Hamas Rejected Israel’s Unilateral Conditions. A New Round Of Tension Is Underway

Hamas Rejected Israel's Unilateral Conditions. A New Round Of Tension Is Underway

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On August 18, after days of negotiations, the Palestinian Islamic Resistance “Hamas” released a sharp statement, rejecting the terms of the ceasefire negotiations in Doha, the capital of Qatar.

After the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and Iran’s promise to respond to this assassination, all mediating parties, including the United States, have attempted to end tensions by implementing a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip as soon as possible to reduce and prevent the possibility of an all-out war. According to CNN, Washington has asked Tehran, through mediators, not to attack Israel, as there is a path to a Gaza deal.

This issue is of great importance for America, especially for President Biden, who is on the eve of the election. According to Axios, citing informed officials, President Joe Biden plans to finalize the Gaza ceasefire and the prisoner release agreement by the end of next week. However, there is still no clear prospect for peace.

The talks have been ongoing for days, but there is no sign of progress. Today, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken arrived in Tel Aviv to meet with Israeli officials. Some believe he went to Tel Aviv to put pressure on Netanyahu and soften him in the ceasefire talks.

In his final statement, Blinken emphasized the urgency of reaching an agreement on Gaza and returning the Israeli prisoners. He stated that this may be the last chance to secure their return, and stressed that it is a critical moment for the ceasefire negotiations in Gaza.

Although there was no detailed information about the contents of the negotiations until yesterday, the different angles of the story are gradually becoming clear.

Based on the leaked information, these are some of the details proposed in the Doha ceasefire talks meeting:

  • The Israeli army will reduce its military presence in the Philadelphia axis (south of Rafah city and the Egyptian border), but will not withdraw from it;
  • The Palestinian National Authority must take over the management of the Rafah crossing under the supervision of Israel;
  • The Israeli army will fully monitor and control the refugees who return to the north of the Gaza Strip through the Netzarim Corridor;
  • A large number of Palestinian prisoners will be deported from the country after their release from prison;
  • Israel’s veto right to refuse the release of at least 100 security prisoners.

According to the leaked information, it is evident that the Israeli government not only failed to abide by the terms of the previous agreement but also introduced new conditions, making it harder to reach a lasting ceasefire. Under the new terms, Israel intends to maintain control over the Netzarim corridor and other areas in the Gaza Strip, showing no willingness to withdraw from Gaza and offering no significant concessions to the other party.

On the other hand, the Palestinian resistance movement, Hamas, finally reacted to the non-constructive process of negotiations in Doha by issuing a statement on August 18 and rejecting the negotiations. Hamas believes that Netanyahu and his government are the main obstacles to a ceasefire agreement.

The Hamas statement reads:

“We cooperated with all mediators to reach an agreement to stop the aggression against our people and conclude a prisoner exchange agreement. But after listening to the talks of the mediators in the negotiations, it became clear to us that Netanyahu continues to create obstacles to reach an agreement.

The new proposals benefit Netanyahu and benefit them, especially by rejecting a permanent ceasefire and a comprehensive withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. Netanyahu set new conditions in the prisoner exchange case and withdrew from other clauses to prevent the completion of the exchange agreement.

We hold Netanyahu fully responsible for thwarting the mediators’ efforts and derailing the agreement and the lives of his prisoners, who are in the same danger as our people.

We reaffirm our commitment to what we agreed on on July 2nd and call on the mediators to be accountable and hold the adversary to implement what was agreed upon. The main demand of the Hamas movement and other Palestinian groups is the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip. But the Israeli side refuses to accept this request.”

The senior government officials of Egypt, the United States and Qatar will meet again, this time in the Egyptian capital Cairo before the end of this week to reach an agreement according to the terms proposed on Friday. Due to the failure of the Doha negotiations, the fate of the discussions in Cairo is likely doomed.

It was predictable that the ceasefire talks in Doha would fail. Due to Netanyahu’s challenging political and legal position inside and outside Israel, it’s unlikely that he will accept peace talks. Netanyahu’s political survival is closely linked to achieving a decisive victory in the Gaza Strip. The ongoing war on the northern front, the grave security situation in the West Bank, and the unstable political situation in the government in Tel Aviv have all significantly damaged Israel’s reputation. Tel Aviv is attempting to restore its lost status through any means.

Mediation efforts of the United States, Egypt and Qatar to establish a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip in exchange for the release of 110 Israeli prisoners in the Gaza Strip began a few months ago. After several rounds of indirect negotiations in Egypt and Qatar, the parties to the conflict have not yet reached an agreement. These negotiations have not yielded results due to Netanyahu’s refusal to stop the war and genocide in Gaza.

The war in Gaza has left more than 40,000 martyrs and more than 92,600 wounded. The humanitarian situation is dire and is getting worse due to the restrictions imposed by the Israeli regime on the entry of food and medicine into the Gaza Strip.

On the other hand, the Israeli regime has been on full alert since July 31, following Haniyeh’s assassination, and is waiting for Iran’s response. Some observers believe that the results of these negotiations are important in Iran and Hezbollah’s decision to seek revenge for Haniyeh’s assassination. Iran has also emphasized that the ceasefire in Gaza is a priority. However, if the ceasefire talks fail completely, the likelihood of Iran’s retaliatory attack will increase, and the region will enter another cycle of war and conflict.


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neither the zionist regime nor their stooges in washington can be trusted in any negotiations. they have a consistent record of duplicity, broken promises and bad faith, and any agreement or undertaking on their part is completely worthless. think of nato expansion or the jcpoa. they lie and lie and lie again and are totally untrustworthy. they always fail to honour any commitments they have made.


most previous wars waged by the zionist regime have been of very short duration. the gaza genocide has now lasted well over 300 days. the cost to them and their enablers increases by the day, in terms of casualties, and the economic, political, diplomatic and reputational fall out. this is likely to escalate uncontrollably, with costs on an unimaginably greater scale.


what does this mean? the gaza genocide will continue, and with it the operations by hezbollah and the blockade by ansar allah. the last remaining obstacle has been removed for retaliation for the zionist terror murders. and with it escalation into a full regional war, and maybe worse. the world can no longer tolerate or afford to indulge the zionist regime.


because it was started on october the 7th which means it was intended for historical purposes of significance oct and the 7th are pharoanic signposts.


zionism really means solar worship of saturn they’ve disguised the truth and deceived the world by reversing it. as the bible says precisely “in the end times the whole world shall be deceived” aka globalism the www and un etc

Level 1 Russian Conscript

of hamas are a bunch of assholes. they want destruction instead of welfare to the citizens of gaza, greedy savages. sinwar the asshole is next after haniyeh

What is American?

you’re being relieved of your duties due to a breach of loss of trust and confidence, thank you for your service.


elimination of israel is “mandatory.”


for the globalists movement who do mot want any country anywhere to be based on ethnicity or religion.


you sure you are alright, doesn’t seem to be the case so see your shrink at an early opportunity!


bog standard zio victim blaming. the jews murder and steal and shed crocodile tears for their victims, trying to complain that the arab neighbours are not taking them in. hamas are heroes fighting for their families and their future, taking on tanks with their bare hands. they have balls of steel they will not be defeated, unlike the failing zio tik tok lgbt army.


no both sides are stubborn and determined to defeat the other, one way or another both were set up for intent to be useful as trigger for middle east conflict to keep the middle east from. uniting as moslems and to protect the english federal reserve banking system which is in over 98 countries, not just america, for the petro dollar s strength for the royals british petroleum, royal dutch shell royal house of saud and standard oil new york aka sony.


“a large number of palestinian prisoners will be deported from the country after their release from prison”….. deported to europe. far right jews deport palestinians from palestine. far left jews welcome them in the lands of the goyims. finally, the problem isn’t left or right……


dúfam, že hamas nakoniec zvíťazí nad židom. svet potrebuje takéto víťazstvo. lebo žid sa už nevie zmestiť do vlastnej kože. to čo páchajú v pásme gazy je zverstvo!!! svetu mier!!!


a truce cobbled together by the disunited states and the illegal occupants of palestine isn’t something you would sign on to right away. since the jews can’t defeat hamas or hezbollah allow the war criminals to deplete all resources while they drive the illegal statehood to ruins! and it’s well known by now that the iron dome is a sieve that can be defeated in no time so lets wait for iran to blow the jews to smithereens or kingdom come!

Zio roaches

you cannot talk to zionists, they are too dishonest and slimey to hold up a deal. its like talking to a cameleon and expecting one color to be fixed


no your gullible. they, that you think are zionists, which you think is israelis, are a thorn in the globalists crown they want israel multi cultural

Zio roaches

just keep resisting. at some point the zionist entity will collapse. they will eat themselves from the inside like the american evil empire of lies


ᴛʜᴇ sᴀᴍᴇ ғᴏʀᴄᴇs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴋᴇᴘᴛ ɪsʀᴀᴇʟ ᴛʜʀɪᴠɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ 𝟽𝟶ʏʀs ᴀʀᴇ ʜᴇʟᴘɪɴɢ ɪᴛ ᴅᴏ ɪᴛ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ. ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜɪs ᴛᴀʟᴋ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴄᴏʟʟᴀᴘsᴇ ɪs ᴡɪsʜғᴜʟ ᴛʜɪɴᴋɪɴɢ.


ʜᴀᴍᴀs sʜᴏᴜʟᴅɴ’ᴛ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴘɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴀ ғɪɢʜᴛ ɪᴛ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ᴡɪɴ. 𝟺𝟶ᴋ+ ᴄᴀsᴜᴀʟɪᴛɪᴇs ᴛᴏ ʀᴇʟᴇᴀsᴇ 𝟷ᴋ ᴘʀɪsᴏɴᴇʀs? ᴡᴀs ɪᴛ ᴡᴏʀᴛʜ ɪᴛ?


you don’t have the option of not fighting when you are confronted by sick zionist psycho sadists and parasites who get off on torture and murder and rape and exist only to leech off everybody else. you can stay quiet while they kill you or at least take a few of the filth with you.


your very very naive historically factually and contemporarily


israel is king charles domnion. it was his mummy’s before him they are crowned as a israels queen and mow king. it is not jewish its part of the uk. they’re being modest.


the triple h, hamas, hezbollah and the houthis should not cease until the $atanic khazar vermin squatting palestine is sent back to the ghettos in urupp, russia and ussa that spawned this cancer. palestine will be free..it is only a question of blood and time and the chosenite will understand that when its ussan golem can no longer pay for the abomination.


how can the problem (yankee) be in negotiation to a solution ???? the only solution for palestine is the extermination of the zionist experiment. the yankee can take there bastard to the us or let him rotten in the desert.
