Can Europe Come Back To Its Senses?

Can Europe Come Back To Its Senses?

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

Anyone remotely familiar with the US strategy for Europe knows that the belligerent thalassocracy plans to use the “old continent” as a punching bag against Russia. This unflattering fate is not something the Europeans want, but the rabid Russophobia they’re being fed is clouding their judgment. Washington DC managed to convince many in the European Union that Moscow is their enemy and that they should fight it at all costs. However, Brussels keeps forgetting that many Western invasion forces have been trying to do that for nearly a millennium, virtually always resulting in the Russian military marching through various European capitals, including Berlin and even Paris. These failed invasions are then used as an excuse that the Kremlin is supposedly “aggressive”, even though it wasn’t the one to initiate these wars. However, Russia was always the one to finish them, to the chagrin of the political West that started them.

Despite taking the suicidal collision course with Moscow, from time to time, there are faint voices of reason coming from the “old continent”. Unlike America and the United Kingdom, which are not only sending long-range weapons, but are also guiding them, Germany decided to tread carefully. Namely, according to its Chancellor Olaf Scholz, “Germany has made a clear decision about what we will do and what we will not do”. He insists that “this decision will not change”. What’s Scholz speaking about specifically was the question of delivering the “Taurus” KEPD 350, a Swedish-German air-launched subsonic cruise missile with a stated range of over 500 km. The Neo-Nazi junta has been “begmanding” this weapon for years, insisting it would be a “game changer”. The obvious question arises, why is Berlin so worried about this? What happened to the Bundeswehr’s belligerence and “readiness to resist (the mythical and ‘evil’) Russian aggression”?

Namely, back on March 1, Margarita Simonyan, the Editor-in-Chief of RT, released a bombshell report containing the leaked conversation between high-ranking German military (Bundeswehr) officers casually talking about striking the Crimean Bridge with up to 20 “Taurus” cruise missiles. The conversation, nearly 40 minutes long, includes the part where the Bundeswehr officers also talked about maintaining plausible deniability. This tells you all you need to know about the supposed “non-involvement” of NATO when it comes to various terrorist attacks and sabotage operations targeting Russian infrastructure, both within and outside of the country. The leaked conversation also revealed the dangerous self-delusions of the political West’s top leadership, as the officers argued that destroying the Crimean Bridge “would be very good and that it wouldn’t be too sensitive for the Russians because of the land bridge”.

The scandal made Berlin far more careful in its posture toward Moscow, as the Kremlin now knew that the political West was directly involved in the NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict. It should also be noted that Scholz made his comments immediately after President Vladimir Putin stated that Russia would consider NATO a party to the conflict and that “adequate measures” would be taken to ensure the world’s most vile racketeering cartel pays the full price of its crawling aggression. Russian President doesn’t issue such warnings unless he’s dead serious, meaning that NATO should think twice before continuing to provide targeting and guidance to Western-made weapons. However, the US, UK and other powers are intentionally ambivalent about this issue, refusing to come clean about whether they support such long-range strikes. NATO already broke international arms control agreements by delivering the existing missiles to the Kiev regime.

Namely, according to the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), a multilateral arms export control mechanism that limits the proliferation of missiles and related technologies that could ease their development and manufacturing, the transfer of weapons with a range of 300 km or more is strictly prohibited. MTCR came into force in 1987, when the political West was terrified of the prospect of having second-to-none Soviet missile technologies proliferate to other countries. This would’ve made it impossible for the belligerent power pole to conduct its endless wars of aggression against the entire world. However, as is usually the case, NATO supports arms control agreements only when it suits them and can never be trusted to keep its word about complying with their limitations. This is precisely what forced Russia to develop hypersonic weapons and update its nuclear doctrine and strategy.

Scholz also effectively repeated Putin’s warnings, saying that the Neo-Nazi junta is unable to use the “Taurus” missiles without the direct involvement of the Bundeswehr. On the other hand, the German military doesn’t oppose the delivery of such long-range weapons and even supports the participation of its officers in targeting and guidance, as evidenced by the leaked Bundeswehr audio. However, over half of all German citizens oppose the delivery of the “Taurus” missiles. An April poll by Forsa Institute, requested by the German RTL television channel, showed that only 37% of Germans support it, while 56% oppose such a move. On the other hand, Berlin’s economic troubles are creating multifaceted pressure on German society, which is far more concerned with finances than war with Russia. Namely, the country is still going through an unprecedented deindustrialization and it has no way to turn back the clock.

Namely, according to Manager Magazine, Volkswagen (VW), one of the largest automotive corporations in the world, could cut up to 30,000 jobs (of its 300,000 employees). Such a massive company losing 10% of its workforce will be a huge blow to Germany. Worse yet, Liz Heflin reports via Remix News that VW’s 13,000 employees in the R&D department will most likely see cuts of up to 6,000 people (or nearly half), while “investments is to be slashed by up to €20 billion in the medium term”. Reports earlier this month suggested that VW was planning “historic factory closures for the first time in the company’s 87-year history”. The corporation cited “soaring business costs, including energy and labor, along with logistics chains”. All this suggests that the suicidal anti-Russian sanctions have only damaged Germany’s economy, which is not only deprived of Moscow’s energy, but also of access to its massive, 150 million strong market.


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Boris Orlov

europe maybe but the eu has to be flushed down the toilet. when you look at under 30 year old morons in the european parliament you understand that they have no clue of what this is all about. they seem to believe the bullshit they are telling (as compared to, eg, sullivan, who is just a superfluous geopolitical gambler from yesterday).


globally parliaments are stacked with idiots. its tradition


europe won’t “come back to it’s senses” until the euro-dollar collapses, along with the eu-nato. maybe within 5-10 years.


totally fake votes here at wef friendly news


what are you thinking .? europe is run by selected agents of the vatucan . there are ne democratic elections they’re make believe whereby a handful of groomed recruited usually lawyers or dr’s are selected to pretend to compete . its a staged show some of them actually really think its real .they really do . i know who could be so dumb except the over institutionalised??

Last edited 13 minutes ago by Anonymous

as long as the “west” accepts the ridiculous holoco$t and “diversity is our strength” horseshit as essentially it’s religion, it will continue to steadily decline.

on the other hand, if it drives out the filthy scheming jews and their minority pets and it will experience a new golden age.


to get a full picture, you have to consider how the globalists consider “global warming” as caused by humans, how they view population growth in relation to global resources, how they view china as a threat to the judeo- masonic hegemony. all of these factors play into the perceived irrationality that is leading us into a third world war.


moreover, another portion of their thinking is the capitalist cycle, how we are essentially in late stage capitalism and that is part of “the great reset”. none of this is too secret. it’s all in the masonic think tank publications like club of rome and round table, etc.


for instance:

“the threats are now arriving together. their collective scale and impact is so great that few see it. together, these risks endanger our ability to maintain a civilization, possibly even to survive. global solutions to these global problems are now imperative.” source:


“ “the crisis is vast, complex and interconnected. it affects everyone on earth, and will do for generations to come. there is at present no plan of action to resolve it; there is not even an agreement that humanity should act to save itself.”


the roundtable consisted of leading international scientific and sustainability organisations and distinguished thought-leaders on the human future. it was convened online by the club of rome and the council for the human future, and was facilitated by eminent environmentalist molly harriss olson. “its aim was to develop a common understanding of the human predicament and the best solutions to it,” she says.


finally, the ultimate argument for the “great reset” is that is populations are suffering from lower living standards and the current capitalist economic system is broken — that it is merciful and just to enact the change needed to reset it even if it means mass depopulation through war & pandemic … that is the stuff that you deduce reading all of these think tank publications.


like “the club of rome seeks to reframe the sustainable finance discussion beyond incremental shifts in the deployment of capital and management of risk to the deep transformation of the finance system at large. the current financial system is a major hinderance in phasing out the old economy and a new financial paradigm is critically important to enable a new economy that is fair to people and will operate within the planetary boundaries.”


now the problem is that in late stage capitalism, the g7 had it great for 1000 year rein, and now china feels that global financial system evolved to where it is now
organically and that they are enacting sustainable green initiatives to make it viable including sustainable agriculture so a reset is not needed … a “ great reset”definitely makes sense if you are western imperialist and want to maintain your hegemony … and that is where we are now


can nato defeat china and russia together? probably not. can they defeat brics? definitely not.

but can they try to defeat one at a time? … they are trying now


yeah how to rein them in and herd the flock onto their “community ” values aka communism you vill own noving and you vill be happy or else


nice cover story to sell trillions in oil drugs weapons and reconstruction contracts isn’t a great plot to bury the dead with dignity for profits


they’re just full of it educated idiots over institutionalised .


armageddon it’s what’s going to happen , it won’t happen overnight , but it will happen, all their plans based in their megalomania and greed and narcissistic self proclaimed exceptional moral superiority will come to nought.


club of rome aka roman catholic church

Last edited 33 minutes ago by Anonymous

they’re all run by the jesuits because they’re law abiding and jesuit pope francis s authority for rule of law over them all sorry to bust your bubble brother .

Crocus Shooting Gallery

we eurotard flatheads will never come to any sense!


my mommy told me that i my papa was a nazi, and so am i.
i miss my dad… :(

Janne Kankaanpää

europe is escalating. storm shadows are being used in russia. when will putin use nukes? seems putin is not the man for the job.

Conan M

imagine what would happen if china and india were to send 200 thousand troops to russia to support the russian federation in ukraine and syria?… ya think the western chicken hawks would keep ratcheting up the war rhetoric???


indonesia has 20 million soldiers wake up


russia knew what was coming so they been building up their military full steam since the 80’s and their super scientists have been creating unrivaled weapons to take on anyone that try’s to threaten them, the west has found themselves on the ropes waiting for russia to deal the final decisive blow that’s sends the west into the dustbin of history, that time is almost here. good riddance.


all the little sneaking creeping advisirs running from the cameras and disappearing like shadows in the night set the whole thing up to maximise profits for the war machine owners

bundeskanzler schulz

i drop my trousers and bend over when shlomo and the ziocons tell me to. i do it straight away because it is so nice.
