Russian Strikes Destroy NATO Military Supplies In Odessa Region

Russian Strikes Destroy NATO Military Supplies In Odessa Region

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On the night of October 13th, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched new wave of strikes on Ukrainian rear facilities throughout the country.

Russian kamikaze drones and Iskander missiles destroyed targets in Odessa, Chernihiv, Poltava regions as well as in the war-torn eastern Sumy, Kharkiv and other regions.

Russian military reconnaissance revealed the positions of the NASAMS system supplied by NATO deployed in the town of Gadyach in Poltava region. As a result of the precision strikes, the radar station was destroyed and a launcher was damaged.

Ukrainian military column that was moving to the border Sumy region came under missile strikes in the area of Korop on Chernihiv region.

Vampire MLRS supplied by NATO warmongers was destroyed in the area of the village of Nikitovka in Sumy region.



Russian forces are destroying military supplies from NATO with constant strikes in the southern Odessa region. The port infrastructure and cargo vessels with foreign weapons and ammunition came under at least four Russian attacks during the week.

On the night of October 13th, Russian missiles struck Ukrainian military airfield near the village of Limanskoe located near the border of Transnistria. According to military monitoring sources, Russian missiles struck the airfield at the moment of unloading military cargo transferred from Romania. As a result of the attack, two military trucks of the 183rd separate battalion of the 122nd Territorial Defense Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed and three others were damaged. As a result of the strike, over 18 Ukrainian soldiers were reportedly eliminated.


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assad defeated zionists

several euro nations are beginning to comprehend the futility of their actions, germany being the latest one to declare it will no longer be sending weapons to zelensky. ukraine is a lost cause, a bottomless pit. the us,uk,france & nato will be dealt a strategic defeat in russia that will make their defeat in syria at the hands of bashar hafez al-asad look like kids play. viva putin, viva al-asad, viva the aces of resistance.

Winfried Troschke

…the characterlessness of germany will become apparent, depending on and after the us elections.

one wants to be of good service to one’s master in washington, in anticipatory obedience.

this style.-, decency.- and lack of format runs through the entire german post-war history…

Edgar Zetar

nope, they don’t get it… they will double down aggression for a century against russia using ukraine as excuse to hate russia. the exceptionals started a direct aggression to conquer russia, the master exceptionals would fight till the last lackey and human cattle to destroy russia.

Jewish pimp

idf dick just got three bullets thru his chests! cheers!


no they will just wear russia down slowly over years and years maximising profits from selling weapons as they go. imo

Jewish pimp

you must be stupid.

AM Hants

the way they are going, regards ‘slowing russia down’, will see their own demise.

Balkanized Ukraine

that’ll be entertaining to watch, like boxing shadows.


nah, they are just reacting to what their masters in washington do. see in the news they all follow and make statement following what king president in the us says and does after they have consulted the king. notice the endless stream of world leaders travel to see the king in washington and he has his roaming ambassador blinky stirring fires, supporting their clans and putting out vague statement to the press.


“america is our barracks” winston churchill.and btw romania is called that because it was always romes barracks.

Last edited 10 days ago by Anonymous

no they won’t it hasn’t even started england will decide.

Balkanized Ukraine

doesn’t england need to consult with the pope first?


nato is sending so much stuff rf appears only to destroy the most important deliveries. i expect these attacks on the supply chain will increase rapidly especially because rf is listening in on all nato communications✌️👻😁

Zionistas cucarachas

don’t say anything 🤫


oh do you really how curious since just yesterday lloyd’s announced a 14.5 trillion dollar loss in trade due to supply chain outages.

AM Hants

nato will double down, with regards sending even more supplies. not believing or even thinking that whatever they send, is taken out before it reaches its planned, final, destination.

Jewish pimp

yo people, just check out situation in benjamina, israel. hezbollah just whacked them really good. whacked the shit out their mouth. dozens of idf detahs, hundreds of woundeds.

Edgar Zetar

yeaaaa a little blasts could win a war… you should stop using drugs friend.

Jewish pimp

yes it can. now those pricks are having served for them just what they have deserved. pricks and cowards. and you also should stop taking big nigga dicks.


jealousy a curse.


reap as you sow.

assad defeated zionists

a bunch of genocidal, war criminal baby killing swine got slaughtered like the filthy animals they are. the golani training camp near binyamina 75km away from lebanon’s border got hit. meaning : 1. israeli iron dome not working well. 2. hizbolla has plenty of long range missiles left. 3. even if the idf were to go to the litani river the 100s of thousands of illegal settlers within range of hizbolla won”t go back to their burrows until there’s a ceasefire in gaza & lebanon


takto to treba robiť. treba biť tie fašistické beštie bez zľutovania. svetu mier!!!


no problem when my anuz used by mulattos in amerikunt gay bar i pay w shekels

Stupo von gestapo

in my decayed amerikoont usa colony no russian gas i beg for taco

assad defeated zionists

according to unconfirmed reports from alternative web sites, a boeing 747 operated by irgeecee airlines which landed in russia’s khmeimim air base may have brought the goodies that were then forwarded via express delivery to south lebanon for their final high priority delivery destination in the binjamin area. kabooooom. hehehe


fact is russ should have been be monitoring all entry points of nato weaponry. fact is ukr are still in kursk and attacking and restocking. why russ do not control the bordet between kursk and ukr yet and stop the resupply of troops for ukr.

Stupo von gestapo

u stupo amerikunt think like toaster

AM Hants

ukrainians and nato forces on vacation in kursk, are surrounded in a cauldron, accompanied by over 20,000 rotten corpses, festering in the compost. supplied by ukraine and nato. how much territory and lives has ukraine lost, believing they could cause pr problems in kursk?


lights cameras action scene 2 take 6. etcetera

Balkanized Ukraine

ukraine now’s not even a second class coolie for the us. why no thaads ever found their way to ukraine but go lickety split to israel? hmmm?

ukraine the tar baby is about to end up in the dumpster and hallelujah, good riddance to bad rubbish.

assad defeated zionists

israel cant strike well defended iran nuclear, oil, military sites by itself. an effective israel attack must go thru arab airspace. arab kindoms, said no. it means an attack on iran will have to go around the arabian peninsula & need direct help by us air tankers, making the us a direct participant in the attack. also what happens if israel fires ballistic missiles on iran & iran retaliation kills us thaad crews. us cant claim self defense. china is now around taiwan

jens holm

nigerian pirate attack dane navy–we give hime asylum pay 600000$ legal fees and pay for all medical bills prosthesis


i only hope it was american crew!


slaughter of the slavs as holy revange for the pogroms against judea in the last 500 years


germanistan is occupied by pentacon demons and mind fukked by zionazi media filth. the majority of germans however, get it and can’t wait to kick the crap out of their occupiers and dump the the evil eussr and the midget goblin hairdresser in chief, uschi van der lyin. after the rump ukrapper fire is out natostan will evaporate like warm pi$$ on hot rocks and with it the bolshevik cabal running the evil eussr for their globo pedovore owner$. z and then more z until the b€a$t is dust.
