Ukraine And West Clash Over Narratives About Casualty Figures

Ukraine And West Clash Over Narratives About Casualty Figures

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Associations, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

There seems to be a conflict of narratives between Ukraine and its Western supporters. The American media tries to disguise the tragic reality of Ukraine in the conflict by reporting a reduced number of deaths, but is careful to make the narrative realistic enough for its readers to believe it. However, the Ukrainians are not concerned with making the narrative credible, stating completely unrealistic numbers.

Recently, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) stated that Ukrainian casualties in the current conflict with Russia amount to about 80,000 soldiers killed and 400,000 wounded. The newspaper stated that its data was obtained from confidential Ukrainian sources familiar with the matter. Furthermore, the article stated that the Russians suffered about 600,000 casualties, including 200,000 dead and around 400,000 wounded.

Obviously, the article published by the WSJ is a piece of Western propaganda that has no credibility. According to all estimates made by honest and impartial analysts, Ukrainian casualties are much higher than Russian ones, and there is no way that only 80,000 Ukrainians died in the conflict. In April 2024, Russian authorities confirmed 500,000 Ukrainian casualties, including all dead and wounded soldiers. Currently, estimates range from 600,000 to 700,000 Ukrainian casualties, given the high level of lethality in Russian operations in recent months.

Although Russian authorities do not reveal their casualty figures – which is a common procedure for countries in conflict situations – there seems to be a consensus among Russian and neutral sources that the number is considerably lower than 100,000. Only Ukrainian and Western sources estimate high numbers of Russians killed and wounded, which is part of their propaganda scheme to maintain public support for financing the war.

However, even the Western media’s efforts to disguise Ukrainian losses were not enough to please the authorities in Kiev. Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky harshly criticized the American media, claiming that the WSJ inflated the real figures. He did not provide any figures to refute the WSJ’s data, only stating without any evidence that the number of casualties is much lower than what the newspaper said.

“80,000? That is a lie. The actual figure is much lower than what has been published. Significantly so,” he said.

It is curious to see how Zelensky seems to act in a way that is completely out of touch with reality. Both Westerners and Ukrainians want to hide the truth about what is happening on the battlefield, since it is obviously not convenient for them to admit that Ukraine is losing. However, the West seems to act with more strategic sense, worrying about making its narratives realistic enough for public opinion.

Zelensky is so desperate that he seems to simply not understand what is even remotely credible to public opinion. His intention seems to be to spread in 2024 data that could correspond to the reality of the conflict as early as 2022. For example, without mentioning the number of wounded, Zelensky claimed in February that 31,000 Ukrainians had died in two years of hostilities with Russia. This sounds unbelievable, having no way to convince public opinion with such “data.”

The Western propaganda machine is usually managed by professional journalists who know how to convince readers. Obviously, it is not interesting to present figures that are completely unrealistic, since in the current phase of the conflict no one believes in narratives such as “Ukrainian victory” or “humiliation for the Russians”. Now the goal is no longer to say that Kiev is “close to victory”, but simply that “it is still possible to change the game”.

Zelensky is unable to understand these journalistic tactics. His only intention is to keep the lies going as they did in 2022. He is desperate to maintain his illegitimate regime and is doing everything he can to prevent public opinion from turning against him. That is why he criticized the American media. Zelensky did not understand the tactics behind the WSJ’s story and is now trying to use an even more false and unbelievable tale.

However, all such maneuvers are likely to fail. Western public opinion is increasingly aware of the reality of the war and understands that the mainstream media is not telling the truth. Actions such as the catastrophic invasion of Kursk – which has already resulted in the death of more than 15,000 Ukrainians – show that Kiev has no chance of “changing the game”. It is useless for Ukrainians and Westerners to fight over which lies to tell, since none of them will be believed.


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100k dead russians is less then wagners suffered alone. russian casualties are 300k dead, ukraine has the same number. nato has less then 1k dead plus 5k mercenaries. this is bad for russia as nato has 5 times more soldiers and proxies. even if putin depopulated the whole ukraine by heavy bombardment the very first day of war like u.s. did with berlin, hamburg, cologne, dresden and hiroshima, they still can send poles, romanians, bulgarians, french, canadians, australians, germans..

concerned EU Citizen

are u dumb or just retarded? ww3 will be decided by nukes, not by troop numbers. and ru has more nukes than the entire nato put together


we’ll go with retarded armchair expert who has never set foot in the donbass or ukraine.


you’re quite adept at jewish mathematics. keep it up.

Jewish pimp

and what they are gonna do there? getting killed, all those except english ones and zio fuckers.


breaking news!!! ru forces got overrun in wolfsschanze (vovchansk) !! ukraine took all the important ru positions, killing most of the ru invaders in swift battles & now russians are in full withdrawl from vovchansk barely holding fragments of the outer northern parts of the city, while having lost the complete south & centre-parts of the city. and ukraine forces – now that they got significant reinforcments – is still pushing !! see:

Last edited 1 hour ago by Gurki
Joseph Day

with a 10 to 1 shelling capability, and air superiority, and a long counter offensive with heavy loss, i doubt your numbers add up. and nato piss in ukraine uniforms aren’t counted.

Last edited 4 hours ago by Joseph Day
homer saxon simpson

sure amerikunt—even cia claims 70,000 deceased russians–1 million dead ukies


snowden, i agree, but i’d even put ru casualties more close to 400k dead because of their lastest half year of constant storming operations where the ration is always at least 3 to 1 dead against the attacker. and in kursk we know that ukraine stormed in there without much losses.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Gurki

btw. now its confirmed that the new ukr rocket-drone palyanitsa is great, and that it is the cause for latest explosions of 1 years worth of ru ammo production (!) in two big strikes against giant ru ammo storage facilities. causing explosions so strong that even in belarus they were detected by earthquake seismic detectors. see:

Last edited 1 hour ago by Gurki


V for Victory

so in russian army are present just the ghost of the dead soldiers lol.


we know the figures are the converse. but even if they weren’t: the russians are the ones who get stronger each day and take more land. its the ukrainians who are retreating and whose land will be shrouded in freezing darkness this winter and whose fields will lie idle next spring because all of her sons lie in an early grave dug by zelensky using an american spade.

Last edited 4 hours ago by Cavery

by the end of 2023 most reliable sources would put ukraine kia at 460k-490k. with ukraine losing 35k-40k/month in 2024 (many wounded die away from the front). ukraine likely has ~ 780k up to ~850k killed, and well over 2m total casualties. russia has ~75k + <30k from donbass ~ 100k.


yes i agree. according to military statistics the majority of modern battle casualties has always been caused by artillery. the war in ukraine despite the drones etc is predominantly an artillery war. the russians are about 6 to 1 dominant in terms of pieces and munitions over ukraine. therefore, the russians will always outkill the ukrainians according to statistical logic.


russia has way lower death numbers than ukr because of massive stand-off weapon assaults.


some people actually believe all this “russian human wave attacks” bs.

Karl Heinz Radant (CARLOS)

we remember: 30.11.2022, 17:05 uhr “eine bei twitter veröffentlichte und inzwischen gelöschte ansprache ursula von der leyens hat für aufregung gesorgt. dabei sprach sie von mehr als 100.000 getöteten ukrainischen soldaten. vor knapp drei wochen hatte us-general mark milley die ukrainischen verluste an toten und verwundeten auf rund 100.000 soldaten geschätzt”

Karl Heinz Radant (CARLOS)

we remember: 30.11.2022, 17:05 uhr “an address by ursula von der leyen, published on twitter and since deleted, has caused a stir. she spoke of more than 100,000 ukrainian soldiers killed. just three weeks ago, us general mark milley had estimated the ukrainian losses of dead and wounded at around 100,000 soldiers.”

Last edited 3 hours ago by Karl Heinz Radant (CARLOS)
Karl Heinz Radant (CARLOS)

if we now take the date of publication (30.11.2022) as a yardstick, the real number of victims of ukraine today, measured by the course of the war, should be about 400,000 soldiers killed.


think it through – if your numbers ‘d be true – russians would already sit in kiev eating bortsch !!! but surprise surprise , it is ukraine that just recently stormed into kursk oblast and is now sitting in sudzha and drinking ru vodka !! so forget your numbers. truth is somewhat around 150.000 dead ukros and 450000 dead ruskies.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Gurki

there’s one born every minute.


so fake. such fidge. simply fascinating.


from sources in donbass. est ukr dead close to 1m.


i have evidence of more than 200k ukronazis dead, probably more than 600k wounded… in 50 hds… collection of 2 years and 6 months of telegram… i collect dead nazi photos and videos and i love it! i just need a site to publish it… someone could please help me?

gilberto posada

ja ja ja con ese poderio de fuego que tiene rusia nsdie cree las estimacones de la premsa norteamericana. cuando termine la guerra……..ya veran.


4 jews took ukraine to hell and putin let this happen….sitting on his ass in 2014 at the sochi olympics while this maiden ukraine genocide was in its embryonic stages. putin and his group are fuck ups this would have never happened on my watch. maiden and nuland would’ve been crushed in 2 hours. ukraine was destroyed by subhuman kikes….let this be a lesson to the weak willed.
