Trump Says Houthis Took ‘Tremendous Damage,’ Renews Warning To Iran

Trump Says Houthis Took ‘Tremendous Damage,’ Renews Warning To Iran

Ilustrative image. (The U.S. Central Command)

United States President Donald Trump said on March 19 that Iran must completely halt any assistance it is allegedly supplying to the Houthis (Ansar Allah) in Yemen.

In a post on his Truth Social website, Trump warned that Iran is “still sending large levels of Supplies,” despite reports claiming otherwise.

“Iran must stop the sending of these Supplies IMMEDIATELY. Let the Houthis fight it out themselves,” the president said.

“Either way they lose, but this way they lose quickly. Tremendous damage has been inflicted upon the Houthi barbarians, and watch how it will get progressively worse — It’s not even a fair fight, and never will be. They will be completely annihilated!” he added.

As Trump made his warning, U.S. strikes hit the Houthi-held Yemeni capital, Sanaa, as well as the northern province of Saada, the heartland of the group. Al-Masirah TV, which is run by the Houthis, said that seven women and two children were wounded in a strike that hit al-Thawra district in Sanaa.

The U.S. military began launching strikes against the Houthis on March 15 upon orders from President Donlad Trump, who said that the large-scale attack was a response to the group’s attacks on shipping.

The strikes killed 53 people and left around a hundred others wounded. CENTCOM, which is responsible for the operations of American forces in the Middle East, described the large-scale attack as the start of a large-scale operation targeting the Houthis across Yemen.

The U.S. large-scale attack is yet to deter the Houthis, who said that they will “meet escalation with escalation” and vowed to keep launching strikes against Israel and vessels linked to the country as long as the war on the Gaza Strip is ongoing.

Over the last few days, the group launched four attacks against the aircraft carrier USS Harry Truman and fired a ballistic missile at Israel.


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the houthis will probably build a hebrew temple in jerusalem this year..😊


coz they re syupit idyots.

an they are so small…

tiny hootys cant even satisfy their tranny goats




the poof

and you’ll build a facebook site with hd photos of your freckle, so all and sundry queer things can see and respond. lol. 😄😄🥴


“iran must stop the sending of these supplies immediately. let the houthis fight it out themselves,” the president said.”
what if they do the same and let israel fight it out themselves? huh?


never trust a guy in a dress

the narrative

blaming iran … same old playbook .

Conan M

i’ve been trying to understand why the alleged “hypersonic missiles” on iron dome stopped 2 months ago???… and the ultimate slap in the face to the syrian and russian peoples was assad’s departure on “russian one” bound for moscow… saying again. if you are the leader of your nation you leave it with dignity protecting it to your own end. deals were made.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Conan M
Conan M

…but we will never know the extent of them that made hezbollah and russia’s armed forces pull out. in deference to russia, it has enough on it’s plate. and the lack of support from the other briics since russia’s involvement in ukraine and syria is palpable and raises more “?” as we slide into defcon 1! a special place for china and india at that table for not helping russia and iran at the most critical times in both theater(s) these past 10 years!

Last edited 2 hours ago by Conan M

this guy comes from a mental hospital.

Last edited 6 hours ago by Nashika

muslims are cross dressing trannies coz they wear long skirts and dresses
i thing it is to arouse their male goats


you are a sad person right now, speaking like that. do i need to tell you that trousers are a modern ‘invention’. would you say that to a scot? or to indians too? of course a loose ‘skirt’ is far more comfortable in a very hot country. or in fact anywhre even in scotland, when its wool. who would want to ear tight polyseter trousers like you.. a gay person from california perhaps.
and you think that it only clothes that make a man? sad.


it’s his scottish heritage. like a haggis, thin skinned and full of sh**.

shlomo's little weenie

trump’s yelling and bluster to satisfy the jews that are backing him. “it’s not even a fair fight” is right. it’s the only way the yankees are able to wage the eternal wars which keep their stinking shithole murderous dump of a country afloat.


you are just wining coz you re tranny friends are losing

the poof

did the queen mum bathe you this morning, little dick ?


he has to earn his shekels for his zio masters.


how can americans be proud of a once honorable military that is now linked to the genocide in gaza. what can be the justification for indiscriminately killing civilian women and children what makes zionists so superior to everyone else.


easily… very easily!


justification -> oct. 7th

now gfys

the narrative

1948 is the corrected start date


right to resist? no? netinyahu lies. barbaric? it was all lies the 40 babies, the women raped. that’s ok with yoiu ii suppose. oh and biden echoed netinyahu’s lies. the intelligence agencies made no comment. isreali government is all lies.


americans are bombarded by jews running the media 24/7 for the last 70 years.

they’re pickled in jewish propaganda.


media 100% owned by 6 zio billionaires.


their military has never been honourable. it collapses whenever it comes up against another military. all it has ever done is murder and genocide civilians. red indians, filipinos, koreans, vietnamese, cambodians, its last victories were against grenada and panama. they got chased out of afghanistan by goat herders with rifles. one afghan or houthi is worth 100 amerikunts.


trump made big mistake houthis were humiliated and betrayed by own saudi defending themself and vulnerable brothers re their goal.houthis are fearless and brave no fer for war.

Last edited 5 hours ago by japie

president trump and saudis want them gone

nobody wants terrorists and pirats except liberal leftists.

Last edited 5 hours ago by CLEANER UPPER
the narrative

that would just be another hasbara lie of your clyde


when houthis hears that war is coming their start celebrating and welcome it halfway.betrayal and suppression made them battle harden.their are innovative and make own weapons without begging


they love dying more than living.

wish fulfilled!!!


it won’t phase them. it’s eternal whack a mole. america will spend a fortune there, and nothing will be achieved.

the narrative

remember it took the us 20 years to replace the taliban with the taliban .

the narrative

all israel has to do was honor the cease fire deal they agreed to . israel is the cause . and should recieve all blame .


trump should stop france,britain and israel proliferation of nuclear weapons.before us and russia should scale down their nuclear stockpile it should start with france,britain and israel it will humble them


trump is playing them like a ukulele

Dragon of Bosnia

you are playing my dick and your gf like ukulele and honolulu.


wait a minute so its okay that the us terror regime is sending weapons to the israhelli terrorists but for iran its not allowed to support their ally ???? sick bastardos

the narrative

iran and yemen share the same wisk peace . but the pirate banker cartel wants total control of all nations energy and minerals .

les deplorables

we need to send 1 carrier to gaza, 2 carriers to yemen and 4 carriers to iran so we send them all back to the stonehedge.

Dragon of Bosnia

15 to russia, 26 to china and so on…what a silly person you are.


u need to swallow more mulatto jizz in your amerikunt gay bar

the narrative

in 2015 the us started houthi proxy , israeli barbarians continue treaty violations and refusal of any and all prior agreements . team amerika is the slave of central banker war mongers .
