmission in this 21st century there is no cardinal approach to fighting war as the battle tactics are quickly evolving this days. And clearly when the siege was layed the MSM controlled by who we all know quickly intensify their own battle – as they are an extension of the hegemony’s army just like the Takfiris are – saying genocide and war crime disaster on a scale of the 2nd world war is looming in Aleppo thereby preparing a manipulation of world’s public opinion against Assad/SyAA, Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and there allied militias. For any seasoned politician winning the battle of the mind is as valuable as winning on the battlefield especially when faced by a superpower. That’s why it should be understandable when Russia said there will be no invasion of Aleppo central city, IT WOULD BE A TRAP FOR NOW. So to your point I think the next approach will be to draw the Takfiris out from civilian areas and mow as many as possible through air strikes and artillery in a clear cut battle area, and when they withdraw re occupy the area which will induce frustration in their ranks as some will clamour for continuous attack while others will call for restraint to wait the siege out and allow assorted Takfiri groups in other parts of Syria to attack on multiple fronts so as to draw forces away from the siege. Knowing the kind of barbarians they are they will be divided soon enough making it easier to deal with each groups based on suitable approach when the time comes.


wow great analysis..


Thank you very much for your thoughtful reply. I agree with what you have written. With the Russians deeply involved, this is a master chess game in progress. Have a great evening.

mohib khan

love your analysis. I feel the same way but lets see what happens in the end

Gas the kikes

Except that they would not be drawn into the ‘open’ since they are already inside the city. So the SAA has no way to counter that massive blob of terrorists. They completely and utterly fucked up by not properly consolidating before lauching the siege. Let’s just hope they don’t take too many casualties.

mohib khan

consolidating needs resources and maybe they didn’t have them but the fluid nature of the battle lines are difficult to analyse. Urban war is a little difficult and needs a lot of street to street fighting without the help of artillery and air power. Knowing the area and using it to ones advantage is really what is required. Besides tanks are difficult to operate in built up areas


Well they are not exactly into the open.They hide in between buildings and they can’t be bombed,Strategically it would have made more sense to repel the attack and have the SyAF and RuAF carpet bomb and cluster bomb their positions before they even started an attack while in the open.Then have SAA troops stationed with ATGMs and snipers to pick up what got through.I’m surprise Russia didn’t participate much when the rebel assault was happening.Clearly this should have been a priority instead of bombing targets in Idlib.Nobody is advancing towards Idlib any time this year so what da faq???


Hello enigel. I understand what you are saying. Many things I observe in the war, I don’t have a clue as to why they are occuring. As the time passes and the results come in, the truth seems to come out in full view. Have a very nice evening.


I think so far SAA perfomed very well. Rebels put a huge ressorces for this corridor and tactically it was inevitable that SAA couldnt hold. SAAs structure and tactics are not meant to hold positions. Now it seems thats their turn.

If you follow the western or turkish media, they dont celebrate the breakthrough. they are not satisfied at all. Lets see how it developps but I think the first phase is done. If SAA didnt lost many soldiers but retreatd, then it is a good performance for them. If rebels lost 1000 or 2000 men for this breakthrough, then it means they performed poorly and in long term they will probably be pushed back.

Unfortunately we dont have numbers and we cant speculate…


Is the modern RU army HQ facility in Moscow (or wherever it is located…) watching the developments closely? Are Shoigu or Maximov monitoring the developments?…
I guess they’re not reading Google maps from Iranian blogs…


They might be … sources are pretty alright actually.


On the face of it this seems like a significant victory for the rebel coalition. The Independent reports the Jihadists-formerly-known-as-Nursa have captured significant equipment/arms/ammo in the artillery base – and that understandably Russia is now currently in the process of levelling the place.

The siege may not technically be lifted, but if the Jihadis can mount an operation of this magnitude & capture significant territory they clearly face a very weak opposition. The fighters shown in the SF video clearly have little/no military training (hip-fired machine gun, men firing on the move & clustering in the open). But if, as reported, they are now fighting as a single cohesive force this looks bad for the SAA’s future prospects in Aleppo.

Or perhaps it was a trap – and Russia is now obliterating them in huge numbers :)


Aleppo is a meat grinder for the rebels. Remember these rebels were on the run in March as Russia was bombing the day lights out of them, before calling for a cease fire. They re equipped re armed and now they feel confident they can do what they were not able to do earlier in the year?


Yes. It was sheer idiocy for Putin to declare “truce” in order to “work with our partners”, when the Russo-Syrian forces were nearing victory in February.

mohib khan

That is because they are in built up areas where they can hide but what happens when they are in the open. This may be the last effort I guess

mohib khan

the later may be true but lets wait and not jump to conclusions I guess.

abu kornet

this is a lie east aleppo is not under siege al ramouseh is a very built up area and the corridor is 2.5km wide


Cute photoop. What is next, a picture with John McCain?

abu kornet

john mccain why?


John McCain has been pictured with several jihadist leaders in Syria (probably at border) and represents the Deep State of the US that has decided to overthrow Assad, due to their Yinon plan adherence.

Bill Rood

Guess that proves SAA is allowing food and other humanitarian aid through without shelling it.


why I don’t understand is that the rebels are now fighting like a conventional army but the SAA is not taking advantage of this by meeting them with a large scale fore of their own and setting up ambushes and cauldrons.

mohib khan

I feel this is a last ditch effort by the rebels joining up to put up a great fight what is to be seen is how long it lasts. Attacking is difficult and you suffer casualties on the way

Tom Tom

Aleppo’s about to get carpet bombed by the Russians. Inevitable.
U.S./Mossad may respond with nuke in Damascus. WW3 inevitable.

mohib khan

This is foolish and will not be possible I guess

Akira Kalashnikov

Is your spellcheck broken?