The civilian death toll from the Syrian government crackdown on the coastal region has risen to 1,476, mostly members of the Alawites minority, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on March 13.
The crackdown began last week when the Alawites rebelled on the coast, their heartland, following months of violations by government forces. The move failed and government forces retaliated by killing civilians from the Alawite sect and other minorities en masse.
The Alawites, Syria’s largest minority, are an offshoot of Islam Shiite. The family of former Syrian president Bashar al-Assad belongs to the sect.
After facing pressure, the government announced that all operations on the coast were over on March 10. An investigation committee was also formed.
However, the SOHR documented at least four new massacres on March 13 with 93 victims. According to the London-based monitoring group, 33 were killed in Tartus, seven in Hama, 52 in Latakia and one in Homs. The group noted that most of the victims were executed inside their homes.
In previous reports, the SOHR said that an additional 231 security personnel and 250 rebels had also been killed in the escalation on the coast.
The killings have so far displaced at least 10,000 Alawites to the governorate of Baalbek-Hermel in eastern Lebanon with more that 7,000 others taking shelter at Russia’s Khmeimim Air Base near the city of Jableh in Latakia.
A reconciliation between the government and the Alawites is highly unlikely, if not impossible at this stage. The massacres will likely lead to another rebellion on the coast in the near future. The Alawites could also seek foreign support, including from Israel.
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why are russia and iran not doing anything about it?
good point russia could still bomb the shit out of those savages as could iran.
because israel will openly strike them and they’ll run with their tail between their legs.
because russia wants to keep their bases in syria and iran´s main priority is the support of hisbollah and helping them to get weapons through syria there is likely a secret deal between the hts terrorists and iran .
in war a fool over extends it’s armys . russia will not for now . puppet al-jolani’s masters hope to use russian bases for evacuation of innocents ?
those bases are of no real importance. russia will probably just ditch them and leave erdogan and nuttyyahoo to get sucked into the quagmire they have created.
iranians used syrian territory for years, to aid its’ proxy forces in the region, primarily hezbollah. syrian territory still under govt. control was a conduit for proxy counter activity. now that there is a dire need for direct military intervention to stop this massacre of pro assad people, nothing happens. all out war is coming soon. guaranteed. may as well start it now, and save some poor unarmed souls from these greasy gutless curs. no more barking empty threats.
been there, done that, got the t shirt. assad turned his back on russia and iran to try to reconcile with the gulf dictatorships and the west. why would they get sucked into that quagmire again? there is no cavalry riding to the rescue. can russian/ iranian troops be asked to put their lives on the line and fight for syria if syrians won’t? incidentally, uncle sam’s and nuttyyahoo’s quisling whores played a large part in bringing about this disaster. for years, they stole ….
syria’s oil and grain for years and sold it to israel, starving the syrian people and wrecking the economy. i’m talking about the quisling kurds of course. they have made their bed, now they can lie on it.
russia was maybe not loved but it was definitely feared and a someone who u could rely on to come to your rescue. now having a reputation of making shady deals at the cost of their friends (astana agreements, armenia). today even reaching a new low when 7000 alawites beg them to safe them at their military base while not doing shit.
we cannot rely on any country that has juus inside it who su b verted the government to serve their interests. mister poutien didnt help assad and blocked the iranian militias who were comming to the russian airbase from landing there. had he activated the sams for a while to keep israel away from the iranian transport planes syria would not have fallen. the line at homs and hama would have held and been reinforced
this is untrue. assad ignored warnings and turned down offers of russian and iranian help.
same story with armenia. russia protected armenia for years and sent russian forces to keep the peace. putin prevented armenia from being overrun and ethnically cleansed by the azeris, then a globalist russia hating us puppet took over armenia and refused to fight when the azeris invaded again. he just ran up the white flag and blamed russia. now armenia will just be genocided by erdogan and the azeris. like the turds.
thank you!… and getting support from the mighty population(s) with million man military(s) after watching the carnage the last 11 years in both syria and kursk/eastern donbas? whither “the briics”?… say when?!!!
exactly as i said before there is much larger jewish su bversion behind it then you think they do it on a much larger scale. have you seen how mos ad took out iranian president raisi when he was visiting aliyev making his helicopter crash. or how mister poutien who wears his yarmukle at the wailing wal pulled the rug under a ssa d and let him wait with empty promises when the ji had is launched their offensive. he didnt even give the iranian militias who were comming by air clearence to land.
germany government sended money to these isis terorists. isis terorist government administrating in syria right now and these terorists get nato weapons from turkey.
when israel drones were found assisting the hts invasion of syria , those to blame are far , far wider than germany .
so did other european governments, the problem is there is a wef/usaid elite installed in europe who neglect what the people truely vote for. democracy is just a facade to let these juu elite get awaybwith everything and leech us out of our surplus and resources. if the germans had a binding referendum on topics such as the association agreement with ukraine which or funding isis trust me people would have voted against it.
erdodog’s dogs
this erdogan dogs are killing people who were previously under government held areas.trespassing and killing is straight massacre.but un wont do anything.because it is nato favor terrorist actions.
nato , uk and the western fm powers desire the end of civilization to begin their great reset l uciferian agenda.
ukraine zelenski stage bucha fake massacre which their cause are blame on russia.where is minute of silent for alawite massacre.
western media is suppressing reporting on the genocide . reporting of mass death of innocents might interrupt the greater israel plan .
these alawites asking for support from israel……..that’s bringing stupidity to amazing heights.
i can see why they lost the war now.
asking israel for help is like jews asking the gestapo for help. this was probably just an invented quote from a non existent “local leader.”
asking the jews for help is like asking hugh hefner to stop being a pervert. good luck with that.
hey, hugh hefner deserves better than this,
he was a straight man after al
moar troubles !! cui bono ??
isrealhell for support? then the alawites are more stupid
they have mossad agent infiltration inside their ranks obviously. i also suspect generals were paid off and bribed to make aleppo fall so quickly its impossible if there was a real stand by the army.
go on x read there are some suddenly popping up accounts who promote the juuish narrative like alawite defense league. created to create a breakup of syria. dont forget how aliyev had thousands of fake accounts posting azeri flags and azeri propaganda it are all israeli conscripts doing it to influence our mind. dont fall for it israel has many media rooms who control the narrative. watch on yuu tube know how they do it
watch these know how juus do it:
ht tps://w m/wa tch?v=3f8isybxere
https://ww om/wat ch?v=dwd5xiiafbc
most important watch this:
ht tps://odysee.c o m/@abr ahamicm atrixdest royer:6/je wish-propa ganda-has bara:5
if links dont work go to bitchute or odysee type in hasbara. pushing a pro israeli message. know how they m an ipu late everything against us using social media yu tube and news outlets.
esto es lo que pasa cuando los paises se vuelven meros peones desechables de las superpotencias mundiales
balkanisation only serves zionist interesrs.
american taxpayer dollars at work.
a globalist zionist funded band of idiot head choppers under a syrian flag paving the way for globalist control. in a sick and diabolical plan for a globalist mideast. this may be the model for the future globalization of western europe when the people try to rid themselves from their current governments.