The Former Head Of Jabhat Nusra Does Not Want A Conflict With The Zionists. But No One Doubted It

The Former Head Of Jabhat Nusra Does Not Want A Conflict With The Zionists. But No One Doubted It

Local insurgents who expressed support for Hamas (Idlib, 2019)

Written by Damir Nazarov

While Zionism continues to bomb Syria without hindrance, openly talk about cooperation with the Kurds and Druze, thereby hinting that the disintegration of Syria would be the most convenient option for the colonialists, the new interim head of Syria, Ahmed al-Sharaa, stubbornly insists that he “does not want a conflict with Israel”, and in general “Syrian territory will not be used to attack Israel”.

Jabhat Nusra’s supporters justify their impotence in relation to the occupation by saying that the economic situation is dire, the arrival of refugees and the need to build a civil society. Yes, there is logic in this, but the fact is that one does not interfere with the other. All anti-Zionist parties in the region are aware that Syria cannot go to open war, everyone understands the current realities, but there is no justification for patience in relation to the intervention, when Zionism is already 20 km from Damascus and openly talks about annexing a Druze village to its occupation. Either Ahmed al-Sharaa clearly exaggerates the strength of the Zionists and downplays the combat experience of the Syrian opposition, or he is afraid of the West’s reaction, which is also funny, because many parties in the EU have condemned the Zionists, or the head of Tahrir al-Sham justifies his nickname given to him by the American ambassador – “strategic asset“.

It is gratifying that, against the backdrop of Ahmed al-Sharaa’s total conformism, voices of defense of their lands are still being heard from Syria. Moreover, a key ally of the current patron of the Syrian opposition has called for an immediate “establishment of a line of resistance to Israeli interventions.” Such statements from Devlet Bahceli carry a hidden message with a significant portion of criticism towards al-Julani. Let me remind readers that the Nationalist Movement Party of Turkey(MHP) is the main ally of Erdogan’s party; here we can even point out that the MHP is, in a sense, the “gray cardinal” of modern Turkey. Therefore, Tahrir al-Sham should draw the right conclusions and not anger the pan-Turkists. Another piece of bad news for the former jihadists was the statement by the Chinese Foreign Minister, when he confirmed that his country “will help Syria defend its sovereignty and restore stability.” Thus, Tahrir al-Sham is now under pressure from three sides – part of the Syrian opposition, a key regional ally, and a world power that sees Syria as an ally.

Meanwhile, the Zionist media reports that in Syria they see threats in Turkey and Iran, and while discussing the influence of the Islamic Republic and allowing for the sudden emergence of anti-Zionism in Tahrir al-Sham, the Zionist press still assures that “Iran is more dangerous than al-Julani.” Meanwhile, the Zionist media reports that in Syria they see threats in Turkey and Iran, and while discussing the influence of the Islamic Republic and allowing for the sudden emergence of anti-Zionism in Tahrir al-Sham, the Zionist press still insists that “Iran is more dangerous than al-Julani.” All these fears and concerns of the Zionists are absolutely justified, because the occupiers know about Tehran and Ankara’s plans for Syria, and how close the elites of these countries are to each other, despite all the media hype (often such a policy is aimed at hiding the real situation on the ground from outside eyes).

As for al-Julani, in my opinion his role is needed for a certain period and now it is already obvious that he is not the hero who will lead the Muslim army towards Palestine. As Syria stabilizes and a new political project with a focus on democratization is implemented in the country, the leader of Tahrir al-Sham will be relegated to the background, and his organization will be completely dissolved. Syria has just come to life, now it needs to take the path of liberating the sacred al-Quds, and something tells me that the new heroes will be people with an ideology close to the late Hasan al-Banna, Imam Khomeini and Necmettin Erbakan.


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thanks to turkish president erdogan’s stupidity level – syrian kurdistan is just created. without stupid erdogan this was impossible. biji kurdistan gerilla. american come to protect syrian kurdistan and petrol. if turkey enters syria kurdistan nato will put it out. syrian kurdistan land is bigger than azerbaijan


biji gerilla hewale kurdistan

Baran ats

yeah by the way we all waiting for upcoming rape there, where are ur white comrades. uh didn’t even mention king trump 👑


trump is going to abandon ukraine. a very large european country with trillions worth of natural resources. terrorist kurdish pkk-ypg-sdf goatherders have nothing the usa needs. as a matter of fact they’re a complete waste of us taxpayer dollars. trump will abandon the kurds faster than he will abandon zelenskyy. mark my words.


america will left syrian kurdistan aka (petrol kurdistan.) this is arab blooded turkish poo funny claim and all turkish muzlim bastard tv channels claim.


you swallow too much turkish sperms again

Grab Your Gat

don’t bother. we all know that turks are sexual maniacs and pedofiles.


clearly mistook turks for your own pig fucker gene pool


you talk like you mates pump ya mum ay 😂


trump aint gonna “abandon” rump ukraine…it doesn’t exist any more.


trump will plan to abandon ukraine until he hears that jews run it then he will give them what they want just as isreal. putting a jew into the government of ukraine was more important then any arms delivery or money cause it enabled the latter.

Last edited 2 months ago by kotromanic
AM Hants

munching on the popcorn, remembering that it was trump who gave poland an air defence system, that could fire nukes into russia. plus trump, who had his eye on the ‘3 sea initiative’ and all the resources that go with it. not forgetting it was trump who was opposed to ns2. cannot see him turning away from the natural resources of ukraine, located in the east of ukraine. same as he gloated about taking the oil from syria, believing the usa owned it.


the rabid mouthy dog erdoggy of turkeystan is and always has been both usa’s and the zionazi’s bitch.


the usa will watch turkey cut the kurds down in size then call the turks back. kurds will survive battered and thankfull for their survival and the turks will still have to live with them next door even if weakened.


ok ..but show us where is terroristan. do not get exciting no good for your heart.get your trainers ready you gonna needed while you’re running away from turkish army..

Grab Your Gat

erdogistan is very powerfull and capable of shitting behind pillars close to trumps tower. 🤪

The Zionist

israel is here to stay. get used to it.


thats what hitler said about the thousand year reich, we know how that ended.


who will enter and make war with israel, erdogan,turks? ha ha ha ha. stup id erdogan can not even clean the syrian kurdistan, if continue this way, turkey will be put out from nato. the birds are even smiling to erdogan and the turks.
arab turkish insects, scums

Last edited 2 months ago by Money

erdogan behind you whacking your asss

Grab Your Gat

he prefers old goats.


erdogan give little money to people he is corrupt


fatih erbakan is much better leader than erdogan


the time for the israeli cancer will come then it will be wiped of the map


syria rebels are bad like zionist


as long as the iou fiat filth zionazi dollah has toilet paper value…that’s how long the zionazi filth will survive. not a week more…so get packing shlomo and look for granny’s ghetto papers in the eastern europeon slum that spawned y’all coz israhell is doooooooooooooooomed. karma be comin for the demon squatter freeloader scum

Shlomo's little weenie

dropping that gem from your i-pad in your hotted up merkava are we ? 😀😀💩

Grab Your Gat

but it got to be based on rulles based order and disarmed, also nuked and sprayed with ziklon b.

Last edited 2 months ago by Grab Your Gat
Niccolo Machiavelli

going to be amusing watching nato go to war with nato… and then israel go to war with both of them. i need more popcorn…


roztrhajte sýriu na kusy a otvoríte tým novú pandorinu skrinku. kurdi potom budú požadovať veľký kurdistan. a to zahŕňa časti sýrie, iraku, turecka. práve si zadávate na poriadne veľký konflikt. mysleniu zdar a svetu mier!!!


the last of 7 countries to attack in the region is iran. lebanon is on the list and not defeated yet. the attacks were rushed before trump inauguration. its not just israel and turkey who conspire together, all ukraine backers are involved. their plan to attack iran is to rebuild isis because they are trying to send eu syrians back to syria.

R. Ambrose Raven

a much better model would be the fourth international. to the current powerbrokers, ordinary people are merely pairs of hands. iran and hezbollah are humiliated and defeated because – as with the traitors yeltsin and gorbachev – their class and religious primitivism has sufficient in common with the zionist thugs that they wanted accommodation rather than victory. so the former head of jabhat nusra fought for years in the deserts simply to create a middle-class democracy?


jewlani does not want to fight the jews. i wonder why


to end iranian occupation in syria is number one priority and to get rid of all iranian nazi inspired goatf@cker terrorscums in syria


the israeli terrorists clearly lack self awareness


ayatollah is 100% high on syrian drugs


fsa and israel are same

The Crunge

he’s probably related to jewlinsky.


people must see the reality of daech terrorist jewlani and understand that wahhabi centers as well as synagogues must be cleansed. the people who got happy will now get very angry, the angry syrian sunni majority is the only hope to owerthrow jewlani and create a normal state. daech killed hundreds of thousands of sunni people, and jewlani is daech, but syrians did not notice it yet. this needs time.


only the trtiple covaids squirted morons still don’t know that the i$i$ headchoppers are mossad and al ciaduh filth


constructed crap serving nazis .


breaking news whore does not want conflict with its pimp

Last edited 2 months ago by kotromanic
NDR 7652

arabs and muslims collaborating with crusaders and zionists ???

who would have guessed ???

jens holm

all dumb amerikunts prefer hts headchoppers to civilized assad govt


putin gets out smarted by idiots.


the haredi jews are the biggest threats to israel. but they are too blind to see it….


you can tell by that 1st paragraph the author is some arrogant simpleton, shelteted af 😂

AM Hants

the leader of al qaeda/isis/ or whatever they call themselves today does not want an argument with israel. guess that is because they were created by the cia/ned.usaid/m16 and doesn’t sis stand for secret intelligence services and the ‘i’ just happens to be the nation in control of the ngo (tax payer funded) terrorists?
