Trump Could Make A Deal With Russia To Not Offer NATO Membership To Ukraine If Elected

Trump Could Make A Deal With Russia To Not Offer NATO Membership To Ukraine If Elected

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Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

US presidential candidate Donald Trump is reportedly wanting to make a deal with Moscow to not expand NATO into Ukraine and Georgia. At the same time, citing a senior US State Department official, The Telegraph reported that the Kiev regime would be notified at a NATO summit in Washington on July 9 that Ukraine will not join the bloc due to corruption concerns, putting further doubt that the Eastern European country could ever become an alliance member

The Telegraph reported on July 3 that at the NATO summit, alliance members are expected to ask Kiev for “additional steps” to combat corruption ahead of accession talks. The official said this position will be set out in writing in a NATO communiqué that will be signed at the summit on July 9.

“We have to step back and applaud everything that Ukraine has done in the name of reforms over the last two-plus years,” the official told The Telegraph.

“As they continue to make those reforms, we want to commend them, we want to talk about additional steps that need to be taken, particularly in the area of anti-corruption. It is a priority for many of us around the table.”

It is recalled that US President Joe Biden acknowledged in an interview with Time magazine earlier this year that he had witnessed “significant corruption” in Ukraine during his visits to the country as vice president.

In late September 2022, Zelensky said his country was applying for accelerated NATO membership. Russian President Vladimir Putin reiterated that Moscow considers Ukraine’s non-aligned status vital to ending the years-long conflict. Kiev’s stated goal of joining the US-led alliance was one of Russia’s reasons for launching its special military operation in February 2022.

A US defence official told The Telegraph that NATO diplomats and officials have given Kiev a list of reforms it must carry out before its membership ambitions can be realised.

“That’s something NATO has been doing quietly under the radar that helps them get closer to membership,” the source added.

However, even if corruption is reduced, Ukraine faces a litany of issues in achieving NATO membership. In fact, NATO members disagree on whether they should promise Kiev an “irreversible” path to membership, with Washington preferring to use the term a “well-lit bridge.”

Another issue for the Kiev regime is the prospect of Trump’s return to the White House. According to Politico, the former president is considering making a deal with Moscow not to expand NATO into Ukraine and Georgia if he is re-elected in November.

His campaign has not yet named a national security team or released a new NATO agenda, but the magazine outlined a possible plan.

“As part of a plan for Ukraine that has not been previously reported, the presumptive GOP nominee is mulling a deal whereby NATO commits to no further eastward expansion — specifically into Ukraine and Georgia — and negotiates with Russian President Vladimir Putin over how much Ukrainian territory Moscow can keep, according to two other Trump-aligned national security experts,” the article said, citing two national security experts close to billionaire.

An anonymous source reportedly familiar with Trump’s thinking said he was “open to something foreclosing NATO expansion and not going back to the 1991 borders” but did not rule out any other options, “including supplying large amounts of weapons” to Kiev.

While Trump is unlikely to withdraw from NATO immediately, he could potentially reshape the US-led bloc to require its European members to take on more responsibility—something the magazine’s sources fear they are not capable of.

“The United States does not have enough military forces to go around,” Elbridge Colby, Trump’s deputy assistant secretary for strategy, told Politico. “We can’t break our spear in Europe against the Russians when we know the Chinese and Russians are collaborating, and the Chinese are a more dangerous and significant threat.”

Following Biden’s humiliating performance at the recent presidential election debate, Trump, according to the latest polls, now has a 3-point lead over the current president across the battleground states collectively and a 2-point edge nationally. There is a very real prospect that Trump will be re-elected, meaning that even if corruption is reduced to a level satisfactory to the Europeans, any prospect for Ukraine’s NATO membership path could be sacrificed so that the new US administration can reach a deal with Russia and focus on challenging China.


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trump will not do any deal, but will do exactly what the us deep state demands. it is trump who approved and openly laughed (boasted!!) about murika plundering syr’s oil and grain.

trump is another greedy duplicitous pro-zio western weasel, and not to be trusted.

usa-propgnda becoming widespread in sf, unfortunately.


exactly but notice who actually runs the usa its the jews. the jews are behind everything and both sides in ukraine and rushia.

mother theresa

obviously amerikunt inferior to jew

Icarus Tanović

exactly, nothing will change with him being elected.

Edgar Zetar

i called a snow ball, it’s gets bigger as they move fordward. after u.s.s.r collapse the winners taked off they masks and do to the world what they wanted. western civilization foundations were created even usa exists in the netherlands and then adquired the methodology of british empire and europe. russia foundations are a millennium who were gifted with lots of achievements from the opossition of french empire and switzerland back to renaissance and cultural exchanges with china.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

trump isn’t going to save you orc bastads…heheheh

Marshall Dillon

do they need saving? could’a fooled me.


correct, the orcrainians are going to get dropped like all the other of our allies.


captain hohol

trump will do what needs to be done to preserve peace (end neoliberal wars) and in the process humiliate and trivialize the democrats idiotic ambitions.


fascist russia deserved to be totally humiliated.

Donald Moore

that’s not even a good deal, because after 4 years when donald is out the new president can allow ukraine in. to make it real congress would have to vote on the deal and say it won’t happen. at least that would stop the next president unless congress votes to repel it!


i agree. nevermind the fact that the us regularly just violates its agreements.

ejensy holmchuk

inferior species amerikunt worship money like me

Degeneration Of Russia

russia will face grim future. the economist reported solar power is growing so quickly it is set to become the biggest source of electricity on the planet by the mid-2030s. by the 2040s it could be the world’s largest source of energy of any kind, overtaking fossil fuels like coal and oil.

Degeneration Of Russia

last year saw a step change in renewable power, driven by china’s adoption of solar. in 2023, china installed as much solar capacity as the entire world did in 2022. this great change will break the backbone of russian economy – fossile energy.


hahahahahahahahha. muppet.



Edgar Zetar

you should name yourself ‘degeneration that caused propaganda’. go watch your netflix kid.

captain hohol

trump will guaranteed pull military bases out of finland, and make finland look like a cuck, and also deny nato membership to ukraine.

it is literally the only way to preserve peace, all these lgbtq hags need to realize that leftism is not long for this world.

Edgar Zetar

war is not avoidable at this point. western civilization did what they wanted to the world and badly treated arabs, asians, russians and chinese. this is a revisionist age, post the unipolar age where usa and their wannabe empire did what they wanted to the world. the ‘revisionist age’ begins with the ukraine special ops that russia military generals, defense, church, intelligence agencies et all decided to start in order to protect themselves from the exceptionals and the supreme hegemon.

captain hohol

broad scale war is not going to happen, that’s literally the end of the civilized world. nafo cucks fantasize about “conventional warfare” the way a bully at columbine fantasizes about bullying a kid thinking they won’t come to school with guns.

civilizational war will happen, that is internecine conflict within the west, the death of leftism and third world invasion and third-worldism in the west in general. this is also how the united states stops starting foreign wars.

Edgar Zetar

guess you never learn what the architects of the philosophy of u.s.a wanted since bacon’s times and the pilgrims. the mixture of races and migrants from latin america, its allowed just to expand usa population (even usa citizens dont understand this and complains like trump), also usa empire conquered the spain empire back in xx century and afterwards the population of spain empire was moved into u.s.a empire. spanish is second language of u.s.a righr?

Edgar Zetar

i do agree there are treaties at the united nations most of the world population didn’t know about, u.s.a military also had talks with russian and china militaries. world powers didn’t act like morons. they build their future with decades in advance, design their own population. if russia decided to get into ukraine was because they analyzed and were sure about usa empire and vassals crossed the red line, after crossing red lines means everything can happen.

Last edited 2 months ago by Edgar Zetar
captain hohol

edgar, i assure you, civil conflict in the united states is far more probable in whether it’s a democrat or republican leader (yes, including trump, although on an elongated timescale in his case) takes power in the 2024 election.

it does not mean it would happen immediately, but western elites would be literally committing long-form suicide if they invoked a nuclear response from russia. there is no “regime change” in russia. elites know this, it’s all desperate posturing.

Edgar Zetar

i don’t think about… they are bluffing about usa empire weaknesses, the thing is you all move and live in the operational level world, that’s why you cannot escape your operational mind, well, the architects were planning these since u.s.s.r collapse and unipolar world . yes, it could be conflicts at civil domain but not a country’s civil war. just lower levels in civil domain, but this doesn’t means that it’s all usa civil war.

Potemkin Village

🇺🇦🚀🔥donetsk oblast, a russian mechanized assault force burned after a failed assault on the town of hlyboke.

Icarus Tanović

any sources to that propaganda bullshit? if no, nobody’s gonna trust.

Potemkin Village

🇺🇦🚀🔥🥴biking is a cool sport but can be dangerous for russina that invaded ukraine
putin has run out of armored vehicles and his soldiers are dying on old motorbikes and bicycles. the ukrainian armed forces destroyed a whole convoy of russina vehicles near vuhledar. it is noteworthy that there are many burnt motorcycles among the scrap of vehicles. lately, the russina have been using this type of vehicle quite actively in their assaults, preferring mobility.


you can’t make agreements with a country that routinely fails to honor its agreements.


the other countries around ukraine have their own border disputes, and will want their historical lands back.

Edgar Zetar

this is propaganda. you cannot argue or take real assessment from fake news. first they are only going to send defensive weapons, after the first bluff they sent short range missiles but said cannot strike russia and after a new bluff ukraine could hit anywhere they want and we provide intelligence and targets. first, ukraine was not fit to nato, then after lots of bluff only if trump wins ukraine would to not join nato (implying the opossite) ukraine will join nato before 2030. wait and see!
