Israel Unleashes Heavy Strikes On Southern Syria (Videos)

Israel Unleashes Heavy Strikes On Southern Syria (Videos)

Illustrative image. (The Israeli Defense Forces)

Several waves of Israeli strikes hit southern Syria over the night of March 10 and 11, targeting bases and equipment of the former Syrian Arab Army. 

At least nine strikes hit the 89th Artillery Regiment base, destroying observation platforms and tanks, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which added that another eight strikes targeted the 12th Brigade base. Both positions are located in the countryside of Daraa governorate.

The London-based monitoring group later reported that four more strikes hit the 90th Brigade base in the countryside of al-Qunitra, where a tank battalion and other heavy weapons were destroyed.

Later overnight, the strikes expanded to the governorate of Rif Dimashq with multiple military sites being targeted, including the 68th Regiment base.

Following the fall of the Assad regime last December, Israeli troops invaded the buffer zone adjacent to the occupied Golan Heights in the southern Syrian governorate of al-Qunitra. The IDF also launched hundreds of strikes destroying much of the country’s military capabilities.

The IDF has described its presence in southern Syria’s buffer zone as a temporary and defensive measure. Nevertheless, Defense Minister Israel Katz has said that troops will remain deployed to strategic nine army posts in the area “indefinitely.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said last month that southern Syria must be completely demilitarized, warning that Israel would not accept the presence of the forces of Syria’s Islamist government near its territory.

The latest Israeli strikes on southern Syria came amid a bloody escalation on the country’s coast, where more than 1,000 civilians from the Alawite minority -which former President Bashar al-Assad belongs to- have been killed so far by government forces.

Israel slammed the massacres. However, it has so far ignored calls from some Alawites activists to intervene against government forces.


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sohr = mi6.


kommersant . ru /doc/7564239

thousands of civilians killed in syrian not the small numbers posted here


rip hassan nasrallah. martyred by scummy zionist filth and their bought and paid for us stooge whores. a great man who will inspire those who come after him. zionist rats and cockroaches can dance on a lion’s grave, but they will always be rats and cockroaches.

Conan M

lets not forget qasem soleimani and 0range $tain boasting about his assassination when he was still in the white house!… wouldn’t want to be trumptard or america right now with ukraine on the ropes… looks like it’s time to break out my last cigars and cognac given how much i$rael is asking for that itch to be scratched. flip a coin. we knew the u.$. wanted it in the me because ukraine is now a bridge too far…

Last edited 17 hours ago by Conan M
assad qaedaDefeatedZionists

assad did nothing wrong. he was the lesser of all evils in syria. now greater israel is kaput.

the narrative

assad won his election by over 90% thats why the called him a dictator .

assad qaedaDefeatedZionists

and how many people elected the qaeda-nusra-hts headchopper now in charge, apart from brandon-blinking the septagon and the sia.

Croatian police officer

they didn’t elect him when it’s floods , slovens say, shit always comes to the top first.

Croatian police officer

that’s not the problem, the problem is that he was a cowardly pig. the first problem was that he was popular until he and his sunni wife decided to promote active citizenship. in a country full of jihadists, this is not a good idea because they have become too active citizens.

Croatian police officer

at least israelis don’t strangle children just because they have red hair.

Conan M

the tell tale sign will be an indiscriminate hit on khmeimim with those syrian refugees. poutine?… ball in your court once that accident takes shape. oao

Last edited 17 hours ago by Conan M
Croatian police officer

he sacrificed hezbollah and even syria for the sunni palestinians. his predecessor, the first crazy mullah, was an even bigger hypocritical lying pig.

but he was crowned by the americans because they didn’t want the shah’s communist assistant to accidentally crawl to the top.


these zionists never killed a single hts terrorist, they only bombed hezbollah in lebanon and some empty bases in syria!

the narrative

to israel everyone is a terrorist . this label must be repeated by hasbara guidelines

Keyboard Warrior

don’t worry guys! i am sure the hts will soon advance and free all of south syria and continue to free palestine as they kept saying before they to power! oh wait, they actually zionist erdogans dogs! only fighting unarmed civilians! old people and children! the dogs that was let loose on the civilians by the dog erdogan. it isn’t the first time that the turks massacred the alawites. they are dogs no matter what they dress or what the world call them. always dogs!!


rhat snake erdogan has got plenty of problems.


his economy is a shambles, the lira has gone down the toilet, terrorism spilling over into turkey. maybe the amerikunts will try to regime change him again. with absolute chaos on his southern border.

Croatian police officer

i just hope so, because otherwise we will have an alawite genocide in human history in addition to the armenian one.

the narrative

again sf censors strike my posts

Shlomo's little weenie

one must be philosophical. it’s in the individual words one uses ; the dreaded yellow notice.


that chechen isis members would find them in rusland.


putin and assad have betrayed syria. couldn’t putin and assad have let this artificial state disintigre apart ten years ago? there would be much less blood, misfortune and grief. people wouldn’t hate each other so much. now i’m watching another religious war that doesn’t belong in the modern world.


in gay bar flor betrayed w aids monkeypox—must beg for taco in burgerland

Moshe Dayan

any excuse to help depopulate the earth according to the eu genists is the goal. they all part of the same club of racists.


erdogan’s peace deal with white killer israelis were to split up syria in sectarian zones and make sure national military equipment and bases are totally destroy.erdogan killed russian ambassador daylight.

Last edited 14 hours ago by japie

no peace for the jews, until there is peace for their neighbors. why cant these judaic chimpanzees live in peace? they look like they are drama monkeys. never satisfied with anything. ungrateful pack of fools

the narrative

nothing like wars crimes or human rights violations to make israelis happy .
