Ukrainian Ports And Airfields Came Under New Wave OF Russian Strikes

Ukrainian Ports And Airfields Came Under New Wave OF Russian Strikes

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On the night of July 24, Russian forces launched another series of strikes in Ukrainian rear regions. Explosions thundered throughout Ukraine for hours. Strikes were reported in the Kyiv, Poltava, Odessa, Mykolaiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Kherson regions. The attack was launched in several waves of drone and missile strikes.

The night attack targeted several Ukrainian military airfields in different regions. According to preliminary reports, one of hte targets was the Mirgorod airfield in the Poltava, which is coming under Russian strikes on a regular basis. The repeated precision strikes are likely aimed to prevent the Ukrainian military from restoring the local infrastructure, which is necessary to continue operations of the Ukrainian Air Force as well as to deploy the long awaited foreign F-16 aircraft.

Another Ukrainian military airfield was reportedly attacked in the Dnepropetrovsk region. According to local reports, the Dolgintsevo airfield located on the outskirts of the city of Krivy Rih came under a series of Russian strikes, including with Iskander-M missiles. Some facilities of the military industrial complex were also reportedly damaged in the city.



More Russian strikes destroyed targets at the Voznesenk military airfield in the Mykolaiv region. A large fire was filmed in the area. According to unconfirmed reports, there were at least two aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force deployed at the airfield during the strikes. Russian reconnaissance UAV was reportedly coordinating the attack. Thus, the Russian military may soon publish the footage confirming the damage to the airfield.



Russian strikes in the city of Mykolaiv began on the evening of July 23. Then, the footage confirmed smoke rising over the city. At night, more strikes reportedly destroyed another depot with military equipment in the area of the local port. The prolonged secondary detonation was reported in the area.



The southern region of Odessa came under a wave of devastating Russian strikes. The region was reportedly targeted both by Russian drones and missiles. As a result of the attack, a large fire broke out in the port of Izmail located in the estuary of the Danube River. According to local reports, Russian forces struck the local port infrastructure, fuel tankers, the local repair plant.

The targets of the reported Russian strikes near the Ukrainian capital are yet to be revealed.

Russian forces are also pounding the Ukrainian military deployed in the war-torn regions nar the frontlines. A series of explosions thundered in the southern Kherson region. More Russian strikes targeted the Armed Forces of Ukraine across the Kharkiv region.

The constant Russian strikes in Ukrainian rear regions prevent the Ukrainian military from transfering the necessary military supplies to the frontlines, they damage the strategically important military and industrial infrastructure. As a result, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are retreating in defferent directions on the frontlines.


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🇺🇸🇷🇺 “trump announced his intention to ease or lift sanctions against russia if he wins” – bloomberg


ukraine weak weak


russian dominance of the skies and the increased use of the iskander have put russia on a clear path to victory

Gneaus stapo

yawn, same shity bling bling propaganda over and over again by ur subhuman raptists rashnik flathead kind. ur side is toast,get over it,surrender,get educated and pray to got that u useless souless subhumans finally leave the 18th century, finally expierence rule of law and working toilets.

The Bell Tolls for Thee

you know no rule of law. you are a barbarian.


tohto roku by mali ruské jednotky oslobodiť odesu!!! keď sa odesa stane slobodnou tak ukrofašisti stratia možnosť útočiť na kerčský most po mori!!! lebo ak by taký útok bol tak by musel byť spáchaný z niektorého iného štátu. a to by znamenalo jedno. vyhlásenie vojny!!! svetu mier!!!

emperor zelensky

new fake poll says harris up—over-samples demorats

Crocus Shooting Gallery

ukrainians will never surrender their sovereignty…bring it you orc bastads!!!


Gneaus stapo

there will be final solution to the russian question, trust me. sieg

gestapo mctrucktaco

ur final solution is that ur a horseheaded inbred. trust me, freak, look in the mirror..