Second U.S. Aircraft Carrier Arrives In Middle East To Defend Israel

Second U.S. Aircraft Carrier Arrives In Middle East To Defend Israel

The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln conducts a replenishment-at-sea with the fast combat support ship USNS Arctic, April 12, 2019 in the Atlantic ocean. IMAGE: US Navy

A second United States aircraft carrier, the USS Abraham Lincoln, arrived in the Middle East on August 21 escorted by guided missile destroyers, the U.S. Central Command announced. 

The carrier, equipped with F-35 stealth fighter jets, added to the U.S. warships already in the region, including the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier, which arrived in July.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin ordered the Lincoln to accelerate its deployment to the CENTCOM area of responsibility earlier this month, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh said on August 22.

She noted that the secretary ordered the plus-up of U.S. forces in the region “as part of broad adjustments to [the] U.S. military posture” to ensure U.S. force protection, increase support for the defense of Israel and ensure the United States is prepared to respond to a wide range of contingencies.

An Air Force F-22 Raptor squadron has already arrived in the region, and the USS Georgia, a cruise missile nuclear-powered submarine, is operating nearby.

“The deployment of U.S. forces to the region may have gotten into the headspace of Iranian officials who have threatened strikes on Israel,” Singh said, stressing that U.S. forces are well positioned to counter any attack from Iran or its allies.

“We remain focused on efforts to de-escalate tensions in the region, and while also remaining focused on securing a ceasefire as part of a hostage deal, to bring all of the hostages home and to end the war in Gaza,” Singh added.

Israel has been preparing with help from the U.S. for a possible response to its recent strikes on the Houthi-held Yemeni Red Sea port of al-Hodeida as well as for the assassinations of Hezbollah’s military chief Fuad Shukr in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, and Hamas’s leader Ismail Haniyeh in the Iranian capital, Tehran.

The U.S. unconditional support for Israel could eventually spark a dangerous confrontation with Iran and its allies in the Middle East.


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What is American?

iranians are tracking, better believe that.

Hall Sensor

all the zionazis absolutely hate the goyim.

the dumb ass goy fighting for these devils won’t see it coming but surely deserves it.

Last edited 6 months ago by Hall Sensor
Conan M

if only the u.$. navy taught then their own history in the late 20th century june 8, 1967 and at the beginning of the 21st century on september 11, 2001 by following the ucmj to the letter where the country and world would be right now?!!! which should be a reminder that if things in neighborhood don’t go $hyl0cks way… that carrier will be a target for the i$raeli navy or air force using the media a s they always have to blame the vicitm with resources that it must have.

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

i noticed that no one has said anything on sf about the massive oil and gas reserves under the gaza that is a very important reason for october 7 that has been a known quantity for decades.

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

israel’s weakness is becoming more and more obvious! without us american help, the end is near!

imagine if (whoever) succeeded in sinking us aircraft carriers! – that would have been then! the world terrorist would be standing there naked! only the reaper drones would still be available to the usa, but with this you can no longer threaten the world!

Last edited 6 months ago by Saxon
Creepy canuck

wrong amerikunt nazi saxon–you are weak lgbt paper tiger


the uss abraham lincoln with it’s cargo of f-35 s amplifies the significance of sub launched hyper-sonic anti-ship missiles to any national defense. as the west reveals it’s plans of genocide and global aggression for world domination of it’s globalist masters.


rus by sa mal postarať aby aspoň jedna išla ku dnu!!! tak ako usa pomohli banderovským fašistom z kyjeva potopiť krížnik moskva, tak by teraz rus mal pomôcť husiom potopiť jednu lietadlovú loď usa!!! bolo by to fifty-fifty!!! mysleniu zdar a svetu mier!!!


these jets can really provide firepower, but the era that it is possible to terrorize the world with aircraft carriers is over. they are going to burn🍿🥤🍿

The Crunge

my fellow americans are so brilliant, putting people in dc who only care about israel and don’t give a damn about our problems.

i live with so many amazing human beings here in the usa.


to be fair, if they actually had a vote, none of these clowns would be in but trump, and he panders to the brainwashed right who will kill anyone for any stupid reason. even the primaries are so rigged that our choice is between dementia joe/kamal and trump and mister eye-liner. if the primaries weren’t rigged (all jews), they would never vote for these vacuous numpties. americans put up with it like pathetic sissy bitches though. they deserve judgement day like everyone else.


survival of the fittest is natures way the intelligent have the edge over the dumb .the sheep get fleeced .


it makes people happy to think “there is no large conspiracy of murderers and child rapists” so they ignore it when they hear about epstein and their politicians and see the drastically different clouds. it isn’t lack of intelligence, but cowardice of facing the truth. rank cowardice where you flee from a thought and never return to it.


but braindead and brainwashed, they were warned before and after these events: waco inferno/twin towers


the bible told them the whole plan from beginning to end , i am the alpha and omega. they didn’t read it . they trusted others to tell them the plot.


no ones ever told you the truth . so you only know anti american nazi propagandas .


is there even anyone on the ballot who has not endorsed aipac and stands with isreal. i think that would be illegal in the usa.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

unlike russia the usa defends its allies…heheheh

What is American?

no, uses them to fight their battles. makes me wonder how would any uncle sam soldier boy would fair in a battle with a legit soldier like a russian,chinese, iranian, or north korean.

Magnetic North

the houthi would eat them for breakfast.


they ate up 70 us and israeli commandos already… great prize for showing up, lol. they got it worse than wagner.


hahahaha are a patriot ?


keď myslíš? ha, ha, ha … skôr mi to pripadá tak, že usa sú vazalom izraela. a musia ho ochraňovať, lebo im to bolo prikázané. tak isto usa majú svojich vazalov v zločineckej teroristickej organizácii (zto) nato!!! a tí zase musia poslúchať usa!!!


amerikunts don’t have allies. they have jackals like talmudistan and poodles like the uk.


wow . unbelievable does soros or schwab tuck you in at nights?

internet smart guy

isra-hell-ies aren’t allies they are proxies they serve uncle scam for shekels ..russia doesn’t need seek or have any proxies


hahahaha as if .

Creepy canuck

coward amerikunts always betray

Joseph Day

its masters you mean.


you never had any history lessons obviously the whole of the great war was set ip because if russias loyalty to defending it’s ally in serbia


it would be funny if hezbollah had some hypersonic ship killers. they are too captured to use them if they had them though. so what was iran waiting for, the jews say “okay hit us now?” barely anyone on the planet cares enough to do anything to free the innocent people being tortured, so their day will come too for them to understand what they have enabled.


israel has the capability to destroy the middle east with weaponry theyre exercising control .


luke 17:33 whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it.
it is self interest in the face of others’ suffering and that shoe will be on their foot. if people haven’t figured out the people who run these child rape and murder networks worldwide, they are going to try to kill everyone who won’t go along, war heads or poison in the food, air and shots regardless. a life around them is far worse than a death w/o resurrection unless you rape children too.

Last edited 6 months ago by BunkerDwellers

someone left the gate open on the bow.
wtf – must be a lake boat.


just one hypersonic missile can sink the ship, carriers are obsolete sitting duck.


usa is not defend democracy but killing of humanity.where blood flows usa controbute.russia avoid attacking cities and towns to save lives usa instigate and support attacking russian cities and towns.


this november, us voters will be faced with a hard choice. should they vote for chump of kamel? who is the most devoted to israel? one candidate wants to fight 100 wars for israel, another only wants to fight 99 wars for israel. this is a betrayal of our greatest ally, nay, oy vey, it’s blatant anti semitism! only 99 wars! this is totally unacceptable! one candidate wants to give israel $100 trillion, the other only $99 trillion!


this anti semitism must stop! both candidates must immediately pledge themselves to fight infinity wars for israel, and give infinity money to israel! anything else is just another shoah!


you just have no clue about international relations . your very limited in your attempts at assessment


they carefully elevate criminals of the worst sort to positions of power, and have been doing so for centuries. it is exactly accurate.


if the yankees start the war, they wil have 20 to 30 000 carbonised yankees in 24 h. i know, zionists dont matter as to start the war at 9/11, all the victims are killed by the jews!!! but now iran is better armed and has a protection from russia and mayby china will help to sink all the stupid yankee pigs.


jew biden will be remembred with the following words “here lies jew-biden the ignitor off ww3” scratched on his grave.

internet smart guy

shlomos and homos


the israelis always need a little handholding

internet smart guy

just one missile hitting the flight deck in the middle of operations would destroy one of these tubs

Creepy canuck

amerikunts =the only terrorist nation—paper tiger now so weak they cannot dictate to anybody except their own mean bitter hillbillies


another target for houthi missiles… the crew must be so excited that they get to be on the boat during its “decommissioning” ceremony.

kevin khan

the plan is that the undefeated and immortal usnc–will come ashore in lebanon and sail to iran and then after defeating them they will sail into syria and defeat them, then ,loaded with treasure and glory ,will sail their ships down the center of the african sahara, and into yemen and do a rear attack from land ,in their aircraft carriers ,and defeat the houthi. .its a grand plan by the immortal usnc
all for the reich..

Paul Citro

now they want me to fight and die to defend genocidal israel? hell no, i won’t go!


they’re not asking you too . you probably wouldn’t pass the medical anyway .


yes, you have to, p. gi joe is happy to die for israel, as their us general keeps on telling everybody. they can’t wait to die for israel. these goy schmucks have no other purpose in life.


all set up bidens.

Huckelberry finn

did it occur to those pentagon brasses that iran might send cheap waves, let carriers destroy them and while they reload their defenses, sink both carriers before resuming attacks on israel proper? the only problematic asset is the nuke sub, but if they use it, oil infrastructure in oman, bahrain and saudi arabia are toast with world economy.
