Ukrainian Drones Targeted Russian Kursk NPP

Ukrainian Drones Targeted Russian Kursk NPP

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On the afternoon of October 3rd, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched strike on the city of Kurchatov in the Russian border Kursk region. A fire broke out in the area about 4 kilometers from the Kursk nuclear power plant in the city.

The local governor reported that Russian electronic warfare means suppressed Ukrainian UAV of the aircraft type over the city. As a result of the fall of the intercepted drone, household outbuildings unrelated to the nuclear power station were damaged. In its turn, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that three Ukrainian UAVs were destroyed in the Kursk region.

Operation of the Kursk NPP was not disrupted.





The local residents shared footage of the fire and detonation in the area. Some observers supposed that Ukrainian drone or missile reached the target and destroyed a military warehouse or air defense system in the area. However, the Russian military is not famous for deploying air defense systems right in the residential areas and the footage shows that the detonation was not large enough as it could be in the case of destruction of a military warehouse. Most likely, some industrial equipment exploded as a result of the fire.

No matter whether the strike in Kurchatov was successful or not, the Ukrainian military supported by NATO gave a clear sign that it is not going to abandon its tactics of nuclear terror.



On September 29th, artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed the Raduga energy substation that supports the operations of the Zaporozhie NPP in the city of Energodar.


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mulatta bed wench harris tether would be beaten to death by the white supremacists of the following organizations: ss aidar, ss kraken, wolfsangel (aka azov), waffen ss nachtigall (who are now in kursk killings civilians), leibstandarte adolf hitler, right sektor – all of them hate untermensch mongrels like her, and all of them are leading the ukrainian government and military. all of them funded by the us and eu tax payers


before that, legsupkamila would like to be gengbanged, ravaged and facialized by such caste, handsome, blue bloods while her deviant consort pleasurably watches.

The Fakir

the cnn monkey show will report it as a russian false flag, or just ignore it.

see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.


soon, nato-provided long-range missiles will hit all nuclear power plants in russia. it will be very funny to see putin being “surprised” again. ah, i predicted it a few months ago, but it doesn’t matter. no rush. russia is a country where the day before means tomorrow.

Joseph Day

oh well, unfortunate for the eu, all bunched up on a small land mass. the casualties will be very very high


fucking crazy idiots. russian can do the same, juste wait a eastern wind and blow up chernobyl…..


really? did they retaliated blowing up nord stream? firstly, russia must be brave enough to stop lying to its own citizens, because everyone knows that cia was behind the maidan, the odessa massacre, the nord stream sabotage, the crocus hall, etc. the ukrainians are as stupid as bacteria, this was not planned by their leaders, it is the work of the americans and israel. putin must admit that the “special operation” is not a special operation, but a proxy war against the us.


the second step must be to decide that russia must not be passive anymore, but must be active. that is, they need to cut off the head of the monster, strike brussels, london, tel aviv and washington d.c. this is something everyone knows, except putin and his scumbags. this makes the difference between the clever western secret services and the stupid russian drunken peasants


the third and very important step is to stop sacrificing every country seeking russian protection. it started with yugoslavia and the list is endless, the last victim of russia was syria, armenia and now lebanon and iran. i say iran because i already know that it will be wiped off the global map to ashes without any reaction from moscow, if i don’t count russia’s repeating grotesque speeches in the un security council about justice and multipolar world order.


the problem with russia is that they don’t mind sacrificing any country that is stupid enough to rely on them. after all, russia is happy to please western “partners”. they don’t even mind sacrificing their own citizens, in fact, they are proud to kill them in wars, and if the war has less than 20 million casualties, they are ashamed it was too small. this is the main reason why russia is such a shithole country. vodka and stupidity.

CRC up

russia at least pleases its western partners, you obviously do not please anyone of those who know you.

in addition, you have no stli, no decency and no format! if you had a minimum of brains, i would say right now, work on yourself, but it’s hopeless!

have still fun on southfront

Dick Von D'Astard

destroy transport network that links ukraine with nato.

radio silencio

im osten nichts neues?
