Hamas Shares Footage Of Rear Drone Attack On Israeli Troops In Gaza

Hamas Shares Footage Of Rear Drone Attack On Israeli Troops In Gaza

Illustrative image.

The al-Qassam Brigade, the military wing of the Hamas Movement, released on August 16 video footage showing an attack with a suicide drone against the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in the Gaza Strip.

The attack targeted a building occupied by Israeli troops located to the east of the city of Khan Younis in southern Gaza. A small fixed wing suicide drone made up from cardbord and styrofoam was used in the attack. Video footage from the drone’s camera indicates that the building received a direct hit.

Another video released recently by the al-Qassam Brigade showed an attack with a rocket-propelled grenade against an Israeli force occupying the Indonesian hospital in the Tell al-Sultan neighborhood to the west of Rafah city in southern Gaza.

The al-Quds Brigade, the military wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, also released two combat videos in the last few days.

One of the videos shows an attack with an improvised munition dubbed “Ababil” against a field headquarters of the IDF to the north of Khan Younis. The other one shows an attack with rocket propelled grenades against two Israeli vehicles to the south of Tell al-Sultan.

So far, the IDF has lost 332 troops during ground operations against Hamas and other Palestinian factions in Gaza and along its border. Around 2,200 others have been reportedly wounded. In addition, over 500 vehicles were hit there, according to Hebrew media.

On the Palestinian side, the death toll from the Israeli war has exceeded 40,000, with women and children making up most of the casualties.

The health ministry in Gaza put the death toll at 40,005 with more than 92,401 others wounded in a statement released on August 15. Despite the growing number of casualties, Israel appears to be determined to go on with its bloody war on the Strip.


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keep up the resistance…..the arms are flooding in with no stop


keep it up and the jews will soon be forced to surrender and leave palestine for good. no one willl miss them since they basically is thieving embezzling and lying criminals worshipping adolf hitler and his genocidal politics, his lebensraum ideas and operating death camps like bergen belsen and netanyahu operating death camp gaza. what to like? not much. looking forward to the point in time when netanyahu puts a bullet in his own head!


the nazis were babes in the woods compared to the genocidal monsters in israel. i see you got your history lessons from the ziomafia parasites.


southfronts automatic playing videos suck. why are you such stupid asses??????????


fucken jews they are

What is American?

go somewhere else.


doesn’t autoplay for me, must be an issue with your browser or something.


i wonder if those zionist soldiers were appreciating their work/destruction of gaza staring out those holes before meeting the angel(s) of death. hehehehehe


no 72 virgins for them. and kiddie fiddling, lying and swindling are banned in heaven, so they don’t have much to look forward to.