Kurdish Forces Enter Aleppo City As Syrian Army Retreats (Videos)

Kurdish Forces Enter Aleppo City As Syrian Army Retreats (Videos)

Click to see full-size image. Source: sdf-press.com

A large force of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) reached on November 30 the northern Syrian city of Aleppo, joining the remaining forces of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) as militants led by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

The militants stormed the western parts of the city and managed to reach its center late on November 29, just two days after launching a large-scale offensive against the SAA.

The SDF, which is backed by the United States, rushed thousands of heavily armed fighters from its areas of control in the eastern Aleppo governorate, through the government-held towns of Deir Haif, to Aleppo International Airport then to the Kurdish-held district of Sheikh Maqsoud in the city and to the town of Tel Rifaat in the northern countryside of the governorate.

It is unclear yet if the force arrived to help the SAA launch a counter-attack, or just to evacuate remaining Kurdish fighters from the city and its northern countryside.

The bold move was clearly coordinated with the Syrian government. It remains unclear if the U.S.-led coalition played any role in the agreement.

While HTS and its allies have not advanced much inside Aleppo since last night, the militants and others from the Syrian National Army made several gains in the northern Aleppo countryside in the morning, capturing the towns of Tadef, Toman, Abu Taltal, al-Shumawiya, Anadan, Hareitan, Kafr Hamra, and Hayyan.

The assault in the northern Aleppo countryside was launched from the direction of the Greater Idlib region, as well as from Turkish-occupied areas in northern Aleppo.

At least 155 militants of HTS, 28 others from Turkey-backed factions and some 79 Syrian troops have been killed since the start of the offensive in Aleppo and neighboring Idlib on November 27, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a London-based pro-opposition monitoring group.


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Keyboard warrior

that is pretty sh*tty situation for the syrian army now. the sdf can not be trusted either.

The Objective

i can’t believe this shit. very funny. the syrain arab army will be saved by the the u.s-led coalition now?

i posted a 3k-word analysis on patreon about [why trump “cannot” end the ukraine war]. those who think he can or will are in for a surprise. you can find the post on patreon. it’s free for all. once on patreon, search for the page “islamic jihad” to find the post. i post geopolitical analysis daily for those who want to read ojective analysis, not propaganda.

Last edited 3 months ago by The Objective
Keyboard warrior

the little dwarf from kviv is already talking about ceasefire even before trump enters the white house. no need to pay money for a terrorist group to read some crap you wrote. stop advertising your crap here. go beg israhell to give you money to your terrorist organisation

The Objective

the 10 reasons in a nutshell
1. the pentagon wonn’t allow it. ukraine is weakening a great military adversary. the pentagon defied trump twice during his first adminstration.
2. allied republican and democrat politicians will frustrate any efforts by trump to end the war. remember how republican mike johnson facilitated the largest aid to ukraine despite trump’s vehement opposition.

The Objective

3. the u.s. intelligence community won’t let that happen before russia is sufficiently weakened militarily. they’ve been working for decades to break up russia. the ukraine war presents a rare opportunity to achieve that with minimal risks.

4. the military industrial complex is making hundreds of billions from weapons sales due the war frightening european countries to stockpile arms. they won’t let trump stop this easily. they’ve got people in the pentagon and the u.s. congress.

The Objective

5. european countries will also push back. although they want the war to end due to the pressure of refugees and spillover possibilities, they also don’t want russia walking away with any territorial rewards.

6. the weapons caches. you can bet your last buck there are sufficient weapons caches in europe earmarked for ukraine for kyiv to fight for the next 4 years without new u.s. supplies. the dems made sure of that. just research recent u.s. efforts to store weapons in europe.

The Objective

7. limitations on missile use was largely lifted. why would ukraine agree to a ceasefire when it now has the freedom to cause a lot more damage to russia? this limitation already caused some serious losses for russia the past few days.

8. the ukraine government. kyiv isn’t going to cede territory without nato membership. it already has enough weapons in europe and european money to continue the fight.

Last edited 3 months ago by The Objective

“the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” robert burns


you are lying, america wants to create kurdistan . this is the real reason.

The Objective

yes, america wants to create kurdistan, but do you think the hts and turkiye would help america do that?

what exactly am i lying about?


ukraine is falling apart, militarily, economically and politically. chumpo will no sooner be able to save his ukronazi proxies than biden was able to save his stooges in afghanistan. the amerikunts and eu are panicking, hence all the hot air about sending eu troops and nuclear weapons to ukraine.


that’s just what the ru propaganda & communist propaganda from eu nations is telling you. but the real thing is. usa & eu nations weapon industry is just starting to rise and building large new factories etc. moreover russia is now even resorting to north korean soldiers, needs help from iran, and soviet union tank & other vehicle stocks are running out in 2026. so in fact it is russia that is going down.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

russia has already emptied their prisons (see wagner & prigozhin), putins army is that broken, that it needs northkorea to help them. weapon industry in russia cannot cope with the battlefield losses. and usa & europe ? they are just starting to switch from civilian to war-time-economy now. so think about it. when usa& eu are in full swing war-economy russia doesn t stands a chance.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

everybody knows it. especially the chinese. so by 2026 when russia is out of soviet era war machines, china will fill the gap – and maybe russia will then really win the war in ukraine, but it the cost will be russia fully indebted with china for the next 200 years and 50 % of russia territory in fact becoming chinese territory, with chinese population.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

and most of native russians fully enslaved and replaced by migrants from tadshikistan and from all over the world, because putin lets them all in – because not workers anymore (due to the war). putin does exactly what the globalist jews (chabad) want. he destroys russia, sells it out to the chinese, and replaces native russians with asians and muslims. but ruskis are to stupid to see it.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

you have good analysis. all the points you mentioned are true. lots of big us and european weapon producers companies have start large new build ups and factories all around ukraine and partly even inside. they wont do that, if the war was going to end within he next year or two. but people here obviously don t see these clear signs on the walls.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

you should read better. he says give those territorys to russia “temporary” all of the rest of ukraine instantly joins nato. what he does then not say out loud is restart the war after beeing part of nato so russia cant hit the missile launchers and air fields cause they are “nato” by then.

Keyboard warrior

temporary like crimea? you think nato countries especially usa under trump going to accept that deal? i have huge doubt about it.


i did not say they will accept it its just what he thinks about it. he is delusional and slowly realising that his jewish blood may not protect him if his own kin think his death is more worth to them then he is alife.

Turd in US cesspool

i like turd analysis—425 al nusra turds eliminated past 24 hours—eradicted from 6 villages

The Objective

territory, not body count.

seems like taliban blitzkrieg version 2.0


now go back to sleep.dumbo


si questa volta americani e israeliani distruggeranno isis ,turchi kurdistan in siria hanno capito dopo tanto che la siria deve essere stabilizzata e gli rifaranno petrolio e gas che gli rubano la pace dell’area passa attraverso la siria è adesso che lo facciano dopo 12 anni di guerra inutile.

The Objective

i don’t understand your language. write in english. you replied to my comment, which means you can read and understand english.

The Crunge

i’m trying to be objective about the situation, but boy you are annoying.

The Objective

trying to be objective. really?

i’m so annoying because you can’t handle some truths.


because you an insecure moron


nah you’re an utter bore – go find a fast travelling train and jump in front of it.

Shlomo's little weenie

hasbara. getting annoyed is what it’s all about.

The Objective

i’m surprised the russians, iranians, and assad were seemingly caught offguard. the quick collapse of assad’s forces in allepo suggests they are currently in poor shape. turkiye probably greenlighted or at least didn’t prevent this assaut despite the ceasefire. it’s unlikely that turkiye din’t know about it in advance. having hosted millions of refugees for many years, tried unsuccessfully to talk to assad, turkiye might have decide to turn up the heat.

Keyboard warrior

yes they were busy fighting israhell which is an ally to turkey and its terrorist goones. so much for those so called “sunni” muslims. they backstab other muslims instead of helping their brothers in gaza. but what can you expect from israhell lovers?


caught off guard somehow again. just like when “isis” snuck into palmyra they were caught off guard.


just like the ukrop 2022 offensive and kursk

Shlomo's little weenie

just pull it inbred. you’re wasting space as well as an oxygen thief.

Uncle Sam

‍my left-hand puppet and my right-hand puppet will fight each other while my israli friend makes final moves.

Peter Blue

the us were behind this invasion from al qaeda so had the sdf organised to rush in to take control of what they could evicting the saa. wouldn’t be surprised if they attack al qaeda so they keep aleppo . israel/us plan to take control of syria.

Turd in US cesspool

we are obese autistic morons—genetically inferior autism increase by 1000% in 5 decades


the syrian military is clear the weakest link in the resistance against fakesrael, that’s why nato/fakesrael/and gulf arabs keep attacking them.


the whole screwup lies with iran. had these idiots not made a deal with the us invader of iraq around 2004-2007, and instead fought it out, same as the taliban did, than usa would have suffered a total and complete defeat with a brutal ending in iraq, same as in vietnam or afghanistan with not a single us base remaining in iraq, then usa would never hae dared to years late go into syria and occupy syrian territory like in al-tanf. shias are now reaping what they sowed.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

kurdio coming to help 😂😂😂 let them. who’s gonna help them?


isis will come soon from deir ez zor too😂😂😂

The Kurd

sure we kurds and assad may have our difference but i would rather see assad as a neighbor than hts or t*rkish backed terrorists. there is a huge population of kurds in aleppo. it is in our both interest to let the city not fall. time to set our differences aside and kick out those extremist scum, like we did in the past.


agree…..i am no fan of sdf for selling out to americans. but sdf are natural partners with syrian govrnment. not america. not turkey.


the kurds are backstabbing whores serving us and zio interests.


sdf is a minority in syria. what’s your population in syria that you want to have aleppo?

i believe russia should sit with trukiye and design syria’s future. this is the best option right now. it shouldn’t be difficult to reach a political solution that protects some of russia’s interests. putin needs to disentangle from russia and focus on ukraine because that’s the war that threatens russia’s unity.

The Kurd

kurds have no interest in aleppo. kurds lived peacefully under assad in aleppo, seeing the headchoppers take over the city will also put the kurds in aleppo at risk. sure we are a minority, but so is assad. also russia really didn’t put much manpower in syria, mainly airpower. the influence of airpower is huge while basically not risking any lives. but yeah i wouldn’t be surprised either if putin makes a deal with erdogan again and basically throws assad under the bus. i hope not of course

The Objective

i’m not a fan of the hts because i don’t fully understand what they do or stand for. however, i want proof to believe serious claims you make against them. do you have any evidence of hts genocide against the kurds in idlib? i’d like you to post the title of any article or book that provides this proof and also the page number if possible. otherwise, you have no reason to be in aleppo except for territorial expansion. then wait for turkiye.


but your bosses are great friends of the usa and isreal and those need to to fight assad not their other proxys.

The Kurd

there has been no conflict between assad and kurds. we tolerated them in qamislo just like they tolerated us in aleppo. its a matter of the lesser of two evils. any rational thinking person would choose kurds/assad above al-qaida linked extremist and turkey back terrorist.


according to liveuamap aleppo has already fallen including sheikh maqsoud

The Kurd

it literally shows the opposite. shex masoud is under kurdish control (24-12-1). matter fact kurdish reinforcement has been send to hold the area.

maka faka

biji berxwedana ypg

Just me

looks like a car race in philadelphia… the guys meet up to race and film themselves doing it. there are also hillbillies with their guns mounted on their trucks for duck hunting. it will definitely be a nice racing weekend if no one is shooting.


just imagine, this is what ukrainians are wasting their energy on. fighting in syria. it only proves that ukraine needs to be totally dismembered and partitioned up. i wouldn’t be surprised if the trump adiminstration is working with erdogan behind the scenes with this


that is the same way the americans feel about the russians


the americans dont see a difference between russians and ukrainians besides that they were successfull to persuade one of them to fight temporary the others for the usa. but the end goal is not a strong ukraine instead of a strong russia but neither a ukraine nor a russa but many small peaces easy to control for the usa.


and as usual, russia is full of shit and just letting it happen.

putin is a bitch of the antichrist.

The Objective

putin’s biggest mistake in syria was to ally with an iran unwilling to take even moderate risks in confronting america. imagine that the russians were allied with turkiye – even temporarily. it’d be interesting to see what happens in the middle east under such an alliance. but no, putin fears and distrusts the sunnis more than he distrusts and fears america! russia squandered a historic opportunity in syria.

Last edited 3 months ago by The Objective

so he distrusts sunnis? what do you think chechens and tartars are? but you are right putin should have never entered into the syrian conflict. this made the international rich and influencial jews so angry that they want to wipe russia off the map and have used all their influence be it bribe, blackmail or threats to organise a group of countrys to fund and arm ukraine to fight russia.


i think you mistake the truth for lies and vice versa. here check your own words with what the jews say about putin and russia. see: surl.li/mrugjm

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

luv your moron ghutto amerikunt turd delusions


my amerikunt hillbilly imho sister—how is the new lgbt jewish nursing home?


ignore ‘the objective’ he’s a western stooge, pedaling the narrative he wants you to from the west. europe is running low on weapons and munitions, just like vw of germany, they are near collapse. everything else is just cascade and illusion by the usa and eu.

The Objective

thank god you said europe is running low on weapons. you didn’t say america is running low on weapons. nevertheless, you are wrong. biden had up to 4 years to ship weapons throughout europe for potential use in ukraine. remember he’d been warning since 2020 that russia would invade ukraine. so, the democrats started preparing for this since at least 2020. look, what would you do if you were biden and you knew trump might win and try to stop military aid?


western regimes have run out of everything, shells, missiles, armour, artillery. all their “wonder weapons” turned out to be overpriced unreliable junk. western armies are a complete joke. they wouldn’t last an afternoon if they were sent to ukraine.


amnerikunt moron wrong tedious desperate–seek a better lgbt therapist double your fentanyl


i think he is a turk not a western stooge. he thinks whatever erdogan thinks. if erdogan thinks putin is good then putin is good if now erdogan thinks this is the moment to capture aleppo with his proxys so will the objective think and praise it.


in this harsh geopolitics of adults the little man of moscow is revealed in all his insignificance.


turdeuas—envious amerikunt desperate–only significant to senile lgbt glue sniffer


zelensky watched it and said he has a plan to defeat russia. it starts with a conflict ‘freeze’


russia deserves defeat for killing/arresting all the competent generals


what is the point of having a large nuclear arsenal if you have given a thousand proofs that you do not dare to use it?

the result is that russia is now a geopolitical dwarf (only a little stronger than türkiye), which is why everyone beats it like a punching bag.

to put it another way, russia has a giant nuclear arsenal and a dwarf leader.


a man who cant even manage to blow up a bridge wont use nuclear weapons


one huge screw up after another, just disgusting and sloppy.


amerikunt vanya expert at screw up

homer simpson

see my taliban an anal-yses on patreon—discount if you are lgbt americannot


america started to create kurdistan country next to the turkey with trump administration.


petrol,gaz, kurdistan = america win.


sdf (ypg-ypj and allies) are not there against the syrian army. in fact they had a small presence in agreement with syria-damascus and against the islamists. they’re clearly intervening there to stop the new daesh invasion, to fight against the fascist terrorists sponsored by turkey, the usa and israel.


the kurds are snakes serving us and zio interests. always have been, always will be.

The Objective

you admit the ypg is a terrorist group. now tell us which countries fights the ypg the most?


how can you comment here if two paragraphs is “comment too long”?

Malcolm Z

the problem is that saa is compley useless and only few brigades that protect damascus are a capable force

Janne Kankaanpää

this is like russian advance during start of ukraine war.
