Right Wing Wave In Europe A Reaction To EU’s Subservience To NATO

Right Wing Wave In Europe A Reaction To EU’s Subservience To NATO

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

The results of the EU elections are causing despair among liberal activists around the world. Irresponsibly, some biased analysts claim that Europe is becoming “fascist” or “going far right”, without taking into account that it is precisely the nationalist and conservative parties that are showing an alternative to the European wave of Nazi-backing in Ukraine.

Millions of Europeans recently voted in their parliamentary elections. Preliminary results show a huge growth of conservative and nationalist right-wing groups. In France, Marine Le Pen’s National Rally party received more than 30% of the vote, while Macron’s party got 15% only – which led the president to act dictatorially in response to the result, dissolving the National Assembly.

Similarly, in Germany, Scholz’s Social Democratic Party received only 14%, while the AfD reached around 15% and the CDU-CSU coalition, which is also right-wing, reached about 30%. According to liberal analysts, the rise of the European right is a symptom of “fascism”. With biased opinions, liberal experts claim that there is a far-right phenomenon in Europe, threatening democracy across the continent. However, the explanation for the results may be different.

Right-wing parties almost always show a more “patriotic” stance and concern for national interests. This aspect often makes them critical of real problems currently affecting all of Europe, such as mass immigration and the economic and energy crisis resulting from sanctions. Some of these right-wing parties, such as Germany’s AfD, also show an interesting geopolitical understanding, advocating for an end to military support for Ukraine and for European neutrality in the conflict, as well as resuming relations with Russia.

In practice, rather than a “fascist wave”, the Europeans’ choice for the right seems to indicate a real reaction to fascism – which has been growing stronger in Europe for a long time. In their Russophobic madness and subservience to the US and NATO, European states agreed to participate in a plan to promote neo-Nazism in Ukraine, the consequences of which have reached unacceptable levels. Currently, Europe is in a serious economic and energy crisis, undergoing an advanced process of deindustrialization, just because the EU decided to adhere to irrational sanctions imposed by the US against Russia. Obviously, ordinary people do not want to participate in this madness and so they react in the only way they can: by voting in opposition to the governments.

Strange as it may seem, the self-proclaimed “liberal” and “democratic” parties are the political groups that are currently most fomenting fascism in Europe. These parties have fully embraced the pro-NATO establishment, while maintaining a stance in favor of the EU’s full alignment with the US. The result is the reactive growth of Euroskepticism and the adoption of the conservative right as a political alternative.

In fact, conservatism itself is an important point to emphasize. The US and NATO control not only EU’s politics, but also its culture. Currently, liberal, democratic and left-wing parties in the EU are fully aligned with the American cultural agenda – the so-called “woke agenda”. Topics such as LGBT, queer and others have become central to the hegemonic parties in Europe, which obviously causes outrage among ordinary people with a conservative mindset. In practice, traditional values ​​have become an important political key to the growth of the right in Europe.

It is not difficult to understand what ordinary Europeans want. Their intentions can be summed up in a mix of social justice and traditional values. Ordinary people do not care about what is happening in Ukraine – they just want to have enough energy and food to live well, without financial difficulties. In the same vein, European workers want a reform of the migration policy, since the native workforce of the continent is being massively replaced by cheap, sometimes semi-slave, labor of immigrants and refugees.

It is also necessary to remember the situation in rural areas. Since last year, almost all of Europe has been experiencing a serious wave of protests due to the EU’s irresponsible policy of importing Ukrainian grains. In order to “help” the Kiev neo-Nazi regime, European countries have been buying cheap Ukrainian agricultural products, leading the native European farmers out of business. Of course, as a reaction, peasants tend to vote for opposition parties, which often criticize the support for Ukraine and the similarly unpopular “green agendas”.

In the end, the rise of the right in Europe must be seen in light of the crisis in the EU establishment. The hegemonic parties have irrationally decided to adhere to NATO’s plans, going so far as to foment Nazism in Ukraine and participate almost directly in a war against Russia. The turn of ordinary people to the right is not a popular embrace of extremism, but a reaction to NATO fascism.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.


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your analysis is totally false and erroneous, the so-called far-right parties are all pro-zionist, le pen declared it herself, what’s more they are all pro-nato.


you are an idiot

jens holm


jens holm

i am sheep like—wikipedia think for me

former Airbus Engineer

the analysis is fine. these parties are not pro nato. le pen herself is against the military help to the nazis in ukraine. as for afd they were also outspoken against this crazy warmongerism, but under pressure to be expelled from the elections they were silent recently. but now in the power i hope they deliver.

jens holm

so funny. version. 🦆🦆🦆

facts are makron was elected because they had no one else. he is not doing well.

a big one is the strange eu way reducing our farming. we do need a redution but not by give and take. fx it would make more sense to buy farmland for sale and more nature by the countries or regions.

no farmers would loose.

it the same for electrity and heatling-cooling. as its done too much is too expensive. its better only to build out where it makes plus.

jens holm

fx we should build out with more wind and solarpower and insist and also go on replace with batteries and soon make not expensive products. thats mainly h2, alkohol and diesel to the powerplant. when there is no wind.

no fossil fanatisme must be stopped. focus must be people people and state change because they are cheeper and better.

jens holm

there also still are too much waste in heating-cooling as well as in insulation.

we also can focus more at the plus re-cyscling in all levels

thats the p l u s way. by that we better can effort parts of the rest🎈🎈🎈

jens holm

moron danes want live in teepee lick amerikan peniz for nutrition

jens holm

more expensive and worse according to cambridge u

jens holm

no one else only exist in fascist police state like denmark


traduire du texte avec votre appareil photo
of course, we saw melonie in italy, pro nato, anti russian and wearing she had promised the opposite

jens holm

maybee you only have one leg yoursef – right 👩‍🦽👨‍🦽🧑‍🦽🦽🧑‍🦽


sunt reactii la afacerile europene distruse de regulile din pandemie , sunt reactii la taxele si politicile de mediu, romanii au votat 25% anti nue restul au votat sa si pastreze locurile de munca platite de nue


local au alea oamenii pe care ibau considerat. bulisor turnator a fost votat ca un nu pt pirea.


politica anti nue prinde contur in romania


extrema dreapta inca nu e extrema dreapta, e strigat de disperare, adevaratii extremisti de acum încolo sa apara


studiile soc germ au spus o realitate : 25% sunt contra nue si m ot an


does not matter who is elected in the eu parliament. the main decisionmaking body is coreper.
what you eurotards vote for is only some representatives that “vote” on what is given to them from top down. coreper1 has american overview backed in, so what we “propose” gets sent to the eu commission.
so in truth, you vote for people that vote on things that they have no decisionmaking rights, and they have only 50% of the total vote because they have to vote alongside the non-elected council.


coreper “propses” aka makes the laws/decisions -> sends to commission aka ursula -> sends for voting into the parliament, where the vote is shared 50-50 between the elected parliament and the unelected council -> gets rubberstamped anyway

eurotards are guillable clowns that dont even understand their own institutions!

jens holm

the good results are there too.

we have low corruption and the euro is no malfuction. we also can cross borders and many other things.

much more in the world should be checked much better. i only see we as anymore else can improve here and there.


words, do you even use them?

jens holm

dumb mark corrupt–dumb retired pooper in potato field believes licking diek for taco is not corrupt

jens holm

thatscery incorrect.

is very normal for the would we run things from different platforms.

fx biden cant run things for ukraine with no money.

usa is a good and sometimes bad example. they have biden and his secretaries, the senat and concress + admistration.they also has their surpreme court.

eu has some 450 millions and usa only has 330.

try to understand the structure better. many more then you assume has a voice.


facts are facts, nothing i posted is incorrect or wrong. as an eu-citizen, you should know how the eu institution works. and clearly you dont.

jens holm

dumbmark has 6 million idiots that submissively pay 65% income tax

Devolution Party

labeling political parties left or right keeps them in the globalist dialectic.control it seems people want to escape this highly controlled political system and return to the pre-globalist era when there was a balance of power in the world but the globalists are not allowing this to happen


this will only be able if the globalists can no longer print infinete money. but to get there will hurt the normal people much more then the globalists who will find a way to dominate the new system like the old.


when exactly was this period when there was a balance of power in the world?

jens holm

your kind s far out.

globalisme is almost the rest of the world. only russia is not there.

you and your 144 russian isolated kept in the dark people are not missed.

so much for know nothing apport.

so funny naming parlaments with granted free oppions by parties into dialectic.control🐔🐤🐤🐤🙈

you must be from novo rotten russia. we are invented from greece and democraty. we dont vote electing and selecting by one persion and his outdated win95 perspective.


why are you this stupid?
“rest of the world”? “russian isolated”?

you eurotards are so far down the drain, theres no more helping it. you deserve everything adolf deserved, as he is clearly your idol.

no wonder you eurotards endorse nazism that much, its in your dna.


jens holm

stupidity is a virtue in my amerikunt colony

jens holm

i was born a moron–now i am senile bitter worship money


the utmost important question is to stop von der lugen’s second term – you can’t have a leader who is in the lap of washington dc and supports israel unreservedly and who refuses to hand over her exchanges with pfizer’s exec about the mad purchase of the pfizer vaccine.

jens holm

thats right.we dont. your version do.


you clearly do.

former Airbus Engineer

van der lies should resign in shame


she must, but looks like witch vondersula will be in power again, because her party got the biggest number of voices among other parties, 180-190 of 700 seats, and conservative parties have no majority to resign the witch.


the strongest right wing parties are pro nato and tro isreal the french and the italian one.
the german afd is banished even by the other european right wing party just like the leftys
will banish the wagenknecht party under pressure of the german left. ensuring that
everything will stay the same.


there is no left. the cia partnered with the mafia and the socialists back in the forties in france to eliminate any real opposition to the economic status quo. same thing in italy. the democrats in the us and labour in the uk are not left by any measure. the people have been hoodwinked with absurd identitarian wedge issues like gender, immigration, etc. as the old saw goes, “it’s the economy, stupid”.


“leftists”want economic power for the masses, not genital renovations and religious rituals. that’s why real leftists get thrown out of aircraft into the ocean, or dissolved in acid, or machine-gunned in their beds. they don’t hold elected office in post-industrial plutocaracies.

Massa John

every election gets stolen by the establishment. this swamp has perfected the procedures to control the cattle. a lying and brainwashing media and an armed force of henchmen is all they need. those, who step out of line, lose their privileges and become outcasted cattle themselves.


why is jens holm so fond of nazism? did his gramps paint swastikas on danish planes? did his mother got raped by a german occupier? is he completely deranged and sees russians under his bed?

its so pathetic.

jens holm

i am retired helper on potato farm—not allowed to finish 8th grade due to autism

Mark Dankof

excellent analysis but truly right wing parties in europe and the united states must dump the zionist state of israel as well, support for which is as antithetical to western european and american national interest as the continued support of ukraine and zelensky is.

pat buchanan has been the only honest presidential candidate on this issue in my lifetime. trump is an avowed zionist, and is no pat buchanan.


pro zionist are neo liberal and communist. jews were fomenting revolution in russia a hundred plus years ago and now they are the ones behind the wokism communist revolution. sheesh, have to be fucking blind a bat not to see it.


she must be stopped! you can’t have a person whose ancestry is slaveowning in north carolina and being born albrecht which is tantamount to close contacts with the hitler-nazis and whose husband was is employed by pfizer at the time that von der lugen closed the vaccine-deal with pfizer. she must be rejected!

jens holm

i am senile nazi—please send me a used condom


is she still around? would have thought some nimble rifleman had put a lead-loaded bullet into her ugly head by now. keep fingers crossed hoping for a quick end to mrs genocides presence in the public life of europe! corrupt to the core!
