Large Israeli Force Demolishes Military Posts In Southern Syria (Photos)

Large Israeli Force Demolishes Military Posts In Southern Syria (Photos)

Illustrative image. (The Israeli Defense Forces)

A large armored unit of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) advanced in southern Syria on March 19 and demolished several positions of the now dissolved Syrian Arab Army.

According to Daraa 24, a news blog that covers southern Syria, the unit, made up of some 50 vehicles, moved into the outskirts of the town of al-Nasriyah, which is located right along the administrative borders between the governorates of al-Qunitra and Daraa.

Photos shared by the blog showed Merkava main battle tanks and Humvee armored vehicles operating on a road leading to al-Nasriyah.

The unit demolished three military positions, Abu Diab Company, Cobra Company and Nasiriyah Dam Company, before withdrawing back to the buffer zone adjacent to the occupied Golan Heights.

Israeli troops invaded the buffer zone just hours after the fall of the Assad regime on December 8. The IDF also launched hundreds of strikes destroying much of the country’s military capabilities, including warships, warplanes, ballistic missiles and air defense systems.

Initially, the IDF described its presence in the buffer zone as a temporary and defensive measure. However, Defense Minister Israel Katz said later that troops will remain deployed to nine army posts in the zone , including one atop the strategic Mount Hermon, “indefinitely.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said last month that southern Syria must be completely demilitarized, warning that Israel would not accept the presence of the forces of the new Syrian Islamists government near its territory. The primer also warned the government against attacking the Druze, vowing to defend the minority.

In recent weeks, the IDF stepped up its strikes on Syria. A wave of strikes that hit military positions in Daraa over the night of March 17 and 18 killed at least four civilians and a soldier from the forces of the Syrian interim government.

The IDF also intensified its ground operations in southern Syria, conducting at least 19 such raids since the start of March, according to the Syrian Observatory For Human Rights, a London-based monitoring group.

The Syrian government condemned Israel’s actions. However, it has so far refrained from reacting in any way. This led to much criticism against the government, including from some of the Islamists who helped install it after the fall of the Assad regime.


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imagine being neighbors with these jewish swine. this is the worst neighbor to have, they are never satisfied, never happy, always miserable and always stuck in a really dumb, self made chimpanzee crisis. you know, germans during 1920s and 1930s realized the problem. america today suffers from the same problem, only 100x worse and they cannot admit it.

Last edited 7 days ago by hasbarats

they need to be relocated somewhere far away from decent people where they can do no harm. maybe chumpo could put them in his new greenland colony.


hopefully chumpo moves himself there too, for good

Putler and the Ass AD

dump needs to clean everything up because such traitorous people who support wahhabis don’t deserve a home. let erdogan build them homes in turkey. h t tp s://t h ecr ad /arti cles/i n-syria-an -unhin ged-ma ssa cre-of-al awi te-civ ilia ns or let them sleep under a bridge or under the underpass.

the narrative

you are a fine parrot

Putler and the Ass AD

all catholics and alawites who supported the isis occupation deserve to be expelled by israel to turkey let them date erdogan.
isis and traitors do not deserve a country, only destruction, and karelia should be finland.
h t tp s://t h ecr ad /arti cles/i n-syria-an -unhin ged-ma ssa cre-of-al awi te-civ ilia ns

the narrative

i suggest antartica .


the way the jews are going there will be a need to include jews anywhere to answer for the crimes the middle east jews are committing on a daily basis, aipac hq should be such a target! for starters,


not a peep out of the un. seems eu, g7 and us and isr have all the un under financial control and there is not anything they can do about it. icc and icj members under sanctions hehehe what a farce international law is.

Last edited 7 days ago by peacetiktok
Moscow Will Burn

remember “the axis of resistance”?

hehheheh…keep crying antisemites!!!

Putler and the Ass AD

i too want israel to expel and kill all the population that welcomed the freedom fighters (bloody isis criminals) let them go to turkey, even if they are alawites or christians. everyone who cheered for isis deserves to be kicked out of homes by the israelis. even if they are hundreds of times shiite or christian religions. it doesn’t matter, away and let it all be israel. ht t ps : / /t he c rad le.c o/ art icl es /in- syri a-an-u nhi nged-m assac re-of-ala wite-civili ans

the narrative

isis is an israeli mossad creation . repeating hasbara articles does nothing for the world . if your going to be a good mocking bird , you will need to learn some new songs .

Putler and the Ass AD

destroy the state and build kibbutzim so that the wahhabi gang will have nowhere to stay. bibi, please order that no stone be left unturned and establish a kibbutzim. the other traitors who welcomed isis’s liberators should take isis with them to turkey.


russia loves jews and israel. same people nothing different. white=cancer all of them. i used to think russians are maybe normal people but no no no no. russia confirmed all white people are like cancer and they all need to die.

submissive feminized amerikunt

obviously weak feminized amerikunt inferior to jews

the narrative

in southern lebanon israel is destroying modular tiny homes because innocent displaced people moving back home are called terrorist . greater israel project land grab .

the narrative

syria, the new gaza ?


the jewish king of kings, jesus christ, son of yahweh, the god of abraham, isaak and jacob will establish zion that runs from the euphrates to the tigris. the jews are the pioneers and eventually a remnant of them will inhabit zion in peace for 1000 years.
during that process all of israel’s enemies and other godless will be wiped off the face of the earth and israel will be purified.

submissive feminized amerikunt

we have 13 genders and consume 80+% all psyche medicine on earth each year cuz we are mentally ill inferior species

Zionist evil must be destroyed

lebanon needs to grow a pair and hand over security to hezbollah. the zionist agenda is the annexation of southern lebanon.

Mr. Henkel He

yup. and erdogans little proxy army stands there and does absolutely nothing. it’s the perfect scenario and environment to trap the so called israelis, but these guys have done absolutely nothing. the rest of the lame muslim world does nothing. they wave palestine flags in protest and put up palestinian flag emojis and hearts on the internet as if that does anything.

Mr. Henkel He

and none of these arabs want to fight anymore. i think the us and fake jews put something in their food or water supply. a syrian army of 200,000 with superior artillery and air support surrender to 30,000 who connected to foreign nations?