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- On September 29, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 2 times: 1 – in Latakia province, 1 – in Aleppo province;
- On September 29, Israeli warplanes attacked outskirts of Damascus;
- On September 29, Israeli warplanes attacked a vehicle near Qusayr city;
- On September 29, US warplanes attacked Deir Ezzor city;
- On September 29, US warplanes attacked the Abu Kamal area;
- On September 28, resistance groups attacked US base in CONOCO facility with rockets;
- On September 28, Israeli warplanes attacked the Qusayr area.
enjoy it while you can, you zio filth.
jews have always been a cancerous tumor on humanity. it never changes. and how could it? if time is relative and the future is the past, the past is the present, and it all comes back, down, and around. it has always been this way. and it shall remain until the end of days
the difference being of course that since the industrial revolution and the implementation of central banking and investment banking — world jewry has ascended to the highest echelons of world control. the intermarriage between the kabbalistic & talmudist secret orders and wasp freemasonry became the judeo-masonic rule.
today, jews seek the collapse of the existing financial system and most of the world’s population (with the full backing of the global financial system and the western governmental bodies which have been corrupted and brought under their control) with the purpose of attempting to rebuild the world based in their image and under jewish law.
jews murdered our lord saviour jesus christ, and went to celebrate that in a synagogue of satan the snake, every year with something like pitsmukah holliday.
blow the oilfields, the yanks will leave.
the allies are always bitch-slapping syria…and its weak-ass ‘ally’ russia can do nothing but watch…heheheh