The Horn Of Africa Has Once Again Become A Stumbling Block Between World Powers

The Horn Of Africa Has Once Again Become A Stumbling Block Between World Powers

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Written by Damir Nazarov

While Zionism continues to commit genocide on the Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon without hindrance, a difficult battle for influence over Somalia is taking place in the shadow of this war.

The strategic partnership between Turkey and Somalia, which has gained momentum, has become so large that the fears of enemies have reached a new level. First, the self-proclaimed Somaliland expressed its dissatisfaction with the Turkish military presence near the shores of the Horn of Africa, and then the Americans became alarmed at the growing regional role of China, which is known to operate in a hidden alliance with Turkey. The sharp attacks from the self-proclaimed Somaliland are largely due not so much to Turkish influence as to an attempt to please the triumvirate of Zionists, the UAE and the Americans. Ten years ago, the then Somaliland authorities welcomed Turkish mediation in the dialogue with Somalia, but now the situation has changed. Today, the main allies of the self-proclaimed autonomy are the above-mentioned three, where the Emirates play the role of the main military partner, active trade takes place with the Zionists, and the Americans have become the main curators of the ideology of Somaliland.

Thus, the Horn of Africa has become the scene of a battle between the United States and China, where each of the world powers connects its main regional allies to try to control the eastern peninsula of the African continent. Nevertheless, the advantage of the Turkish-Chinese alliance is an order of magnitude higher than that of the American-Zionist tandem and their friend in the face of the Emirates. Turkish ships have already arrived off the coast of Somalia to begin searching for oil and gas reserves. Turkish Energy Minister Alparslan Bayraktar indicated that in addition to the expedition, the Turkish navy will be present to ensure the security of the maritime region. Moreover, China receives the President of Somalia at a high level, which indicates the great confidence of the Celestial Empire in the implementation of its plans for the Horn of Africa.

For Somalia, the alliance with Turkey and China is important not only from an economic point of view, but also to create a counterweight to the historical opponent represented by Ethiopia. The paradox of the situation is that from the point of view of the Turkish-Chinese alliance, Ethiopia’s policy is not a significant problem, while the separatist ambitions of self-proclaimed Somaliland from the point of view of Ankara and Beijing carry much more trouble. While Mogadishu is used to coexisting with its “rebellious brothers”, it is much more important to become a counterweight to Ethiopia and no longer allow its neighbor to occupy its lands. For the sake of such a step, the Somali government even went to a military alliance with Egypt. And here it is worth recalling the normalization of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Egypt. An interesting coincidence.


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hey southfront, make me happy and stop that bullshit. if you don’t noticed it, it is not 19th century. the world race for ai is taking place. everybody knows the one who win on ai field will win global dominance. russia is out of the race, europe as well. it is between china and the u.s. the u.s can send more satellites in the space then the rest of the world combined. thanks to elon the idiot, who don’t have clue his technology is all about to be weaponized.

S n o w _ At _ D e n II

“ordinary people” will be killed anyway. the global elites don’t need them. what is happening in gaza is simulation what will take place everywhere, in china, russia, u.s. , europe. they need to kill people and reduce humanity to some 50k humans. the rest is about artificial intelligence and technology. of course, elon and his engineers are to be killed as well. who cares about some stupid africa. wake up – idiots.

Last edited 3 months ago by S n o w _ At _ D e n II
S n o w _ At _ D e n III

and the “real war” is somewhere, when south front, putin or anybody else can’t see it. it is about modern slavery. ” “you will eat the bugs”, and, “you will own nothing and be happy” and “you will go along with merkel and welcome third world, violent, low iq trash into your country” and “you will send the last penny to ukraine” and be happily “euthanised afterwards” because “we don’t have money for your retirement” as we already spent all of money a thousand years in advance

Last edited 3 months ago by S n o w _ At _ D e n III

how many divisions does the w.e.f have? they have zero military power.


and you, on the other hand, don’t understand that nothing has changed since the 19th century. it’s about power politics, why? because whoever has the power determines the value of money. in ukraine, it is about weakening the brics, because the brics threatens the power of the euro and the dollar to blackmail developing countries. somalia belongs to the continuum.