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The war in Ukraine involves multiple actors, who are fighting not only diplomatically. Together with foreign weapons, dozens of countries are represented by their citizens fighting on the Ukrainian frontlines. The ongoing political developments are of great influence on their number and structure.
The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation reported that foreign mercenaries from at least 70 countries are fighting in the ranks of the Ukrainian army. In total, there are about 3,300 mercenaries. According to the available data, Canadian citizens have the largest representation in the Ukrainian ranks with 719 fighters. Other leaders include 712 mercenaries from Georgia and 694 from Great Britain.
The largest influx of foreign mercenaries into the Armed Forces of Ukraine was recorded at the very beginning of the Russian Special Military Operation. Inspired by Western propaganda, they were looking for cherry pie, but fighting against Russians turned out to be much more difficult than hunting for terrorists on pickups in the deserts. Since then, the number of foreign fighters in Ukraine has significantly decreased.
Starting from summer 2022, the total number of mercenaries is about 3,000 people. First, Polish citizens formed the basis of the Ukrainian Foreign Legion. Very soon, several thousand Polish mercenaries were destroyed in Ukraine and most of them fled back home.
In general, the number of European citizens, who want to fight for the ideals of the Kiev regime, has decreased significantly. This is due to the pure organization of the Ukrainian military and precision strikes of Russian missiles on their hideouts across the country.
According to preliminary reports from the frontlines, Washington began the gradual return of American citizens from Ukrainian units after the launch of negotiations with Russia. This process includes the return of the bodies of dead U.S. citizens and wounded soldiers being treated in Ukrainian medical institutions.
Especially after USAID was closed, some military recruitment centers were left without funds and stopped recruiting US citizens.
US mercenaries were reportedly informed about the need to leave the combat zone. They are recommended to go to the Ukrainian rear areas or even to surrender to Russian forces on the frontlines, where they are reportedly guaranteed safety. Cases of US mercenaries surrendering to Russian forces were already recorded on the battlefields.
The Ukrainian army is suffering heavy losses, which have been exceeding its mobilization for months. The Kiev regime is looking for fresh cannon fodder both in Ukraine and abroad. In February, Ukrainian youth were allowed to join the army. Kiev is also trying to replace American and European mercenaries with fighters from Latin America, in particular from Colombia. Judging by the confirmed reports about their deaths, Colombian fighters are suffering much heavier losses than their European colleagues, because the Ukrainian command is throwing them into the grinder.
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such a pungent smell they leave. more of the international rules based odor at work.
vladolf don’t mind to steal your bicycle and sell it to usa
i am in the usa. maybe i can sell it to volodoff on his next trip so he can leave the wh ahead of the boot this time?
that is good one.
merci beaucoup, mon ami.
rule of law ss “the moral authority for rule of law is the pope” president obama. the only religion with a permanent free guest seat at the un.
religion? it’s an empire (remember charlemagne was the first holy roman emperor). always was, always will be.
and it this “nothing is what it seems” or fact stranger than fiction or c both of the above?
revealed the vatican’s forbidden secret with exorcists and slaves in… you tube.
remember pope emeritus benedicts words, “they in there hate jesus and christians” and “they hate truth and beauty “.
the murder tourists are recruited and shipped in by any means . the eu arms stocks go sky high . the mafia war machine is still on the same path . banker joy for all europeans . zelensky makes the rounds .
and vladolf is the clown father and secret tranny to the excitement of all boy fanclub here. has vladolf tried to landgrab any other area to sell the minerals to usa today?
have the foreign nazi mercenaries from north korea left ukraine?
you’ll have to wait for them to arrive before they can leave.
i think i spotted one the other day at the corner korean grocery, hiding behind the cabbage.
“are we witnessing a war against the city of london and the national debt” you tube.
remember sir john dee, qe1 s astrologer adviser, told her that england’s destiny is to rule the world and the plans started then to fulfill england’s destiny.but also remeber that the city of london is not charles domain its not english its independent , privately owned city state corporation with the dragon as its guardian symbol.
astrology. jesus, mary and joseph. get help.
no you’re r the jester who doesn’t understand history or anything really. you live in fantasia created by the great deceiver .
how do you manage to pop in and out of our universe, rabbit hole?
what happens if you eat too much, does the fabric tear? and what can one use to patch the fabric, does it have to be a double edged needle and thread so to be compatible to both realms?
those and other mysteries of the multiverse await your sound counsel.
he’s already beyond help. a real zelensky junior he be.
and all of the alleged central banks are centralised in the bank of england using hitlers bank of international settlements in switzerland as the go between. allegedly.
following zelenskies trip to see the king “america will not put up with it donald trumps brutal response to…” you tube
nb them calling his wanting to stop the bloodshed “brutal”
and here’s some longwinded rhetorical carry on… (#21 ws) a thought provoking discussion on history and biefs wi… you tube
gilding the lily. the fact the coronation crown is the catholic crown of edward the confessor. it’s a catholic crown.
followed by. bishop schneider warns the faithful here is the ideology tha… you tube.
the opinions expressed do not reflect mine necessarily etc etc frankly i think they’re left it at least 200 hundred years too late to try shutting gates closing windows and bolting doors.
evil came from original sin eating the fruit of knowledge, the big apple, ignorance is bliss. when adam and eve were ignorant they dudnt even know they were naked becayse they were innocent like all the healthy animals mammals of the world that wear no clothing. fundamentally.
i know of no mammals that practice sodomy, let alone pedophilia or oral sex except for humans. because they are natural they breed seasonally, with nature, so their babies are born when foods ample and waters available. unlike humans who breed as if flies.
and it like this always the same always the opposite chimps or baboons can learn to use human sign language they can learn to understand human languages english russian chinese etc and converse using sign language. humans can’t learn baboons language. who’s really the smartest?
anglican church is deformed reformed church, just catholicism painted over.
at the interfaith ecumenical councils meeting about 30 years ago every religion on earth agreed to accept, legally by binding written contract, to accept the pope as the head of all religions.
abd the c of e was destroyed first by separating it, in england from every other church of england internationally and them from one another so that they all became totally separate legal entities they were totally globally divided by rule of law.
the lutheran church here was instructed decades ago now too they they were not allowed to try to recruit new members but were only allowed to serve the existing until obviously natural attrition will expire them and they obey.
oh, really! do you have balls to tell that to some protestant preacher, minister? i don’t think so, cos they gonna do you.
i think we’re witnessing firsthand the new european deformation. i count myself blessed to be witnessing the event in real time.
which of course makes sense. people seem to think that the church founded by henery the eighth i am was protestant; actually it was (and is) the english catholic church. the anglo-saxons were forced to abandon orthodoxy by william of normandy in 1066 and have been a conquered people ever since (with brief rebellions such as cromwell’s).
ah yes, londinium. the holy roman empire’s offshore tax haven. and business address of the man known as the vatican’s banker…..
ohh, instead of going back to theirs mudhole colombia, they are going to go to mudhole ukraine with co caine? raping gangs, inmates from psychopaths institutions, all those.
plan columbia bears fruit.
lovely cocaine the cash cow of catholic south america.
and here’s a lovely little, south african accent i seem to detect, bore with a passive aggressive snippet of poisoned information, imo “australia billionaire clive palmer launches trump inspired political… you tube. allegedly.
each colombian merc that survives takes back 5 rpg’s and 3 javelins to his narco bosses.
here’s foxy in distress panic mode. alarm danger will robbingson. danger danger
“breaking us pausing all military aid to ukraine” you tube. nb sending money to buy weapons isn’t funding warfare, to them, no it’s “aid” like as as charity work.
join with knowing zs on his way to england to see the king anyway, “schumer caught having secret meeting with zelensky you tube.