Iran’s Khamenei Rejects Trump’s Proposal For Nuclear Talks

Iran’s Khamenei Rejects Trump's Proposal For Nuclear Talks

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Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has rejected a proposal by United States President Donald Trump to renew talks on the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program,

Last week, Trump said he had sent a letter to Khamenei proposing nuclear talks. At the same time, the president, who killed the 2015 nuclear deal with Tehran, warned that “there are two ways Iran can be handled: militarily, or you make a deal.”

Trump’s letter was reportedly handed over to Iranian Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi on March 12 by Anwar Gargash, diplomatic adviser to the president of the United Arab Emirates.

While Araghchi and Gargash were meeting, Khamenei told a group of university students that Trump’s offer for talks was “a deception.” The supreme leader noted however that he had not yet seen the letter.

“When we know they won’t honor it, what’s the point of negotiating? Therefore, the invitation to negotiate…is a deception of public opinion,” Khamenei was quoted as saying by Iranian state media.

Khamenei said that any talks with the Trump administration “will tighten the knot of sanctions and increase pressure on Iran.”

After assuming office earlier this year, Trump reinstated his “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran with the aim of draining the country both politically and economically. Washington’s move came amid increasing threats to Tehran by Israel.

Iran denies wanting to develop a nuclear weapon. However, its nuclear program continues to expand. The International Atomic Energy Agency said last month that the country’s stock of uranium enriched to up to 60% purity, close to the roughly 90% weapons-grade level, has grown.

“If we wanted to build nuclear weapons, the U.S. would not be able to stop it. We ourselves do not want it,” Khamenei stressed on March 12.

The supreme leader also said: “Iran is not seeking war, but if the Americans or their agents take a wrong step, our response will be decisive and certain, and the one who will suffer the most harm is America.”

Despite the verbal escalation between the U.S. and Iran, the two countries will likely favor a diplomatic approach in the end. Still, Israel, which wants to end the Iranian nuclear program, could drag Washington into a direct confrontation with Tehran.

While Israel came out on top after the wars with Iran’s allies in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon, a confrontation in the Persian Gulf will have more serious consequences, especially on the economical levels.


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shapour bakhtiar would be a better leader of iran than these mentally challenged religious fanatics. listen to me, these people are sick criminals and those who put them in power are evil criminals equal to those who put isis in power in syria. these are ethnically and religiously mixed countries that cannot afford nationalism and religious fanaticism, because we quick have massacres or even genocide.

Last edited 17 hours ago by Milena

go to bed after slipping some toxic pills – u won’t be missed except by the jews!


afghanistan, syria, libya, iran have become theocratic dictatorships that destroy the lives of their own citizens due to the crimes of the us and the uk. you can probably believe me on that. theocratic dictatorships are much more destructive and dangerous than military dictatorships, and the syrians will soon find out, and i don’t just mean the alawites and christians. what happened when they destroyed the iraqi baath? now it’s legal to marry an eight-year-old girl.


you admit the u.s. and u.k. are the antagonists,yet still conflate their headchoppers, who are not religious fanatics, but mercenaries, with iranian leaders? i must have missed the libyan religious thing somehow. that the kurds and isis have made a deal should tell you they are not religious fanatics or they would have tried to slaughter them. both bow to the zionists. nice try at deception. not.

Dragon of Bosnia

get lost, fake ass.

the narrative

the child of hasbara rants to any that would listen .


i have no use for religious fanaticism and also do not trust religious governments…mostly because of the u.s. and israeli zionists that have infiltrated my country’s gov and military. it was reagan that set this all in motion after khomeini returned. it was reagan that set iran up as an enemy, backstabbing them and creating the iraq-iran war that we fomented, encouraged and supplied both sides with weapons. all at the direction of fanatics called zionists which reagan was one.


when was the last time there was a massacre in iran of the 1,000s of jews who live there? refresh my memory please. on the other hand israel and the u.s….palestine, afghanistan, iraq, yemen, ukraine, syria, pakistan, libya, sudan, somalia, yugoslavia… the list is long.

Dragon of Bosnia

vietnam, bosnia, the list continues. in the terms of doing something, or not doing that they suposed to.

Zalim singh

the number of jews living in iran is around 10,000.


yeah but when netayahu wanted to pay them to leave iran and go to occupied palestine the majority preferred to stay in iran as abetter and saferalternative. bet however that a few serve as spies under duress from the jews in palestine!

the narrative

the greater israel project began long ago . many , many , many wars are related to it .


two weeks in january: america’s secret engagement with khomeini on 27 january, 1979, ayatollah ruhollah khomeini – founder of iran’s islamic republic, the man who called the united states “the great satan” – sent a secret message to washington.

from his home in exile outside paris, the defiant leader of the iranian revolution effectively offered the carter administration a deal: iranian military leaders listen to you, he said, but the iranian people follow my orders.


if president jimmy carter could use his influence on the military to clear the way for his takeover, khomeini suggested, he would calm the nation. stability could be restored, america’s interests and citizens in iran would be protected.

at the time, the iranian scene was chaotic. protesters clashed with troops, shops were closed, public services suspended. meanwhile, labour strikes had all but halted the flow of oil, jeopardising a vital western interest.


persuaded by carter, iran’s autocratic ruler, mohammad reza shah pahlavi, known as the shah, had finally departed on a “vacation” abroad, leaving behind an unpopular prime minister and a military in disarray – a force of 400,000 men with heavy dependence on american arms and advice. khomeini feared the nervous military: its royalist top brass hated him. even more worrying, they were having daily meetings with a us air force general


by the name of robert e huyser, whom president carter had sent on a mysterious mission to tehran.the ayatollah was determined to return to iran after 15 years in exile and make the shah’s “vacation” permanent. so he made a personal appeal. in a first-person message, khomeini told the white house not to panic at the prospect of losing a strategic ally of 37 years and assured them that he, too, would be a friend.


were it not for israel, he might have been right. the u.s. in 1981 made a deal with ksa for u.s. f-15s called peace sun & peace sun ii. this was the first show of the true face of israel, the u.s. and ksa. this was where iran became the enemy with the assist by reagan and iran/contra deal that hamstrung iran while we sicced iraq on them. israel was afraid of iran and still are. it’s also suspected that desert claw was sabotaged.

Dragon of Bosnia

in the wake of iraq-iran war, in 1981, israel bombs iraqi nuclear facility, (iraq is just doing what they told them), those iraqis that wage that aggressive war against iran. they crippled theirs assassin. this is how much one can trust that satan the snake, cancer of the world, demonic entity, poison, satan’s lair, snakes land.


yeah the world will be a much better place when the jews are all gone to meet their maker!

Shlomo's little weenie

hear. hear. 🤞


the orange trumpster onesided cancelled last time the nuclear deal that was fully fullfilled and respected by iran.
so how to trust a new deal when the last was canceled without any reason?
the moronic mullahs waiting since decades what?
they should asap get the nuke by themself or from nk, than nor shlomos or us will dare to attac them.


right free oil to north korea against a few serious nukes sufficient to send the jews in occupied/stolen palestine to kingdom come!


this is the main reason iran doesn’t want nukes. why nuke your own backyard to get rid of an infestation? plus, there are more arabs in ‘israel’ than jews. hitting israel with conventional weapons makes it harder for u.s. to claim nuke fears and interfere. the u.s. will interfere, but russia,et al, will counter balance and deter using nukes. this weakens u.s./israeli military positions. right idea, just wrong solution.


nuke only for defense and to avoid shlomo or us,attac.

The poof

you mean . . . . a final solution ! ! ! oh no 😰 . break out the violins 🎻🎻😭😭😭

the narrative

he broke the intermediate missile treaty too . the russian oreshnik missile would not exist if not for trump .


putin should shove trump’s ceasefire propsoal up his orange ass. it sounds like a zelensky and british plan to me. who would waste 8 hours negotiating with jewish nazis, what is there to “negotiate” with other than their surrender. continue wiping the floor with nato in ukraine until ukraine is no more. that is how you end this. iranians are doing the right thing. usa has much more homework to do to win back trust.

Last edited 16 hours ago by hasbarats

u.s. can never win back trust. anyone with any senses whatsoever already knows there is no chance in hell the u.s. can ever be trusted as long as israel has sway over u.s. gov. these are the money-mongering war mongers that run u.s. policy. trump showed who he works for and it ain’t americans. it is no coincidence that the u.s. and israel cannot be trusted to ever honor any agreement of any kind. tramp continues to blow smoke up american’s ass to look relevant.

Emanuel Gomes Bueno - Brasil

irã, potência nuclear mundial.


carpetbomb iran militar facilities and some of the russian to like israel did in syria


hahaha, the best the orange buffoon can do is relocate there zio-bastard to the us. he can loccate them on his golf feeld and rename it zio-lago. problem solved for every one. nobody is negociating whit a idiot who thinks the planet is a monopoly game !!! he can pic the card “go to jail” or “pay your taxes” hahaha


you know its time we as a collective wake up and see what you juus are doing and have done to us. its time to pull the plug on all the aid israel recieves your kind has leeched off our back stolen our surplus and used to to saw d eath and dest ruction. you juus have subverted all our governments against us played us off against eachoter its time we make a difference and put an end to it

Last edited 8 hours ago by Itsthejuus
the narrative

it would be nice to have bridges fixed , good soil , stable currency , affordable housing in the industrial and information age we live in . it has never been easier for mankind to archive .

the narrative

is this the new nato plan ? a defeated army accelerating self destruction ? great idea !

mullahs are retards

for an energy rich country like iran what is the point of having a nuclear program that only gets you in trouble and gives you no deterrence.
iranian idiots either must dismantle their nuke program or go all the way. right now they have placed themselves in the worst of all positions. it’s like having a bad cop having a gun pointed at you and you trying to go for your holster with a toy gun in it.

the narrative

hasbara bureau alert !


iran needs to get wmd pronto. it should have done so years ago, like n. korea. when you’re faced with destruction by nuclear armed genocidal terrorist regimes like the jewsa and talmudistan, there is no room for ethical or religious scruples. shlomo and his amerikunt stooges need to know that if they don’t mind their manners they get a 180,000 degree sun tan.


lol. meanwhile everybody knows israël has acquired illegally the bomb in the 50’s and refused iaea’s inspection for décades now….. jews run the western eu/us empire. international laws are only for the goyim.

the narrative

what is the point of iran negotiating with the us or israel ? you must keep your word to gain respect . your must keep your word to have self respect . iran has self respect . and international respect . despite any propaganda you may have ingested .


any agreement with that vile scum is totally worthless – jcpoa, nato expansion, gaza and lebanon “ceasefires.”

Shlomo's little weenie

iran’s leader has rejected outright this puerile gesture from the murderous liars ?perhaps these people haven’t forgotten they had their patriot solemeini, murdered by deception. the chutzpah of julius the bamboozler is way off the charts
