Belligerent Signal: Romania Stuffed With NATO Weapons For Ukraine

Belligerent Signal: Romania Stuffed With NATO Weapons For Ukraine

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Large-scale transfer of military equipment is ongoing in Romania. The country is actually stuffed with weapons from NATO. The locals are sharing numerous videos of trains, reportedly moving to Ukraine.

M1A2 Abrams tanks, M109A6 Paladin artillery systems from the US and armored vehicles from all around Europe were spotted transferred on the platforms. Some of the videos were shot in southern Romania, supposing that the filmed equipment is being transported from the ports of Greece.





One of the reasons of the ongoing mass transfer of military equipment to Romania and through its territory is likely a series of NATO military exercises in the region. NATO is actively testing the railway on its eastern flank and is likely to expand the logistical capabilities of the military bloc in the near future, especially as another military base will soon be built in Romania.

Approximately 15,000 military personnel from Romania and other NATO countries are involved in the Dacian Spring 25 exercises in the first half of this year, which will be held at seven training grounds in the country.

According to the press service of the Romanian Ministry of Defense, the Dacia 25 maneuvers will provide the necessary framework for the integration of national and allied forces together with other multinational exercises planned by the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) of NATO and the European Command of the US Armed Forces (USEUCOM).

The attached exercises are Steadfast Dart 25, which took place in January and February, Sea Shield 25, conducted by the Romanian Navy Headquarters, and Valiant Strike 25, coordinated by the Romanian Special Operations Forces Command in April and May, as well as Saber Guardian 25, conducted by USEUCOM jointly with the Romanian Army Defense Headquarters in June.

Obviously, all the exercises are aimed against Russia and straightening of NATO grouping in Romania. The largest NATO exercise of the year, Steadfast Dart 25 was conducted under the command of the UK Armed Forces. Over 10,000 troops from nine NATO allies took part in manoeuvres in Romania, Bulgaria and Greece until the end of February. This is the first exercise of this scale under the new Allied Reaction Force (ARF), which was created last year in response to the ongoing Russian military operations in Ukraine and aimed at the strengthening of the Alliance’s eastern flank. The exercise involved hundreds of military vehicles, aircraft and ships; but there were no reports that all this military equipment was transfered back to its bases. During the Dacian Spring 25 exercises, which will be conducted by the multinational South-East division from 5 to 26 May, France will also move approximately 4,000 French military personnel with military equipment to Romania.

The large military exercises are a good cover to reinforce NATO grouping on its eastern flank as well as transfer new batches of military equipment to the Ukrainian military. Trains full of tanks, armored vehicles and other military equipment are moving across Romania amid the ongoing negotiations between Moscow, Kiev and Washington.

While Russia and the United States are negotiating a truce, Europe is developing plans for the deployment of the NATO contingent in the war-torn country. According to Bloomberg the “peacekeeping forces” in Ukraine will include not only troops of NATO member-states, but also the aircraft and navy. The British and French are preparing to deploy their aviation and ground attack units in Poland and Romania, in cities, ports and critical infrastructure across Ukraine, as well as patrol ships and minesweepers in the Black Sea.

Obviously, the ‘peace plan’ pushed by European warmongers is aimed at inflaming the war. Moscow will never agree with the deployment of NATO troops near its border and the ongoing manoeuvres in Romania are undermining the ongoing steps toward a truce in Ukraine. Moreover, one of the requirements for any temporary ceasefire agreement is the suspension of military supplies to Ukraine and decent control of its implementation.


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Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

as sucatas da otan vão ser todas pulverizadas.


zuca filho de puta


s a deschis sezonul pt turistii straini la odesa. pregătiți bautura si cocktailurile. englezii vor sa se distreze. masinile lor pe unde trec? pe la reni sau trec cu bacul? am inteles… se merge iar pe distragerea atenției… tamponarile pe granita de la kranopilia. cimitirul central probabil va fi cea mai mare atractie… peste tot.. de acum inainte.

Niccolo Machiavelli

the ambulance is a good idea; they are going to need a lot of them…..

Putler and the Ass AD

so i didn’t pay 250 euros for nothing to polish bishop?


give that money to your mother, wife and doughter, than they can stay 1 day at home without selling theyr arses to foreigners on the streets.

The poof

you got away with “arses”. something fishy here 🤔

captain hohol

russia needs to keep destroying those weapons, militarized civilian infrastructure is no longer civilian infrastructure.


in a nutshell: more of the same. all these metal scraps blatantly failed so far, and europe is now doubling down. let them do. in the end, why not having some fun drills? after that, their illusions will evaporate


well those trains have to enter ukraine somewhere blast them to hell as soon as they do, or blast them while they are in romania, if these bastards want a war let them have it.


i don’t believe this move is one of power projection alone. romania is centrally located position for nato / eu to consolidate it’s influence over the balkan region i feel.

Greenback Pill

the uk will do all it can to foil trumps peace plan even if it is by chance legitimate. nato will use it’s planned failure as a part of an enhanced propaganda scheme to cause amercans to fight a war for the uk’s globalism.


drumpf has no peace plan. grow up.

NDR 7652

thank you these silly people still think trump is some sort of champion

NDR 7652

such foolishness trump is no champion


he said ‘lock her up’… but instead, the masonic chabad whore locked ya’ll down instead. he said he was a snake, and warp speed genocide poison jabs followed…


what weve see in the clips is old stuff from nato stocks, so nothing serious.
anyway, so russian lancet and fpv drones will get more to “eat” soon.


how do we know romania isn’t hustling that gear to turkey so htf jullani can haz it?

Conan M

as an american your taxpayer $$$ at work up to the bleeding edge at a perp state of “defcon 1”!… until that date on the atomic clock… drink like a fish!

Last edited 4 days ago by Conan M
La Rata

bomb this convoys after enter uckraine…


watch them role into moldova and right to tiraspol to force the russians to either push fast through ukraine and abandon their slow war off attrition or let it fall to romania.


when mother russia is finished with the nazi ukroppers romania will be cleansed of eurostan fascists and war mongering gimps. onward to odessa and rump ukrapper without teeth


i often stuffed hillbilly mulatto semen—help my bitterness and mental instability


to be sure trains leaving for ukraine from romania are 100% targets along with ships to odessa.

NDR 7652

should have been from the start


they sure are just like the convoys of hts that came from turkey and idlib where. yet the russians descide to ignore them time and time again.

the narrative

romanian people get rigged election . now on path become nato cannon fodder .


now we know who cancelled elections, nato… same same in ukraine and turkey… all such grand examples of “democracy”.

Moshe Dayan

grand examples of freemasonry who runs them all.

Ghost Man / Raptar Driver

romania is a continual failed state since its controversial inception. ( from the ottoman and later austrian empires). so basically outside powers have controlled it the whole time. it’s a non country and they are non people.

Moshe Dayan

russia must launch sarmat when it is all gathered together nicely. the death cult owns the european politicians. give them the death they so long for already.


this isn’t even news. eu leaders have been arguing for months about how ukraine should arm itself to the teeth for peace talks. and then arm itself to protect itself against russia. russia, on the other hand, wants to keep ukraine unarmed. it’s hard to see how this will lead to peace. but that’s not what the eu even wants.


eu leaders are completely blind to the fact that the us wants to weaken the eu economy for its own benefit. divide and rule, meaning now the eu is paying for the war that the us started.